Highland Pack Ch. 05


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Conor started to protest immediately. Then he stopped. The demon was right. This was no longer their fight, but just like with Ezra decades ago, they had Stork's back.

Gao was setting up for the ceremony to buried the fallen women. She enlisted the help of several members from the pack. They built a funeral pyre. Andrew was meeting with their mates. He had to assess whether they would be alright for now.

Andrew talked with Lonny. His daughter sat in his lap as he held her close. The little girl was the spitting image of her mother. Lonny did not talk much, but Andrew felt he would be alright. Going rogue meant leaving his baby girl unprotected. "The ceremony is tonight. We will arrange child care for the little ones. I must tell you that my mate feels personally responsible for this. She has vowed to help you in any way that she can. I extend the same courtesy. Anything you need, the pack is here to provide."

Lonny nodded, "Alpha, thank you. I have my daughter to raise and I need time. Ingrid was my other half and no words, no promises can fix this. She did not do anything. She didn't deserve to die."

Andrew waited. Rayan and Brecken stood with him. The men had no words. They simply stood and waited for Ronny to grieve.

Soon, Andrew called for some thetas to join them. The older women came in and one took the baby while the other helped Lonny to his bed. Andrew was speechless. He still had to visit Sam. At least Lonny had his daughter to ground him. What did Sam have to hold on to? Andrew still knocked and was called in.

"Hello, Alpha, betas. Sam greeted.

Andrew waited and then he started to speak. I'm so sorry, Sam. So sorry. I never meant for anyone to be hurt. They were supposed to be safe there."

Sam broke, gut-wrenching sobs shook the room. He bellowed and screamed. Rayan and Brecken moved offering him support. They could not imagine the pain this young cat faced. His body quaked as he was consumed by grief.

Andrew knew with Sam they had to take precautions. He sent to Gao to call Conor. He needed Sam to be placed in the medical ward. He knew this were would go rogue.

Conor agreed immediately and sent his men to retrieve the fallen were-cat.

Meanwhile, Kade and Inuit were preparing to leave. Gao sent a message. Caitlyn, send Inuit here. She needs to see the damage she caused.

Caitlyn called Kade immediately. She could tell that Kade wanted to refuse, but right now she was still his leader and he had to obey.

Kade wanted to refuse. His wife could not take any more hits. Gao wanted someone to blame and it seemed that Inuit was the person she was focused on. Yet, if Mistress Caitlyn said for them to attend the ceremony, then they had no choice.

Kade walked into his bedroom. Inuit had returned last night, not speaking. Something seemed broken inside of her. Kade sat beside the bed where she lay and waited.

"Gao wants to blame me, but I was here. I had no way of telling them anything. I don't know how they figured out the plans, but I didn't tell them. I tried to send to Myles, but he never responded. I doubt that he heard me.

They always blame me. Even when I'm not to blame. I never wanted this. He never said anything about hurting women and children. I wanted was to cause Gao pain. She has no idea how much it hurts to be nothing. I know Kulkrit didn't really love me, but he was all I knew. This was not my fault, not my doing. I'm sorry that you have been caught up in this." She whispered.

"It's OK, Inuit. It will be OK. We will find someplace to live, and start over." Kade sighed, He moved and covered her. "Try to rest. OK." Inuit closed her eyes, and Kade had calls to make.

The MacLean's owned land all over the world. He'd ask Laird Maclean of they could seek asylum in one of his homes. Kade finished packing and was ready to fly out. Kade, come to my office, Caitlyn sent.

Kade vanished in. Conor sat and both leaders faced their most fierce protector.

"You have ordered her gone. You gave us an extra day. Why does Gao need her at the ceremonies?" Kade asked.

Caitlyn started to remind him of who she was and to watch his tone. Conor cleared his throat, but Kade did not submit. Caitlyn realized that he was at the end of his rope.

"Gao wants her to witness the damage her betrayal cost."

"Mistress Caitlyn, Inuit was tethered to my home. She could not leave. How would she have orchestrated this attack?" he asked.

Caitlyn was quiet. Kade had a point, but somehow, the vampires intercepted the plans for escape.

Caitlyn was stunned, as she realized the significance in what Kade was saying. Conor questioned, "Could she have sent a message telepathically?"

Kade faced his leader, "She said she tried, but he never responded. He was vampire, she's dragon. Only mated creatures can communicate telepathically."

