Hired for Halloween


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She waited until she heard his breathing slow, then she let him slip from her mouth. Jamie rolled over in the bed, enjoying the sensations she was feeling. Jamie was so horny from her bath and from pleasuring James, but she didn't care. She let her hands wander down to where her slit should have been, but for the moment inaccessible because of her tail. She so desperately wanted to find relief for herself, but she knew she would have to wait. So, with waves of pleasure washing through her body, Jamie pulled herself towards the top of the bed, and wrapped her arms around the now sleeping James and fell asleep.

Chapter 5

The next few days passed in a blur of activity. Not only were the plans for James' party coming together, but the physical and mental attraction between James and Jamie was growing as well. The two of them had found perfect counterparts in each other, and they both discovered that the other complimented them perfectly. Along the way, Jamie also discovered that being denied sex had a very interesting effect on her. As the week progressed she began to be consumed by the idea of being aroused, and she lost no opportunity to pleasure James or to let him pleasure her.

But there was little time for the two to explore each other. James was a whirlwind getting ready for the party, and making sure that Jamie was ready was part of his plan. Since James wanted her to have some practice for the party, and walking was out of the question, Jamie spent most of her time in the pool, practicing swimming with her new tail. At James' urging she also spent all of her time topless. He argued that it would look silly if she had tan lines on her breasts since real mermaids didn't wear bras. And he also had a valid point that she should feel completely natural in her costume, and he didn't want her being self-conscious about her bare breasts at the party. Jamie had to agree with that point, and by Friday she was happily splashing around the lagoon as James sat poolside with a martini in his hand, wearing only a robe.

"Hi there beautiful mermaid," he called.

"Oh my, a man!" replied Jamie, slipping into her newfound role.

"You know, I've never seen a real mermaid before."

"You haven't?" cried Jamie in mock despair. "Would you like to see one up close and personal?"

James didn't utter a word as he slipped off his robe and slid into the water. Jamie swam over to him and quickly lowered herself down to take him in her mouth. It didn't take long before she could feel his rock hard cock splash his seed in the back of her willing mouth. Jamie licked him clean before looking up and smiling.

"Good thing that tool of yours is filled with protein. Otherwise I'd be getting real sick of those damn energy drinks." Another little item Jamie had discovered was that defecating was out of the question with her tail, so she had been on a liquid diet since that fateful coffee shop meeting with James.

James only smiled. "I'm only glad to oblige, my dear. But I really wish I could return the favor."

"I know sweetie, but you're the one who came up with the idea for me to be a mermaid. Why didn't you make me a cat or something like that?"

"Not a bad idea," James concurred, "but I think I like you as a mermaid just fine."

With that he spun her around and took her breasts in his hands. She could feel her nipples harden as he gently pinched her nipples. She was beginning to feel that familiar warmth between her legs, letting him fan the flames of passion that had been simmering inside of her all week. She couldn't wait until she could pleasure him properly, with his cock inside her moist pussy. But until then, the fire was going to keep burning, and she was going to be constantly aroused, constantly needing his touch on her exposed breasts, constantly needing to feel his cock in her mouth. For now it would have to do. Jamie relaxed as James massaged her shoulders and breasts. She drifted off to a daydream of endless orgasms as she enjoyed the sensations waltzing through her body.


"Huh, what?"

"I said, do you want a drink?" James was looking at her like she was deaf.

"Oh sure. That would be great. But no sedative this time, ok?" Jamie smiled.

"You got it! Will a rum and coke do?"


Jamie had to hand it to James. He certainly knew how to treat a lady, uh, mermaid. James climbed out of the pool and over to the cabana bar that was set up for the party. He expertly mixed the drink then sat on the edge of the pool with his legs splashing the water.

"Hey sexy mermaid. Come and get your drink!" he called.

Jamie gracefully swam over to the edge of the pool and took the drink.

"You are getting really good at swimming with that thing aren't you?"

"Well, considering I can't do much of anything when I'm on dry land, I'd better be good at swimming!" Jamie laughed. It was true. When out of the pool, Jamie was a 110 pound good looking dead weight, but in the water, she was amazing. James had been right when he said he wanted her to practice in the water.

