Hey Joe


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"Yeah, I'm sorry about that too."

"Anyway, he caught me in the hallway coming out of the toilet and pushed me into one of the bedroom's, and well, you know the rest. I'd never been in that situation before where someone was trying to basically rape me, and no-one there tried to help me. They probably would've thought that I wanted it because they always saw John with you and me together. That maybe I was just fooling around on you while you were away playing football."

"Well, it's good to know that you can defend yourself at least. I hope his balls still hurt to this day. So, what about your story?"

"Well, I met my ex Simon when we were both at college in our sophomore year, we started dating and we got engaged about a year after we left college. We got married about two years after that."

"So, you were dating for a few years before getting engaged, then it took a few years before you married, why did it take you guys so long to tie the knot?"

"I don't know, I like to think now that perhaps we both knew it wasn't meant to be or something, that maybe we were settling for what we had at the time."

"You loved him though, right?"

"Yeah in the beginning, but probably like your relationship we started slowly drifting apart with each year we were together. I think we finally got married because we were trying to save our relationship in the end, also with all the pressure from our family and friends as well. We only lasted about six months, the marriage I mean."

"So what went wrong? Did you guys just decide to end it?"

"No, he lost his job, then didn't like his new job. He was drinking more, then he started getting violent."

"Really? Did he start hitting you?"

"First it was verbal, then a few pushes and shoves. By that stage I was ready to leave, then he punched me one night when we argued. I can't even remember what it was about, but he came home drunk and angry, then just started on me like I was there to take out his frustrations on until he ended up hitting me. It was late so I demanded he sleep on the couch that night, then the next morning he started on me again, then he hit me again. That was it."

"Did you go to the Police? Guys that hit women will usually do it again, they need it on their records so when the next woman complains, they'll know."

"Yeah, I did. I got a restraining order placed on him and he was forced to move out. I haven't seen him since that day."

"Well, I'm sorry you had to go through that, both with John and Simon. I hope your other boyfriends treated you well."

"You're my only other boyfriend, and you've treated me well so far."

"So, you never dated anyone else in college until you met Simon? Surely there would've been guys after you the whole time."

"There was, but I was still getting over you at the time. I didn't want to go out on dates or anything. I just did my studies and hung out with my girlfriends. They're the ones that were pushing me to start dating the following year, I was getting a lot of nun references, Mother Madeline was a favorite."

I chuckled at that, and Maddie hit me with a pillow.

"Tell me Joe, do you think that you'll ever forgive John for what happened? He is your twin brother after all."

"No, I can't see that ever happening. Even forgetting for a moment about Susie, or you. It's that he would do that to me, that he betrayed my trust like that. I've thought about this a lot since Susie left, that even though he was my twin brother, we were never good friends. Maybe if we were identical twins it could have been different, but we're nothing alike. He was always there with me, but I never enjoyed hanging out with just him, we would always be with other people. And my friends, my girlfriends, he would try to have for himself. Looking back, I realized that I never really like him at all, that if he wasn't my brother, I wouldn't have been friends with him."

"What's that saying Joe, that you can choose your friends, but not your family."

"Yeah, but it's hard when your family is always there with your friends. Mom and Dad expected me to take him everywhere with me, to always include him. Don't know why he never wanted to do his own thing, have his own friends. That's a big part of why I joined the air force, I could finally be rid of him."

"Well, you're rid of him now. Let's go to bed Joe, I need to snuggle for a while."

"Hold on, you said we should talk about this stuff so we could learn from it, what exactly did we learn?"

"Don't fall in love with shitty people I guess."

"Is that it? That we made bad choices about the people we loved?"

"That and don't ever settle for second best maybe."

"Okay, that I can go with. Well, I'm going to take my first choice, best ever girl to bed then."

Maddie leaned in and kissed me on the lips, then stood and held out her hand, leading me to the bedroom.