Conor nodded. It seemed that in the heat of things, Inuit may have been judged harshly. Conor was silent, as the realization sank in. Caitlyn spoke, "Take her to the ceremony, Kade. Gao needs to realize the truth. She is a fair person, give her a chance."

Kade froze. He was not sure, but he could not refuse. He returned home to find a subdued Inuit waiting for him. Dressed in a navy and black dress, she was prepared to go to the compound. Kade took her arms and they headed to the ceremonies.

Andrew knew the moment Inuit entered the compound. Every were-creature growled. In their mind, she was the enemy. He greeted Kade and welcomed him. Gao joined him and did not utter a word to Inuit. Inuit dropped her head. Ade held her hand and whispered, "Hold your head up. You've done no wrong." She did.

Gao faced her, "Come with me." She ordered.

Inuit followed. Gao gave her a brief tour and explained the ceremony. Inuit didn't understand why Gao wanted her here if she blamed her. Soon Gao asked everyone to leave them alone. She faced this woman, this girl that was the same age as she was. She remembered when they were kids and Inuit was not allowed to play with her. She recalled her cruel words from the night before, and regretted them immediately.

"Did you tell him? The vampire, did you tell him of our plans?" She asked.

Inuit faced her nemesis. "I tried to call him mentally, but he never answered. I was tethered to Kade's home and could not leave. If my message got through, then yes, but I doubt it."

Gao was silent, "Look, what I said last night was out of line."

"It was true. Kulkrit never loved me. No one did. Look, Gao, why am I here?" Inuit demanded.

"I need to apologize. My failure has cost this pack greatly. We've lost two pregnant females, and I need to know why. You knew these vampires, Inuit. Why did they target us?" Gao asked.

"It was never really about your pack, but the vampires. The demon... Someone wants him and Myles wanted to destroy his coven. Your pack was collateral damage to target those vampire clans. Myles wanted to lead, I wanted you to suffer loss as I have. I was wrong, and I'm sorry. I never learn. My last night with Kulkrit, he told me to go kill myself, and then he died. My vendetta has not only caused you greatly but a great man is willing to walk away from his home. The sad thing is, as much as I want to beg him to stay; I need him with me more." Inuit stopped talking. Suni knocked. It was time for the ceremony.

Mera had returned and stood with her mother. Kade held Inuit close as both Lonny and Sam glared at her. Kade held her tighter against him. Andrew gave them the rite of passage and the funeral pyres were lit and the bodies of the fallen victims burned.

Inuit watched, horrified. Both females were clearly expecting. Myles killed two pregnant women for no reason at all simply because he could.

After the ceremony, Kade and Inuit prepared to leave. Conor permitted them use of one of the clan's homes and they would arrive there the next morning.

Belinda was returning home with her family, wishing Stork was returning with her. Stork was spending the day visiting with his uncle He needed to learn everything he could about his father, RaNul.

Stork was moving to a local inn. Laird MacLean and Alpha Parks insisted that he stay either at the compound, or at the MacLean castle. Stork refused. He had to find and face his father. He needed to deal with RaNul.

Stork thought of his wife and her tearful goodbye the day before. "Stork, please be careful. Come home to us."

Stork kissed his wife and then watched as she boarded a plane with his brother. She would be safe at home and he had to deal with a demon.

The next day, Uncle Stuart called and they talked. As Stork sat and listened to Conor and Stuart, he grew more and more curious about the man that fathered him.

Stork needed to confront this demon, but had no clue how to summon him. So as he sat in his suite, he decided to send and see if RaNul answered. The room shimmered as the deep red demon appeared. Stork stood face to face with his birth father.

"Son, I've been waiting." RaNul stated. He already knew what Stork's intentions were, but he was not worried. His son was demon, before the night was over, he would join the dark side.

"What do you want with me?" Stork asked.

RaNul smiled, "Renuz, is there any way to greet you sire, father."

Stork merged and his demon came to the forefront. "Father, I'm here. I have no need for you. What do you want?"

RaNul smiled. "What do I want? I want you to learn your true heritage. I want you to join your real family. You are Nemyra, son, not vampire. We will leave your son with its mother for a few years then I will need you to bring him to us."

Renuz smiled. He recognized the name. it meant "demon seed" and that was definitely what he was.

"So father, what do you really want?" Renuz questioned. Stork allowed his alter to take control. He knew that to destroy this demon they needed to learn as much as they could about him.

