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"Ash, this is Momma Tom. Ma, this is Ashley, she's riding with me a while," Cody said with a slightly embarrassed look to Ash.

"Nice to met you ma'am," Ashley said, remembering her manners.

"You too child. Hope you know what you're getting yourself into, this one is a heart breaker," she said.

"Don't start that," Cody said, going red from her open shirt to her ears.

"What'll ya have?" the woman asked, apparently deciding not to rib Cody anymore.

"Steak and a bath," Cody said.

"And you?" she asked Ashley.

"I don't know."

"House special then," the woman said, smiling in a very friendly way that put Ashley at ease immediately.

"You know where the house is, mind you don't scare Brutus," she said to Cody, before heading back to the kitchen.

"Brutus," Cody mouthed, rolling her eyes.

Rita and Donny both suppressed laughs as Cody made her way out the back door.

"Brutus?" Ashley said.

"Ma Tom's boy got to worrying about her, when he hit the road, so he got her a pit bull. Named him Brutus. Turned out to be the most scaredy-cat dog ever. If he hears a loud noise he pisses the carpet and runs for cover," Donny said.

"Donny, you better not be picking on my Brutus," Ma Tom called from the kitchen.

"Oh," Ash replied, suppressing a grin when he winked at her.

Several of the patrons laughed and Ashley decided Brutus must be a running joke. She really liked the little place; it was run down, but it seemed homey and comfortable.

"All right, I've been good, what's she like in the sack?" Rita said.

Her eyes were glittering and Ashley noticed her nipples were making tents in her top.

"Damn woman!" Donny exclaimed.

"Oh shush, eat your dinner and stay out of it, this is girl talk," she retorted.

"Rita," he said seriously.

"Oh fine," she pouted.

"I apologize Miss. Rita isn't used to normal folks," he said.

"It's all right," Ash said, barely suppressing a grin when Rita stuck her tongue out at him.

They sat in silence for a minute or two, before Rita spoke up.

"Don, don't you need to go check that condenser?"

"Jesus H. Christ! All right, All right, I'll go so you two can talk about sex!" he exclaimed, but there was no rancor in his voice.

He stood melodramatically and marched out of the diner, but not before giving Ashley a friendly wink.

"I love that man," Rita said with a smile.

"He seems to be one of the good ones," Ashley said.

"Oh, he is. Mark my words. He's steady and loving and everything my first husband wasn't. But right now, I want the low down on Dutch."

Ashley blushed and Rita leaned across the table.

"I'm sorry, not trying to make you nervous. It's just that she has never slept with anyone I know and I'm so curious. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"She's awesome. I came four times the first time and I'm dying for more," Ashley enthused, surprising herself.

"Lucky dog!"

"I think you could find out if you wanted," Ashley said.

Rita laughed and sat back, taking a swallow of her tea.

"I doubt it. Donny wouldn't mind, he thinks the world of her, but I don't think Dutch would. She's got a strong streak of honor in her and she's mule stubborn when she wants to be."

"She's a strange woman," Ashley said tentatively.

"Strange?" Rita said with a pensive frown, "Yes, I guess she is. At least until you really get to know her. She's smarter than she lets on and a lot more thoughtful than most people see. She's very guarded with her feelings, but I can tell she's sweet on you, and not just the, I want to get in her pants kinda sweet either."

"I'm starting to see there's a lot more to her than meets the eye," Ashley volunteered.

"Yeah. She grew up hard and it's been no picnic for her even after she left home. She's just now seeing the rewards for all her work. Don't hurt her. I'll personally look you up and kick your ass if you do."

Rather than be offended by the threat, Ashley found it endearing.

"I'm not out to hurt anyone," she said, taking Rita's hand.

"What are you out for?"

"I don't know really. I'm new to this. Really new."

"Be careful of her feelings. She's obviously fallen for you."

"Jesus Rita, are you threatening her already?" Cody asked, surprising them both. "Nope. She was just giving me the low down. I'll have to catch you next time Donny takes a vacation," Rita said, quickly.

"You say that every time we're together and I still haven't so much as sniffed that pussy," Cody replied, sliding into the seat next to Ashley.

Cody had changed into a good pair of jeans and a black western shirt with pearl buttons. She looked good in it, handsome, in a strange kind of way that sent tendrils of excitement through Ash's body.

"Come on back to the ladies room, I'll let you do more than sniff it."

"Damn. Donny, control your woman!" Cody exclaimed as Donny slid into the seat next to Rita.

"An old fellow like me?" he said sourly.

Cody burst out laughing and Rita punched his shoulder. The rest of the evening passed with the banter kept up and the sexual innuendo getting thicker with each beer Rita consumed. Finally, Donny put his arm around her and gently pushed her out of the booth.

"Come on woman," he said simply.

Ashley expected a protest, but Rita just smiled and hugged them both.

"You two take care. Will we see you at the Depot?" she asked Cody.

"Doubtful. Unless y'all are staying an extra day or two in Diego?"

"Three day weekend. We gotta use our time share or we loose it," Donny replied.

"Might then."

