Her Second Job Ch. 07


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Vanessa asked if we would be the models. Karen wanted at least three women and one man. Denise, Annie, and I were happy to do it. Vanessa wanted to be the third woman but thought that would hurt her growing reputation as a lawyer in Chicago. Only a handful of people in Chicago knew us. We asked Alicia, who had a schedule conflict. Danielle agreed to be the third woman. Danielle always claimed that dancing nude was just part of her "artistic expression." In fact, Danielle was at least as much an exhibitionist as the rest of us.

The show was on a Friday night in June. Admission to the show was invitation only. Vanessa told us 75 people RSVP'd: jewelers, department store buyers, and media. Reporters were coming from the Tribune, Sun-Times, Chicago magazine, even, I think, from the Daily Northwestern. A TV station, maybe WLS, was sending a crew. I wondered what they'd get that they could air.

Karen showed us the pieces we'd be modeling. The things she'd designed for the women made, at least some, sense. The pieces I was to wear were, I thought, just dumb. More about that later. The show would start at 8:30 p.m. and run until 10:00, meaning we'd spend a lot of time on the runway. The show would be followed by an hour-long reception in the same room. Denise, Annie, Danielle, and I were supposed to mingle during the reception, naked except for bits of Karen's jewelry.

The four of us stripped off and Karen put the first round of jewelry on us. The women got things like chokers, bracelets, and ankle bracelets. My first item was a ring. I had to walk the runway naked, holding my right hand up in front of my chest. My second items were bracelets that went around my biceps, suggesting ancient Rome, I guess.

You expect me to say it, but it was true: walking the runway naked was a blast. People were seated on both sides and at the end of the runway. Their heads were roughly level with our feet. The light from the TV camera made it hard to see individual faces, but it felt great to know that all those people were looking up at our naked bodies.

The last piece I wore was a diamond encrusted cock ring. As Karen put in on my dick, I said, "Karen, you know this is really stupid."

"They aren't real diamonds," she replied.

"No," I said, "I mean the concept. I couldn't wear this to have sex with anyone. I'd cut the poor woman up so badly she'd be in the hospital."

"I know," Karen said with some frustration. "This is purely for shock value, to grab attention."

I walked down the runway with light glinting off the stones that encircled my dick. I thought the cock ring was more stupid than shocking, but it was fun knowing that everyone in the room was looking at my dick.

As I came off the runway, Denise stood ready for her last turn. She wore a gold chain which circled her neck and ran as a single strand down her belly, between her legs, between her hips, and up her back to her neck. It looked better than my description makes it sound, probably because it was on Denise. Denise said, "I like how this rubs me as I walk." With that, she walked down the runway.

As I've said many times, Denise is stunningly beautiful wearing anything and much more beautiful naked. She looked especially beautiful as I watched her on the runway that night. When she turned and walked back towards me, she looked proud and confident. I could also tell from her face that Denise was having the time of her life. All the years I've known her, Denise has always enjoyed people seeing her naked. That joy was never more evident than that night in Chicago. As Denise came off the runway, we hugged. "If I could live the rest of my life without ever putting on clothes again, I'd do it," Denise said. I wasn't sure how, but I intended to make Denise's wish real.

The reception was interesting. We models were supposed to mingle wearing the last pieces we'd worn on the runway. That meant I was mingling with men in suits and women in dresses while I wore only that idiotic cock ring. At least we were allowed a couple of drinks. Understandably, Denise and Annie got the most attention; from men and women. I was interviewed by a mildly attractive woman from the TV station. For most of the interview, the camera was on my face. Before she ended the interview, the interviewer insisted that the cameraman film my dick with the cock ring. That would never go on air, but I figured it would make the rounds internally at her TV station.

Annie, Sean, Danielle, and Kurt were staying at another hotel where Vanessa had gotten a deal. Vanessa was fronting the money for those rooms. The four of them were going home Saturday morning. Vanessa, our employer, wanted to meet with Denise and me Saturday morning. We were staying that night and the next with Vanessa and Jason.

Vanessa owned a five-story building a few blocks north of the Chicago River and a few blocks west of Lake Michigan. The building looked old. I don't know what it had been. Now, the first floor housed a popular restaurant. The second floor was empty to buffer the floors above from the kitchen smells. The third floor was Vanessa's law office. The fourth and fifth floors, connected by an internal staircase, were where Vanessa and Jason lived.

Vanessa had recently added a patio to the roof of her building. It was a warm night so the four of us stripped off and went up there after we finished at the "fashion show." Vanessa's roof was overlooked by other buildings. She said they only went nude up there at night and the lighting was very low, so Vanessa didn't think her neighbors would be a problem.

Denise and I were both horny as hell after the "fashion show." As we sat together on a lounge chair, talking with Vanessa and Jason, we were fondling and fingering each other. Finally, Vanessa said, with a slight chuckle, "It's ok. Do what you want to do."

That was all the permission we needed. Denise and I have made love many places. On the roof of a building on Chicago's north side that night was one of the best.

