Highland Pack Ch. 02


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The men talked and Gina learned so much about them. The oldest one was funny, and his brothers were charming as well. She felt comfortable with all three men. As they talked about their past, Apayo mentioned Akeemo.

Gina gasped, "Akeemo, Alpha Alphonso, was Nakenda. He was captured and forced to be a slave."

The men smiled all three brothers becoming excited. "This Alphonso, he is our original sire. I am Baako. These are my brothers Tywan and Apayo. We are members of the Nirobiu pack. Our alpha wants us to check out this strange pack." Baako explained. Looking around, the men no longer felt safe. Something was out here. "Come, let us escort you home." The foursome headed back to the castle when three young men and a young woman appeared.

"Gina, wait? You know these guys?" Emilie asked.

Gina smiled and faced the dragons. It took some getting used to, but she felt comfortable with them.

"Yes, they helped me and I'm taking them to see Alpha Parks." She explained. Gina moved to approach the dragons when Baako stepped in front of her. She was under his protection and no one would harm her. Gently shoving her new champ aside; Gina and the dragons walked with the three men back to the castle.

As they entered, Gina was rushed on by two excited pups. Shifting back, the toddlers were glad to see their new friend,

"Boys, where are mommy and daddy?" Gina asked as the two boys told her of their adventures.

Baako saw the prettiest little dragon fly in. She sifted and then she hugged the she wolf as well. "Ah, Zara, what are these boys up to?" Gina asked smiling.

"Miss Gina," She started to say when she saw the three huge men with her. The little girl gasped sending to her mother. Within a few seconds, Madam Gao appeared.

The look on the Madam Alphas face spoke volumes. Gina stepped up immediately and introduced the warriors to the Madam Alpha of the MacGregor Pack. The men were speechless, but knew what to do instinctively. They kneeled, submitting to her authority, as the boys sniffed them. Zara transformed back into the cutest dragoness and greeted their new guest.

"Please gentlemen, Stand. Welcome. First, thank you for protecting Gina. I'm so happy you were there." By now, Champ was ensconced in the arms of Apayo and Hunter had many questions.

"Enough, you three, go find your playmates." Gao ordered. The children hugged their mom and dashed off. "Come, I want you to meet with Andrew." Sending to her mate, Andrew headed downstairs immediately to meet their new guest.

Belinda, Valkyre, Suni, and Savia were talking as the group arrived. The four women were temporarily stunned. DAMN! They thought. The men, who loved to flirt, simply looked at them and smiled. The women blushed, but each noticed that the leader, never loosened his grip on Gina. Suni sighed, Mari, I think Gina has found her mate.

Wait, what? Mari asked.

You'll see them at dinner. Let's just say, from what I've seen. Gina has good taste. Mari laughed and the women disconnected. Within a few minutes, news of the new wolves floated throughout the compound.


Mera was out on a short break. She was concerned. She had not seen Shawn in a few days. As she walked, she saw Emilie and a few other dragons and she asked about Shawn.

"We haven't seen him." Emilie explained. "He went flying a few nights ago and hasn't r returned." She explained.

Mera frowned, "He went out and did not return and no one has looked for him?" She questioned.

Emilie was about to go on the defensive when one of her friends stopped her. "Look, dragons have to go on quest. It's how we gain rank. One of us can be sent out at any time. He will return and when he does, he will probably have a higher rank. If he were in any real danger, Laird MacLean would send someone to find him." The dragon explained.

Mera nodded, but secretly she worried about her friend. Emilie smiled. Shawn wanted to refuse his quest and now she knew why. When they were sent out, they had to go without notifying anyone else. His wolf would be worried. It was obvious that she was.

"Listen, most quest don't last more than a few weeks. He'll be back soon." Emilie explained. Mera nodded and turned to leave.

"Hey, Wolf, stay with us for a while. We can get to know each other." Emilie suggested.

Mera smiled, "OK, let me call my friends. Within minutes, her friends joined them. They young women spent the day having fun. Shawn, I hope you're OK. Mera thought as she kept a smile plastered on her face.

