Here Pussy Pussy!

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A new house and a wandering cat.
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This started with a silly idea for a story title and just grew. There's no sex as such, just good characters getting to know each other and having some adult fun. I like the characters and can see myself writing more stories with them in. Let me know what you think.

"Here pussy pussy, here pussy pussy." What the fuck was I doing? It was gone eleven o'clock at night, pitch black, and I was standing in my new garden wrapped only in a towel, my hair and skin still damp from the shower.

I'd only moved into my new apartment yesterday and one of the first things I'd discovered was that I now owned a cat, apparently. I'd had a bed delivered and had carried a few boxes in before I noticed the nearly empty feeding bowl and then the cat tray in the bathroom. As I was processing this there was a knock on the door.

"Hello there. I'm Joan, your neighbour from upstairs. I saw you moving in and thought I'd come and say hello and welcome."

"Hi Joan I'm John, nice to meet you." Joan stood there smiling, I wasn't always quick on the uptake but it dawned on me that she probably expected to be invited in.

"Won't you come in, I haven't unpacked the tea or coffee yet but I can probably find them."

"Don't worry, I only came to say hello and see how Pixie was getting on." She said this as she passed me and walked into the kitchen. My eyes followed her, attractive, probably in her forties and with a nice sway to her hips. My unexpected and not particularly wanted thoughts were interrupted by Joan speaking. "Pixie belonged to the last owners but they moved out three months ago and left her behind, buggers." Her lovely smile turning to a frown as she remembered them, I just nodded. "I tried taking her to my apartment but she wouldn't settle, happier down here with her cat flap to the garden. I had a key as I use to mind the garden, they had no interest in it." Again she frowned, obviously not a fan of the previous owners. "anyway, between me and Melissa on the top floor we made sure she was fed and her tray was kept clean, although she goes outside more often than not."

"I haven't seen her yet." Was all I could think to say.

"She's probably a bit nervous of all the movement and noise, she'll come in once things settle down." Again I just nodded. "anyway I just wanted to say hello, see you soon." Her smile was back as she left as quickly as she arrived. I couldn't help but smile myself, both at her whirlwind visit but also at her shapely bum as she walked out.

This was mad, I wasn't normally a gawker but had recently found myself staring at and thinking sexually about every woman I met, and many I only saw in passing. I'd broken up with a long term girlfriend a few months earlier and had found myself sleeping on a friends couch. He was single and liked the company but it made me make the big decision to finally enter the property market, hence my new apartment. It was in a three story house converted to three apartments, the ground floor having the rights and access to the garden.

What with time passing and me moving on with my life I guessed I was finally over my girlfriend, hence the horniness.

"Hello again." I looked at the still open door and Joan was stood there with a bottle of red wine and three glasses, "I was going to bring cups of tea but then thought wine might be nicer, I phoned Melissa and told her to come down and meet you."

Just then a blond head that I presumed was Melissa appeared behind Joan, "Hi John, lovely to meet you, I'm Melissa." The smiling head was followed by a fit, nicely buxom body with an extended hand for me to shake. I shook her hand, a bit dumbfounded by the whole scene and struggling to say much beyond "Hi.'

I don't know if I was staring but Melissa said, "Sorry about the garb, I'm just back from the gym and was about to shower when Joan phoned, meeting you and a glass of wine sounded better."

She was wearing tight leggings and a sports top and I managed to stop myself saying 'you look great to me, instead managing "Is there a good gym locally, I'm in one across town and it'll be a pain to have to travel back and forth."

"You look like you work out, yes the one I'm in is just around the corner, small but well equipped. I've been trying to get Joan to join but she says gardening keeps her fit."

"Are you going to invite us in or shall we drink the wine at the door."

"Um, er, yeah, please come in." I was a bit flustered as Joan passed me, Melissa struggling not to laugh as she leant in close to me "Don't worry about Joan, she's a force of nature but an absolute darling underneath it."

I had no furniture yet, bar the bed, but Joan had this covered. "There's garden chairs in the shed, you and Melissa get them out and we'll drink the wine in the garden."

Melissa smiled and nodded for me to follow her, which given the tight leggings I was delighted to do. The garden was long and narrow with a shed at the far end and when I'd seen the apartment and put in an offer it had been winter and I hadn't really taken much notice of the garden but it was now in full bloom and looking incredible, Joan had put in a lot of hard work. As we reached the shed Melissa turned on her heels and broke into a trot back to the kitchen, "Joan has the key." She returned a few seconds later, her chest heaving slightly with her breath, struggling not to stare I turned and faced the shed.

I'm sure she knew what was in my mind as she had a knowing, cheeky smile on her face. We lifted the chairs out and I couldn't help but admire the tone and muscles of her arms. "I can see you work out, you have great muscle tone."

"Thanks, I've really got into it the last two months since I kicked my sleaze of a boyfriend out."

"Yeah I'm in the same boat, really got into it after I had a breakup, keeps you sane."

Joan was coming towards us with the wine, "I'll drink to that." Melissa said.

"Drink to what?" Asked Joan.

"Keeping sane."

"As good as any toast. Keeping Sane." Joan raised her glass and we joined in.

