Hi Honey...We Need To Talk

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My take on those famous words!
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 02/24/2023
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This is my first submission to Literotica.

Constructive criticism is welcome. Anonymous trolls will be ignored/blocked/insulted.

This story is in two parts, which are both written. Part 2 will be uploaded in a few days.

I had aimed for both parts to be around 3-4000 words each, but that plan went to shit.

Just remember, this is the internet, not the real world.


Part 1.


These are the words that strike fear into any spouse who hears them...Here is my story!!

I'm Jill Wheeler, 34 years old and have been married to my husband Tony for the last 8 years.

As a girl growing up in Texas, I was always a tomboy. Never liked dolls or tea parties. I wanted to play football and rope steers.

The problem with that was, I'm short and skinny. I never would have the bulk to do any of that successfully... Even with spending hours in the gym every week, I could never bulk up. One good outcome from all the gym work was that I have very strong upper body and leg muscles. I guess luckily for me, I didn't look like a bodybuilder.

Thankfully, my parents passed on good genes, so I had an easy time through school. I was always in the top 5% of students. Luckily, my Grandparents had started a college fund for me when I was born, so there was enough money that I could choose which college I wanted.

Not wanting to be too far from home, I chose a degree in Sports Medicine at the University of Texas at Austin. However, when one of my girlfriends who I grew up with, was raped at a frat party, and the assholes walked away without any punishment, I was determined to make a difference in the world, and switched to a degree in Criminal Justice. I wanted to be the one to arrest bastards like this and put them away.

I graduated second in my class and after the ceremony, one of my Professors gave me a note with a name and phone number written on it. He suggested I should call them in the morning if I really wanted to make a difference. So I did.

It turns out, he was a recruitment officer for the FBI who my Professor had known for a number of years. With his recommendation, I was accepted into their training program. One thing in my favor was I had kept up my gym work all through college. I had also added self defense classes. If anyone wanted to attack me, it would cost them a lot of pain!! The first time we had a physical training class, the instructor took one look at me and smirked. Here was this 5ft 3inch, 105lb skinny girl wanting to be a "Big bad FBI agent". After I had body slammed him and dislocated his shoulder within 8 seconds, he wasn't smirking anymore.

So here I was, 24 years old and a junior FBI agent. I was partnered with Frank, who has been a senior agent for 5 years. My first case was where a large haul of drugs was found in a vehicle after an accident. The driver had died, which left us with no leads. With nearly $100,000 of drugs in the van, I knew it was a serious case. While I searched the van, I bumped the GPS which lit up, showing the destination of the drugs. Thinking quickly, I told Frank my plan to obtain a similar van and load it with a team of heavily armed agents, then drive straight into warehouse the gang were using and arrest them all before they knew what hit them.

Frank thought I had lost my mind. He said words such as 'suicidal', 'madness', 'outright ballsy', 'might just work'. I just said " It's the last thing they would ever expect". So Frank contacted Jack, our local area Director. He had exactly the same thoughts as Frank. He said "Yes" anyway!! While our van was being organized, Jack sent a couple of agents to gather whatever intel they could.

Our intel told us there were 8 known gang members in the warehouse, but possibly could be 10. We have what we called the "A Team". A team of 6 ex Special Forces guys who would usually be the ones on this call. However, 2 of them were on another assignment. We knew 5 would not be enough, 4 from the "A Team" and a driver. This being my plan, there was no way I was not going with them. After a lot of arguing, Jack made a phone call then reluctantly agreed, but only if Frank went along too.

As we loaded into the van, Jack came to wish us luck. He looked at me and said "Make sure you keep your head down. I want you back here in one piece!". He then looked at Frank with a serious expression, gave him a nod and a wink and said "Make sure she returns intact!". Everyone in the van knew he was very serious. While we were enroute we planned our attack. There would be 4 agents outside to cover the rear while we either gently drove or violently smashed our way in. Once inside, 2 of the A Team would slip out of the rear van doors. As we got further in, the other 2 A Team guys would slip out the side doors. When the van got as close to the middle of the warehouse as it could, Frank & the driver would exit the front doors. Apparently it was my job to 'guard' the van.