Mera, Mera, I miss you, were the first thoughts on Shawn's mind. He shook his head. He'd go home soon and he'd see her and explain. He knew she would be wondering about him being away. Shawn was on a mission. Kade sent him out on an information gathering mission. The vampire that was arrested was free and had yet to leave the country. His job was to shadow him and report in. Shawn watched Leon. He did not like what he saw. Leon was the least of their worries. The older, dark haired vampire that he talked to everyday went underground each day. When he returned, he smelled of sulfur and ashes. Something was not right about him. After watching the men for three consecutive days, Shawn decided to vanish back home. Kade needed to know about this and he had to see Laird Maclean.

However, something was wrong. He could not return home. Shawn called out, but his connections to Kade and his dragon laird were muted. Straining as hard as he could, the young dragon decided to simply flee. Sadly, that was not to be so, as he found himself, in chains. He was captured by an evil and deadly Nemyra demon.

RaNul knew of the young dragon's presence. Vanishing in, quietly, RaNul ambushed the young dragon. "Tell me of the pack of dogs, and I'll let you live. If not, you die and I will send your rotting corpse back to them in pieces."

Shawn did not fear dying. All dragons knew that one day death would come. RaNul read him and smiled, "Really a bitch. You are more screwed up than I thought. If you don't tell me what I want to know, I'm sending my demons to rape that dog bitch of yours and then rip out her womb. She will be barren and left to die. Now do you really want her hurt?" RaNul hissed.

Shawn shook. How could this demon know about Mera. He had to protect her. As he was distracted, RaNul stole his thoughts. Within a few seconds, he knew of his clan. He knew of the visitor at the compound. He knew that they were under the protection of his dragon laird. He also realized that one of the guests was a demon.

"A demon, eh! Thank you little dragon." Smiling cruelly, "Your people will never miss you." He hissed as he deliberately erased Shawn's memories. Lying on the ground a crumpled mess, the young man woke up with no idea of who he was or where he was from. RaNul laughed. Sure they would search, but by the time they found this young man, he'd be in a position to convince his son to join him for eternity. All the stupid vampires had to do was start a war. He smiled. Years ago, Ezra had the dragons to help ban him, now Ezra was gone. No one would keep him away from what was rightfully his.


In a hotel room, three different creatures conversed, neither one trusted the other, but each had a similar agenda. Inuit, a former Ming clan dragoness was angry, full of adulterated hate for her former member, Gao. She had one goal, and that was to make Gao suffer. She didn't like these vampires, and could care less about their mission. She wanted to hurt Gao. Their clan was gone thanks to that selfish bitch. The death of Kulkrit rested on her shoulders. Gao was vile, and her husband was proof. No decent dragon would want her, So she deserved to be the bitch in a dog pack, stinking dogs. She fucks a wolf and has a happy life. People tried to pretend this was normal. No, that was unacceptable and she would make sure Gao Ming suffered for betraying her people.

Myles wanted to lead. The Caspian Coven was his by right. When Ezra died, he should have made sure that the right of succession went to him. Matthias was not his oldest child. It hurt that Ezra never claimed him. His mother never forced him to acknowledge him as his son. Well, after he was done, Caspian would have its true leader.

As Myles and Inuit mused privately, Mercul waited for a summons from his new master. Mercul was an opportunist. He knew Myles did not stand a chance in hell of taking over Caspian, but as a servant of a powerful demon, he could have any coven that he desired. He only wanted one thing. He wanted complete rule of all creatures. Mercul saw how Myles watched the female dragon. The lust in his eyes made him want to vomit. "I'm going out." He stated. Don't wait up." He left.

Myles smiled at the dragon. He was horny, and she was available. "Inuit, my lovely. They will suffer. But never lose sight of our true mission. All creatures must remain pure. That pack, will perish, and Matthias will be reminded of his true calling." Myles smiled as he tactfully reminded her of the agreement they shared.

Myles reflected. Ezra's passing pushed the coven into an uproar. There were not many followers, but to him they were home. He remembered when Matthias took over. Ezra had recently passed, and he tried to lead. However, the clan dispersed, with a few following Matthias. He presented the idea of vampire gentrification, and Matthias was the perfect messenger.

For years, Matthias spread his message, but he didn't know Matthias had a monster in his family. Then there was the mess with the damn fairies. A Briar demon was destroyed, and Gustiban, married a fairy princess. She conceived, and that was that beginning of the end of his plot. Matthias fell in love with Gustiban's sister, and ended his crusade.

Matthias thought sending Stork and his whore to the Highlands would protect them. This was absolutely perfect. They even had dragoness to help destroy this ungodly group.

