Hey Carrie Anne


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About two in the afternoon I texted Carrie saying can Susan and you swing by the bar I have something to show the both of you. She quickly responded sure.

I called my father in law asking if he had an hour or two free. He asked me why. I explained that I was afraid I would have to sell the bar to settle the divorce and had to start preparing myself for a fresh start. I had an office building that I was looking at and I wanted his opinion. He said sure so I swung by and picked him up. We went through the building checked out the electrical. He pointed out a few things the building inspector would not notice but they could be used as bargaining chips. He asked what are they asking. I told him and then I disclosed what I had offered.

"Smart move." He said "You can always go up, but you can't go down. My personal thoughts are you should go for it. You need a couple of new anchors for it. Have you got someone in mind?"

I said, "just two ladies who are opening their own accounting firm that currently works with Melody and myself since I may be forced to sell Bythia's."

He smiled and said, "If you get it, I'll help you remodel the space to get it open for both of you. Its larger than your current place. Has plenty of parking space. Mandy has told me your friends with them. She considers them good people."

"Thanks, Dad," I said.

"Do you really think Melody will go after your business in the divorce?" my father in law asked.

"The Melody I used to know probably wouldn't, the one I am divorcing most likely will," I replied. "She will blame me for everything that's happening in her life so she can justify her actions."

Dad looked at me in shock! "But that's not the truth. You and I know differently"

I replied, "Name one situation besides a legal contract where the truth mattered when making a decision. I can't, neither can you. In divorce courts, it's all about what you can get the judge to believe. If Melody and I would have had children I would have been a dead man standing in any Judge's eyes."

"But that's not right." He said.

"Dad, You and I agree but we are a minority. We still believe in right and wrong. Most these days outside of family only care about themselves. The days of what's good for society, in general, are forever gone." I replied. "Proof of that is looking at how many people are homeless in the promised land of California. What's real to most people is what the mass media puts in front of them on that particular day and last about just as long."

I was back at the bar in my office when my real estate friend called to inform me, they had accepted the offer but would not finance it even though I was a good client. I started looking for funding through Lending Tree.Com. I sent them my last five years of corporate tax returns to demonstrate my seriousness.

Susan, Carrie and I walked through the empty first floor of the building I was trying to buy. It had last been used as a call center. I told them of the plans for the new bar and restaurant that I had in mind before I asked them how much office space they would need.

"Kaleb we can't afford what it will cost to frame it in that's why we're looking at something that's ready to move in," Susan said.

"I figured on that already I was going to cover the cost on my side and build it as I set up the bar. I'll know if I have the financing in place by Friday. I'm getting the building for a lot less than its appraised value." I said, "Melody's father will help with the construction so it will cut a lot of costs down."

'Why are you doing this?" asked Carrie."

"Because the divorce court may force me to sell Bythia's on Bythia as part of the divorce settlement so I'm planning accordingly," I said honestly. "So, over the next couple of days draw out on paper what your needs are for the next two years. I'll work on it from there."

"And if you don't have to sell the bar?" Susan asked.

"My assistant gets promoted and I have two operations," I said.

Wednesday was a bad day for Payne and Melody and his parents. The FDA came in, in mass at every one of their regional locations and head office. Melody got served her copy of my petition for divorce on the grounds of adultery. On Friday Melody and Payne flew out to Richards head office.

The deal was completed on Friday I was able to squeeze out an extra two hundred and fifty thousand for remodeling. We started gutting the inside. Knocking down and tearing everything out on the first floor taking it back to the concrete walls and bare bones. Thanks to the concrete floors and steel frame it did not take long. During that time, we had a draftsman draw up the detailed plans for the interior of the whole building. He had redesigned the main entrance to include a shaft for an elevator for the three floors. Contractors came in to rough in the new plumbing for both my section and Carrie and Susan's office giving them two main entrances one off the street and one off the main lobby. Concrete had to be cut out and removed for that new elevator shaft to be framed up and poured. At the same time, I had an interior concrete wall built to have permanent separation.

