Hero's Revenge


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Billy was driving two hundred km/h, changing lanes every now and then to avoid vehicles in front of him.

"I truly hope we don't make it and Steve gives the DVD to your wife who can't satisfy her husband."

"Will you shut up!" Billy yelled.

"She is a piece of shit, for her husband to go and look for pussy elsewhere."

"You don't know what you are talking."

"I'm sure I'm not the first one you've been cheating with, asshole."

"If you continue bitch, I'll stop and throw you out of the car."

At the same time, there was a sudden vibration all through the car. Both Tricia and Billy looked at each other, horrified. He applied the brake and tried to bring the car to the shoulder but the vehicle didn't comply. It hit the guardrail and rolled over. Both passengers screamed and the airbags were deployed. The car flew towards a tree and hit it with a deadly impact while a branch smashed the windshield, piercing the airbags, and penetrated Billy's throat. Tricia's head, ribs, upper body and right eye were damaged by the branch. The car has been crushed to such an extent that firefighters would take hours to cut out the doors.

In the afternoon Steve received a call from the police. He was told that his wife was injured in a car accident and she was at Southlake Hospital in Newmarket, a town north of Toronto. He acted a little bit as the shocked husband. He asked a few questions but was told that the police were still working on the cause of the accident and that he should come to the hospital. He immediately drove to Mike's and explained what happened. Mike was not happy about the outcome and started to panic.

"What if the police find out that some bolts were loosened by someone?" Mike asked.

"They won't know and you took all necessary precautions. There is nothing that can connect us to the car. We should simply stay quiet."

"You knew what would happen when you made me call the guy this morning."

"I guessed."

"You're a SOB!" Mike yelled

"I did what a man should do."

"What now?"

"You drive me to Newmarket. I don't want the police to find a husband under stress driving alone. And most importantly, I should play my role."

One hour later a nurse guided Steve to the waiting room. After a couple of minutes two policemen came to sit by him.

"Do you know Billy Wilson?" Policeman # 1 asked.

"Yes, he is a friend from High School and he's also our financial advisor." Steve replied calmly.

"Is he on good terms with your wife?" Policeman # 2 asked.

"I don't understand what you mean."

"I mean is there something beyond friendship?"

"I still don't get you officer." Steve frowned.

"Were you aware that both of them were having an affair?" Policeman # 1 asked.

"No, it can't be. Tricia won't cheat on me. She'll never do that." Steve stood up. "I need to see her, I need to see my wife. Where is she?"

"Your wife is under intensive care right now."

"I was only told that she was injured in an accident. What happened? Why is she under intensive care?"

"She was with Billy Wilson when his car crashed on the highway. According to eye witness, he was driving at extremely high speed towards Toronto. He died on the spot and your wife is seriously injured. When the firefighters removed her from the wreck, she said these words before falling unconscious 'Tell Steve I'm sorry, forgive me.'"

Steve burst into tears.

"The doctor would like to meet you," a nurse showed Steve the hallway. "Third door on your right."

"I'm doctor Martino, I'm sorry about your wife's accident. Please take a seat."

Steve mopped his eyes.

"She's heavily sedated to reduce the pain," the doctor continued. "What I am going to say is not good at all. You'll have to be strong."

Steve looked at the doctor in his eyes, waiting for him to continue.

"She lost her left foot and right eye. She has broken ribs, her internal organs are damaged. She had a severe blow in the head. I'm sorry, there is no hope for recovery."

Steve bent down to look at the floor while shaking the head.

"She's on life support. You'll have to make a decision. Only you." The doctor added.

"When can I talk to her?" Steve asked with a broken voice.

"She can't see and can't speak, but she can hear."

At the same time a nurse entered the office and handed some documents to the doctor. He went through it and signed on various pages. He then gave it to Steve. "Please go through it and see if all information is correct and when you decide, you print your name and sign the pages on the dotted line next to my signature. You'll need a pen." He gave Steve a pen.

Steve entered the room and found a broken Tricia lying in bed. She was connected through wires to various machines and monitors. He sat beside her.

"It's me, Steve."

Tricia tried to move her hand with difficulty towards Steve.

"I won't touch you. You're soiled. And you are in a very bad shape. You reap what you sow, Tricia. Had you not opened your legs to Billy, we would not be here having this conversation." Tears ran down her face. "By the way, he died in the accident." There was a sudden irregular shape on the monitor.

"I fought for you, Tricia. I received blows to protect you. I put my life in danger for you. You considered me your hero. And this is my reward, fucking someone else behind my back."

Tricia tried to open her mouth to speak but couldn't.

"If you didn't love me anymore, you should have told me. I would have let you go. But you preferred to lie to me, play with my feelings, give me sloppy seconds. Thank God we don't have children. And you want me to forgive you. How can I?"

With rage Steve took the document and signed where needed. "He came into my house to sell life insurance and he stole my wife!"

Tricia gasped for air.

"I'm going to pull the plug. It's better for you." Steve ground his teeth.

"Again, I will never forgive you, burn in hell, bitch." Steve stood up and approached her ear. "I messed with his car yesterday evening and soon I'll cash your life insurance policy." He whispered.

The monitors went crazy and there was an alarm. Dr. Martino and two nurses rushed inside the room. Steve gave the doctor the documents and nodded at him. He walked out of the room.

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