Hide and Seek Pt. 02


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It was funny seeing the girls carrying little naked Charlotte to him. She was wriggling.

Matthew could not get over how young she looked, yet she was the oldest. A hairless sex - but she shaved she said - and awfully small breasts. Not much more than mounds really despite those big brown areolas. He had not sucked them yet - he was looking forward to that. But her sex had felt mature enough. His penis had been inside her - gone easily in. And she said she had a boyfriend and, given the Pill, was clearly used to having the male member inserted - or so she claimed.

As he watched the girls he recalled his penis having been inside all of them. If this went on long enough - and he went for the snip - he would have the opportunity of freely coming in each of them. It certainly looked that way. They did really seem to be enjoying the hide and seek games and the sex. If Charlotte was, indeed, on the Pill then he could come in her that very morning but that did not mean he could not perhaps as well have the chance of entering all four again that morning - just for a few strokes. That would be amazing. Four teenagers in a row!

"Let me go. Let me go. He hasn't caught me!"

That was not strictly true. Matthew had certainly caught her earlier. It might have been by the girl's design but he had certainly caught her and not simply by a tap to the shoulder.

It seemed the girls were a bit used to doing what they were told and dropped her which gave Matthew another opportunity to chase after one of the girls but this time, and like the other day, both naked. A nice little run across the lawn and up the patio steps but he caught her there. Arms around the little wriggling thing. Lovely to feel her naked flesh against his, she wriggling still to get away.

"Fucking's one thing but I don't want to be smacked. Leave my bottom alone."

It seemed as if she really had had every intention of not being caught. It was probably lucky the girls had gone for her or he might have been hunting still.

Matthew took Charlotte at her word. She was not heavy, it was easy enough to lift her up under her arms from her front and, given her legs were moving, indeed wriggling to get away, it was actually just as easy to get between them and then drop her down on his erection. Long experience of women - well Sarah anyway - meant he did not miss his target. Letting her down a little he simply slipped up into her.

"Got you!"

The girl was nicely 'speared.' There right in front of the patio windows, in full view of house and garden, in the sunshine Matthew Stamford was fucking a teenage girl. He hugged Charlotte to him squashing her against his chest. He was by far the stronger. She could not escape.

Slowly he walked back to the other girls. Walking down the steps was something needing great care given what he was doing and carrying. It would not do to trip and have them both falling. Taking care certainly, but so conscious of the lovely feelings both the walking and particularly going down the steps had in moving his embedded penis.

"Mr Stamford! Charlotte!"

The girls had seen, indeed were crouching to get a better look - anxious to see what it looked like when a man and woman were joined. And of course from underneath it was all so very visible. Pudenda wide, the penis shaft clasped by the vaginal opening and the balls freely swinging.

"We can see your bottom hole, Charlotte." The girls laughed. "But your other hole seems a bit filled!"

Matthew's hands were on Charlotte's bottom cheeks and he pulled them apart making the other orifice just that much more visible before he began a little thrusting in earnest: not just the movement from walking towards the girls but the real motion of fucking. The shaft moving within the encircling flesh.

"Oooh," went Emma.

Matthew thought they would probably like to see him actually cum. See the semen perhaps appear all sort of frothy around his penis as it thrust in and out of the young girl's vagina.

"Mr Stamford. Please don't come yet. Can't we all have a try first. I know I'd like to." It was Vickie but the other girls nodded. Matthew lifted Charlotte up and off. She looked a bit disappointed.

"Where?" Asked Matthew looking around. Were they going to line up on the lawn. He had a lovely vision of them all bending over in a row and holding their ankles, as if for leap frog, and waiting for him. Leap frog actually would be amusing. Leaping all four girls and then coming back around and fucking them one by one. He was about to suggest it when Vickie said,

"Let's go to my old tree house, we could all get in there."

They were all looking at his upstanding penis, firm and very wet from Charlotte. It was still just so amazing talking to these young girls whilst being like that.

At the end of the garden Vickie's father had many years ago built a really good tree house with walls, doorway, window and even a roof perhaps ten foot off the ground. A rope ladder led up to it.

"I'd better go up first," said Matthew.

"Why," said Vickie, "it's my tree house."

"Well it's like on board ship. Men go first so they don't look up the ladies' skirts|!"

"We don't mind."

"You've got jeans on Vickie."

