Herman: Tomboys Grow Up


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We dated every weekend for the next three weekends. Friday night was our night out for some kind of activity and eats. Saturday night was spent at my house watching TV, studying, or whatever. But Saturday also was Roxie's overnight with me in my room. We fucked like minks, but as quietly as we could and with the door definitely shut tight. Sundays she got home in time for church with her family and we had dinner with her folks at her house. We spent Sunday afternoon just enjoying one another's company.

Prom, when it came, was a blur. Following the dance and the after prom party, we spent the night in a motel and fucked the night away. That part wasn't a blur. It was pure heaven. After prom weekend, our remaining weekends 'til graduation were spent as before. Roxie was on the pill, so we just fucked away without having to worry about a possible pregnancy.

Graduation night, we spent another night in a motel. After fucking into the wee hours of the morning, we sat on the coverless sheets, leaning against the headboard and finally confronted our future. Up to that time, neither of us had spoken about what lay ahead for us.

"I think our time together is about to end, H.R."

A tear ran down from the corner of her left eye.

"Yeah, I think so too, Rox. God, I've wished for so long that this day would never come."

"Me too, H.R. We're both leaving Iowa behind: you to New York for school and me to California. I just don't think a romance stretching clear across the country could last. Do You?"

"No, I agree. I don't think we'd make it that far apart for most of four years."

"Oh God, H.R., I'll miss you so much!"

Tears were by them running in rivers down her face. My Tears burst through and were nearly as bad. We reached over and hugged each other in a tight clinch that just went on and on and...


As I said, I well remembered that spring fifteen years ago. I was, by then, CEO of my own computer data and analysis company. I had arrived, so to speak. I was still single, much to my mother's chagrin--she wanted grandchildren and I was an only child. I dated sparingly, and fucked even more sparingly. I was engrossed in building my company and no woman quite measured up to Roxie as a permanent fixture in my life.

I'd seen Roxie once in all that time. More than a decade past at the end of four years of college, I got an invitation to her wedding. I attended and was almost sorry I did. It was heartbreaking for me and if I read the signals correctly, it was almost heartbreaking for her as well. I think she loved her guy, but...

My commercial flight had just landed in Atlanta. I was to attend a conference that started on the morrow. The conference was about emerging new technologies in the computer field in data, data analysis, software, and hardware. I took a cab to my hotel, the clerk acknowledged my reservation, and I was dually checked in. I took the elevator to the fifth floor and walked down the hall 'till I found my room number.

I'd just swiped my card in the door lock when a woman stepped out of the door of the room next to mine. The doors were right next to each other, so I couldn't miss her. She took one look at me and promptly fainted. I grabbed her on the way down before she could hit the floor. I hugged her tightly in a slight daze myself. It was, of course, Roxie.

I managed to get her back into her room and laid her out on the bed. I ran cold water over a wash rag, wrung out the water, and placed it folded over her forehead. She came around slowly and opened her eyes.

"Oh my God, it really is you, isn't it, H.R."

"Yeah, unfortunately, it is I."

"Unfortunately hell!"

She tried to stand and almost went down again. I grabbed her once more and clinched with her once again.

"Hold me, squeeze me to death, H.R. Oh God, just hold me tight."

Her tears flowed like a river again. So did mine.

I managed to whisper in her ear, "Bed?"

She shoved her pussy into my erections and whispered back, "YES, NOW."

I was thirty-three and she was thirty-four but one would think it was our first fuck back when we were just eighteen. We rather awkwardly stripped ourselves of our clothes as we lay on the bed. Naked at last, we turned on our sides to face each other. We met in a full body hug, pelvises grinding pussy and cock together so hard it hurt.

My gentle kisses were all over her face, her nose, her jaw, behind her ear, on her ear,on her neck. Roxie was rubbing my back from neck to ass crack and playing with my ass cheeks. One hand on the back of my head held me to her mouth .

The hand on my back switched to my thigh and then dropped between us to hold and stroke my full erection. My free hand dropped between us and between her legs to find wet warmth and soft folds inviting me to further effort. Roxie raised her upper leg and I gave the effort. My cock slid home into her warm, very wet , and very welcoming sheath of pleasure.

Not long after that fuck started, Roxie flipped me over onto my back and she rode me like a true cowgirl. She rode me until her series of orgasms set off and until mine followed somewhere in the middle of her long burst of pleasure. She collapsed on my chest, her still rock hard nipples jabbing into me.

We alternately fucked and slept from our eleven o'clock meeting all afternoon, right up to near supper time. We rarely said anything, just stared into one another's eyes both while fucking and before we dropped off to a brief sleep each time.

"I think, H.R., we'd best get dressed and go get some food. I'm absolutely famished."

"Yeah, I think I could eat a horse myself. Would you look at that, I said pointing."

