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Women detectives do more than just catch husbands cheating.
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Many thanks to Jenna for first editing and improving this story.

Grateful thanks to Timid Tiger for further editing and suggestions that greatly improved it.


"I think we're more drunk than I thought we were," Prudence said as she fell onto the couch next to Jerry.

"Speak for yourself," said Paula with a hearty laugh. "All I know is that Jerry is a lot heavier than I thought he was."

She sat down in the armchair next to the couch.

"I'm sorry," Jerry said. "I didn't think I had that many drinks. I'll go to my room now."

He grabbed the arm of the couch and tried to stand up.

"Don't be silly," Prudence said as she put two fingers on his chest and easily pushed him back down. "You're not going anywhere, Mr. Romeo."

"Yeah," Paula said. "You can't chat up two girls for more than an hour and then not deliver. Don't we turn you on?"

"Oh yes! I mean, I think you're pretty, but I thought you told me you weren't, ummm—."

"Hookers? Is that what you're trying to say?"

Paula laughed.

"Don't worry. We don't want your money. But I'm insulted that you only think we're pretty, and I'm not going to stand for it.

"That's wrong. I am going to stand for it.

She stood up and took off her dress and stood facing him in her bra and panties with her hands on her hips

"What do you think now? Do you like what you see?"

"I apologize. I mean that you and Prudence are beautiful and sexy, and so is your sexy underwear. No, that didn't come out right. Please put your dress back on."

"Why should I?" Paula said. "This is much more comfortable."

Prudence giggled.

"You are such a slut, Paula. Jerry might think you have something on your mind."

"It's the same thing he has on his mind," Paula said.

She stood close to him and ran her hands up and down her body. Then she stepped back and danced around the hotel room, bumping and grinding like a stripper.

Jerry didn't look happy.

"I told you downstairs that I was married."

"We heard you," Prudence said. "We know all about beautiful Simone and how perfect she is and how you're hoping she'll be ready to start a family soon and how you would never cheat on her.

"What would she think if she saw you here with Paula in her lingerie and me falling out of my little slut dress? When we walked out supporting you, all the men in the lounge were envious. You hit the jackpot."

Jerry tried to get up again, only to be pushed down once more by Prudence's fingers.

"I apologize. I misunderstood. I shouldn't have talked to you when you came to my table. You were talking about marriage and families, but I should have noticed that you were dressed for business and waiting for me to make a move.

"Simone tells me all the time that I'm clueless. Would you be angry if I only gave you two hundred dollars for wasting your time because I was lonely. That's almost everything I have in my wallet."

"You came to our hotel room to tell us more about Simone and your wonderful marriage," Prudence said. "Is that what you want us to believe?

"And please shut up about money. Did you ever hear of blackmail? We could get a lot of money from you if that's what we wanted.

"Only kidding. Don't look like that. We just want to have fun, like you do when you're away from home on a business trip. Isn't that right, Jerry?"

"No," said Jerry. "You're wrong. I never do this."

"What does 'this' mean?" said Paula. "What do you do when you go to a girl's hotel room when you're out of town? Tell us."

"I don't do anything," said Jerry, who tried hard to concentrate. "I mean, I don't go to any girl's room."

"So they come to your room?"

"That's not what I meant. They don't come to my room, and I don't go to their room."

"Then what are you doing here, Jerry?" Paula asked. "If you don't go to their room and they don't come to yours, where do you go? It sounds like you're a lot more interesting than the sweet little husband you pretended to be downstairs."

"You've got me all confused," said Jerry. "I don't usually talk to anyone. I have a drink or two and then go to my room and watch TV. I'm sorry. This was a big mistake. I don't even remember deciding to go upstairs with you. And I don't remember drinking so much."

"We ordered some pretty strong drinks for you, Jerry," said Prudence. "We told you we were putting them on our tab so your wife wouldn't find out. You tried to pay us back, but not very hard. And you protested a little when we helped you walk with us. But here you are. That's all that counts."

"I've never done anything like this before."

He sounded like he was pleading for mercy.

"Like what?" Paula said. "You are such a liar, Jerry. We've got you figured out."

"What do you mean?"

"You're the type of guy who pretends he's faithful all the way to bed. That way you can make excuses for anything you do. You were too drunk to know what you were doing. She took advantage of you. We've heard it all, so save your breath."

