Highland Pack Ch. 06


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The three vampires flanked the dragon that seemed to be devolving quickly. Gustiban stood, refusing to abandon his post. Shawn in his fugue state lashed out, striking Matthias. Stuart and Anton moved in. Subconsciously, Matthias was terrified. Madrick knew. He vanished. For a second, he was stunned by what he saw, and then he understood. RaNul tampered with the dragon's genetic makeup. He called to its demon, and the dragon resisted, but had no choice but to comply.

Matthias was ready to attack when Madrick sent a short command, Halt! The vampires, wolves, and Shawn could not move.

Madrick stood before the dragon, and he went inside his mind. Shawn was trailing Mercul when his father's demons seized him. The young dragon shifted and fought, but was soon over powered. Father blocked his senses so he could not call out for help. He knew the pack was planning for an attack, but he needed intelligence on the whereabouts of Stork.

He used his mental abilities to subdue the weakened dragon, almost to the point of death. RaNul then took one of his lesser demons and bled him into the dragon, infusing him with demon DNA. Shawn was altered, and RaNul then added a mental bomb. Every time he tried to remember, the demon surged forward. Each time, the demon grew stronger, killing the dragon a bit more.

RaNul made a mistake though. He didn't think about love. Shawn loved Mera, and it was that pure innocent love, that helped him maintain his sanity.

"Dragon, I will help you." Madrick whispered. Then he released his hold on everyone in the room.

Madrick was angry, and he knew, RaNul needed to be stopped. His family was not safe as long as the demon existed. Matthias knew. He knew Madrick was going after RaNul.

"Wait, let me go with you. You don't have to face him alone." Matthias stated.

Madrick faced his brother, and his friends. "Matt, you have fought every battle I've ever had. But this is one I must fight alone. He will not stop, not until he has destroyed everything, and everyone in my life. Shawn is innocent, but as long as RaNul lives, he will never be free."

"Stork, Madrick, whatever you call yourself, let me fight with you. You don't have to go against him alone." Matthias insisted.

Gustiban stood with his brother. He was told that Stork had changed, fully merging his two halves. Gustiban liked what he saw. No longer was the man before him a tortured soul, but now he was a deadly predator.

Madrick faced his brother. He was not allowing Matthias to go near RaNul. His love for his brother was the one constant that helped equalized him. "No. No, I will never agree. Matthias, this is my fight. If I fail, I need you to help Belinda. She will need you, all of you. If he wins, he will come after my son. Now I understand why father had him banned. He did it to keep us safe." Madrick sighed, "Look out for him. Protect them even if it has to be from me. If this fight changes me, protect my son."

Madrick vanished. It was time. He and His father needed to come to terms with the past.

Madrick entered the demon realm. RaNul smiled. It was time, Today, he'd kill his son and feed from his spirit. This would make him even more powerful. After absorbing his son's energy, RaNul would be unstoppable.

"Father, show yourself!" Madrick called out.

The air became incensed as RaNul shimmered into place.


"So, I guess junior thinks he's ready to face daddy." Two of RaNul top demons teased as Madrick entered the demon realm.

Madrick was not fazed. He knew all he needed to know. RaNul was old, selfish, and had no real heart. He fed off of others. That was how he lasted for so many millennia.

"I'll give you a choice. Leave now, or fight for RaNul and be banished for all eternity." Madrick stated. The demons laughed, RaNul joined them in their laughter

"Madrick, my son, you think you can defeat me. You challenge me in my realm. I made you boy, and I will feast on your soul." RaNul hissed. "Let me tell you the truth, son. Ezra never loved you. He didn't give a damn about you. He only wanted to keep you from me."

For a second, Madrick believed him. Then he remembered Belinda, Vedric, and Astredon. If RaNul lived who would be able to stop him from hurting his family. He remembered Shawn. That young man was tortured by him.

"I'm done talking." Madrick attacked.

The demons joined in, each one attacking this half-breed that dare attack their master. Madrick was outnumbered. His heat hammered. His blood raced through his veins. Several demons feasted on him, yet he had one goal in mind. He was getting to RaNul.

All of a sudden, the demons that covered him were snatched away. He didn't look back nor question. He went after his father. Lilith and Mareya had one thing in common. They wanted to be free of RaNul. The women fought with Madrick. RaNul felt he would be victorious until he realized, many of his demons no longer cleaved to him. He looked, and it was obvious, they were truly loyal to hs son.