When we arrived at the warehouse, the front door was wide open, so we just drove in like we belonged there. The 4 A Team guys slipped out un-noticed as planned. When the van stopped, 6 gang members came over to start unloading. Frank & our driver exited with weapons drawn and yelled "FBI, you're all under arrest!" 2 more gang members came out of the office with guns pointed in our direction and froze as the A Team came out of the shadows, then moved forward to cover them as Frank and the other agents handcuffed the gang and read them their rights.

I was sitting in the back of the van feeling a bit let down, because I was expecting some action. Not even one gunshot was fired!!

All of a sudden, we all heard the retort of an extremely high powered rifle coming from outside the front door. Everyone dropped and started scrambling for cover. The A Team made their way toward the front of the building, looking to find where the shot came from. As they passed the van, they looked in on me. I was covered in blood. They had a look of terror on their faces. I was in shock. All I could do was point to the back of the van where the headless body of a gang member was slumped. Beside him was an Uzi machine pistol.

We called in to Jack and he had a helicopter sweep all the roof tops where the shot could have come from. An hour later, we were given the all clear. Later that evening, as Frank and I were writing our reports, I looked over to him and said "What the fuck happened today?" He said "Well, we took an outrageous plan that in normal circumstances should never have worked and used it to our advantage.

We busted a major drug supply chain without firing a single shot and none of our agents were hurt. I would say we had a very successful day". I said "That's not what I mean and you know it!" He replied "How do you explain the unexplainable? No-one knows where that shot came from or who made it. Obviously, whoever it was is on our side. No matter what else you think, the world is not 'black and white'. There are many shades of grey. My years in this job have taught me there are some things that are better left unsaid. I asked him "How do you know 'they' are on 'our side'?" All he said was "We're still alive aren't we??"

Two months later, Frank and I were called into Jacks office. As we entered, Jack rose and walked around the front of his desk, and shook both our hands and said "Congratulations to you both. I have here official commendations for the two of you regarding your drug bust. I also have a special commendation for you Jill, for your initiative in quickly devising a successful plan to take advantage of information you received. Oh!, Jill, I nearly forgot. You are now a senior agent."

Nobody could wipe the smile off my face for a week!!


For the next 3 months, my work and private lives seemed rather quiet. Don't get me wrong. Work was busy, but not with the excitement of a major drug bust. We had the usual enquiries from other offices and the general public to deal with. Frank and I were still following leads we received from our bust. Some of those were looking promising!

When it came to my personal life, well, I didn't have one. I was never one to drink to excess. So I didn't spend time in bars. When one of my friends from college turned 25, I was dragged along to help her celebrate. I still think I was included as 'security' because the girls knew I would stay sober and could look after them.

During the night, I had only one alcoholic drink, then switched to club soda. All the other girls were kept busy dancing most of the night. Although I was asked a number of times, I kept refusing because the guys were drunk or very close to it. Around about 11pm, yet another guy asked me to dance. He was just an average guy. Around 5ft 10inch tall. What looked like a small belly and wearing simple glasses. Two of his outstanding features were he was polite and he was sober. So I took a chance and said yes. We had a number of dances, and I actually enjoyed myself. I invited him back to our table where he stayed for the rest of the night. Before we left he and I exchanged numbers with his promise to call me during the week to arrange a date at a quieter place.

That date was a success. I learnt that when Tony finished high school, there was no money for college, so he joined the army with the plan of using the G.I. bill to further his education when his enlistment finished. He found he was learning a lot about a variety of different things, and when his first enlistment ended, he signed up for a second. When he was half way through his second stint, there was a vehicle accident where he was injured. After 8 months of re-hab, the army decided he was unfit to continue with his duties and gave him a Medical Discharge. While he was in the army, he found he had a knack for numbers, so he used his G.I. benefits to enroll in college and obtain a degree in accounting. He had a very successful practice, and at 29 years old, with 6 people working for him, he was in a comfortable financial position.