Carrie and Susan flew out every Sunday night to Washington and returned on Friday nights. They were staying on till I had it completed. I would pick them up and drop them off at the airport. Both were pitching in when they could.

My soon to be ex's lawyer and mine were getting nowhere. Each and every week her demands kept changing finally I said enough set the dam meeting between the four of us. I was ready and mad enough I was going for blood.

With the shaft done the elevator in I had the building sandblasted. It removed the paint and took it back to its original color and freshened the red brick making it look new. A crew was redoing the flat roof bringing it up to current standards. Finally, the interiors could be done. Her office would have a male and female washroom's staff lunchroom. A nice reception area and six offices. My side would have public washrooms, a storage area behind the kitchen and bar. A proper raised area for the band with a good dance floor. The contractors came in to do the interiors. They had her side done in less than two weeks.

Two more office buildings were bought in the area. Two houses had been sold and were becoming the newest branch of Bank of America. The local newspaper said that redeveloping was coming to a neighborhood that was more than ready for it.

My meeting with my ex and her lawyer was set up for Friday. The kitchen equipment had been delivered and set up on the white tiled floor. The oak bar built, and he laminated dark pine floor laid throughout. All electrical was done and working on both sides. The orders for table and chairs and the booth sections for the restaurant side was placed and would be in on Monday. We had done it all in less than two full months.

My real estate agent had gotten me a long term tenant. A team of lawyers that were taking over the whole second and third floors. It worked out that they would cover the whole cost to carry the mortgage the taxes and all related costs.

I walked into the meeting with my lawyer to discover that Melody was beginning to show. She wanted me to step up and assume the responsibility of being a father. I listen to her claims and laughed when she claimed she'd still been on the pill when it happened. I told her we would have a DNA test done to prove or disprove your claim. Then I had my lawyer show her what was on the stick that I had given her. Melody's face went white.

"Last time I looked it had over two million views each one costing five dollars and ninety-nine cents a time." I said "According to your contract your entitled to five percent. Since we were legally married at the time all revenue you ever earn off this one night adventure should be mine equally because this will also have to be listed as a marital asset."

"Now I will give you a weekend to offer me a serious settlement that we both can live with." I said, "Otherwise everything I have on this disk becomes public knowledge on Tuesday."

The silence in the room was deadening

"Melody we both know who the father of your baby is, and his name is Payne," I said as I stood up to walk out the door. "You made your choices accept the consequences and live with it."

It took ten minutes before my divorce lawyer called.

"Kaleb she is offering you three hundred and fifty thousand. You keep your business and the house. You have to agree to never disclose or discuss what you know and give up all your rights to the movie."

"Draw up the settlement agreement but stipulate that you must be holding the funds for me before I sign off," I replied. "How soon can the divorce be granted?"

'I'll set the court day up right now, but it will be legal thirty days after the judge signs off."

I was dressed to the nines waiting for Carrie and Susan as they debarked the small regional plane. My hands were full because I was holding two sets of roses. Red for Carrie Yellow for Susan.

As she walked through the gate Carrie saw me and broke out in a huge smile. As soon they reached me, I handed them to them. Both had to give me a kiss on the check. We got their luggage and I pulled them out to the new sedan that I had finally bought after getting a cash settlement I could live with.

"Before we take you home, I want to swing by and show you your finished offices. I think you should know that the rest of the building has been leased by a group of lawyers." I said. "Carrie, and I have reached a financial settlement on assets re my marriage we go for court approval next week."

"How much did you lose?" Carrie asked. "Is it as bad as we feared?"

"Oh, yah really bad" I laughed. "We held a meeting with our lawyers, and I pulled out her video and a printout of how much it had made. I said that since one side was forcing us to agree to consider all assets as marital assets then her earning on her one night video had to be included too. Since it was made while we were married fifty percent of its income payable to her should be mine too."

