Her Temptations


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"He had a simple choice, co-operation or divorce, he preferred co-operation."

"So you intend to keep him?"

"It depends on him, he must obey my conditions. I don't accept any crap from him in the near future. What are you doing with Jessica?"

"I don't know anything because I never expected her to go the whole way today. I must get away and think about this mess."

We promised to keep in touch, shook hands and parted.

Jessica was still sitting in her chair and crying loudly.

I said to her, "As I told you yesterday, I have never told you a lie. Now you know that everything I told you about Hubert was true. He saw you only as an easy prey for kinky sex and a cheap slut if any of his most preferred customers asked for such service."

Then I asked her, "What are you going to do now? You've been fired from a job again for the third time during our marriage. Though I'm only a damn alcoholic, I've never been without a job."

She sobbed at me, "What are you going to do?"

"Do I have any options? Didn't I tell you what would happen if you packed your overnight bag and went out with it? You did it and you intended to cheat me with your kinky darling Hubert, didn't you? Did you really look forward to be fucked in your ass and lick him clean afterwards?"

Jessica went out to the WC and puked. She was almost ashen gray in her face when she came back and sobbed, "No I didn't, and I can swear with my hand on the Holy Bible that I've never cheated you and I had no intentions to do that during that trip either, that's for sure. All that kinky crap exists only in Hubert's sick mind. Please listen to me and let me explain the truth."

"You can't be sane if you think I will believe such bullshit. Didn't you hear him confessing his nasty plans for you? Didn't he tell us about kinky sex in this very room only a few minutes ago? You can't already have forgotten all that."

She began to sob and said, "Please believe that I love you, only you and our children. Please forgive me for being stupid and selfish but I have never cheated you or intended to do it?"

"Why in the hell should I believe that? Today was the third time I've put a stop for your cheating intentions. But who knows what you done when you've been at conferences and evenings out with your friends? I don't care how much you deny because I don't trust you any longer."

She began crying loudly and sobbed, "Please believe me. I love you and I have never cheated."

"No, you maybe haven't because I did stop your cheating three times; but I neither can nor want to stop you if want to leave me. You are free to go anytime you want to go. Why have you not left me if you regard me as a pile of crap and hate me? Why are you still living with a damn worthless alcoholic? "

Now she screamed hysterically, "Please forgive me, please forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you. Please promise to forgive me."

I didn't promise anything, only told her, "From now on you get a single room at least in this house. You are moving to the spare room until you find somewhere else to go."

Then Amanda came home with Emma and Elin. They immediately saw that Jessica had been crying and shouted, "Have you been fighting? Don't do as Nelly's mom did. We don't want to have any plastic mom. Promise us that."

Jessica said, "Ask your dad."

I told them, "Nothing will happen today or tomorrow, that's for sure. Let's go to the café and see if they have any delicious cakes today."

I told Jessica that we would not have lunch at home and left. At the café my call phone rang. It was Jessica's best friend Marie, who wanted to talk with me. She and her husband Eric were my friends too and their boy and girl were the same age as my kids. I couldn't say no to Marie's attempt to assist Jessica, though I didn't believe she could do anything about it.

Eric was keen about many things but he couldn't dance and Marie liked to dance so she and I used to dance a lot during some parties; but all our friends knew that it was only dance.

When the girls and I came to their house, Marie sent Eric to a Thai restaurant to buy take away for her and me. When Eric got back with the food Marie sent him and all four kids to McDonalds and told him to take a long time for the trip. Of course he knew the reason for my visit and said that he was sorry and did hope that we would fix it.

As soon as we had sat down at her kitchen table and began the meal, Marie told me that everything said in her kitchen would stay there and asked me if I accepted that. I did and she told me to tell her about what happened to Jessica and me.

I told her the truth about how I had tried to tell Jessica what was going on so she could put down her heels but she had not cared to listen to me. Now Jessica had learned the hard way that I'd been right the whole time. Marie listened without interrupting me.

I continued, "It's true that Jessica didn't fuck that creep but if his wife and I hadn't interrupted them, then I'm sure she probably would have done it by now. Losing all her faith in me when I told her the truth but not questioning anything about his simple lies surprised even him. I was only a damn alcoholic to Jessica and she didn't bother to care a shit about me. But she believed his simple lies because she wanted to have an excuse to fuck him. Of course his confession about expecting kinky sex and what he expected her to do with his customers hit her hard but could hardly be any surprise because I had already warned her of such consequences."

Marie looked at me and asked, "Have you decided to do anything yet?"

"Only to let her sleep in the spare room."

"Do you have any plans for the future?"