RaNul smiled. He knew Renuz was testing him. The vampire probably thought he still had control. It did not matter, before he was done, the vampire Stork would be destroyed. Renuz would travel to the Americas and tae his son. Sadly the boy had more vampire blood than demon, but he would adapt.

Renuz liked this feeling. For years he lay dormant allowing the vampire control. For once he wanted to see what it felt like to be free, uninhibited. His father, RaNul, could teach him. First son, let me teach you how to use disguise. Vampires use glamor, demons wear disguises. You see where a vampire has a human side and a vampire, we have many faces. We can appear human, change genders, and even evolve into an animal form.

We are not truly beast, but for a short time we can fool unsuspecting humans. Renuz was fascinated. RaNul taught his first lesson. "Think of a winged beast. Close your eyes. Imagine that that beast is you. RaNul smiled as his son transformed into a dragon. "Now open your eyes,. Renuz did and was surprised to see a magnificent dragon staring back. Closing his eyes once again, Renuz transformed once more into the handsome man he'd become just days before.

RaNul laughed. "Son, welcome home." Renuz hugged his father. RaNul could tell that he was weak. He needed to feed. "Come, let's hunt. So for the next three nights, RaNul taught his son the intricacies of demon kind. Renuz learned that like his vampire fed on blood, he fed on fear.

For days, Renuz roamed the earth with hos demon father. Conor, Stuart, and Anton met. They were aware that Stork was with the demon. Stuart's biggest fear was that RaNul would turn his nephew evil. If he tasted the essence of a child, they could lose him.

Conor needed to find out RaNul's plan. Only one person actually talked to the demon and he was still not able to say what happened. Conor believed the secret to saving Stork lay inside Shawn's memory.

Renuz fed off of unsuspecting people for days. Humans were so easily frightened. RaNul taught him. He smiled. Soon, he would exact his ultimate dream He would achieve immortality. All he needed was one more special soul. His son would bring that soul to him. Ezra denied him this special gift, and now no one would stop him.

Renuz was amazing. Sadly, only one Nemyra demon could exist within the earthly plane. When his son built his strength, RaNul would drain him of his life's essence. Then after he was gone, he'd raise his grandson and teach him the things he failed to teach his son. Renuz was free. In the demon realm, creatures bowed to him. He answered to no one. In the world of demons, he was God.

You have to stop him. Belinda and our son need us. Stork reminded his other half.

Our son, Renuz paused. We will have a son. Don't worry, we'll make sure he's safe.

Stork waited. For three days, his demon was in charge, and he feared that he enjoyed the darker side of life more than he thought he would.

Stork needed to check on Belinda, but he could not with Renuz in control. Renuz went silent. We're two separate entities, we cannot coexist. Stork we need to merge, to become one creature. Stork started to refuse, but the demon continued. I like being evil. I like causing fear. I want to feed for an eternity. Stork stood, You are my conscience. You keep me sane. If we have a hope in hell of protecting Belinda, protecting the baby, we have to merge into one being.

Stork was silent. How?

The demon spoke, Join me. He reached out and Stork moved forward. Within seconds the two were one. RaNul awoke and he knew something had changed. He smiled. His son was clever. He absorbed the vampire's essence. Now once he subdued that bloodsucker forever, then they could rule.

"Renuz, my son, you are complete. The bloodsucker exist no more." RaNul cheered.

"My name is not Renuz, nor is it Stork. I will from now on be known as Madrick. You fathered me, of that I am certain, but you are not my father. My father was the man who chose the raise a child he knew was not his. Was Ezra perfect, no, but he did his best. It seems you want to destroy my family, all that I love." Madrick smiled, "I will stop you. You see, RaNul. You're old. Your time on this plane will end soon. I, old demon, am so much more powerful that you. I will give you a choice, leave and forget you had a child to be born, or mess with mine and cease to exist."

For the first time in his life, RaNul was afraid. Madrick loved it. The stench of fear from his father fed something deep inside of him. RaNul took a breath and faced his son. "You think they will accept you. You think they will allow a demon to exist amongst them. They will take your child and drive you away. That does not have to happen. Join with me Madrick, we can rule for all eternity."

"Dad, my uncle Stuart, and Anton Svennick banned you? How?" Madrick asked.

RaNul hissed and turned away. "We are not done. She will reject you. Your wife, she loves the vampire, not the demon. When she turns you away, then come find me." Then he vanished.