"You'll be sensational at the party. I can't wait to see how the guests react to you."

"As long as they react with their eyes, not their hands!" scolded Jamie. "I am perfectly content with you. I don't need your guests' help too."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure they look but don't touch. Unless of course, you want them to," James looked at her with a sly smile.

"I don't think so dear! But if I change my mind, I'll let you know."

With that, the party planner and the mermaid continued discussing details of the party scheduled to begin the next evening.

Chapter 6

"Alright, my little sexy mermaid. Are you ready?"

Jamie sucked in her breath. She had just endured James stimulating her breasts for the past thirty minutes after she sucked him off in the pool. She was horny beyond belief and anything but ready, but what more could a mermaid ask.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

"Good. Now remember, I won't have time to help you go to the bathroom during the party, and I can't have you dripping pee into the pool all night, so that means your catheter will be closed until after the party is over."

Jamie did the math in her head. She had to be ready to go by five, the doors opened at five thirty and the party wouldn't be over until two in the morning. That was eight hours. She'd have to remember to not drink too much. She looked at the clock hanging by the cabana bar. It was already after four, so she knew she'd have to get James to help her visit the restroom now, before the bar staff arrived and took up his time.

Jamie smiled. "I got it dear. But before you rush off and get your party started, can you help a poor mermaid visit the little girl's room one more time? Other wise you might have a very bloated fish on your hands by the time the party is over!"

James consulted his watch. "Sure thing. Anything for my little mermaid!"

Jamie reached her arms up for James to pull her out of the pool. She had just managed to slide herself up onto the deck, when she heard the shrill ring of his cell phone.

"Hello?" she heard James say.

James gave an apologetic look to Jamie as he headed towards the house, murmuring into the phone. Jamie lounged by the side of the pool while she waited for his return. She looked over her golden brown body, and then further down towards her gleaming tail. She had to admit, she did look wonderful. Her private parts were still simmering from the attention James gave her bronzed breasts and nipples earlier, and she couldn't wait until the party was over when she could remove the tail, and take every inch of James in her waiting pussy. Just the thought of it was sending her to new heights of excitement. She could only imagine how hot and wet her pussy would be when she could finally share it with James. She knew that if it wouldn't have been for her tail, she would be dripping her juices all over the pool deck right now. But only eight hours and she would be rid of the tail! She closed her eyes and tried to imagine herself without a tail, laying with James in bed, his hard cock inside her wet and willing pussy.

"Jamie, I'm so sorry. I had to deal with that call. Are you ok?"

Jamie opened her eyes to see a very concerned James standing over her.

"Sure hon, I'm fine. Just daydreaming while I was waiting for you."

"I'm so sorry that took so long. Are you ready to get in position for the party?"

James and Jamie had agreed that for the first few hours of the party, she would be posed on a rock by the waterfall, and only later in the evening would she get in the pool with the guests.

"Sure James, but don't forget. I need to visit the restroom."

James looked ashen.

"Shit!" he said. "There isn't time. It's almost five thirty already."

Jamie knew what that meant. It would be at least a fifteen minute ordeal to get her upstairs into the Jacuzzi tub, open the valve so she could empty her bladder, clean her up and then get her back downstairs into position. There just wasn't enough time. She would have to suffer the pain and wait to relieve herself. If it was her choice she would rather empty her bladder now, but until she was in control of the remote she didn't have a say in the matter. At least she wouldn't have to hold it, as the valve on the catheter would do that for her.

"James it's ok. I can make it. Just don't forget about me when the party is over. I think I'll need some major relief in more ways than one." Jamie licked her lips seductively.

"Don't worry my little mermaid. I won't forget. Now let's get you in position."

James carefully picked her up and carried her over to the waterfall flowing into the pool. As he set her on a large boulder he smiled at her.

"I love you."

Jamie thought she was dreaming.

"What was that?" she asked.

"You heard me," he whispered. "Now do you need anything? I'll make sure the bartender sends you drinks once in a while."

"I'm good to go dear. Now get your party started so I can visit the restroom!"