"Yes, I noticed it as I entered the room for the first time, H.R. That's a connecting door. Great coincidence. "ill unlock my side when you go around to change. You can unlock your side then. I do expect you back later to spend the night with me."

"Nothing I'd like better Rox, believe me. Nothing I'd like better."

"Meantime, H.R., scoot and change. We can shower together later. Call for me in an hour."

"Ok," I said as I pulled on some clothes and departed.

An hour later I was shaved, showered, and dressed before I knocked on the connecting door.

"Come in, H.R."

"You ready Rox?"


"Ok, for the sake of propriety, I'll come around to your hall door to pick you up. This's a pretty good hotel with an excellent dining facility. That ok?"

"Yes, it is. I've been here before."

We were seated in a cozy little corner table in the romantically lit dining hall. Our eyes rarely dropped contact after we ordered until our food came and then we still kept eye contact much of the time. But we finally had to pay at least some attention to our food. I had decided to go all out and splurge.

We began with a vintage white wine. The appetizer, chilled asparagus, was followed by a lemon sorbet. We opened talk about ourselves with this part of our meal.

"Why are you in Atlanta now, Rox.?"

"I'm here for the computer convention. I assume you are too, H.R.?"

Yes, same reason. Does your husband know what you do at these confos besides attend seminars?"

"Don't know and don't care H.R. I got rid of that abusing bastard five years ago and I've been single ever since."

"Jesus, Rox, I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It was good riddance. He beat on me both verbally and physically. He also drank heavily, at least after the first year. That was caused by his gambling losses. I never knew what I'd let myself in for when I married him. I think it was on the rebound from losing you and I wasn't careful enough."

"Oh my God,Rox, I wish I'd of known sooner. I'd of tried to help you somehow."

"It's probably just as well you didn't know, H.R., he might have hurt you pretty bad, even killed you. He was also about as jealous as they come. More than one guy got beat up because he looked at me too long or in what my husband interpreted as a wrong way."

The waiter appeared with the main course which was salmon roulade, stuffed with lobster, crab, and morels, baked in puff pastry, and served with a wild mushroom and cognac cream sauce. A side serving consisted of some caramelized pearl onions and baby carrots with baby zucchini and fresh dill tossed in at the end.

"My God, H.R., are you trying to kill me with food or just get me round and fat?"

"Just enjoy, Rox. I never get the chance to treat my best girl to a fancy dinner."

"Why not, H.R., I bet you either have a wife or several so called, 'best girls,' hanging around you."

"No, I don't have either. I never married and I sleep with a girl only once in a blue moon or so."

"Why not, H.R.?"

"Truthfully? Because, number one, no one has ever measured up to you and number two, I've been too deeply engrossed in building and leading my own computer company."

"Oh. So do I take it from that 'best girl' statement that I'm your best girl?"

"Yeah, I think you can safely say that, Rox."

She just purred radiant.

More food appeared. This time, it was a trio of crepes: chicken and fresh peaches with a veloute sauce, escargot with lots of garlic and butter, and lastly, shrimp with fresh ginger and scallion and a ginger hollandaise. More wine was also served--a red for a change.

"God, H.R., I can't eat all this."

"You've still got dessert to go as well."

"Crap, I'll never make it, H.R."

"Sure you will. We just have to eat slowly. What've you been doing since your wedding and the divorce, Rox?"

"I've managed to work my way up to the head honcho position of the data analysis department of a very large central California based insurance company. On top of everything else, my rat fink husband began cheating on me as I was working my way up in the company."

"How would you like a stroll in the roof top garden before we have dessert.?"

"What a wonderful idea, H.R."

I signaled our waiter over.

"We're going to take a break to walk off some of this dinner in the garden up top before we have our dessert. We'll be back in about half an hour or so."

"Very good, sir."

We walked to the elevators and got in an up car. We immediately clenched in a ferocious and passionate kiss so hot it might of singed the hair of anyone else near had there been anybody else in the car. There wasn't. The elevator stopped once on the way up to the top in order to let on another couple. They started pawing away at each other immediately, totally ignoring Roxie and me. We reciprocated, but with a much milder clench and kiss.

Upon stepping out into the lush garden on the roof top, Roxie and I joined hands and strolled in silence. We gazed at the stars like the moonstruck lovers we were, then into each other's eyes, then at the garden, then into each other's eyes, again and again and... Forty-five minutes later, we decided we'd better get back for dessert. But first, we had to have another long, fiery and passionate kiss. My hands rested on her ass and pulled her strongly into my erection. Her hands were around my neck, holding my lips to hers.

Dessert was astounding. we first had chocolate mousse cake. That was ten quarter inch layers of light, not too sweet chocolate cake separated by quarter inch layers of mousse made with Michel Cluizel Chocolate Grand Amer. The cake was frosted with still more mousse. In addition, there was a puree of raspberries and guava, set with a little gelatin, and onto the top of the mousse of the cake top with a sprinkling of chocolate shavings over that.