"You fools, when I destroy him. You all will perish." RaNul attacked. Madrick fell to his knees. He was prepared. He blocked and soon stood under the grip of his father's assault. He advanced and RaNul trembled. Madrick fed, his demon feasting on the fear of his father.

One of RaNul's betas, struck, knocking the young demon down. Mareya intervened, taking the brunt of his attack. Lilith screeched as she aided her friend. The three demons then fought against an enemy that was once a friend. They had to win for RaNul was cruel, deviant, and heartless.

At home, Belinda's heart froze. Her husband was in danger and she could not help. She began to cry as she cradled her unborn son. Valkyre joined her as did other family members. The women wanted to help, but all they could do was comfort each other.

Belinda closed her eyes. She knew, after tonight, her husband would be different. The Nemyra was strong. She sent him love and Madrick had to block her as well. He had to focus. He had to defeat his father because that's what he needed to do to protect his family. Then something happened; two of his father's fighters vanished.

Lilith and Mareya followed. The four demons appeared at the coven. Valkyrie was ready to fight, but before she could, two female demons intervened. The women retreated, as their husbands joined in the fight.. soon the attacking demons were killed. Mareya spoke. She explained that she and Lilith would stay until the fight ended. If Madrick failed, they would guard his wife and child. RaNul could not win.

Matthias and Gus returned home immediately. Stuart stood. Matthias rushed to Valkyrie's side. Gus checked on Felicity. Both women told them about the attack. Lilith and Mareya never left Belinda's side.

Mareya and Lilith stayed near Belinda. Each demon stood guard. Lilith did not speak, but deep down she was jealous of the female vampire. She had a husband that loved her. She would soon hold her son in her arms. To top it all, she had a family that was willing to die for her. Lilith had no one. Mareya approached her with her plan to gain freedom from RaNul. She hated him. She wanted him gone.

Mareya looked at her and wondered. How long would the fight last? Will Madrick win?

Meanwhile in Scotland, Stuart spoke, "We banish this bastard for good this time." He whispered. Conor and Anton agreed. They started the ritual.

Madrick devolved allowing his demon full control. The huge red and black monster stood, the ground shook as the lesser demons now took flight. Not to be outdone, RaNul took his true from. Where Madrick was huge and impressive, RaNul was simply deadly, his sharp claws dripping venomous poison. One swipe and the boy would succumb to the poison and die. The two monsters circled each other. Madrick attacked, receiving the first blow of RaNul's poisoned talons. The poison burned, but didn't stop him. He came back, and this time, it was RaNul that took a major hit.

The demons gasped, as the two men viciously fought. The young demon held his own and was not as easily defeated as RaNul thought. The air became humid, everything slowed. The air stilled. RaNul felt his power drain. With each blow, his son grew stronger. One by one he watched his minions fall away. He moved to strike Madrick and his arm felt like dead weight. He could barely lift it.

Madrick knew what he must do. He knew he had to rip out the demon heart. He knew that once the heart we removed, the head and to be detached. Yet he fought on. Madrick blocked his thoughts, and went dull force after his father. He remembered the whispers. With each painful memory, he delivered a blow. Under the attack, RaNul fell to his knees. Stuart, Anton, and Conor had him. His spirit was in their clutches. Now was the time. Madrick need to take his heart.

Before landing a final blow, Madrick leaned into his face. He had to ask, "Why? Why impregnate such a hateful bitch?"

RaNul looked up, and he knew he would die. "I hated her almost as much as I hate you." Madrick extended his claw and ripped his black beating heart from his chest. . RaNul's eyes bled black as Madrick then ripped his head from his body. The demon corpse fell and invisible shackles began to fall from those that served him. Spirits around him, tortured souls that RaNul held captive began to fly free.

Mareya collapsed in tears as she felt the chain that held her for so long break. Lilith gasped, as she too was no longer attached to the demon.

Madrick stood above his father's bloated remains and said the words that would free him for all eternity. "I forgive you. Go and be free." Then he collapsed. Matt, help me. he sent. Within seconds, Matthias was at his side. Holding his brother, Matt was just so relieved he survived. Madrick awoke back in his hotel room in Scotland.

Seeing his brother, bruised and battered, Matthias was instantly angry. But Madrick needed him. Matthias helped his brother and made sure he fed. Soon, he needed to see Alpha Park. He needed to help the young dragon his father damaged.

Matthias and Madrick returned to the compound. They reported to the alpha home. Andrew greeted them and congratulated Madrick on his victory.

