Highland Pack Ch. 01


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It's OK, love. Yuric sent, We're finally home.

Gao, almost overcome with emotions, shared her feelings with Andrew. So mate, it seems our family has grown. Four new members in one night, she teased. Andrew simply sighed.


The jaguars were the first to join their family. Since accepting them, several wolves that were alone, and other species of cats, bears, and marsupial joined.

Andrew stood in his bedroom after dinner, as his children ran in The two cubs had his coloring and made sure their sister entered first. His daughter was a replica of her mother, and she loved when her brothers shifted. Her animal was dragon, however, she too carried the wolf gene. Andrew suspected that given time, all three children would be able to take either animal format will.

"Poppa, can we go to the castle tomorrow?" the boys begged.

Naru and Dreya told them of their visits with grandpa Conor. Andrew laughed, "We'll see. Maybe Saturday. OK." he added. The kids laughed and then told him about their day. Andrew never grew tired of listening. Gao entered and the kids covered their mother with hugs.

Things continued on as the days went by. The alphas and their top betas came and were impressed. For four days, the alphas visited. The betas watched and asked questions. Rayan and Brecken answered but they were becoming annoyed.

The betas saw that the pack had some wolves but also were cats and other Were creatures. All animal shifters where similar, but this dynamic was fascinating to the visiting packs. One of the visiting wolves had questions for the jaguar shifter, Yuric. This man loved his new pack. His wife and daughters were safe, and he would defend each member with his life if needed. Try as they might, they could find no faults with the pack.

Since the visiting Alphas deemed themselves important, during this visit they had their meal in the private dining room with the alpha couple. Their last night visiting was impressive but one thing still baffled them. The alpha bitch was not a wolf shifter, The men were curious as to how this creature would lead a pack of Weres successfully. The men decided to talk to Gao one night. Being that she was dragon, not wolf, they wondered could she lead the females in a pack.

"Gao, your clan is extinct. Is this a way for you to gain power over someone, being alpha in a pack of Weres?" The bear alpha from London asked.

Gao did not have to respond, because Andrew had heard enough. "Listen, I have done everything you and the others have asked of me. I have complied with sanctions that did not exist before this pack formed. I have had members of my pack questioned by you and others like you. We have complied with every request you have ever made of us. We have opened our home to you, and you still have questions. I know you all have your concerns, and I have tried to alleviate them. My mate and I, our pack, have gone above and beyond what is required of us since our pack formed. In the beginning, I could understand your reticence, but I will not sit here and have you disrespect my mate. She is Alpha madam in this pack and that won't change."

The men were shocked at how quickly the alpha became enraged. Yet, they were glad to see some type of reaction from him. "Now gentlemen, make tonight your last night here. I will personally escort you to the airport in the morning. " He then faced Gao, "Love, go and take care of the children." Gao simply nodded and did as he asked.

The two alphas were impressed with this new wolf from the Americas. He was a welcomed asset to the leadership as alpha. The men said nothing, choosing not to provoke Andrew further. They retired and Andrew went for a run. He was not alone long. Gao sent to Mari, and Brecken joined him.

The men ran in silence. Andrew stopped, "This should be your pack, yours and Rayan's. Your parents were the last wolves in this region."

Brecken stopped. "You let them get to you. You are alpha Andrew. The fates chose you. We follow you."

Andrew sighed, "I ordered them to leave in the morning. From now on, we protect ourselves. Either they accept us or they are against us. But I'm done giving in to their demands. I'll explain everything to the pack in the morning."

Brecken sighed, and the two men finished their run. Brecken, what's wrong? Rayan sent.

Alpha Andrew needed a moment. Brecken replied. His brother was concerned, but as long as Brecken was with the alpha, he was certain things would be OK.

Gao waited for her mate. He was gone so long that she became concern. Shifting, she took flight. Soon she saw him with Brecken and knew he would be alright. She returned home and checked on her triplets once more. In their human form, she and Andrew had some amazing kids. Ben and Chad had her dark eyes but Andrews coloring, a deep brown hair and puffy lips. Her daughter, Ling looked just like her. Her black hair was tousled around her head as she gripped her stuff wolf toy and slept. "He

"Hey, I'm back." Andrew announced.