The next few weeks went much same as the last few, but I was now struggling to remember what life was like before I was back with Maddie. I felt so at ease with my life, maybe this is what being truly happy and in love is like. Maddie came with me last weekend to have lunch at my parent's, with both my Mom and Dad delighted to see her again. They were also glad to see how happy I was, that I had moved on from Susie.

This week I had moved all my stuff into Maddie's place, as we were basically living together at this point already, it just seemed pointless for us to be paying for rent twice.

It was still a bit under six months since I legally separated from Susie and filed for Divorce, however Maddie's divorce had just been finalized some eight months after filing, so hopefully I only had a few months to go as well.

Mom's fiftieth birthday was on Thursday, but they had arranged a birthday party to begin late Saturday afternoon at Mom and Dad's place. A lot of family and friends were attending, some sixty plus guests in all. This was going to be one of the occasions where it would be impossible to not see John and Susie without it hurting my Mom if I chose not to show up. I decided I wasn't going to let them dictate my relationship with my parents.

As we got dressed for the party, I looked over at Maddie and she took my breath away. The dress she wore was not too sexy, a little understated if anything, but it accentuated the magnificent curves of her body. She also had her hair up with intricate plats like I had not seen before. She looked demure but absolutely stunning at the same time. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist as I stared into her eyes via the mirror.

"My god you look great, I want you all to myself when you're looking this good. Maybe we should show up late, I can think of a few ways we could spend the afternoon."

"Stop it Joe, we'll have plenty of time to be alone after the party. Besides, I'm doing all this for you."

"Doing what? Being the most beautiful girl at the party?"

"Yep, I want to make sure Susie knows how much you don't miss her, and for John to want what he can never have."

"All this just to what, make them jealous?"

"I want to make sure they know that we're the main course, and they're the left-overs."

"My god, can you be that naughty and nice at the same time?"

"For you I can, I'd be whatever you need me to be."

I bent down and kissed Maddie's exposed neck. My god I was a lucky man to have her on my arm.

"Besides you look great too, I'm happy you let me pick out some new clothes for you, you can't wear a t-shirt and jeans all the time."

"I thought I looked good in a t-shirt and jeans?"

"You do but look at you now with the sport jacket and slacks. You could be a male model or a famous actor. I do need to fix your hair up before we go though, I want you looking perfect."

We arrived at Mom and Dad's place at about 4pm and there were already a good number of people here. The party was being held in the back yard where a large gazebo had been erected. As we made our way through the house, greeting my cousins and uncle and aunts a long the way, we ran into Mom coming out of the kitchen. She stopped in her tracks when she saw us, giving us both a big smile, then greeting us with hugs.

"Oh my, you two look straight out of a daytime tv romance show, you both look absolutely gorgeous."

"You look great too Mom, beautiful for a woman that's not a day over forty."

"Oh, stop it Joe, is that how you get such a beautiful woman like Maddie here?"

"That's not the half of it Betty, your son can be incorrigible sometimes when it comes to being smooth. But he always means it."

"That's another thing he gets from his father, Bill was always quite the sweet talker as well."

"Well, happy birthday Betty."

"Yes Mom, happy birthday and I hope this party is one to remember." As I handed Mom her birthday present and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks, the both of you. Joe, both Susie and John are outside, is that going to be a problem?"

"Not from us, this is your night, so enjoy."

While I had no intention of causing any issues at Mom's birthday party, I had no intention of speaking with John or Susie either. We made our way out to the back yard, with Dad spotting us, making his way towards us both.

"Hey Joe, Hey Maddie. Wooh, you look fantastic Maddie, how my son ever convinced you to fall in love with him again is a mystery to me." As Dad shook my hand and gave Maddie a kiss on the cheek.

"I don't know Bill, your son is a very attractive man, maybe he gets that from his father."

"Beautiful and smart, you've done well Joe."

"Yeah I have. Mom looks great for her birthday, she looks really happy."

"You know your Mom, most of it's a front. She's been preparing and stressing over this party for the last few weeks. But I do hope she can actually relax soon and start having a good time."

"I hope so too Dad."

"Joe, your brother and Susie are over there, are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, as long as they don't come over and start talking to us, it should be all good."