God, it was a good thing we walked for a while first. A live band from the swing era was playing in the ballroom across the hall.

"Rox, want to dance off some of this food?"

"I'm game if you are."

I pulled Rox close as we gained the dance floor and held her tightly. Her head went on my shoulder as her mouth settle in against my neck. Once more, I held her ass cheeks in my hands and kept her tight against my hard cock. Our dancing movements and her extra motions kept the friction going between pussy and cock.

We danced all the slow numbers 'til the band ended its gig around two thirty in the morning. We stumbled together, in exhaustion and surfeit--not because of too much to drink, over to the elevators. We got off on our floor. No one else was around, so we both went into her room through the hall door.

"H.R., I think I'm way too full of food and way too exhausted to fuck anymore tonight."

"I think you may be right, Rox. Me too. Let's just go to bed and spoon ourselves to sleep."

After shucking our clothes, that's just what we did. God but she felt good and warm and soft up against me.

"Your room, Rox, so you'd better make the desk call for a what, seven thirty wake up? We have to shower and get ready with at least enough time for coffee and a roll before nine o'clock check in. First seminar is at ten before the break for lunch."

She did and then we just collapsed against each other in bed to sleep until our wake up call came in. we woke up bleary eyed and groggy, but awake none-the-less.

"This time, Rox, we shower together and then get ready in our separate rooms."

"Ok, but a quickie fuck before we leave the shower."

I just grinned at that remark.

We soaped and rinsed each other fairly quickly as we knew we had limited time. As a female, Rox would need extra time to get her face on and so forth. With the water still beating down warmly on us, and noting I needed no help in achieving an erection, she bent over and grabbed her ankles, sticking her ass right in front of my throbbing cock. She was already wet with more than just shower water, so my cock slid home into her velvet pussy sheath with one easy lunge.

Rox did manage to achieve orgasm before I pumped a respectable load of my cream into her.

"Now, scoot over to your room and finish getting ready. Call for me in forty-five minutes for that coffee you promised. That's how it went down. We had coffee and a sweet roll in a lunch area separate from the formal dinning room. Then it was back upstairs to the ballroom to register for the conference.

Since our interests were similar, we signed up together for all our seminars: the three today and counting the final dinner, the four scheduled for the next day. At lunch break we both had the soup of the day and a chicken salad sandwich at the lunch counter. Then it was back to the two afternoon seminars for a grueling and long day.

"God, I'm glad that's over," said Roxie, "but it was well worth it and I learned a great deal."

"i'll second that, Rox."

We had a more sensible and light dinner together before retiring early to Roxie's room. There followed another long night of fucking and playing. God she fucked even better than she did fifteen years ago, if that were possible. Shower and quick fuck therein again followed the pattern of the day before. We went to the nine thirty seminar but decided to skip the ten thirty one. Instead we went to the lunch counter for an early lunch and a talk.

While working on lunch, I asked, "Rox, where do we go from here after tonight?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing, H.R."

"Rox, are you thinking the same thing I'm thinking?"

"If you mean our staying together, yeah, I'm thinking that--very much."

"Hell of a place to do it, but I'll do it anyway. Will you marry me, Rox?"

"Oh God, yes! I'll marry you. When?"

"I'd do it tomorrow morning if I could, Rox. But that wouldn't be to practical or easy to do."

"God, H.R., I'd do it tonight if we could.'

"Yeah, well, I've got to return to New York and put things in order. I've been toying with the idea of opening a California office of my business for quite some time. I'll leave my second in command a promotion to CEO of the New York office, freeing me to get a California one up and going. Once it is up and going, I'll get a manager for it while I remain chairman of the board, but only long enough 'til I can find a buyer for the company."

"Oh, shit, H.R., I'm going to have to wait a whole week for you to come to me in California?"

"Maybe a bit longer. But what's a week or a bit more after over fifteen years of waiting?"

We attended both afternoon seminars, and the final dinner before retiring to Roxie's room for yet another all night of playing and fucking. I believe Roxie has totally chucked her tomboy image. Imagine that.



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ingaroberts1ingaroberts110 months ago

I love this story and the beautiful romance it descibes in enough detail. I even had a tear or 2 myself. My partner is my sole mate, we have loved each other for nearly 40 years and been married for 32. I regret she was not my first, but almost. Keep up the great 'work'.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

If I could have given 6 Stars, I would have.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Great character development - lets have a sequel on their honeymoon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

That was amazing. SO so amazing.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassover 14 years ago
Better the second time around?

He missed her the first time--so sad. Now that they are back together, I'm sure there is more to the story. How about another chapter?

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