Carrie started crying in relief. "Now we can officially date."

"As a result of that and the threat I made by the end of the day, I keep my business the house and get three hundred and fifty thousand to boot," I explained. "She has one week to get whatever she wants in furniture out of the house."

"What's your plan for the house?" Carrie asked

"I'm going to sell it because I don't think the lady, I am falling in love with wants past memories getting in her way."

Carrie had tears of joy running down her cheek.

"Kaleb you are still are as slow as molasses in January. It just took you over two months to say what I knew the night we met Mandy and her family." Susan stated. "But when you do you do it right."

Even Susan usually the more reserved one cried when they saw their completed offices now approved for use. The use of oak and pastel colors made the place warm invited and very professional looking.

"The only question left is for you to give your business its name and registering it besides buying the office equipment and your furniture," I said with a smile. "You ladies picked your colors well."

"Kaleb Corbett," Carrie said as she jumped into my arms. "I love you. God Dammit for making me wait this long before telling me you feel the same way. No more holding back. Okay!"

I just nodded my head locking my mouth to hers giving her a long-overdue tongue exchanging deep erotic kiss.

We finally dropped Susan off at Carrie's home where they both were now living. Carrie went home with me for the first time. We spent hours making up for lost time just discovering each other fully.

We went to our favorite truck stop for breakfast. Then I drove her to Jarod's to look at promissory rings. From the cheap to the most expensive one she saw one she really liked but walked away when she saw the price. I asked the clerk to get it out so she could try it. I went and brought her back. Carrie slid it on her finger. It fit. While she was admiring it, I handed the clerk my debit card.

Carrie said, "stop it's too much for something I'm going to be wearing for just a few months."

"You can stick it in your jewelry box and give it to our eldest daughter when she turns sixteen," I answered with a firm voice.

Even the clerk had tears in her eyes as she processed the sale.

Of course, the first person she called was Susan. We all agreed to meet at Bythia's on Bythia at six. I told her she should invite her mother and father to join us. She did. They wanted to meet the man that had finally convinced their free spirit to come home. I called Daniel my soon to be ex-father in law and his wife. Yes, I would always call them mom and dad. To invite them. Both said they would gladly come. I let them know that Melody and I had come to term and that the divorce decree would be issued next week. I learned that Payne and Melody had announced their engagement via a text message a week ago because they still weren't talking. I got ahold of Mandy and got her to bring her whole family.

I called my cook and asked him if he could make something special and I explained why. He said he would make a traditional Irish thick lamb stew served with fresh cedar biscuits both having his own twist added in. He would have the bartender serve Irish coffee with a lot of fresh cream for everyone but me. Unknowingly for me, he had a private table set up towards the back to give us some privacy.

Daniel and Mary my in-laws showed up first. It allowed me to introduce Carrie to them first. The biggest surprise was for Carrie and me. Her parents Bob and Roseanne Lasher knew the in-laws quite well. It seems that Daniel kept him up with the details when they were at work. When Jack and Mandy showed up the rugrats ran right to me. At four and three they were holding me tight. I bent over and picked them both into my arms. Carrie held out her hands and the youngest went to her. Over the huge meal, we broke the news to all that Carrie had received her promissory ring. They were all wowed by the size of it. When Carrie explained how it had happened and my response. Her mother tried not to tear up but failed. Even the in-laws gave us their approval. They lost it when Carrie said to them is it all right if I call you mom and dad too. Kale has made it clear that you'll always be Mom and Dad to him.

As usual, the meal was exceptional. When the ticket was brought to me Carrie's father grabbed it and said this one is on me. I went to say something, but I felt the foot hit my shin, so I didn't. After all, had left except her parents we told them our whole story right down to the littlest detail.

"I have to ask you Kale if you don't mind, we all had Irish coffee's more than once except you. Don't you drink? Bob asked. I laughed Carrie smiled.