We dated exclusively over the next year. We couldn't always align our schedules, what with my sometimes erratic hours, governed by the case loads Frank and I had. There were also times Tony had to go out of town to pacify some of his clients as well.

During this time, Tony had met my partner Frank and his wife Debbie. They had twin 6 year old girls. Tony had also met my boss Jack when Frank and Debbie had the girls birthday party at their place one weekend. They all seemed to get along very well with each other, which helped me relax a bit as I was a little worried that Tony might have a small amount of jealousy about me working closely with males.

Similarly, I had met a couple of Tony's coworkers at a birthday party for the eldest son of his office manager, Louise. She is a widow with two teenage boys, 15 and 13. She is a very attractive 38 year old woman who could easily pass as being in her late 20's. I know the 'green eyed monster' showed in my eyes when I saw the look of adoration she gave my Tony whenever she looked his way. Did I just think "My Tony"??!! I know Tony saw that look in my eyes, but he just let it pass without any comment. We were going to talk on the way home!!

I also met Billy. He is Tony's 'IT' guru. His look just screamed "GEEK". All the way from his long unkempt hair, down to his thick glasses, his 'Star Trek' t-shirt with his 'Star Wars' shorts and his 'Shrek' runners on his feet. He is 24 years old with a degree from MIT, over 6ft tall and lucky if he weighed 120lb. The thing about him though, is he has an outrageous sense of humor. Everyone had such a great time, that on our trip home, I had forgotten why I seemed upset at Tony earlier.

It was about 3 months after that party, when I received an anonymous email that came to my personal email address. Whoever sent this, called themselves SHADO and said they were a small group who all had a personal interest in seeing the drug trade wiped out, but they were not in a position to act, therefore asking for my help.

They told me, I had first come to their notice 11 months ago when Frank and I had raided the warehouse and successfully stopped one of the inroads the cartels had into this country. While I enjoyed the praise, I was still an FBI agent and suspicion was forefront in my mind.

That night I voiced my concerns to Tony and he said I should tell Jack immediately. So I called him and set a meeting for Frank and I at 8am in Jacks office. When we arrived, Jack already had one of our technicians waiting, so I handed over my laptop and wrote down the password to my email. Our tech guy then hurried off to the lab to see if he could find where the email came from. Meanwhile, Frank and I started going over our cases in the last 11 months.


We had some minor wins over the drug trade during that time. Mostly just locals trying to make a few bucks. Along with the local police, we did take down some smaller gangs who thought they could muscle their way into the scene to replace those we arrested.

It seemed to us, that they watched too many Hollywood movies about how gangs operate. Amateurish would be an understatement. Slapstick comedy would be closer to the mark. They could have learnt something from the Three Stooges. But hey!! They made Frank and I look really good.

Every so often, Frank would surprise me with flashes of brilliance. He had been in this game 8 years longer than I had, and kept many little tricks up his sleeve. He would show them whenever they were appropriate. I always thought he was a bit of a dinosaur when it came to computers. However one morning, Frank showed up with a laptop as well as a 16tb hard drive. On this laptop he had loaded a program, that by simply scanning documents, it would search for key words and phrases. It would then collate that information into place names, streets, highway and local route numbers, as well as the names of people and businesses.

From that information, it would then calculate the most likely routes and times that a shipment would be made. It could also give a list of people and businesses who should be watched. It only took us one day to upload all the information we had. Then we let it run and hoped for the best.


For the next few months after the party for Louise's son, I thought more and more about what I wanted going forward. I wanted to be married and still have my career with the FBI. Unfortunately, or not, I was unable to have children due to an injury I suffered when I was kicked by a horse when I was 13.

One night while we were lying in bed, I asked Tony how he saw his future. He told me he wanted to be married to the love of his life, grow old with her and retire to the beach. He then proceeded to get out of bed, drop to one knee, and asked me to marry him. I started crying immediately and reminded him I couldn't give him any children. He reminded me that he knew that, but also nowhere in his previous statement were children mentioned. I then said I wanted to continue with the FBI. He said that was better than me sitting in the country club drinking wine with the girls every day. With that, I burst out laughing and said YES!