The group made plans, all not aware that the Laird MacLean had them in his sights. He was surprised to see Inuit with them. Then he remembered, for centuries, she was the concubine of Kulkrit. Her loyalties would lie with him.

"Conor, tell me, do I know them?" his guest asked.

Conor turned to face his old friend, Anton. "Yes, it's Myles. He's plotting again. Anton. I will destroy him this time. We need to put a final end to these terrorist."

Anton nodded, "My daughter and my new son are under your care. Stork won't let me claim him openly, but he is my family as well. Do what you must. My coven stands behind you.

Conor smiled. "I know, old friend, but we aren't be alone. Stuart is here. When he learns of this, he will join us in keeping our families safe.

"Stuart, he lives. Matthias has not said anything." Anton stated surprised.

"He has no clue. He is not on the main land, but at the private home of one of our most revered soldiers. I'm trying to stay neutral, but before he leaves, Matthias will know that his uncle still lives." Conor explained.

Anton sighed, relieved now. Stuart would never allow anyone to harm his family. If he was here then Matthias, Valkyre, Stork, and Belinda were protected.

"I better head back. If my sons pop in Val will never forgive me. Conor, keep me posted." Then he vanished back home. Astredon had just awaken and asked for gram'pa.


Gina returned to patrol, with the feeling of being watched. Andrew met with the wolves from Africa. He welcomed them, and they were concerned about the questions being raised about his pack. He watched the wolves that visited from far away, and he felt a kinship with them. He suspected that their leader had questions about more than just a few anxious world leaders.

Andrew was not worried. Like he had told his pack before, they were done trying to appease those that had issue with the pack. Andrew grew quiet and Gao grew concerned. Matthias was with him and he noticed that the wolf was more subdued as usual.

Before Matthias could speak, Andrew's received a message.

Matthias, what is it? Valkyre sent.

Nothing love, I'm with the alpha. I'll see you soon. He replied sending her a huge shaft of love.

Not wanting to be rude, Matthias moved across the room to give him privacy when he heard his name. Matthias looked up. Andrew continued speaking in hushed tones and then faced Matthias. He told him one thing that made the young vampire gasp.

"Your uncle is here on the island. He wishes to see you." Andrew stated.

"My uncle, wait?" Matthias questioned, then he remembered a man visiting before things turned bad. "Where is he? He asked. Andrew smiled.


At a secluded home on the scenic shore, a new family was forming. Were-bears were just as protective as wolves, and in this pack their leader was formidable. He was not as formidable today, because today he was holding his love close. As they talked, they shared secrets that made their family special.

Bryn loved his men, his woman, and his family. Maddie and Stuart were so important to him that any threat to them would be dealt with swiftly. However Cali was curious, so he shared their history and how Stuart was a big part of his life. Both then chatted briefly about the following day, how all was ready and everyone excited. Then Cali reminded him to call out to Stuart, who soon appeared in the Office and settled into the other large lounge chair smiling but curious.

Bryn grinned, "Well Stuart, ye are more like a father to me now and have been for a while in yer way. We are thrilled ye will both be joining after our signing of papers, but I know also that Matthias is yer nephew from yer lost brother. Would ye be keen to reconnect? Perhaps have them here tomorrow as well? It's yer call Stuart, but we wondered if ye would wish to see him and get to know him?"

Stuart smiled "I had given it some thought when I heard he was over at Andrew's Pack. I guess it would be nice to meet him if he is agreeable. I have had contacts over there keeping me informed of his life and family, but no desire to return lad. I'm very happy here as ye know now and love yer Aunt more than life itself after all these years. So tis wonderful to make it formal finally."

Cali chuckled "Yes it is Stuart, I don't know why the others didn't register the depth of your feelings for each other until it was pointed out!"

Stuart chuckled "Yes lass, but we preferred to be discreet as ye have seen. Though not enough it would appear."

Laughing Cali added "Little hard when it's so obvious you both love each other Stuart or should or could I call you Uncle?"

He laughed now replying "Ye can call me whatever lass, I'm happy either way Cali."

Bryn laughed as well then told him that alpha Andrew had been informed of his presence. He could call and see if Matthias was willing to meet. Stuart agreed immediately. Bryn called and Andrew picked up. Andrew spoke in hush tones and told the alpha that Matthias was with him.