"I thought you weren't hookers."

"We're not hookers," Prudence said. "Don't keep saying that."

Jerry looked at Prudence with bleary eyes.

"What do you want then?"

"We're talking too much," Paula said. "Time for action. Help me get him to the bedroom."

Jerry tried to get up again, and this time, Prudence helped him. She and Paula ignored his feeble efforts to resist and dragged him to the bedroom. They pushed him down on his back, and Paula tried to untie his shoes, but she couldn't because he kept kicking his feet. Finally, Prudence sat on his legs until Paula got his shoes off.

"Why are you giving us so much trouble?" Prudence asked, panting as she moved over to his stomach. She bounced up and down on him a few times, knocking the wind out of him. All he could do was protest in a wheezy voice as they took the rest of his clothes off.

"You know you want this, Jerry," an exasperated Prudence said. "Why are you acting so innocent? Did we say anything to make you suspicious?"

"Shut up, Prudence," Paula said. "This is not the time. You need to get to work."

"I'm sorry, but this doesn't feel right, Paula. None of the others acted like this? Are we making a mistake?"

"Yes, you are."

The voice from the naked Jerry beneath her was barely audible. "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. Please let me go."

"No way!" Paula said, glaring at Prudence. "You're going to feel better about this right now."

She put her head down between his legs. A second later, his eyes rolled back, and his breathing became deep. He didn't say a thing. Paula lifted her head.

"See, Jerry, you want us after all, don't you?"

Prudence turned to her and whispered.

"That doesn't mean anything. She told us a blow job turns him into putty."

"Shhhh," Paula whispered. "You're getting much too involved with this guy. He's like all the others."

"But the others were sleazes. He seems like a nice guy."

"A nice guy? What about his wife? He's cheating on her. He's just a good liar. Now let's finish this job, okay?"

"All right, but when I don't listen to my intuition, I usually regret it."

"I see you're wilting a little, Jerry," Paula said out loud. "Keep your eyes on Prudence. She's going to do a little strip tease for you."

Jerry was back in a world of lust within seconds of Paula sucking him in, and he watched Prudence taking her clothes off as if in a trance. But as Paula lifted her head and Prudence got on the bed to mount him, he came back to life.

"No!" he screamed and began thrashing around on the bed and pushing Prudence away. Paula managed to sit down hard on his stomach again. There was a whooshing sound, and he stopped screaming and writhing and lay still. She did it twice more, and he lay on the bed helpless, with a pained expression on his face.

"Can you hear me?" Prudence asked. "What's wrong, cowboy? I just want a ride. Why you are fighting me? You didn't fight Paula when she was sucking you."

He moved his mouth, but the sound was so soft, she couldn't hear it.

"Say that again," she said and leaned over to put her ear next to his mouth. He moved his lips again.

She sat up.

"It sounded like a word beginning with 'S,'" she said looking at him. He was nodding. Prudence leaned down to his ear again.

"STD?" she said loudly when he moved his lips again. "Is that right, Jerry? You just said STD."

He nodded his head up and down like a wobble doll.

"Let me get this straight. You are telling me that you are worried that I have an STD. Is that it, you bastard? I'm a lot cleaner than you are, you cheating, lying, son of a bitch. I should --"

"Cool it, Prudence," Paula said. "We're not getting anywhere like this. You're acting like a baby. Now you see what he's really like. She told us he was clean, so we don't have to worry. Just get on with it."

"I'm sorry I yelled at you, Jerry," Prudence said. "I won't give you any disease."

He shook his head.

"Why are you so hung up about me? Whenever you screw strangers, you take a chance, even if you use a rubber."

He mouthed a word.

"It looks like you're saying STD again. No, you're shaking your head. It's another word that begins with 's.'"

She leaned down and put her ear by his mouth.

"Say it again. Oh, you said 'Simone.' Let me think. Now I get it. You are still the good husband doing this against your will. You're worried that you'll contract an STD and give it to your wife? Right?"

He nodded vigorously.

"That's it. Fine. I'll play your game. Let's see. What should I say? I got it!"

She pursed her lips and changed her voice to sound sympathetic and solicitous.

"Please forgive me, Jerry. How stupid I am? Of course, I'll put a rubber on you before I fuck your brains out. That will prove you are a good husband who was overpowered by a bad lady. Paula, hand me a rubber."