"Alright, I'll let them know to leave you guys be, okay?"


We mingled with the other guests, most were relatives or friends of my parent's. Some I knew, some not so well. Everyone seemed to know who I was though, perhaps with my height and build I was hard to miss. Most of the guests swooned over Maddie, they all commented on how beautiful she is.

At one point Maddie went into the kitchen to help Mom bring out more food, and I noticed Susie follow her. I shook my head, Susie has no idea who's she's dealing with if she has words with Maddie. A few minutes later Susie came out of the house, looking a little upset. She went over to John, and I could see them trying to hide what was clearly some sort of argument. Then Susie walked away from him, taking a seat on her own away from where John was standing.

Mom, Maddie and one of my Aunt's then carried some trays with food from the house to the gazebo. I was watching Maddie as she looked over at John, then back at me with a slight devilish smile on her face. God, I love this woman.

After Maddie had helped with the food, she sauntered over to me with a look of confidence and dare I say smugness across her face.

"You have been naughty, haven't you?" I whispered quietly as Maddie stood by my side.

"You have no idea."

"I'm dying to know what happened though."

"I'll tell you when we get home, just enjoy how uncomfortable Susie and John will be for the rest of the night."

I looked at Maddie, unable to hide my smile as I kissed her softly on the lips.

"As soon as my divorce is finalized, I'm going to marry you. I don't want an engagement, I just want to marry you as soon as I can."

"Are you going to at least ask me if I'd like to marry you first?"

"I will, I'll get down on my knee and do the works, I'll even serenade you if that helps."

"I'm looking forward to it Joe. Not sure about your singing though, it's probably the one thing you're not great at."

"Alright, I'll hire someone then." As I chuckled with Maddie.

Maddie was right, Susie and John barely talked for the rest of the evening, and when they did there was clear hostility in Susie's expressions towards him. I don't think of myself as a spiteful person at all, but I have to admit It was wonderful.

I later ventured into the house to go to the restroom, as I was leaving John was standing outside the door waiting for his turn. His face had apprehension written across it as I stepped towards him, he moved to the side to make way. I gave him a disdainful glare as I walked past shaking my head slightly. That was the only interaction I had with John for the entire evening.

After the party I drove Maddie back to her apartment, which was really now our apartment. As we got undressed, I was dying to hear the details of the conversation between Maddie and Susie. But Maddie made me wait, instead insisting that we go take a shower together.

As we stepped into the shower with the warm water washing over us, I turned to face Maddie looking down at her gorgeous face and wonderful body. When she's naked and wet, my god she belongs in a painting, or a large framed photo hanging on the wall.

We kissed as we embraced, even the way she uses her tongue when we kiss gets me hard every time. Maddie then ended the kiss, looking up into my eyes.

"So, do you want to know what happened at the party?"

I nodded my head 'yes' as I gave her ass a gentle squeeze.

"Well, I went into the kitchen to prepare some of the food trays with your Mom, but she had to go to the ladies first. So, I was in the kitchen alone when Susie came in and stood beside me, starting to place food on one of the trays."

Maddie put her head on my chest as she continued the story.

Susie started by speaking to me.

"So, you're Joe's latest girlfriend, well I'm his wife, Susie."

"Soon to be ex-wife you mean. Besides, I'm not Joe's latest girlfriend, I'm Maddie, Joe's first girlfriend, the first girl he ever fell in love with, and soon to be wife."

"I think that surprised her a little."

"And? Surely that can't be all Maddie?"

"Who's telling this story Joe?" Maddie continued.

"I do have to thank you Susie, for giving up such a wonderful guy like Joe for a little worm like John. You made it possible for Joe and I to fall back in love."

"Joe's already broken it off with you once, what makes you think he won't do it again?"

"Joe didn't break up with me last time, I left him because he didn't believe me that his darling brother would try to steal his girlfriend. John has a history of that you know. Wanting whatever Joe has, his friends, his girlfriends, his wife."

"John's good at getting what he wants."