James smiled. "Thanks. I'll see you in a few hours."

He was about to leave, when he bent down to whisper in her ear.

"By the way, for being such a wonderful mermaid, I have a surprise for you tonight."

But before Jamie could question him, he was off to get things rolling.

Chapter 7

The party was in full swing, and Jamie was definitely the hit of the evening. She sat on her rock as the water splashed past her, enjoying the attention she was getting from the guests. She had completely forgotten about her missed bathroom break and spent her time as a living set decoration dreaming about all the naughty things she would do with James when the party was finished. The bartender made sure she had anything she wanted, and by the time the sun went down, she was already on her third rum and coke. As she was sipping, the first feelings of discomfort hit her. Jamie looked around in alarm and remembered what James had said. No bathroom breaks until after the party. She suddenly felt clumsy holding the drink and looked for a place to set it down. But there was none, so she just held her now unwanted drink and hoped the discomfort wouldn't get worse and that the party would come to an end soon.

Jamie was unable to see the clock by the bar from her rock perch, but was hoping time was passing quickly. Then she remembered. She wasn't due to be in the pool until eight o'clock. Since she was still on the rock, that meant she had at least six more hours before she could get relief. She consoled herself in the fact that she couldn't have an accident thanks to the catheter that was firmly implanted in her bladder. So she relaxed and tried to take her mind off of her bladder. She dreamed of being able to spread her legs wide and let James take her again and again. She dreamed of feeling his wet tongue on her aroused nipples. She dreamed of taking him in her mouth, feeling him release as she pulled him deeply into her mouth.

"Excuse me."

Jamie snapped out of her daydream to look up at the bartender.

"James wanted me to tell you, it's time to go in the pool now."

"Finally!" Jamie smiled as she handed her now warm drink to the bartender.

She was ready for a change of pace. Not that dreaming of James was bad, but Jamie needed to move around. She looked over the edge of her perch down to the cool inviting pool, and slid off the rock into a perfect dive. As she emerged from under the water she could hear the applause of the party guests. She smiled and waved as a ripple of discomfort hit her bladder. Just eight more hours, she thought. I can do it.

Jamie looked over to the steps of the pool to see the lifeguard collecting money from guests who wanted to swim with the mermaid. After being issued a wrist band and a quick warning that the mermaid was only to look at, party goers started wading into the shallow end of the pool. She could see James standing by the bar watching her intently. She winked at him, and he winked back.

Soon the first pool guests got close enough to Jamie to begin a conversation. She and James had decided that she should be as realistic as possible as a mermaid so they had worked up a series of possible questions and answers. As Jamie fielded these questions, she began to feel the pressure in her bladder increase. It was becoming decidedly uncomfortable. She looked for James and found him still by the bar. Jamie excused herself from a pool guest and swam for the side of the pool.

"Hey James."

"Hi my little mermaid. How's it going?"

"Good. But one little problem."

"What's that?"

"I really have to pee."

A look of thoughtfulness crossed James face.

"Do you think you can hold it for now? Maybe when the party dies down I can get you out of the pool for a bit, but right now we have to keep the guests happy." James wanted to help her, but they both knew that there was a lot of money invested in having a good party.

"I'm ok for now, but if it gets much worse, I'm afraid I might burst."

"Well, we don't want that," laughed James. "Tell you what, if it gets really bad, find me and I'll see what I can do."


Suddenly another thought crossed Jamie's mind.

"When am I going to get the surprise you were telling me about?"

"You'll soon find out."

James then headed back to the bar and Jamie resumed her role as a living mermaid for the pool party.

Just then the lifeguard blew his whistle. "Alright pool guests, it's time for pool volleyball. Miss Jamie, our real live mermaid has agreed to play, so I'll split you up into two teams and then Miss Jamie will alternate teams."

Jamie looked for James by the bar. She didn't remember agreeing to play volley ball, but it wasn't a big deal. She just wished she could use the restroom. The discomfort was beginning to become painful.