"Dad Kale won't drink in any establishment he owns. Never has and never will. It's a promise he made before he built this one." Carrie explained. "It's his way of staying in control and setting an example for his staff to follow."

"So, this is your establishment a bit high class isn't it," he said with a laugh and a grin before adding, "I think it's the only one I would say is good enough for my daughter my friend."

We led them over so they could see the layout and design of her new office, it gave us a chance to talk as the woman took the royal tour. He was impressed with the quality of the work, the overall design and the colors. I could tell as a dad he was very proud.

"Daniel sees you as the son he never had. Says you're a man who stands behind his principles better than he has ever had." Carries dad said.

"Off the record Daniel is the father I never had. I was raised in a dirt poor house without a dad. He took off before they even wed. My mother was unable to develop a relationship with another man. So, she raised me and my sister all alone." I said. "through Melody, I met him. He was as tough and hard as I was streetwise, and lib, but he never backs down. Daniel has always stood his ground when he needed to. I learned a lot from him like how a real man is strong. He is in all aspects my father not by heritage but by choice. The moral principle and standards I carry are there because of him. I can honestly and proudly say I am the man I am because of him."

We just stood there until the ladies returned then Carrie father spoke.

"Carrie the only thing your mother and I have to say based on what we have been told and what we have learned. Is that we approve of your choice and will be honored to consider him our son." He said. "so welcome to the family Kaleb."

He offered his hand I shook it.

Carrie later told me she had been in total shock because her father had never approved of anyone else before. We spend the night together. It was sad to see her go back. Both Susan and Carrie wanted to leave the FDA on good terms.

I listed the house on Monday. Spent the next two days setting up the bar seats table and chairs On Wednesday I signed the Divorce agreement and got the funds she was holding in trust. On Friday I sat in court to watch the judge grant my divorce. Melody had never bothered to show up.

I grabbed my Assistant out of Bythia's on Bythia and took him over to the new bar. He loved the layout of the design and the kitchen. City council had given us all the approvals we needed. It was a sports bar to the extreme. All we needed was to give it, its name.

"Charlie, you been with me since the beginning would you be willing to leave Bythia's to run this place as the general manager," I asked

"Yes, of course, I will." He responded with glee."

"It's seventy-five thousand a year." I said, "with ten percent bonus each year based on the net profit."

Charlie was shocked. He had just gotten the biggest raise in his life. If he played it right. He saw the faith I had in him.

"What are we going to call it?" He asked.

"Charlie's Bar and grill."

It's been three years since the divorce. Corbett and Sullivan accounting firm has become a huge success. Charlie's Bar and Grill has become a local treasure. Melody and Payne are headed into divorce court she caught him being done by his best friend. Her family still wants nothing to do with them.

I have just endured the worst day of my life; I didn't know my wife Carrie had so many names for me. Every time she got hit with another major labor pain, I found myself getting a new name. The twins were born within twenty minutes of each other. The girl came first then the boy. Both had Carrie's flaming red hair. Both sets of in-laws were in Carrie's room when we announced their names. Daniel Robert and Rosemary Anne.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
BlackJackSteeleBlackJackSteele2 months ago

A good story.

But a hard read.

FillDirtWantedFillDirtWanted4 months ago

He would not watch Anderson Cooper because how could you take anything a tinker bell says as the truth.

Damn funny line.

WolfOfTheWorldWolfOfTheWorld4 months ago

With a good going over for spelling, grammar, and word use this would be a ten star story. That said; half my heritage is Scandinavian, a quarter Scottish, and a quarter Irish. I love the story. The cheaters got what they deserve, the cheated on actually got revenge plus on both. Served the bitch right to loose her birth family right when she starts her own.

WetheNorthWetheNorth6 months ago

Horrible writing

InosolanInosolan10 months ago

Would have been four stars except the one i took off for the political rants

BTW: "a kiss on the check" is what a trophy wife gives her husband...

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