"Alpha Parks, can you ask Laird MacLean to join us?" He requested.

Andrew called and Conor, Anton, and Stuart arrived. Stuart hugged his nephew. They were safe now. He'd kept his promise to his brother. "I know I wasn't asked to come, but I needed to see you before I left. You can go on with your lives now. He's gone. He can't hurt either of you ever again." Stuart whispered.

Madrick hugged his uncle. "Thank you, Uncle Stuart. I'm fine. Go home and take care of that beautiful wife of yours." Stuart smiled and reminded them to visit and bring the kids. Then he left.

Madrick told them of his ability to resist the poison his father injected into him. He suspected it was from the dragon blood he'd taken in months before when he glamoured for the first time. I think dragon blood can help Shawn. Not just any blood, but yours, Laird MacLean." Conor nodded. He sent for Shawn.

Shawn entered, facing his leaders. He saw the vampires and the demon. Shawn wondered, what could be happening now.

What is your name? The demon sent, demanding an answer. Shawn gasped, his eyes flying to Conor. However, he answered, I have no name, for I should not exist.

Conor gasped. Madrick held up his hand, halting the dragon Laird. RaNul exist no more. Madrick explained, and the demon trembled. Shawn was stock still. He knew himself, this other part was a stranger to him. Conor stood, but remained silent.

Madrick spoke. "I can free you, but you must not resist. Shawn will drink the blood of his laird, when he does, you will fade into the abyss. You mustn't resist. You don't belong here."

The demon hissed, but knew Madrick spoke the truth.

Conor faced Shawn.

Madrick morphed, and chanted in a language of old. Capturing Shawn's head in is claws, Madrick yelled out a command. Shawn began bleeding. He cried blood. Blood flowed from his ears, mouth, nose. Soon he fell and Madrick told Conor to feed him. Conor immediately fed the young dragon. With a loud, animalistic scream, dark energy expelled itself from Shawn's body. He trembled, but Conor held him. Soon he calmed and the spirit dissipated. It was free.

Mathias spoke. He wanted to make sure Madrick was alright. Madrick smiled. He did it. He won. He had something he had to do. He needed to see his wife.

Taking a moment to thank the MacGregor alpha and the Dragon Laird, Madrick vanished home.

Belinda launched herself in his arms as soon as he appeared.

The others around him gasped. They had no idea he looked so different. Everyone stared then the kids ran in. "Unka Stork," Astredon shrieked and rushed to his uncle. Madrick caught him mid leap. Soon, Nyx, Cedric, and the others joined his nephew. Madrick cried. His heart filled with love as his wife looked on, her hand caressing his son. He was finally home.

Madrick held his nephew close, inhaling his sweet scent. The other children joined him, and Madrick gave them cuddles. The rest of the coven waited, amazed at his transformation. Belinda watched, her heart overflowing with love for the man that stood before her. He'd gone through hell, and one day he would tell her.

Behind her two female demons wept. They wanted to be free. Since Madrick had defeated RaNul, it was his choice if they went free or served him for an eternity.

Madrick looked up. He knew them. Why are you here? he demanded

Love, they came to protect us. Lilith and Mareya do not deserve your censor, but your thanks. Belinda sent.

Madrick stopped, "Mareya, I remember you. You stopped me from making a huge mistake." He looked at Lilith. She blushed, and Belinda looked confused.

"Yes, I did. You could not lose sight of your true mission. Your father needed to be stopped." Mareya explained. "We have a small request though. We request our freedom." Lilith stood behind her, not uttering a word.

Madrick nodded. "I consider you ladies allies. If you ever need anything, please call."

The women were relieved. They faced Belinda and sincerely congratulated her. After which they vanished. "I bet there's a story there. When we get away from the women, Stork, you have to tell us." Silas chimed in.

Stork smiled, "I'm no longer Stork. My new name is Madrick, Madrick Caspian."

Astredon looked at his uncle and replied, "Unka Maddick,' then he and the other children laughed.

Just then, Vedric kicked, and Belinda gasped. Without even realizing, she grasped Madrick's hand and placed it on her baby bump. His son kicked and Madrick gasped. His wife was safe now, and their child was healthy. RaNul was no longer a threat to his family, and now he could be at peace.

Lilith and Mareya were free now. The women had so many choices, but one think they were both sure of, they owed their lives to Madrick, son of RaNul.