Madrick sent to Belinda who at first did not respond. Belinda, love it's me, Stork, your husband. I have changed, please answer.

Stork, Stork, you sound different. Belinda sent.

Madrick swallowed. May I come see you. I need to explain some things. She was afraid, and the demon fed. Yes, she replied. And Madrick returned home for a short visit.

Belinda was waiting when a gorgeous blonde Adonis appeared in her home. Belinda gasped. "Before she could scream, Madrick spoke. "Belinda, it's me. Please, stay calm." He whispered. Belinda stared at him, this stranger that looked so different from the man she loved. Gone was his deep red hue, horns, and strong jaw. Yet his eyes were the same. And then there was still something different. "

Madrick did not move. He knew it would take time for her to accept his new appearance. He also knew that he needed to prepare her for what was to come. You see, Madrick knew to rid the world of RaNul; he had to join forces with him. He had to embrace the evil deep inside which was why he needed to merge with his vampire. Stork was the only part of him that was good, and he knew Stork was strong enough to bring them back. It was strange thinking of himself as two separate entities. They were one, one creature, one being, and when this ended they'd be one soul.

Belinda took a deep breath as she sensed that the baby was afraid. Sending him calming waves of love, she walked over to her husband. "What happened, Stork? Why are you different?"

"I'm no longer simply Stork. I'm vampire and demon combined." Madrick whispered.

Belinda paled. Madrick grew concerned. He was about to send for Matthias, but Belinda said, "Wait."

"Sit. Baby, sit and let me explain." Madrick said softly.

Belinda sat on her bed. Madrick moved before her and kneeled. "Love, I'm still your husband, believe me. I love you and Vedric more than my own life." Belinda gasped.

The baby kicked when this person called him that name. "Where is Stork?" She asked, tearing up. If the demon absorbed her husband, she was unsure that she could handle that.

"Right here, I'm not going anywhere." Madrick whispered. "That's what I'm trying to explain. My demon name was Renuz. Stork was my vampire. We have become one, and now I am named Madrick."

Belinda gasped. Madrick caught her hands and kissed them, begging her to not reject them. If she could not accept him, it would slay him. Belinda moved away from him. She didn't know this person in front of her. As she pulled away, the baby screamed and Matthias felt his distress. He and Valkyrie rushed to her room where they found the stranger.

Matthias attacked, when Anton and the others joined them and Anton called out halt. The fight stopped. Madrick was hurt. His wife might reject him and his brother attacked him. He needed to go. Anton stopped him. "Are you a coward? Ezra did not raise cowards." Matthias froze. He looked at Anton and then this stranger. He had never seen this man in all of the centuries he had lived.

Valkyrie was with Belinda. She and the baby were fine as she watched the stranger, the man that her husband had become. Valkyrie, take Belinda out. She needs air. Anton sent.

Madrick watched as his wife left. She was afraid of him. That hurt more than anything. Matthias was ready to attack. "Who is in control, the vampire or the demon?" Anton asked.

Madrick faced him, and felt a sense of relief. "Right now we are equal. I needed to see my wife and make sure she and our son were safe. I didn't mean to upset her, but I had to see her once more in case..." Shaking his head, Madrick refuse to think of being defeated.

Matthias finally caught on. "You're the demon. Wait, I've seen the demon, he looks nothing like you. What have you done to my brother? I warned you demon. If Stork has been injured, I will take your head."

Madrick sighed. This was why he loved his older brother. No one would ever hurt them with Matthias around. He felt the same way, and he realized her didn't have much time left. He had to get back before RaNul returned in search of hm.

"My demon name was Renuz. Stork was my vampire." Matthias growled. He said Stork was.

Anton ordered, "Stop."

Madrick faced his brother and spoke. "My name is Madrick. I am your brother, and I need your help. I need you to make sure Belinda and Vedric are guarded. You see RaNul feeds on fear and confusion. She has been tired lately, unable to rest because he has fed from her. I realized that you may not want to believe me, but I can prove I am who I claim to be. When I was five, and you were fifteen, one of the servants called me an unwanted miscreant. She called me that often, and no one said a thing, but you confronted her. You told her that I was a Caspian and if she ever called me such a disgusting thing again, you'd feast on her blood." Matthias faced him, not wanting to believe Stork had merged his soul with that of a demon.