"Night Dutch. Night Miss. Come on woman."

"Hope you took your Viagra," Cody said with a wink.

"Good night," Ash called to their backs.

"Guess we better go too," Cody said, somewhat awkwardly.

"Okay," Ashley replied.

They said good night to Momma Tom and headed out to the lot. There were only three trucks there and she guessed the long nosed freightliner was Rita and Donny's.

Once they climbed into the cab, Cody yawned conspicuously.

"Well, guess we better hit the sack."



"If you think you're going to sleep on me again, you're in for a rude awakening," Ash said seriously.

The tall woman laughed and wrapped her arms around Ashley. She hugged her tightly and very gently kissed her.

"Let me beg off one more night sugar. It's not that I don't wanna make out, it's just that I'm still running behind and we gotta make Memphis by five o'clock tomorrow."


"I'm loaded now, but if I don't make it to the warehouse before they close, I'll have to drop my trailer in the yard. I don't fancy deadheading across half the country, but I have a regular load from Diego that I can't fuck up, so if we miss them, it means no load."

"All right, but I'm going nuts." Ashley said.

She was unable to keep the disappointment from her voice and Cody kissed her again.

"I'll make it up to you sweetheart, promise."


By the time they reached Memphis, Ashley was going insane. She had never been so horny or so ready for sex. Cody had teased her all the way across the state and she was just dying for the tall woman's touch. She had come to a couple of conclusions during the long ride.

The first was that she loved it, the hum of the road and the scenery flashing by. The second was more profound, but she realized she wanted to stay with Cody. The tall woman was taciturn at times, even moody, but Ash found she liked it.

Cody was real, no fronts, no façade, what you see is what you get. Her values were strangely conservative, nothing like the liberal gays she had known at school. Yet she found those traditional values to be comforting and she found the woman to be comforting. She had never become so comfortable, so quickly, with anyone.

Cody was brash, but strangely shy. A paradox that it took Ash a while to understand, but once she did, it only made her more sure of herself. It seemed she was everything Ash could want in a lover and a friend.

"Who am I kidding?" she said to the empty cab, "I'd fuck her if she was Frankenstein's monster I'm so hot,"

Cody climbed into the cab, stowed her paper work and pulled out of the yard. Soon they were on the road again and Ashley was pouting.

""What's the matter?" Cody asked.

"You said we were going to spend the night in Memphis," Ash said, emphasizing the words, spend the night.

Cody laughed and reached across to take Ashley's hand. She pulled it across and brushed her lips over the palm, causing the coed to gasp.

"I haven't forgotten baby, but unless you want to do it in the fucking freight yard, you'll have to be patient."

"I'm tired of being patient!"

"Well, hang on a bit longer. We're about twenty miles from the rest stop where we're staying tonight."

Twenty miles? The whole of Virginia had gone by faster! It seemed the rest stop would never come and when it finally did she almost jumped out of her seat.

Cody pulled in and parked. They both used the restrooms and as soon as they climbed back into the cab Ashley practically threw herself into Cody's arms. Their lips meshed and the tall woman's tongue thrust into Ash's waiting mouth. She sucked greedily, enjoying the flavor, not even put off by the taste of cigarettes. When the kiss finally broke Cody was panting.

"Damn girl, you're hotter than a three dollar pistol," she breathed.

"Cool me off," she taunted.

"My pleasure," Cody said, placing both hands on Ashley's chest and thrusting hard, sending her to bounce on the bed.

She quickly kicked off her boots and whisked her t-shirt over her head. As Cody worked on the buttons to her jeans, Ashley unbuttoned her top. She barely had it off when Cody pressed against her body, forcing her backwards. Their mouths found each other and they kissed deeply as Cody reached under her lover's skirt and pulled her panties down her legs and off.

The tall trucker's hand returned and she shoved a finger into Ashley's already very well lubricated canal. Soon Ash was groaning as the long finger rhythmically invaded and retreated. Cody seemed to know what she was doing, using her thumb to brush Ash's hypersensitive clit.

"Fuck, I need you," Ash gasped.

Cody stood and grabbed her harness. Buckling it on, she smiled.

"How bout some doggy?"

Rather than answer Ash rolled over onto her knees and elbows. She grunted when the blunt head slipped into her, but Cody was gentle and soon she was stroking into Ash with long deep thrusts.

The tall woman's hands grasped her hips and began to pull her back on the faux cock. Ashley was beside herself. Nothing had ever felt so good.

Standing flat-footed on the floor of the cab, with her legs braced apart, Cody was able to deliver a great deal of power and sped. Soon she was sawing into Ash with frenzied motions and biting her lip. Without warning she slapped Ash's ass.

Ash yelped in surprise. The pain was minimal and soon a warm feeling suffused her butt. She was just getting into it when Cody popped her again. It seemed Cody could tell when Ash was getting close and the hard slaps would pull her back from the edge. It was nice, in a way, prolonging the pleasure, but it was also frustrating and she was already dying to get off.

"Ever had that ass fucked?" Cody grunted.

"No," Ash replied between clenched teeth.