Gao smiled, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."Gao placed her finger on his lips.

"That was hot. You were s forceful Andrew. I am so wet for you right now, my alpha." She whispered.

Andrew lifted his mate, pressing her against the wall as he pressed his member into the heat of her center. She was hot, and he knew ready for him. Not wasting a second, Andrew took his woman.

As they lay spent, Gao smiled.

"You were as forceful not asking permission. My dragon and I like it when you take charge. We like being made to submit, Andrew. Now, we need sleep love." She teased. Andrew laughed.

The next morning, the visiting alphas were preparing to return home. The men spoke with Andrew and all of his betas. The alphas addressed Gao. They complimented her and welcomed them into the were-community. Andrew was not impressed. Flowery words did not sway him. Soon they headed out to catch their flight. Andrew and his betas were not the only ones waiting for their guest to leave Conor had several dragon assigned to shadow the group. Soon, the men boarded their plane and were off. Andrew was relieved, but not for long. Conor had several dragons waiting at the airport. He had special guest arriving.

As Andrew was leaving the airport, he felt hot. He froze. It was then that he noticed Conor's dragons. They were on alert. A new couple entered the building. The woman was beautiful, but her male companion was covered from head to toe. The couple looked straight ahead, not bothering anyone. As they walked past Andrew, he scented them, his wolf growled, Demon! Vampire!

His betas were alert instantly. Stork quickly moved to stand before his mate. Belinda was nervous, but she knew Anton said they would be safe here. It didn't feel safe.

Love, let's not react. The other creatures know I'm not human. Let's just get into our car and go to our hotel. The male sent.

Stork, we are on vacation. Don't let people upset you. Belinda sent her new mate. The last thing they needed was for Stork to feel threatened. Her mate was special, and she was unsure of how powerful he truly was. If Stork reacted to a threat, Belinda did not know what damages he could cause. At home, he only interacted with family, outsiders never saw him. For most of the time he stayed to himself.

When they joined a few months ago, Stork often asked her if she regretted tying herself to a demon. Then a few months ago, Anton gifted them with a trip. Belinda closed her eyes, and was not surprised when the elder vampire sent her a calming wave of love. Grabbing their bags, Stork placed his arm around his wife and headed to the car that would take them to their destination.

Andrew watched the couple walk away. He noticed a man approaching them. Follow them!He ordered.

Stork knew they were being followed. He held onto Belinda's hand tighter, He sent, Belinda, something is wrong before he could finish that thought. An unforeseen enemy pounced.

A man, a regular looking traveler, approached the couple carrying a cup. The betas turned as the man reached the couple. He threw some liquid at the couple which struck both of them, landing squarely in the woman's face. She screamed as her companion shoved her aside, taking on the liquid. It burned, but he was not concerned about himself. The liquid burned her face; his love was injured. Stork covered her, as several people ran away screaming. He looked around, as his brother and his mentor entered his head. Matthias demanded to know what was going on, and Anton reassured him that help was coming. Stork did not move, he lay over his wife. Soon, the area was clear, with Andrew and his betas intervening.

Andrew intervened and he and the twins rushed the couple to their vans that were waiting. The betas and the dragons, that Conor sent, found the culprit and cornered him. Forcing him to the ground, the wolves held him until the police arrived and carried him away. He was not talking, but smiling. After this, Matthias would most definitely react. He thought.

The police took him into custody as the wolves and dragon returned home to debrief.

Andrew and Rayan talked to the couple assuring them that they were safe now. Stork did not speak, but held his female close. Once they arrived at the mansion, the healer, was waiting. "Belinda, help Belinda," The cloaked male whispered. Belinda was burned, and the wound needed to be cleaned. The male however, gave her pause. He was burned as well, but still hidden from view. The healer touched him and his hood fell revealing his deep red complexion, dark eyes, and horns that left no doubt what he was. As Stork's hood fell and everyone knew this man was neither a shifter nor a dragon. This man was demon.

The wolves gasped; Andrew ordered them to keep working. They did. The couple was taken into private quarters where the healers could help them. Andrew called Conor. He appeared instantly, and asked to speak with the male. Conor was pissed. This couple was invited here by him, and someone had the gall to attack them on his land. He was contacting Anton, but this enemy would be dealt with.