Then the game started. Jamie was the obvious focus of attention. Everyone wanted to hit the ball to her, just to watch her firm breasts bounce as she returned the ball. And Jamie wasn't half bad at the game either. With her tail providing a powerful thrust she was able to literally spring out of the water with great returns while providing a good show for the pool guests as well.

It was towards the middle of the second game when Jamie noticed it. The pressure in her bladder was constantly painful, but she had been able to block that out thanks to the volleyball game. But every time she hit the ball, there was a new sensation. A different sensation. It was nothing big, but still there nevertheless. Every time she hit the ball she could feel a tingling right on her clit. Jamie didn't think anything of it, as she enjoyed playing, but by the third game she was definitely becoming excited.

The lifeguard decided a small break was in order before the game resumed and everyone swam over to the pool bar for a drink or two. Jamie gracefully propelled herself to the edge of the pool and looked for James. Suddenly he appeared with two drinks in his hand.

"How's the volleyball game, my little mermaid?"

"Good so far. I'm enjoying myself," Jamie answered. And she honestly was.

"Are you?"

The response confused Jamie, but it didn't matter. She'd press him on it later.

"I got you a drink. Since you started playing volleyball, you haven't had a sip. I don't want you to get dehydrated." James pressed the drink into her hand with a sly smile.

"But I'm really not thirsty. In fact I'm so full right now I really need to use the restroom," Jamie sighed, feeling the incessant pressure on her bladder that she couldn't ignore.

"As soon as I can, I'll get you some relief. Now drink up, the game's about to begin again."

With that he was gone, and Jamie had no choice but to finish the drink before swimming back over to the volleyball net.

When the game resumed, nothing changed except the sobriety of the pool guests. They were still hitting the ball to Jamie every chance they got, but with their loss of coordination the shots got wilder and wilder. Jamie had to lunge and stretch for almost every ball hit her way. Not that the crowd minded. They were treated to display after display of Jamie's beautiful breasts seductively bouncing as she dove for the ball. Not that Jamie minded either. Every time she hit the ball there was a definite, and most decidedly stronger, tingling on her clit. The game was making her very aroused.

As the teams were switching sides, Jamie had a moment to catch her breath. The combination of her full bladder and the much more welcome feeling of her aroused clit had a very erotic effect on her. Jamie's nipples were completely erect, and her face showed signs of a previously unnoticed flush. She looked for James and saw him watching her from the cabana bar. He waved before turning back to his drink. She thought as he turned, she could see a bulge in his pants. She was about to swim over to him, when the next game started.

This game the tingling on her clit became even more pronounced. The pool guests couldn't get enough of Jamie's breasts with those beautiful swollen nipples as she kept hitting the ball, and Jamie couldn't get enough of the ball since every time she hit it, the same pleasurable sensation washed over her clit and through her body. She was quickly reaching the point of being consumed by the feelings rushing through her body. She had to get out of the volleyball game.

Thankfully by that point most people were beyond keeping score, and were more interested in just staring at Jamie, so the lifeguard called an end to the volleyball. Jamie swam over to the side of the pool to find James.

"James, come here!"

This time, when he turned from the bar, she could definitely see a bulge in his pants. He must have enjoyed the game almost as much as she did.

"What's up my little mermaid?"

"Two things. Number one, I really have to pee. Number two, something weird was going on during the volleyball game."

"What's that?"

"Every time I hit the ball, I got a tingling in my clit."

James just smiled quizzically. "What did you say?"

"I said, every time I hit the ball, I got a tingling in my clit."

"Hmmm. Did you enjoy it?" James' eyes surveyed Jamie's body, stopping squarely on her breasts and her aroused nipples.

"What do you think?" panted Jamie. She was definitely horny, ready for the party to be over, and ready to have James screw her within an inch of her life.

"Well, what did it feel like?"

Jamie had to think for a minute.

"Like nothing I've ever felt before."

"Well try and describe it. For me." James looked at her as sincerely as he could.

"Ok, I'll try..."

Just then she felt it. More than just felt it. It rocked her world. Jamie nearly sank under the water as the sensation started on her clit and rushed through every fiber of her body. She could feel herself losing control of her muscles as her body came closer and closer to climaxing. She was so close, so close.