"I've got nothing on," said Charlotte and started climbing.

They could, of course, see rather more than you would simply up a skirt!

Matthew made to go next.

"Oh no," said Vickie, "You two might be at it before we got there. Charlotte has you last."

Up went Emma - a really nice view up her dress!

Up went Morgan - an even nicer view up her skirt as she had not put her yellow panties back on! You really could see an awful lot from below! And Matthew liked what he saw.

Up went Vickie and last ascended Matthew.

A rope ladder is not the easiest thing to climb as it swings and moreover if you climb naked and erect then you will find your erection gets caught on the rungs! One of those useful practical tips to file away for the future.

It also made Matthew feel awfully exposed. He was indeed visible to more than one garden but he saw no one. No one looking and seeing the surprising sight of a naked, middle aged man climbing a rope ladder with an erection. Not the sort of sight you see every day.

The tree house was not large and it was all rather a squash but that was hardly a worry to Matthew not least when Charlotte said, "right girls, clothes off." There were elbows and knees poking him and other bits beside as the girls stripped. It was close, personal and a bit animal in the confines of the tree house. Animal like in them all being a little damp and sweaty. Matthew put his arms around Emma and Morgan's shoulders as he sat there, legs slightly bent with his back against a wooden wall. Fantastic. Breasts, bottoms, triangles of fur of naked girls all around him.

"Right," said Charlotte, "everyone is to come one way or another so come on girls, fingers ready."

Matthew was tempted to ask if they had done such a thing before. Communal masturbation. It made him think. He filed the thought away for another day - another day when he was on his own and wanted something 'interesting' to think about. Lovely to see the girls hands drop and begin 'diddling.' Slowly he moved the foreskin on his erect penis as he watched. They were all watching him. It certainly was communal masturbation - four girls and a man all at work!

"Who wants to be first - or shall I just say?" Charlotte's eyes looked around the little hut.

Were they shy, nervous - but they had all experienced Matthew's penis before - or simply wanted to be closer to coming first before they felt him but none of the girls spoke.

"There's not exactly any hurry," said Matthew. He was more than happy to watch. Perhaps it would be better if he left his penis alone. It would not do to work it too far...

Perhaps not surprisingly as soon as he removed his hand it was replaced by another - two actually! Both Morgan and Emma reached out their spare hands towards him and he found himself clasped by two separate girls.

"Emma can be first," said Charlotte.

A rearrangement of girls. Matthew was typical of the male in rather liking seeing the girls touching each other - not deliberately but inevitably it happened in the confined space as they moved. There really was not a lot of room. He wondered if the girls had ever... but why should they have? They all seemed more than a little interested in men. He dared not ask for fear of a scandalised rebuff. But like any man he would like to have seen them touching each other sexually - kissing and 'other things.' He was being greedy. Just being naked with them was more than enough!

And then there was Emma, moved over to him, hovering with her mane of bright red hair falling over her shoulders and her head towards him, her little cone shaped breasts above him and her wonderful copper triangle poised over his erection as her thighs straddled him.

She was looking at him, a big grin on her face. She licked her lips.

"You ready, Emma, wet enough?"

"Oh yes, Mr Stamford, no question."

Morgan was holding him, holding him ready.

"Down you go then."

Nothing for Matthew to do. Morgan was ensuring connection and Emma was lowering herself. As he felt his knob touch her sex he bit his lip and widened his eyes. It was lovely. And Emma was doing just the same - suddenly wide eyed at the touch and, yes, biting her lip,

Slowly the girl descended until she was sitting on his lap. Matthew's cock once more right up inside her.

"Ten strokes only Emma. Then it's Vickie's turn."

Emma did not hurry. She did not even move for a bit and then went very slowly, savouring the feeling and she diddled as she rode. Matthew watching as her fingers twirled in her copper curls. Wonderful to see. And as she rose up and down on the penis the other girls counted, "One, two, three, four..."

Emma came at eight. There was no mistaking what was happening to the girl. The lovely screwed up face, the slamming down onto Matthew, the rapid finger movements and the rush of wetness. Matthew almost came himself at the sheer sexuality of it. And there would have been nothing he could have done to get away from Emma - not with the force of her thighs pressing him into her - his semen would have come flooding up his shaft and splashed all around her cervix. Warmly coating it and then the swimming would have started! He was playing a dangerous game. So, of course, was she. More dangerous really.