I shook my head and said, "Not yet, it depends on several matters. I've managed to stop Jessica from cheating twice before, once with her ex and then with the choir leader. Why shouldn't she have cheated me several other times that I don't know about?"

"Because she loves you."

"Haven't seen much about that lately and doubt that any of it is left."

I continued, "I'm curious about your 'girls nights out', there must be more cheaters in your gang than those two divorcees. All of you are very handsome girls and the statistics say over 50% cheat. During all the years you've been going out, sometimes in a gang of up to ten girls, there must have been at least one or perhaps two more cheaters. Am I right if I guess Jessica is one of them? Now it is better for Jessica to have all her crap in the same basket. The consequences will be the same so it doesn't matter for her if you dare to tell me the truth."

"Of course I dare. You are both right and wrong. There is only one more cheater I know about and it is not Jessica. It was a one time fling and her husband doesn't know about it. Are a few minutes of drunken stupidity really a valid reason for destroying the future of a happy family?"

"I don't care about others but the question was if you dare to be honest with me, do you?"

Marie looked me straight in my eyes when she replied to me, "I will never lie to you in this serious matter. I trust you one hundred percent that what we say here stays here. It was Lisette Holm and it happened three years ago in a parked car behind the hotel. I can tell you that she has regretted it like hell."

"Jessica must have at least been into some kind of fling. She was an easy prey to that damn Gabriel at the church. Hard to believe that she would be more prudish after several drinks at a bar with some jolly guys during your girls nights out than she was at the church."

"No she is neither prudish nor whorish. She used to be a faithful wife having some innocent good times. The truth is that I myself have been very much closer to cheating than Jessica, but it was she who got me to skip it."


"Yes me. It was straight after I had found out about Eric's cheating and wanted get revenge but Jessica convinced me that it was the wrong man at the wrong place and time."

"Eric cheating?"

"Yes he did and I got mad about it. At first I wanted throw him out from my life, thereafter to get a nasty revenge, and now I'm happy that Jessica persuaded me to calm down for a while. It was a hard time but at last I decided to forgive him and have never regretted that because our marriage went better than ever and it still is."

I shook my head and told Marie, "Difficult to think that about Eric. I have always though you had a perfect marriage."

Marie looked in my eyes again and said, "Nobody is perfect and will never be. He couldn't resist a temptation during a business trip. A woman from our town happened to be at the same hotel and told me. Eric tried to deny but confessed after a while."

Though the info about Eric was new for me, it wasn't a valid reason for Jessica to humiliate me with behaving as a damn slut. I told Marie that I was happy for them solving their problems but my own still remained unsolved.

Marie begged me not to rush away with any hasty wrongdoings and to talk with Jessica when I had calmed down. She told me that Jessica had not told her anything about why she did what she did. They would meet the next day for a serious chat and then Marie wanted to see me Monday evening again. She said that as both Jessica and I were her best friends, she refused to take anybody's side but wouldn't save any efforts to make us happy again.

When the kids and I got back at home at about three Jessica had calmed down and fixed up her face. The kids went into Emma's room and Jessica asked me if she could tell me her story and I agreed listen without interrupting her.

She began with a low voice, "I can't deny that this mess looks like I would be a cheap cheating slut, but it isn't really what it looks. The truth is that I have never either cheated or intended to cheat on you. Not with Hubert, nor with anybody else."

She saw the doubt in my face and continued, "Please listen to me. I know that you regard me now as very naïve and it's probably true in many matters. I can't deny that Hubert was very charming with me and that I was impressed by how easy he solved many difficult matters, as I told you. Nor did I see anything wrong when he invited me for lunch. You joked about 'better place next time' and you were right but nothing happened those times we went there. He was polite and charming but didn't make any attempts at going further. Not until I was back from my overnight trip to Lena Allwin's hen party."

I was confused about what a hen party had to do with her cheating but didn't ask and Jessica continued, "First one of my friends rang me and told me that she saw you at the alcohol store buying Champagne and expensive Cognac though she knows that you hardly drink. Then she saw you at the supermarket where you bought strawberries, which are damn expensive this time of the year. She knew I was out of town and, of course, she suspected you of something that I ought to know. Then the girls told me that Amanda had been babysitting for them until late Saturday evening."

Jessica continued, "Your car was parked at the town hotel that evening and as Madeleine Olson, or what ever her name is today, had been seen at that hotel it wasn't difficult for me to put two and two together. Monday evening I asked you if you had seen her, which you denied. Tuesday morning Hubert immediately noted that I was sad about something and persuaded me to tell him the reason. Then he told me that 'my cousin saw your husband cheating at a conference' bullshit, which I can tell you that I didn't believe. However, when I told Hubert that I should divorce you he persuaded me to think about our children and give you a second chance. I agreed with him that you deserved punishment, which got him making plans about what I ought to do."