As the healers worked to help the female, Gao talked with the male. He was huge but she learned his name was Stork and his wife was named Belinda. The male was extremely shy. He was not very vocal and Gao was not leaving his side. He needed someone with him. The acid thrown in Belinda's face damaged her eyes. Stork knew people would stare, but no one seemed to even notice him. Their main concern was Belinda. Andrew told him to call home and within seconds, Matthias and Valkyre appeared.

The children were kept away, but they managed to sneak a peek at the strange visitors. The big red man fascinated the boys. He was huge, and he had big, black horns. They wanted to talk to him. The girls saw the beautiful woman and man that arrived next. They were so pretty. The children were fascinated. The new people were so beautiful and they were not wolves. Matthias went straight to his brother and once he knew Stork was uninjured, he needed to know who harmed his sister. Stork shut down; Valkyre pulled her brother-in-law aside. She refused to let him hide within himself.

Gao watched, and she then joined the two. Stork faced his sister in law and whispered. "If she had not married me, she wouldn't have been attacked. I'm a monster Val. I can't hurt her anymore." He stood, then Gao spoke.

"No, you are not. You shoved her aside as the poison struck your skin. You are not a monster, and when she wakes up, she will need you." Gao stated.

Stork rubbed his hands across his horns. Then the healer came out, "She is almost healed, there might be some scarring. Go on in." She stated. Stork walked into the room.

Belinda smiled, "You're here. Thank you for not leaving." She hugged him.

Someone knocked, and Belinda told them to come in. Matthias and Valkyre entered and they were relieved that Belinda was alright. Soon, Stork needed to walk, and Matthias followed. "Have they checked you?" He asked.

"I'll heal. She's OK. Who was he and why attack us here?" Stork asked.

Matthias answered honesty, "I don't know, but I will find out." He would learn the truth. Matthias was not surprised when his father-in-law contacted him. Somehow, when Astredon was born, he connected to everyone in his extended family. It was if the covens merged.

"Look, this is your time with your wife. Don't worry about others." Matthias waited. "Stork, I promise, I will find who did this."

Stork nodded, "We will find who did this." The brothers shared a look.

Walking from Belinda's room, Mathias and Valkyre wanted to speak to the Alpha Andrew and Madam Alpha Gao.

Gao held on tightly to Andrew, Valkyre was a beautiful woman. Andrew eyed Matthias warily as well. He was incredibly handsome. He was also not human. The four walked into Andrew's office, and Matthias faced the alpha. "I am vampire, as is my mate. I owe you a debt of gratitude for helping my brother and his wife."

"What is he?" Gao asked.

"He is Nemyra demon, well part demon and part vampire. His wife Belinda is the only other person he has ever trusted. The fact that he let you care of her speaks volumes. For him to trust you with her, says a lot." Matthias explained.

Gao relaxed. Matthias held on to Valkyre's hand. He had heard of this pack. This was one of the few packs he had not ticked off. He really wanted to ask Alpha Andrew to watch out for his brother. The reason he suggested that stork and Belinda leave was to get them out of the line of fire. The coven would find the man that burned then]m, but until the enemy at home was vanquished, he needed them someplace safe.

Gao knew, They need asylum. She sent.

Andrew faced his mate. Matthias spoke, "I have no right to ask. I know that many packs are questioning you and you may not need anything more added on, but Alpha Parks, I ask you to look out for my brother. We will find out who wants to harm them, and I will have members of my coven here to provide extra protection for you pack. It's just that, he will shut himself off and Belinda can't survive if he does. Please let them stay here n for a while at least and look out for them."

Andrew looked at the vampire, "What if he refuses to stay.?"

"Belinda needs to recuperate. He will do whatever she needs." Matthias explained. Valkyre held his hand. The couple waited, and Gao smiled.

Andrew spoke, "Your brother and his wife are welcomed here. Don't worry."

Matthias let out a breathe he had no idea that he was holding. Soon Gao escorted them to their room.

Valkyre and Matthias had a few minutes alone. Then someone knocked, and they were invited to join the pack for lunch. Matthias was surprised to find Stork and Belinda already in the dining room. Stork still covered his face, but his overall aura was relaxed.