The next morning, the four of us went, nude of course, to Vanessa's office to talk about work, primarily the Stoth case. Jason had a full-time job with the State, but Vanessa had a contract with him to be an investigator for her office in order to preserve confidentiality when she discussed cases with him. Jason was intelligent and an experienced investigator and trial witness. He brought a lot to the discussion.

When we finished business, Vanessa said, "I want to show you two something." She led us out of the office into the vestibule where clients and others stepped out of the elevator. On the wall opposite the elevator was a framed photo, roughly three feet high by two feet wide. It was a frontal picture of Vanessa, nude, from below her knees on up. It was lovely.

"Who did that for you?" Denise asked.

"Jeff," Vanessa answered, "the photographer in your building." Denise gave me a look that said we should make an appointment with Jeff.

That afternoon, Vanessa and Jason took us, clothed of course, to a Pirates-Cubs game at Wrigley. That night, the four of us went to a small skinny dip party hosted by friends of Vanessa at their home in Kenilworth.

Home after a fun trip to Chicago, Denise and I were back into the Stoth case. As we'd discussed with Vanessa, we had great evidence that Ben Stoth was a shitty person who'd used his company to shit on the women who were our clients. Where we had problems, apart from Eve Holgrew, was in proving damages. None of the women, not even Megan, had lost a job, a boyfriend, or a spouse because their videos (fake video in Megan's case) were on the Internet. Of course, it was very distressing to find out someone was selling videos of you having sex (enthusiastically and energetically in several of the videos). But the women hadn't found that out until we told them. We hoped a jury would be angry enough at Stoth to award a big number without nitpicking what harm Stoth had caused. We really hoped for a settlement.

Vanessa took the initiative to create pressure. Despite the lurid facts, the media had paid little attention to our case. Vanessa called her contacts in Chicago who, in turn, called contacts in the national business press. Stoth Metals was the largest privately owned steel and metal manufacturer in the country. Ben Stoth had a seat on an ad hoc business advisory council created by the President.

Finally alerted, the national business press made a big deal out of the scandal at Stoth Metals which bled over into the general media. That was when we found out that Ben wasn't sole owner of the company. Ben had cousins in Boston and Marin County who each owned twelve and a half percent. We learned that when the cousins sued Ben in federal court alleging that Ben had breached duties owed to them as minority shareholders by using Stoth Metals for his own gratification and enrichment, diminishing the value of the company and, consequently, devaluing their shares.

About five weeks after the cousins sued, Ben's lawyers called us. The cousins wanted our case settled and had buyers for Ben's 75% of Stoth Metals at a price just over a quarter billion (yes, billion) dollars. The offer was for Ben to keep $ 10 million and pay the rest of the purchase price to settle our case. Our clients wisely said yes.

The sale of Ben's shares in Stoth Metals closed two weeks later. The next day, Megan Crosby, Eve Holgrew's parents, the other women in our lawsuit, Vanessa, Denise, Annie, and I waited in our office in The Overlook. A lawyer from the firm representing Stoth brought an envelope. We gave her a different envelope. The envelope we gave contained releases signed by all our clients. The envelope we received contained several cashier's checks in eight figure amounts. Most of our clients hurried to their banks, richer than they'd ever imagined.

Although, or because, she'd just gotten a check for $ 24 million, Megan Crosby stayed a few minutes longer to thank us. As Denise and I walked Megan to the elevator, she stopped and pointed to the wall opposite the elevator door. "I really like that picture," she said with a smile. No one else had mentioned it. We had hung a framed picture of Denise and me like the one of Vanessa in her Chicago office. In the picture, Denise and I were facing the camera each with an arm behind the other's back. The picture showed us from the tops of our heads to mid-way down our calves. We were both nude.

After the clients left, Vanessa held up the largest single check from the settlement: to Gibson Law Offices for our one-third contingent fee. Vanessa had already agreed to split the fee 50-50 with Denise and me. We were going to give Annie a $ 1 million bonus for her work. Even after deducting that and taxes, Denise and I would have a lot more money than I'd expected to gross over my whole life. We'd hit the jackpot. It didn't seem real.

"What do we do next?" I asked Vanessa.

Vanessa said, "Jason and I have talked about that. How do you two feel about warm climates?"

Several things happened following the Stoth settlement. About ten days later, Denise told me that Megan Crosby had called and, based on that call, Denise had made an appointment for the three of us with Jeff, the photographer downstairs. The appointment lasted a couple of hours and we all had fun. I saw firsthand that the body in the sex video purportedly of Megan Crosby was nowhere near as attractive as Megan's real body. The takeaway for Denise and me was another photo like the one in our elevator vestibule, except this one had Megan standing nude between us.