"Wait a second," Paula said. "I just thought of something. Where did we put his pants? Here they are. Here's his wallet. What have we here? Credit cards. About two hundred and fifty in cash. But what is this little bulge in the pocket? What do you know? It's a rubber, all ready for emergencies. What do you think of your intuition now, Prudence?"

"Jerry," said Prudence, waving his rubber in front of his eyes, "you are the world's greatest liar. Does Simone know you have a rubber handy for your business trips? You think it will protect you? Whatever.

"Suck him up again, Paula. Let's get this on you. Stop resisting or I'll have Paula sit on you while I mount you bareback. She's got you so hard, you're going to stay that way for a while, especially once my pussy gets to work on your cock.

"There. It's on. You need to spend more on rubbers, Jerry. It's all dry and dusty. Now get ready for the cowgirl. Here we go!"

Jerry didn't resist anymore, and Prudence went to work on him. She rubbed her large, round breasts on his chest, licked his earlobes and caressed him as she watched his eyes.

As she saw his pleasure it got her excited and wet. She mounted him and began riding him hard. She gradually picked up the speed. He didn't seem to get more excited, but she did. She stopped and sat on him.

"I'm almost there, Paula. I've got to stop now before I go over the top. Help me."

She lay down on Jerry and pushed her hands under him until her arms wrapped around him tightly. With her efforts and Paula pushing at them, they managed to roll her and Jerry over so Jerry was on top of Prudence, who now held him with both her arms and legs.

"Now it's time for you to do the work, Jerry," Prudence said. "We're almost done. Paula will help you. Do you feel her stroking your balls?"

Paula grabbed Jerry's balls and gave them a little squeeze.

"There," Prudence said. "You felt that, didn't you? I can feel everything through you, Jerry. Time to start. If you don't, Paula is going to squeeze harder. If you keep resisting, you may not be able to make any of the babies you said you wanted. There, that got you going."

As Jerry began moving on Prudence, Paula let go of his testicles. She stuck a finger in her mouth and covered it with saliva and slowly pushed it into his anus. He tried to move away from the finger, but she followed him. She began moving the finger in and out of him, and in a couple of minutes, he came.

"Wow! You really came hard," said Prudence. "You almost had me coming, too, but not quite. You're taking a long time to get soft. If you weren't such a rat, I'd be excited, because I love it when a man can keep going."

Jerry finally got soft and fell out of Prudence. Paula took the rubber off him carefully and didn't spill a drop.

"Slide down my body, Jerry," Prudence told him. "If you need help from Paula squeezing your balls, she'll be glad to oblige. That's it. Now you can stop.

"You are so thoughtful to protect your wife from getting STDs. Now that your cock is out of me, you're in no danger."

Paula stopped him sliding when his face was in front of Prudence's pussy. Jerry stared as Paula pushed the condom inside Prudence and squeezed all of his come into her vagina.

"You can start now, Jerry," Prudence said. "Just focus on making me come and swallow your jism when you need to. I'll be patient."

At first Jerry gagged a few times when he tasted his semen. Each time the women let him recover. Then Paula's hand squeezing his testicles made him start again.

Prudence began responding to Jerry's tongue and her legs opened and closed over his head as she became more aroused. Paula stuck a finger inside of Jerry's ass again and again he wiggled to try and dislodge it, but she moved it with him. Prudence began sighing softly.

Paula removed her finger, reached into her purse, pulled out a tube of lubricant and squeezed some onto the finger. Then she inserted the finger again and began moving it in and out of Jerry. When she did, Jerry jerked and Prudence moaned. She was panting now.

Paula increased the pace with her finger, and Jerry found himself matching the pace with his tongue. This brought more sighs and moans from Prudence.

"Oh Jerry!" she said. "Why are you such a miserable low life? You are too good."

Then Jerry stopped and began choking and convulsing. Prudence had spasmed, and a bunch of his semen had come out of her and gone into his mouth. Before he could control himself, Paula stuck a second finger into his anus and then a third. He tried in vain to move his body away from her hand.

He stopped licking Prudence and raised his head and panted. His face was twisted as he tried to deal with Paula's assault on his ass. He felt Paula's hands tightening up around his testicles and began lickng Prudence again.