Her pussy was grasping the cock, trying to hold it and shuddering bursts of pleasure were blasting out from her molten insides.

"Wanna try?" Cody said, withdrawing her cock and holding just the tip inside.

"No, I just want to come damn you!"

Cody laughed and slammed the dildo back in, using long, deep stabs of her hips she quickly drove Ash to the brink. Ash moaned, she mewled like an animal and cried out when her orgasm hit. One was just the beginning and she was soon reduced to a prisoner of the pleasure, screaming and satisfied in what seemed to be ever decreasing intervals.

She didn't remember it ending or Cody curling up with her, but she found herself on her side with Cody's arm wrapped around her some time later.

"Wow," she managed.

"I hope you aren't always like this," the tall woman said.

"Why? Too much for ya?" Ash responded with a contented smile.

"Nope, but I like to take my time mostly."

"I like it slow and soft too. Really, I've never had it like this, it's kinda nice to just skip everything and get down to the fucking. I'll have to apologize to Wanda for teasing her about her love of quickies if this is any indication of what they are like."

Cody laughed and kissed her shoulder.

"Quickies are good. Sometimes, they're all you have time for on the road, but they aren't as good as when you have the time to do it right."

They were silent for a long time, then Cody spoke. She was hesitant and tentative, something Ash noted immediately.

"I…um…I can't tell you how nice it's been having you a long."

"It's been great so far."

"Yeah, it really has. I…I don't suppose you'd consider quitting school and learning to drive would ya?"

"I might. Is that an invitation?"

"No. Yes. Oh, hell, I don't know."

"What don't you know?" Ash asked, rolling over so she could see Cody's face.

"You're great. Not just in bed, but fun to talk to and a good listener. I couldn't get you out of my mind after that first night. I dreamed about you for days afterwards. I don't want to scare you away, but I've fallen for you in a big way and I reckon you ought to know."

"Are you always so straight forward?"

"Yeah, I guess," she said, smiling a little.

"I like that. I won't say yes, not yet, I'm still in unfamiliar territory. But I won't say no either."

"So there's a chance you'll stay with me?" she asked excitedly.

"Keep fucking me like that and you'll need a crowbar to get rid of me," Ashley replied, giggling.


Ashley climbed out of the cab and went into the restaurant. Cody drove around back to fill up and park. As Ash entered and her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she spotted Wanda waiting for her as promised. She made her way over and slid into the booth opposite her friend.

"Ready for another semester of fun and excitement?" Wanda asked.

"No. I'm not enrolling. I'm done with school." Ashley said, fishing her CDL out of her pocket and tossing it on the table.

Wanda grabbed it and studied it for a moment.

"You're gonna be a truck driver?" she asked.

"I already am," Ashley said proudly.

Ashley waited for the protests with resignation, but was surprised when Wanda began to giggle.


"I'm just happy for you," Wanda managed between laughs.

"I thought you would be upset," Ashley said in confusion.

Wanda gained control of herself and reached across the table to take Ashley's hand in her own.

"Ash, I'll miss you," she said earnestly, "But I'm happy for you, too."

Seeing that her friend was still lost Wanda smiled and shook her head.

"I've been worried about you for a while now. You're a free spirit and a loner, Groton isn't the place for you. I couldn't stand life on the road, I need some stability, but you? You're never going to be happy with anything that demands conformity of you. You just aren't wired that way."

"I guess not."

"Trust me Ash, you're never going to be the CEO's wife and that's really what Groton prepares you for. How are your folks taking it?"

Ashley's face clouded and Wanda feared it was going to be a bad scene.

"They were delighted. Dad even cabled me money for the CDL course. They didn't even flinch when I told them about Cody. They invited us to stay over a couple of days around Labor Day. I don't understand my folks at all."

"So you and her are an item?"

"Yeah," Ash said with a smile she couldn't suppress.


"I know I am."

"Not you, her!" Wanda exclaimed.

"We're both lucky," Ash said.

"Yeah, you both are. Her for having you; you for finding what you wanted. I hope I get as lucky."

"It's out there Wanda. Whatever you want, it's there for the taking. You just have to go after it."

"That's easy for you to say. You've always been willing to take risks. I mean, you didn't even know if you were into girls when I dropped you off here. I wish I could just throw caution to the winds and do it."

"I think you will, when you find what you want. I'm just different because I was willing to try without being sure."

"Are you sure now?"

Ash looked over her shoulder as Cody came in. She was wearing her hat and shades, a black shirt and jeans with her run down cowboy boots. Ash felt her love for Cody and the sheer happiness that just seeing the taciturn woman, brought to her life.

"I've never been so sure of anything in my life."


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JustinLondon01JustinLondon017 months ago

Beautifully written. Thank you. Would love to have heard more of Ash's thoughts

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 3 years ago

great story, needs more sex like the anal question

Candy_Kane54Candy_Kane54almost 3 years ago

A beautiful story. It's a shame we'll never get any more stories written by you, but your body of work sits here as testimony to your writing skills. Rest in peace.

trnmstr48trnmstr48over 5 years ago

One of the best stories I've read. Thank you.

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