A few moments later, I suddenly realized that Tony had never met my parents. My Mom and Dad had retired to the west coast not long after I graduated college and started training with the FBI. It was now the end of October, so Tony suggested we go to their place for Thanksgiving. This made me very nervous. I had never introduced a guy to Mom and Dad before. Although I called them regularly, they didn't even know I was dating Tony.

So Tony made the call and put it on speaker. He introduced himself and we proceeded to have a four way conversation. I don't know why I had been so worried about telling them about Tony and I. Within 10 minutes, they were almost begging us to come for the holiday.

I was an only child, so when we arrived, Tony instantly became the son Mom and Dad never had. Tony never made a big deal about it, so I never felt put out. A couple of my old school friends appeared from nowhere and after the introductions were made, Tony told them to take me out to catch up, while he got better acquainted with my parents.

My best friend from Junior High was Jenny. She was one of the busty cheerleaders through school. After a couple of drinks, her filter was turned down, so she said to me, "You're a good looking girl for someone with no boobs. I'm sure you could have done a bit better for yourself." It was at that moment I realized maybe I could have someone better looking, but could anyone be a better person for me?? I'm sure the answer to that question was no!

When the girls and I returned, there were 8 extra cars in the driveway. We were still 3 days from Thanksgiving, so my first thought was something very bad had happened. I was out of the car before it stopped. As I threw the door open, all I could see was Tony with tears streaming down his face. My heart was just about to break for him when I heard the laughter of about 25 people as my Dad recounted one of my tales of misadventure from my childhood. It took nearly 20 minutes before that bastard Tony could have a conversation without breaking out with laughter.

In the 3 or so hours I spent catching up with my girlfriends, my parents, along with my aunts and cousins had basically organized our wedding. All I had to really do was select the date and pick out a dress. Which suited me just fine. I would have been happy at the registry office.

I never wanted to be a typical June bride, so I decided it would be sometime in April. It would be warm enough in Texas then. I just had to check with Jack to clear the time off. We had already decided to have the wedding at Tony's property where we both lived.

When we returned from our week with my parents, I spoke with Jack and he had no problem giving me the time off. Then he offered me his warmest congratulations on our upcoming nuptials. It was the first time I had seen a proper smile on his face.


For the last month, Frank's laptop had been ticking away analyzing all the information we had. It came up with over 100 different possibility's. Frank knew that was way too many to check them all, so on a whim, he mixed it all up and fed it back into the scanner.

Two days after Xmas, as I walked into work, Frank strolled into our office with 2 sheets of paper. On each one was printed likely routes and drop off points for two drug shipments. The program suggested they would take place on consecutive days, in about 4 weeks time. The first shipment was headed to the east side of the city and the second was going to the north side.

So we went and talked to Jack. He asked for our suggestions. Frank wanted to move on the first delivery by setting up the A Team, along with another 8-10 agents and rush the front door when it was opened to allow the delivery in. Frank added that if we could keep it all under wraps, the cartel would still send the second shipment and there was a good chance we could get that as well. Jack thought it would quite probably have a good chance of success, with the element of surprise on our side.

I thought differently. I asked Frank if he was 100% sure the computer prediction was correct. He said he would be 85% sure. I asked Jack if that was an acceptable risk? He said that normally it would be in an operation like this. He then looked me in the eyes and asked me if I had another of my weird ideas. I just smiled. He told me to spill it.

I said, if we were to hang back and just observe for the first delivery, and it occurred as predicted, then we would be more like 95% sure of an outcome in our favor. Frank commented that by doing that, we would be allowing a shipment of drugs onto the streets. I replied that there was no way they could start moving any of that shipment in less than 36 hours. So by leaving that alone, the cartel would believe they succeeded and send the second shipment. If we involved local law enforcement to keep the first shipment under surveillance and pick that up later. We could then use the same M/O we used 12 months earlier. I strongly doubted they would expect that again. And we still maintained the element of surprise.