"Two more Emma."

Up and down she went twice more, then fell off and let Vickie take her place.

Vickie took hold of his erection, "You've left this all a bit wet and slippery Emma. I'm not sure I want all your gloop inside me!"

That was what she said. The reality seemed rather different as she did not hesitate at all in pushing herself down on Matthew. Between her open legs her clitoris was standing and obvious, bigger than Emma's, above him her breasts moving. Matthew reached and held.

"One..." the girls were counting again.

"I don't think I can come as easily as Emma."

"You are to come on ten, Vickie, we expect that!" Charlotte speaking.

Up and down she went. Her fingers playing, and playing hard. She did indeed come as the girls said "ten" or at least pretended to. Matthew smiled. Were faked orgasms as natural to women as, well, all the other odd things they did? Had she or hadn't she - he could not tell.

"My turn," said Morgan. She was the biggest girl in the hut. Lovely to see her strong thighs moving to set themselves over Matthew; lovely to see the dark curls between her thighs. She was looking just as fuckable as when he had watched them from below climbing up into the tree house. Wonderful to know he was about to do just that.

"It's a pity we didn't bring a condom like yesterday." It was Vickie.

"What!" Said at least two of the girls in unison. "Did you? Vickie, you didn't say."

"Yeah - we did: Mr Stamford and I fucked the whole way. Didn't we? It was fun - sex, sex, sex!"

"Not really properly, though, like we are going to do after Morgie has her turn." Charlotte's one-upmanship!

"No, Charlotte, yeah, we know. You've got a boyfriend and are on the Pill." The other girls said in unison.

"Wait a moment or two Morgan please," said Matthew, "this is all very exciting for me and I don't want to... um... come too soon."

"No," said Charlotte, "you don't, that's mine!"

Actually having a young, dark haired, girl hanging over you ready to impale herself on your exposed erection is quite, no, very stimulating in itself without any touching at all! Just like Emma, she was looking him in the face and grinning. Her fingers were already working herself. All of a sudden her eyelids fluttered.

"Oh, I think I'm going to... please... in me." Her hand grasped his cock and down she came hard with a gasp. Clearly hanging over Matthew and the prospect of intercourse had been just as exciting for her. She only managed five rapid strokes before she collapsed on Matthew, squashing her breasts against him, gasping as her body shuddered and then she lay still.

Matthew breathed out. He was not sure he could have stayed the course of ten such hard and rapid strokes!

The couple lay still for a time and then Morgan got off. Once more the firm erection left a vagina. A third one - as Matthew was just so conscious; he had fucked four young girls already that day and now he was going to fuck one of them again and the whole way!

"You've only used up five," said Charlotte.

"I'll save them for another time," replied Morgan.

"Any time!" Laughed Matthew. "Any time. More if no one else knows!"

"Right Mr Stamford," said Charlotte, "I want to be fucked properly now not like these little girls - and I expect to see you dripping when you come out. This is a fuck to the finish and," she looked significantly at the other girls, "nothing between us!"

Not riding cowgirl but instead Matthew on top of her. For the third time Matthew felt Charlotte's hairless sex; his hand on her tiny breasts, little more than a man's; up came her legs to lock over his back and then they fucked - and it was more than ten strokes! The girls were counting!

In and out, Matthew's experienced penis working the young girl. Lovely to hear her sigh, "oh yes, you've done it." and know he was then free to come.

He started to come at twenty-seven. But it was another ten before he stopped!

"Have you done it. Really done it?" It was Emma's voice.

Matthew and Charlotte were breathing heavily. They had done it all right!

Matthew rolled aside off Charlotte onto Emma and Morgan - there really was not much room - his penis slipping out. It was wet and betraying signs of ejaculate. It had very clearly just engaged in coitus.

"Yes," said Matthew, "really and properly - look, see!"

Charlotte's thighs were open and, between them, swollen with sexual excitement, her labia showed clearly, un-obscured by any soft curls; an open labia showing anatomically just how a girl was made - the cleft of Venus, naked of hair, dropping to the clitoral hood, the little raised man itself, her pee hole and then her vagina. Recently dilated it was clearly an open way into her body and from it was running the evidence: a little white cream.

The three girls were staring, staring at their friend's sex. Emma's finger reaching out to touch; to touch the creamy semen - it stuck to her finger when she drew it away.