The pack ate lunch and Matthias was impressed. This pack was unlike any he had ever encountered. Many different types of Were-creatures worked together. The women greeted them kindly, not batting an eye at the fact they were not shifters.

Matthias sat with his brother and Stork once again. Stork spoke softly, as others joined them. Soon, the males were curious and one just asked, "What are you?"

Stork jumped. Matthias started to answer when Valkyre told him to let Stork speak. Stork explained that he was part demon. The Weres were fascinated. Soon, the men engaged Stork in conversation.

Andrew and Gao watched, and then smiled. Stork and his wife were more than welcomed. Matthias and Valkyre spent the rest of the day getting to know the pack. Then after spending the night, they would return home. Stork stayed in the alpha home with Belinda. She had healed from the attack and Andrew had pack members out searching for information. His pack was not alone, because Conor had sent his dragons out as well.

That night as the pack finished dinner, Conor and Caitlyn flew in. They knew the pack and wanted to meet the new visitors.

"Gammy, G'Pa," the children greeted. Conor and Caitlyn shed their glamour and gave hugs and kisses to all of the kits and pups. Then they met the vampires. Conor was not surprised that Stork kept his face covered. "Stork, Belinda, you are on my land, therefore under the protection of the MacLean Dragons. Just as I assured your mentor, I assure you that you are safe here."

Although he was dragon, Conor knew many creatures. He had actually met Matthias and Stork's father centuries ago. Ezra was a serious man. He had also met their mother. She was the most beautiful woman, but she left him cold. His wife was angry. It was obvious that their marriage was not a love match. It was obvious for all to see that she had no true love for her husband. However, Ezra, dealt with her excesses. There were rumors that she had an affair and had given birth to a strange child.

A few decades ago, Conor was aware that Matthias upset many in the others' communities when he started questioning mixed matings.

Conor was not surprised and having met his brother earlier. He now understood his reasons. Still, he would call Anton. When Anton contacted him last year, he had no qualms allowing the couple sanctuary in his lands. Stork and Belinda encountering the pack was unplanned, but he could see that this may be just what this reclusive young man needed. Valkyre Svennick Caspian, Anton's daughter, was the exact replica of her mother. Conor was impressed. Stork responded to his sister-in-law, trusted her implicitly. The threat against this young man was serious, as was the attacks on the pack. Conor knew that someway, somehow, they would settle both disputes for the last time.

So as the night ended, Stork and Belinda went to their room. Stork needed to feed, but he would not feed from his wife. She was just injured and he could wait. Val appeared and offered to him feed. Returning to her room, she was not surprised that Matthias had to inspect her skin and feed her to help her replenish what nourishment she shared with his brother.

Soon they slept. The next morning, they awoke to whispers. Matthias was not surprised to find three sets of eyes staring at them.

Val awoke and asked, "Do your parents know where you are?"

"No Ma'am, but we have never seen a blood sucker and we were curious." Dreya explained. Naru stood behind her as Haven, the were-cougar waited, nervously.

Val laughed, "How did you get in here?" She asked

Dreya smiled, "We can vanish, like our daddies, now." She boasted.

Haven eyes opened wide, "Dreya, you can't say anything. Remember, we have to keep it secret."

Matthias spoke, "Don't worry little one, your secret is safe with us. Now you guys go home and we'll see you at breakfast." The three small children smiled and vanished back to their rooms.

Matthias and Val joined the pack in the dining room. Belinda was up and helping serve the young ones breakfast. Matthias walked in and winked at his early visitors and the three giggled. Mari and Suni noticed and looked concerned.

Valkyre did not know them, but she joined them and told them their children were beautiful. She missed her son but knew if her child developed a new ability she'd want to know. "This pack is unique. I've never met Weres that can transport."

"Wait Weres can't unless they are hybrids." Suni explained, but Mari was silent.

Mari's eyes widened, "Wait, what are you saying Mrs. Caspian?" she asked.

"Your children popped in and visited Matthias and I. They are so adorable. All three returned home immediately." Val explained, wanting them to know their young ones were safe.

Savia paused, "The three were together last night." She faced Valkyre, "You did say the three popped in." She asked for clarification.

Dreya, over here now! Suni sent.