It sounded interesting and I let her go on with, "Hubert suggested a 'business trip' with him and told me not to tell you anything before Friday evening. He mentioned a nice hotel near where Johanna is living and convinced me to think about it. After having a serious talk with my sister, I accepted Hubert's plan. He booked a room and promised to catch me at nine o'clock Saturday morning. I would only say 'business trip' with Hubert to you so you would get jealous and hopefully confess to your own cheating. But you overreacted, got furious and began to accuse me of whoring. I'm sorry that I overreacted and now I feel terrible remorse about accusing you of being alcoholic. I beg you to forgive me."

Now she began to sob but continued, "I rang Hubert with my cell-phone and tried to delay the trip to some later time but he persuaded me to go on. If I had known about your meeting with Hubert's wife, I would have immediately cancelled all my plans for revenge. I can promise you that, whatever Hubert says, I have never agreed to fuck him. Johanna and I had planned that she would catch me outside the hotel, pretend to get mad about my 'cheating', drag me away from Hubert and drive me back home tomorrow so you and I could have a serious talk."

Jessica almost cried now, "But Hubert's wife and you made a damn mess of everything. Hubert accused me of being a stupid whore. His wife and you held some kind of trial against me in my own living room and she fired me from my job. Not a word about your damn cheating, only Hubert's talk about his perverted desires as if I had done or agreed to any of that crap."

Now she cried, "Now you want to throw me out of my home. I'm the innocent one in this damn mess, yet I'm both fired from my job and ashamed."

After her long talk it was my turn to say something, "If you had bothered to talk about your problems with me instead of that pervert shithead at your job, I would have told you that the alcohol and strawberries were for our neighbor Jan Petersons 25Th anniversary. He asked me if I could do him a favor and do some shopping for him because he had some problem with his car."

I continued, "Yes, I hired Amanda for a few hours because the new thermal heating system at the town hotel didn't work and Elliot Hallberg, who had the emergency duty that evening, rang me for assistance. Of course I went straight there in my own car as Elliot had a service car with tools and instruments. It's clean job so I went there dressed just I was at home. I can tell you that I have neither seen nor talked with Madeleine since she wanted me back more than eight years ago."

As Jessica remained silent I asked her a question, "If your story is true, can't you see what a serious risk you intended to take? Are you really sure that Hubert intended to drive you all the way to that expensive hotel and pay for the trip? What if he had taken you to some single friend living much closer? Doesn't matter what they did to you, if you had tried to accuse them of something, it would have been two respected men's words against a slut wife. Hubert is a businessman and why shouldn't he save the hotel expenses?"

Jessica sighed, "Oh My God! What shall we do?"

"Nothing for the time being. This damn mess can't get worse, so we can wait until next week to find out anything. You are sleeping in the spare room just as we have agreed."

"I'm sorry for causing this mess and I beg you to forgive me. I love you so much and please remember that I have never cheated on you."

Our children noted that it was a chilly Saturday evening between Jessica and me. Both of us promised them that we would not begin shouting or fighting.

Jessica spent Sunday afternoon with Marie and I got the impression that Marie had cheered her up about the future.

Nothing happened until Monday after work when I stopped at Marie's house for a chat with her. Eric wasn't home yet so we got straight to the point.

I asked Marie, "Do you believe that about Johanna?"

"Yes, I have talked with her and I believe she told me the truth."

"The gossip about the alcohol shop and strawberries?

"Yes, I checked with the woman who told Jessica."

Marie continued, "I'm sure that Jessica told you the truth. She didn't cheat you or even intend to do cheat you, but she acted as an incredible fool. I can't understand why she created that damn mess together with that horny Hubert instead of asking you a simple question. My only explanation is that she loves you very much and got humiliated and jealous when she heard the gossip. Please remember that a jealous woman is a dangerous woman."

I replied, "I am humiliated as hell and I don't know what to do now?"

"Don't do anything stupid, give it the necessary time to heal."

I promised to be sane and thanked Marie for all her help and left for home.

Jessica was already at home and as soon I was in the kitchen she asked me, "What are we going to do now?"

"Nothing at all for the time being. Let's calm down and give us a few months trial time to get back to our good marriage again. If things go our way, then this damn mess will be forgotten forever.

Jessica hugged me hard and said. "I love you and you will never regret giving me this second chance."