Bryn chuckled and the next few words changed the lives of two men forever.

Andrew stated, "Your uncle wishes to meet you."

Matthias froze, "Where is he? Why hasn't he contacted me before?"

Just then they could hear Andrew talking to him and Bryn sent directly to Andrew , Andrew if he wishes to pop into my office, we three are here now.

Stuart was a little nervous waiting, choosing not to probe as the Andrew talked to Matthias. Then making them all jump, Matthias did suddenly appear. He semi bowed to Cali and Bryn who stood to greet him, then watched as he turned to greet his Uncle for the first time.

Cali gripped Bryn's encircling arm tightly as she read the intense emotions coming from both. Bryn breathed in her scent to calm his own as they both watched Uncle and Nephew meet for the first time. Cali could see Matthias was seeing a mirror image of his father, just as Stuart was seeing the mirror image of his brother.

Cali felt herself tearing up as the two big strong vampires were also suddenly crying silent tears as they addressed each other. Before joining in a massive hug.

Bryn privately sent - Lass, let's leave them for a while, tis an emotional meeting for both ad they need this time alone to re connect.

"Mathias, I remember the day you were born. Ezra was terrified, and I told him he would be great as a father. I know he did his best by you. I just hate I left, but I could not stay. Not after that woman ..." Stuart stopped. He hated his sister in law, but she was this young man's mother. He would not speak ill of her.

"I remember seeing you when I was small. Then you went away. Father never mentioned you. Even when he died, he never told me." Matthias whispered.

"Stork and I were left alone and we had family still alive." Mathias whispered.

"Stork!" Stuart paused. How much should he revel to this vulnerable young man. He knew exactly who Stork was, and he vanished to help keep him safe. He decided to pretend he did not know him. It was safer that way, "Who's Stork?" Stuart asked.

"My brother, he's the reason I'm here." Matthias explained eyeing his uncle carefully. Stork's lineage was no longer secret and if he sensed any ill will from his uncle, he was gone.

"The boy, the one she had with another man. I didn't think it was possible. Did the vampire that fathered him ever come forward?" Stuart asked.

"His father is not a vampire. He's a demon." Matthias answered. Stuart froze, his nephews would learn the truth sooner than he hoped. Not realizing that his uncle had gone stark pale, Matthias continued. "He never wanted him. Father couldn't accept him, but Stork is my brother. If you can't accept him, then Uncle Stuart, I bid you farewell." Matthias stated as he was about to vanish back to the castle. Stuart masked his reaction quickly, and stopped his nephew from leaving. The truth of the matter was that Stuart was all too aware of the existence of his brother. Years ago, he was instrumental in protecting his family, banning the very creature that wreaked havoc amongst them.

"Wait, son." Stuart exhaled. "He is my family too. I would like to meet him. I want to get to know you; to know my family once more. My Maddie is a wonderful woman and she would love to meet you." Stuart explained.

"When father died, we had no one. Did you know? Did you know that he left us?" Matthias asked.

Stuart told the truth. "Yes, but at the time, it would have disrupted yer lives more if I had reappeared." He explained. Matthias started to argue when Stuart said the one thing that gave him pause. "The coven split, and many had to choose whom they were to follow. Had I returned, it would have shattered even more causing ye an Stork irreversible harm. Believe me when I say this nephew, I was aware of everything ye went through. I knew not of yer brother, but now I understand even more. I know I should not ask, but let me back into yer lives. Let me help ye now." Stuart paused. He clearly expected Matthias to refuse him. In all honesty, he could.

Matthias relaxed, and then he smiled. Through his tears, he smiled. It didn't matter. He was here now. He had family. He and Stork had someone. They had their coven, but having their uncle back was something a bit more.

Matt, do you need me? Stork sent. Before Matt could answer a handsome dark haired man appeared. Noticing Matthias's tear-stained face, Stork turned to face the man before him. He froze. This man looked just like father, but father was dead. Stuart was startled; he had never seen this person before.

Turning to his brother once more staring at the man that embraced him, Stork spoke. "Matt, are you alright?" Stork demanded.

Matt was stunned, Stork looked human. "Wait, Stork? How?" he questioned.

"I'll explain." Stork answered, remembering he was not authorized to share that information openly. He didn't know this vampire that comforted his brother, and he was not about to endanger his friends.