Shawn slept. Eventually, Mera was allowed to sit with him. She scented him and noticed that the odd smell was gone. His sweet scent of mahogany and licorice filled her heart with joy.

Eventually Shawn awoke, with Mera tucked into his sighed. The young dragon smiled. He watched her. Mera woke up. Shawn smiled. "Hey sleepy head."

Mera gasped as she looked deep in his eyes. Gone was the cloud of insanity. Only Shawn's beautiful brilliant eyes shone back at her. She moved and embraced her friend, her mate. Shawn held her close, inhaling her fragrance. Thanking the Gods for her. Her presence was the only thing that kept him sane.

"Mera, do you have any idea how much you mean to me?" Shawn whispered.

Mera nodded, "If it's a fraction of what you mean to me, then it's the whole world."

Shawn kissed her. His heart raced, because as soon as she was of age and her alpha agreed, he was taking his wife home.

Mera sighed, and enjoyed being held in his strong arms. She was of age already, having turned eighteen months ago. However, she knew Shawn would want time. As soon as her mate was ready, she would mark him.

Andrew and Gao bid farewell to their guest. Andrew faced his mate. "So, do you think the pack will inherit a new dragon, or will Laird MacLean become alpha to a female wolf?"

Gao smiled, "Either way will be fine. They are beautiful together." She whispered.

Then she remembered back when she was younger. Kulkrit say Inuit and decided that he would torture her. Of course, Gao told grandfather and he was reprimanded. Inuit thanked her but the two were never friends.

After grandfather died, she learned that her brother had become involved with several women. One was Inuit. She heard the rumors of how cruel he was. She even had dragons come to her to share news of his exploits. However, Inuit never left his side.

When he began to share her with others, Gao was disgusted with the female. Then grandfather died. Deep down, she knew that her brother was cruel. He fed on weakness. A part of her knew that of Inuit stayed, it was because she had no choice. She needed the truth. She needed to address the female.

Soon Shawn and Mera came out of her room. Andrew greeted them, and extended an invitation into the pack to Shawn.

Gao was distracted, memories living and breathing, raced through her mind. She smiled though, and gave the young couple her blessing. Then she faced her mate. Andrew looked at his wife and knew. Although Ming no longer existed, there were still lingering demons. She and Inuit needed closure. He would go visit Kade.


Laughter, the sound of children frolicking awoke Inuit. That was strange. She got up, cold. He was not beside her. He recently started sharing her bed. They had been here, in seclusion for months. Often, Inuit would just stare at him. He was the most handsome dragon. He never met a person he couldn't fine the good in. That thought often caused her to reflect. She wondered if he realized how different she'd become.

Last night, as he slept, she lay awake beside him. She wished he wanted her. He cared for her, and that was a good thing. But each night, he never went beyond kissing or touching her. She was afraid to insist on more because often males were prickly creatures. If a woman made demands, then it could cause issues to arise. Although Kade never treated her as less than an equal, Inuit was not sure about pressing for more.

Inuit walked out to hear the alpha of the MacGregor Pack talking with Kade. Inuit stood outside of the room, listening. Not that she had to hide. She and Kade had decided that they would be open with each other. She had a great deal of respect for the huge dragon. She also felt a deep sense of unwavering loyalty because he gave up his home to be with her.

Inuit was confused. He never tried to be intimate with her. It was as if all he saw was her past. A month ago his parents visited, and Inuit grew to love them. His father was so much like Kade, but in the end, she felt affection for the much older dragon. Kade's mother was a lot like Inuit. However, she accepted her and told her to not let Kade bully her. She even took Kade to task for his nonchalant attitude where Inuit was concerned.

When his parents left, they talked more. Each morning Inuit reminded herself of something Kade's father told her one morning. She arose to make breakfast to finding him already preparing it. He told her to sit. His voice gruff, but he kept his tone low so he would not wake Kade or Daria.

"I have heard things about you. Some of which cannot be true." He stated. Inuit dropped her head. Her past was the biggest problem her companion had. So, Horatio asked. "Were you really his concubine?" Inuit nodded and dropped her head.

Horatio moved and sat in front of her. "Girl, hold your head up. You have no need to feel such shame. Yes, you did things. We all have. I was able to protect my young and we had a decent leader. Ming did not. You did what you had to survive. I now and you know had you refused him the simplest request, you'd be beaten." Horatio exhaled. He saw tears drop and it confirmed his deepest fear. "You were." Inuit did not respond.