She moved back to the bedroom and that evening she gave me the best blowjob I ever got from her. It was the first time she swallowed the whole load. I made a few lame attempts to get it out from her mouth but she held me so tight that I couldn't.

With such treatment it wasn't long before I was ready for action again. This time it was tender lovemaking in different positions until both of us came at almost the same time. We had saved our marriage. I was happy to have my loving wife back.

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HighBrowHighBrow42 minutes ago

Some of these stories are positively Byzantine…

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I have to say your first stories where not well written and hard to follow due to language differences. I am at the tail end of your list of tales and the improvement is great. In Scandinavia is there a reluctance to leave a cheating wife or husband as your writing in this and some other stories indicate that..3 times in this tale he stepped in to prevent her from cheating,it's simply not realistic that he would even think of keeping her..There are NO acceptable reasons/explanations for cheating or for near misses trying do so..JzK..

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Marie: "I'm sure that Jessica told you the truth. She didn't cheat you or even intend to do cheat you, but she acted as an incredible fool. I can't understand why she created that damn mess together with that horny Hubert instead of asking you a simple question. My only explanation is that she loves you very much and got humiliated and jealous when she heard the gossip. Please remember that a jealous woman is a dangerous woman."

===> Amen on the last sentence. Jessica was (for the most part) more dumb and naive than malicious.

A lot of the critics missed some of the complexities in the story (apparently). Kudos to thr MC for being proactive and vigilant and meeting things head on. Her first time with her ex, she came across as naive. She had no intention to cheat, but as she was in an exclusive relationship living together with MC, he told her how it was a deal breaker and she dropped it fast. Second time with Gabriel, the choir singer, was actually the biggest damage to their marriage in terms of trust. She was getting seduced. Failed to heed her husband's warning. Got angry when he made his accusations about Gabriel (and her). And only when Gabriel got beaten up and had gonorrhea and the Bergs got divorced, did she realize what an idiot she had been. That was her one real temptation that she was being seduced into and would have killed the marriage.

The stuff with Hubert was more complex. She surprised the MC when she walked out that Saturday morning. It was because he had much less information that he realized. He assumed Hubert was playing from a playbook off LW sites (only partially true as his real plot was more sinister), but Jessica was NOT playing from that playbook at all.

Yes she was naive with letting the snake take her to business lunches and compliment her on her wardrobe choices, but he was not anywhere close to getting into her pants with her consent. What the MC missed and what changed the perspective dramatically, is what she heard and believed (stupidly without questioning her husband) about his apparent betrayal with Madeline.

The husband had only a barebones sketch assuming LW story templates told him what was going on. He was absolutely wrong. Meanwhile as Marie pointed out, Jessica was bring irrational and stupid in her fury. Don't forget she was ready to file for divorce on the basis of what her friend told her and her insecurities about Madeline (his "dream girl" that got away). Her approach was driven by emotion and she thought she had it all figured out by staging a stunt to hurt her husband as part of getting revenge with him.

But he overreacted (in her opinion) and she was also clueless to the risk of Hubert, who almost certainly planned to rape her or drug her that weekend, then blackmail her to screw clients. Hubert was evil. Why his wife kept him around is beyond insane.

That being said, she had zero intent to cheat the third time. She wanted payback. But she was not wary of the snake, Hubert. Thankfully Marie was able to sort out all the relevant confirmations of Jessica's story, otherwise the MC would have divorced her.

The story wasn't perfect. Had some issues. But it was more creative than most LW stories with a couple of twists. Seriously her one big temptation was Gabriel, which the MC blew up. He shut her down on her ex. This third time she had her own flawed and irrational agenda to get payback on her husband for something he did not do. Hey itnis better than thr old "drug thr husband and have sex while with other.men which hubby is tied to a chair" revenge plot, as she had a misdirection planned with what she thought was a guaranteed escape plan (though inadequate). She really thought she had her bases covered. But confiding in Hubert was stupid, though he did try to talk her out of divorce, if only to have blackmail leverage on her after taking Jessica against her will.

Because of the creativity: 5 stars. Multiple commenters below seemed to miss the two perspectives of the MC and of Jessica, both incomplete or based on erroneous information. Without Johanna and her backing her up, she would be dead in the water. But to be fair, while stupid and irrational, her story made sense within her emotional and twisted mindset.

CtwistedpairCtwistedpair7 months ago

Lose...not loose.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Divorce, end of story. So, a bridal shower was mentioned and then dropped. What happened? She constantly said she hasn't cheated - YET, not for lack of trying. Fail to understand why he would spend the rest of his married life waiting for other shoe to drop.

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