I raised a toast, "Here's to new friends, new beginnings and to Joan for keeping this garden looking amazing."

They joined in but I could sense it was a bit muted, awkward glances between Joan and Melissa.

"John I love coming and tending this garden, it's a haven for me. But it's your garden and I have no way of getting to it without going through your house."

I'd thought about this earlier, Joan having a key, but it had gone out of my mind. I'd only just met them but made a snap decision. "Joan I'd love it if you kept on with the garden, you can keep an eye on me and Pixie at the same time."

A big, relieved smile crossed her face, "Where is that cat, have you seen her yet?" I shook my head. "and don't worry I won't go looking at your porno stash."

I nearly choked on my wine and felt myself reddening, Melissa and Joan both laughing at me.

"Joan you're so far behind the times, nobody has a porno stash anymore, everyone keeps it on their computer or on their phone nowadays, that's where I keep mine anyway."

We'd only had one glass but this was wild, I was genuinely taken aback by Melissa's comment.

Joan started giggling "My late husband use to keep his stash under the bed, I always thought I was hotter and sexier than any of the women in there. He died of a heart attack when he was forty, I think I'd worn him out shagging."

I was shocked but couldn't help joining in with the two women's laughing.

We had another glass of wine and the conversation settled down, little bits of information about each other and them filling me on the local area.

"Right you two stay here, I'll just go and rustle up some food." I thought to say something about it not being necessary but a look on Melissa's face told me not to bother, Joan would do what she wanted. Secretly I was delighted as I'd planned on a takeaway, this sounded much nicer.

We sat in companionable silence, I think both feeling mellow with the wine. Melissa was staring down the garden and smiling "Joan really has got the garden looking lovely, have you noticed the clever planting so that parts of the garden can't be seen by other houses?"

I hadn't but as I looked around I could see what she meant. "It allows us to sunbathe in private." Melissa raised an eyebrow, a deliciously impish grin crossing her face as she saw her meaning dawning on me.

"Wow, I look forward to that." The wine was definitely loosening me up.

Joan returned with a delicious stir fry and another bottle of wine. It was a lovely evening, full of talk and giggles and I was sorry that it had to end but tomorrow was a work day. I worked in finance and Melissa was a teacher, Joan saying she was an independent woman. "Actually I had hubby well insured before I wore him out." She joked. Melissa had confided to me earlier that Joan had sold her house after he died and downsized to the apartment, "Although she jokes and puts a brave face on it, I think she really misses him."

We had a quick clean up and I carried one of the chairs into the kitchen so I had somewhere to sit and drink my coffee in the morning, that's if I found the box it was in.

"Still no sign of the cat," Joan said as she looked around the garden.


"She'll turn up when she's ready."

"I'm sure," I said, nodding and having a quick look around myself.

They both said good night and that they'd see me tomorrow, both giving me a peck on the cheek as they left, Melissa leaning in closer than necessary, taking her time with the kiss, her boobs touching my chest as she did so. It was probably the wine but I really hoped it wasn't.

I went to bed happy, my dreams filled with the giggles and the beautiful faces of my new neighbours. I woke with a pressure on my chest, eventually realizing that a cat was sat on my chest, purring and looking straight at me. I put my hand out to stroke her and she purred louder before sticking her claws into my wrist. I gingerly withdrew my hand and Pixie seemed quite happy on my chest, closing her eyes and going to sleep. I'd never had a cat but had heard people say they own you rather than you owning them, Pixie had certainly set out her boundaries.

When my alarm went off I was wedged at the side of my double bed, Pixie snuggled into the crook of my knees and nothing to do other than slip out silently for fear of disturbing her. I hadn't bought any food for breakfast but found myself more worried about Pixie and searching the mostly empty cupboards before finding some cat food that Joan had left.

I got the tube to work and found myself in bemused good humour, smiling sillily as I thought about Joan, Melissa and Pixie and, for the first time in weeks, not eyeing up every woman on the train.

It was a horrible day at work, everything going wrong and having to stay on way later than normal. I'd planned on going to the gym on the way home and having one last workout there before cancelling my membership and joining Melissa's one. As it was, by the time I finished work it was closed and all I could do was get the tube home.

It wasn't that late but I entered my apartment as quietly as I could, just in case my new neighbours were already asleep. On the kitchen counter was a small bouquet of freshly cut flowers, from the garden I guessed. Joan, bless her. No cat to be seen but I noticed the tray was clean when I entered the bathroom to have a shower.

It was a little strange to think Joan had been in the apartment, actually had free run of the place. But as I thought about it I realized that it didn't bother me, in fact, I quite liked the fact that she would keep an eye on the place and that I got on so well with her and Melissa.

The shower worked its magic and I came out feeling invigorated, hungrily tucking into a bowl of cereal I'd bought on the way home. My mind was wandering, thinking about Joan and Melissa and thinking about their comments on porn. Should I buy a magazine and leave it for Joan to find, it could be funny. Maybe one dedicated to women of her age, would she be a Milf or a Gilf. No that would be too creepy. I wondered what sort of porn Melissa had on her phone, was she really into it or just joking with Joan and me.