"You look really fucked, Charlie," said Vickie.

"Mmmm, I feel really fucked," said Charlotte, "I feel..."

Matthew and the girls did not get to hear what else Charlotte felt for, from down below the tree house, came,

"Vickie - are you up there?"

Everyone froze. In the little tree house five naked people were looking at each other. Charlotte closed her thighs instinctively but Matthew could not so easily hide the evidence of what he had just been doing. His pubic hair damp and matted, his penis wet with girl juice, his urethra leaking semen and his penis having that post orgasmic slightly spongy look and, all in all, no doubt, smelling of fresh young girl - four in fact.

Vickie took the lead. It was her mother after all.

"Yeah, Mum we're all up here like the old days. You're not meant to be back yet."

"Well, I am. Do you girls want some tea?"

"Yeah, please. We'd like that... and cake?"

"Well, come on down - it's on the table on the patio. I'm not bringing it up to you there. I'm not climbing up that ladder."

Phew! That would have been a really bad plan!

Vickie popped her head out, "In a moment, Mum."

Three girls dressed at speed. Not an option for Charlotte let alone Matthew.

Vickie was first out and climbing down the ladder.

"What have you been doing up there?"

"Oh, nothing Mum, just chatting away and stuff. You know."

"Too hot in this weather. Look at you all flushed and bothered looking. You must have got all hot and steamed up in that tiny space. Silly girls. Not room for you all at your age. Your'e not little girls anymore. You should be doing big girls things." Jane's voice getting quieter as she walked away.

Morgan and Emma went down the ladder. Big grins as they looked back.

Lucky Jane had walked away otherwise she might have commented at the lack of panties. In their hurry underclothes had been left behind in the tree house.

"Where's Charlotte. Is she coming?" Jane's voice came from further up the garden.

"I've been. I came!" whispered the girl in Matthew's ear. Her breath all warm.

"Charlotte?" said Vickie in the distance, "um, she had to go home."

"Where are your clothes?" whispered Matthew.

"In the house."

"Not helpful really."

Matthew realised Jane Royston had actually been in the garden whilst he was fucking Charlotte, had been looking for them whilst he had been playing in the tree house naked with her daughter and friends. She might easily have walked under the tree house earlier not realising they were there perhaps even when Matthew had been fucking her daughter. Perhaps unlikely with the sound of the counting.

Jane could so easily have come home earlier and found him running naked in rather a manly way across her lawn chasing one or more of the girls. The consequences were not an attractive thing to think about - he could not imagine Sarah not being told. It was perhaps unlikely Sarah would be terribly sympathetic,

The problem remained of getting back over the fence with Jane present in the garden: moreover he would have to do that naked as his clothes were still in his bedroom where he had left them. It was a long way back - naked.

"You'd better come home with me and we can see what we can find you. Then I could drive you home, I suppose, but first we need to get back to my side of the fence. Is the coast clear?"

He thought the apple tree was not visible from the patio where Jane Royston and the rest would all be having tea but it was, by no means, going to be easy leaving the safety of the tree house, climbing down and quietly sneaking across the garden. Not only naked but with an equally naked teenager both betraying the signs of recent intercourse.

There was no sign of anyone else particularly Jane Royston. Quickly Matthew and Charlotte descended. Quietly they moved in the direction of the apple tree, crouching and keeping a look out for anyone. A bit nerve racking. At least Matthew was not erect - the state he had been in most of the time when walking or running around the garden earlier! They went hand in hand like two naughty schoolgirls - only Matthew was very obviously not that - both in age and sex!

There on the grass, by a bench, the yellow panties, Morgan's yellow panties. It would not do for Jane to come across them. Matthew picked them up.

A relief to reach the tree. He lifted Charlotte up and made to follow her but he heard voices. His head turned towards the sound. Were the voices coming closer? Was he going to have to retreat? It seemed not, but it would just not do to be caught climbing or on the tree. Naked as he was he could not make any excuse about pruning it or something. He walked a little towards the voices and through a gap in the bushes he could just see across the lawn all was well. There were his three young friends sitting with Vickie's mother and taking tea. He smiled recalling he had just been fucking all of those girls and moreover he had Morgan's panties in his hand. She had nothing on under that skirt, nothing there except her lovely curly black haired sex naked and no doubt still wet. He hoped someday he would feel her strong thighs clasping him as he took her all the way.