"He didn't get me, I'd never stoop that low. He did try to force himself on me, physically. Such a lovely guy you've got there. Seriously, you'd better watch him when he's drunk or angry, those sorts of guys can't handle rejection."

"She looked at me for a few moments before she left the kitchen. I know that look Joe, it's like she knew the kind of guy John really is. I think maybe he's been abusive with her already, maybe not physically yet, but I think she understood."

"That would explain their argument when she came back out to John, she didn't want to be near him the rest of the night after that. I bet he's been a manipulative asshole to her already, to get her to do what she did."

"Most likely, John could be very different when you weren't there. It's like just your presence kept him in check. He could be a real conniving asshole when you weren't around though."

"Shows how well you can know someone. Why didn't any of you tell me that he was like that?"

"What, tell you your twin brother that you love is a complete asshole that most likely despises you? Besides, he was always there when you were around, it was almost impossible for our friends to talk to you about him when he's always right there. I didn't want to because I was worried you wouldn't believe me. Until that party at least, and even then I was proven right, you didn't believe me."

"Yeah, I can't believe I didn't see through his bullshit. I was so fucking gullible."

"No Joe, you're just a decent person that wants to see the best in people. Don't ever change that because of him."

Maddie turned off the shower and grabbed the towels.

"Storytime's over, let's go to bed. Besides, I have something else I need to tell you."

I quickly dried myself and followed Maddie into the bedroom, snuggling naked with her under the sheets.

"So, what was the other thing you needed to tell me?"

"Want to guess?"

"Okay, that I'm the best lover you've ever had."

"Well yes, but that's not the answer."

"That you can't wait to marry me?"

"Again yes, but not the answer."

"That you're the most gorgeous woman I've ever laid my eyes on."

"Come on Joe, stop playing."

I took a moment, feeling her breath against my face as we laid together in the dark.

"Alright then, I'm guessing you're pregnant."


I kissed Maddie slowly, it seemed to last forever.


"Well, lucky I don't want an engagement then isn't it? Can't have you walking down the isle looking all knocked up. How far along are you?"

"Not far, I went into the Doctor's for tests this week to confirm. You're not annoyed are you, that we didn't get to talk about it first? I was switching my birth control, that's how I think it happened."

"No, I'm delighted, truly. I can't wait to be married to you, to buy our own home, to have four kids running around."

"Four? Hold on, I want to keep my figure you know."

"I'm sure you'll be the hottest Mom on the PTA, the fittest MILF in the Bay area."

"You say the smoothest things, Joe."

"Yeah, I love you, Maddie."

"I love you too Joe."

My divorce got finalized less than two months later, about seven months after I had separated from Susie.

Maddie and I got married two weeks later, I small affair with family and friends. Bethany and Kyra were her bridesmaids, Joe and Mike my best 'men'.

We did buy a house in San Bruno, requiring quite a bit of renovation work but my Dad and the guys from work helped me a lot.

My son Mason was born six months after Maddie and I were married. Maddie is pregnant again with our second child, the scans showed that it's a healthy baby girl.

My Mom and Dad are happy grandparents now, they still run the family business but without John or Susie.

Susie left John a few months after I was married again, I heard from my parents that she had a restraining order out on my brother and had moved back to the Mid-West to her family. Maddie was right, he did end up getting violent with her.

That was a line too far for my parents, they forced him out of the business. He's still a silent partner like myself, but he works for another contractor now, somewhere in San Jose.

As for me and Maddie, well Dad was right, it did all work out for the best. We couldn't be any happier, and Maddie is still the love of my life.

The End.

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MorbidromanticMorbidromanticabout 7 hours ago

I loved it. 5* from me.

RustyReaderRustyReader1 day ago

Well done, decency and love qin out. Bravo

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuy7 days ago

Very good build out of the characters. Felt very authentic

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 month ago

Nice, story, good characters, plot has probably happened to some poor so and so, but without hooking up with his first girlfriend.

willyk1212willyk12123 months ago

5 stars second time reed still very good

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