Whatever the answer to these ponderings it was having a nice effect on me, the bulge in the towel around my waist making me smile and think about the luxurious wank I would have before dosing off.

It was then that I heard the most awful sound, a distressed caterwauling coming from the garden. Was Pixie fighting, was she being attacked? Without thinking I charged into the garden, my way only dimly illuminated by the kitchen light.

I was now in the dark, thinking the sky was amazingly moonless considering the lovely day that had been. I couldn't see anything so started calling out, 'here pussy pussy, here pussy pussy.' No sign of any cat so I moved gingerly forward.

As I moved a few things seemed to happen simultaneously. I thought I heard someone giggling, then there was a sudden movement to my left which made me jump, then a bright spotlight came on and then my towel became unknotted, falling to the ground before I could catch it.

The garden was fully illuminated. I looked to my left and there was definitely a cat in the bushes, hopefully Pixie. I went to pick up my towel and heard more giggling and a wolf whistle. Looking over my shoulder I was partially blinded by the light. "Don't be such a spoil sport, leave the towel there." It was definitely Joan's voice.

I was smiling to myself but again went to pick up the towel, as I bent I heard another wolf whistle and "Cor, look at the buns on that." This time it was Melissa, doing a very passable impression of a London builder.

I was smiling even more now and was tempted to leave the towel where it was. As it was I stayed bent over for a few seconds longer than I needed, giving them both a full moon before collecting the towel and tying it around my waist, resisting the urge to make a show of myself by wiggling my hips.

I turned to face them and had to use my hand to shield my eyes from the bright light. As if reading my mind Joan said, "It's a security light with a motion detector." I nodded and tried to focus on the two women leaning out their windows. Melissa was on the top floor and seemed to be in her kitchen as it was directly above mine. She had a tee-shirt on and I'd swear I could see her boobs bobbing about as she leant out to look down. Joan was one window to the left, probably her bedroom, and was dimly backlit by what I presume was a bedside lamp. I don't know whether she thought I couldn't see her but she was happily stood there in her bra and knickers, her boobs almost propped up by the windows ledge as she leant forward.

I was insanely horny and stood in my garden late at night, illuminated like I was on stage and staring up at two very sexy women. Trying to act like this was perfectly normal I tried to say something about hearing the cat and rushing out but was cut short by Melissa saying, "By the look of that towel I'd say John enjoys chasing pussy around the garden, what do you think Joan?"

I was mortified. Should I turn around, should I put my hand over my groin, should I pretend like I don't know what they're talking about? I did none of these things, instead just standing there bright red and smiling as the two women tried not to laugh but failed. Eventually, Joan said, "Will you say it again, just for us."

"Say what?"

Joan could hardly get the words out, holding back her giggles she said, "Here pussy pussy."

The dam broke, they burst out laughing and I joined in, the ridiculousness of the situation only made worse by me being mesmerized by their tits.

"You can't train cats just like dogs, they don't just come when you call them."

"I've never owned a cat or a dog."

"Not even as a child?" I shook my head.

"Well, the way you chased after pussy tonight was very admirable."

"Would you please stop with the pussy jokes," Was all I could say as the women giggled.

"Did you get to join my gym yet?" Melissa asked.

"No, too busy chasing umm, you know what." It was my time to joke and be cheeky.

"Good answer," Joan said laughing and deliberately leaning further out the window, to look up to Melissa, her boobs now in danger of bursting out of her bra as was my dick with the towel. "I think John should stay just where he is until he sees some, you know what, don't you Melissa."

"Definitely, I'm enjoying the show and by the looks of that tent, sorry I mean towel, he's enjoying the attention." I couldn't hide or deny it, I just laughed along with them.

Joan looked down "I see what you mean, do you think that tent pole could hold that towel up all by itself?"

"You two are unbelievable, I'm tempted to say I'll show you mine if you show me yours but I think you'd call my bluff."

Almost in unison, they said, "Too bloody right we would."

I was smiling and shaking my head, trying to think of a good way of bringing this to an end, "Goodnight ladies and thank you for helping me search for pussy. I think I might practice by looking up some pussies on my phone." Had I gone too far?

I felt something rub against my leg, making me jump sideways and for the knot in the towel to unravel. "Woohoo!" I heard from Melissa and "Good pussy." From Joan as she looked down at a naked me and a purring Pixie.

I bent and just as one of them was about to say spoil sport I stroked the cat instead of picking up the towel. I straightened and left my hands by my sides, I couldn't see them clearly because of the light but I smiled up and slowly walked into the kitchen, Pixie following.

"Goodnight Joan, goodnight Melissa," I called as I walked in.

"Goodnight John boy, enjoy your phone."

I was going to love living here

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CandTNQCandTNQ4 months ago

Good story

a while back I was visiting a friend and two of his neighbours got an eyeful of me when I went out to his back garden to retrieve my clothes that I had left out side.

So much fun

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Loved it! Thank you!

BEERQUACKBEERQUACKalmost 2 years ago

really liked it, hope you add to it!

BiggaluteBiggalutealmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you everyone for the kind comments, I have another instalment brewing

jennyphiljennyphilalmost 2 years ago

Great start, more please?

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