When he did that, Paula released his testicles, but at the same time pushed a fourth finger into his ass and began slowly moving the fingers in and out. Gradually she increased the speed. Jerry began moving his body frantically. At the same time, his mouth was working on Prudence and she came with loud sighs.

After Prudence calmed down, she took a deep breath and spoke in an officious voice.

"Have you figured out that this isn't about me and Paula, Jerry. It's about you and Simone. No, don't stop. I want to come again. Do you want Paula to squeeze your balls again?"

Paula put her five fingers together and pushed them inside of Jerry and pulled them out. After doing this a few times, she began slowly pushing them harder into him. Prudence's hands were around his head holding it against her vagina, smothering him with it.

He was in tremendous pain, but his moans were muffled. Finally, Paula's entire hand burst into his ass, and his body convulsed with the pain. Prudence let his head go.

"We're almost done, Jerry," Prudence said, almost gleefully. "Listen carefully. Paula is going to slowly pull her fist out of you as you get to work on me again with your tongue. Work hard, and I'm sure it won't take long until I come again. If I haven't by the time she pulls her fist out, she's going to push it back in again, and I'm sure you don't want that.

"When I recover, I'm going to milk you. I'll use both hands and pull your cock and balls hard while she inserts a finger and finds your prostate to stimulate you.

"I'll hold your cock so tight while I'm whacking you off that it will be rubbed raw by the time I finish. It'll hurt, but Paula's finger will push your magic button. We know how to do this so that we can ruin your orgasm. Your come will dribble out of you without giving you any release.

"After you've licked the come from my hand, we'll be done and get you dressed and out of here. When you get home, Simone has some blue pills for you that will keep you hard as a rock, even though sex is the last thing you'll want. She's going to ride you and have as many orgasms as she wants while she scrapes your raw penis until you're screaming and crying like a baby again.

"Since you've told us how much you love her, you'll be happy to know that she's willing to work everything out after your punishment is over."

Jerry's gasps and Prudence's sighs mingled as her ecstasy matched his agony while she and Paula did everything Prudence promised. When they finally finished with him, he was lying on the bed on his back crying. Prudence sat up and began talking again.

"I guess you understand now why you don't have to pay for sex with us, Jerry," she said. "Simone paid for it already. Your darling Simone knows you've been cheating, and she hired our agency to get the proof.

"We offer a unique service. We don't just spy on people, like other private detectives. High Fidelity Detection helps the guilty prove their guilt.

"You are such a good liar, that you had me going until we found the rubber in your wallet. Before that, your only crime was in agreeing to come up here. So your punishment might have just been licking your come out of my pussy.

"The rubber was the evidence that condemned you to the full treatment. Simone is going to get videos of everything. We have cameras set up all around the bed shooting from every angle.

"You can stop crying your fake tears now. You've already won the award for best actor in a cheating role. You're lucky you're a better liar than most of our clients.

"Some of them incriminate themselves so much that they get both of Paula's hands up their ass. You're got off lightly because you hid your real personality so well before we found the rubber.

"You don't deserve Simone, who spent money to prove what you are but isn't dumping you like she should. You're crying more than any man we've ever caught. You're just a whiny little sissy when it comes to facing the music."

Jerry had drawn his legs up to his body and was lying in the fetal position. He continued to sob. Prudence and Paula watched him for a few minutes.

"He's really gushing," Prudence said. "He might get dehydrated if he doesn't stop."

"Don't worry. I know what to do."

Paula went over to him and put one hand behind his head and gently lifted it until he was facing her as he cried and his body shook. She viciously slapped him across his face twice and then put her face inches from his and yelled.

"Snap out of it, Jerry. It's over. You're wasting your tears. Nothing else is going to happen until you get home. Let's get you dressed and to your room."

He didn't respond to her at all other than wincing when she slapped him. When she let go of him, he collapsed once more, and the sobbing continued.

The women looked at him for a while longer.

"Let me try something different," Prudence said.

Still naked, she sat down next to him on the bed and struggled to lift his head and upper body. She finally succeeded in pulling him to her. She placed his head on her ample breasts and began gently stroking his hair.

"It's all right, Jerry," she said in a soothing voice. "It's all over now, and when you go home it will be all over as soon as you make love to Simone. It will hurt a lot because your cock is bruised and raw.