A week after our photo session, Denise and I flew to Portland for a wedding. The former Lena Mann was marrying Denise's brother, now Lieutenant Colonel David Hines. That was a clothed wedding. Two weeks later, Denise and I were naked, as were the bride, groom, and other guests, at Vanessa's wedding to Jason. The wedding was very small and held in the backyard of her Kenilworth friends. The reception, at a hall in Niles, included many of Vanessa's former clients. You had to be there.

Vanessa and Jason didn't immediately leave for a honeymoon. Instead, Denise and I flew with them to Ft. Myers, Florida. We changed airports and took a prop plane to a small barrier island in the Gulf that had a landing strip and about fifteen very nice houses, but no road access from the mainland. Vanessa wanted us to see two adjoining homes on the Gulf side beach. Vanessa had found out that, while Florida beaches on the mainland were mostly public, homeowners on the island owned the beach down to the mean low tide line. "That means, we'll have our own nude beach," Vanessa gushed. One house was up for sale and the four of us offered a premium to buy the other house too.

Denise and I took title to one house and Vanessa and Jason to the other. We then deeded both properties to the four of us as joint tenants with right of survivorship. The idea was to create a single enclave over which we'd all have equal control. The last deed contained a restriction stating that none of the four of us nor any future children were permitted to wear any clothing except footwear anywhere on the property at any time unless "weather or other conditions make clothing necessary to avoid injury or extreme discomfort." It was as close to Denise's dream of living the rest of her life nude as we could get.

After buying our new homes, Vanessa and Jason left to honeymoon in Europe. Denise and I went home for yet another wedding. I'm not sure what Wes Gentry really thought about walking his naked daughter Annie "down the aisle" to marry her naked groom Sean. I'm not sure what Wes or his wife Carla thought about the fact that their other daughter, Amanda, and Denise were the nude bridesmaids or that Amanda's husband Greg and I were the nude groomsmen. However, Wes and Carla took their daughter Annie's nude wedding to Sean Dunn in seeming good humor.

The last wedding was, for me, the most interesting. I remember the warm breeze on my bare body as I stood in the backyard of Kurt and Danielle's house watching Dave walk Denise "down the aisle" towards me. Dave's civilian suit emphasized Denise's nudity. Standing beside me, also nude, were Sean, Greg, and Kurt. To the right of the very progressive minister who'd agreed to perform the wedding were Annie, Amanda, and Alicia. They were also nude and looked very beautiful in the mid-day sun.

Denise and I had gotten a hotel room for the night after our small reception. Our apartment bed wasn't big enough for what we had planned. Denise and I had already undressed when Annie, Sean, Amanda, and Greg knocked at our door. Annie had two bottles of champagne. Our friends undressed. We opened the champagne and toasted our three marriages and our friendship. Giggling, Denise, Annie, and Amanda lay down on the bed on their backs. Annie, in the center, was rubbing shoulders with Denise and Amanda.

Sean, Greg, and I stood for a moment looking at the three beautiful women. Then, we each got on the bed above our own wife and began making love. The six of us called it our "consummation of marriage and perpetual friendship." Denise and I slept on our wedding night in bed with Annie, Amanda, Sean, and Greg.

It is time to finally end this memoir. The law firm, Gibson & Stone LPA, still exists. It is now managed by Megan Breaden (nee Crosby). Denise and I spend most of our time now nude on the island. It is a joy every time our daughter Gwen comes home from college to see her strip off her clothes and run into the surf naked like she did growing up. Jason fell victim to cancer, but Vanessa still lives next door and is the island's grande dame. Denise, Vanessa, Gwen (when she visits), and I still abide by the deed restriction requiring us to go nude on the jointly owned property.

As I mentioned in a prior chapter, Denise, Annie, Sean, and I spend every Christmas night together making love to the other spouse. That was challenging while Annie and Sean lived near New York. Annie and Sean bought their own house on the island a few years back. Denise and Annie are still the two most desirable women alive. Proximity means that we make love to each other's spouses more often than just Christmas but only, ever, when all four of us are present.

Denise, Annie, Vanessa, Sean, and I never wear clothes anywhere on the island. Gwen, Annie and Sean's son Ross, Amanda, Greg, and Amanda and Greg's daughter and son-in-law all stay nude when any of them visit. The other island residents have never complained about our nudity and, more and more, are going nude themselves.

Ross is also in college. He and Gwen try to time their trips to the island to coincide. It is heartwarming to see the two young people nude on the beach holding hands or hugging.

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maddictmaddictabout 1 year ago

Very enjoyable, you've bared your soul to us yet again

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Enjoyed the story very much; interesting to discern where fact and fiction intersect. I suppose any illustrations would fail to live up to each person's fantasy of what the main characters look like. Very little info on finding nude couples dancing as entertainment, btw.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I've been able to read almost all of your stories some, new family rules, more than once. Keep up the great work.

cymrobachcymrobachover 4 years ago
Great series of short stories

I've enjoyed your stories, style and prose for a long time and I'm looking forward to reading more.

photokenphotokenover 4 years ago
great story

I love your stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are my favorite author!!!!! I love your characters!!!

Please keep writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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