His Big Brother Ch. 02

Story Info
Brayden returns for Thanksgiving, Julian learns a big lesson.
4.8k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/18/2023
Created 09/12/2023
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Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and all potential resemblances to real people and events is purely coincidental. This story and the characters in it are owned by me and can not be reposted or re-used without my consent under copyright law. All characters in this story are over 18 years old.

Note: This is the continuation to my previous work "His big Brother", and its highly recommended to read that first to understand the relevant context

Ch. 2

Julian was sitting on his bed looking out on the leaves falling from the trees outside. The house was quiet and cold as Julian sat there contemplating the coming days, pulling on the sleeves of the jumper in worry. It was on this same bed three weeks ago he last saw his older brother Brayden. Brayden had been home from college for the halloween weekend when it had happened. Just thinking about it made Julians blood run cold. Julian shook his head, trying to get rid of the images burned into his retinas. Brayden looking at him, touching him, being on top of him, inside of him.

After the incident Julian had just laid on his bed for hours, until almost midnight when he heard his parents come home downstairs. Then he had rushed to the bathroom to shower, making sure to get rid of the evidence. He hadn't seen his big brother, but he hadn't searched for him either. On Saturday, the day after, Julian had faked being sick to avoid both his brother and the halloween party he now had no plans on attending. He stayed in his room until he heard his brother leave for his own party, and felt great relief when he heard the door slam shut, having been terrified that his brother would return for a second act. Julian spent the whole day lying in the same sheet from the day before, the smell of his brother lingering as he thought about what had transpired, and most of all how his own body had betrayed him.

Brayden left early Sunday morning to go back to the dorms. Julian heard him kiss their parents goodbye and yell a "see you later little brother" up to him before getting in his car and leaving. When he was finally gone Julian felt like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and he tried his best to return to normal life, but it wasn't all that easy. The pictures Brayden had taken of Julian that day were being sent to his phone one by one.

The first one came already an hour after Brayden had left Julian naked and covered in cum on his bed. It was a photo of him sucking Braydens cock, only you couldn't tell by the photo who the big member belonged to, only that it was deep in Julians throat.

The first picture came with a warning "Our secret, right? Remember I have more of these."

After that initial photo, more photos started ticking in at random intervals.

Julian on the bed, ass in the air hands behind his back, delivered during science class

Julian with cum streaking his face, cheeks flushed and lips swollen, delivered during family dinner with grandma and grandpa.

Julian on his back, legs in the air, hola gaping and com on his chest and face, delivered during soccer practise.

It was hard for Julian to relax when he never knew when a new picture would appear on his phone.

Julian picked up said phone from beside him on the bed and looked at his most recent text from his older brother, "Can't wait to see you again, little brother." it read. Brayden was coming home again for thanksgiving and since his car was in the shop their parents had gone to pick him up. They were due in about two hours, and with every minute passing Julians stomach was filled with more dread. How would it be seeing his brother again? He would do anything to him again, would he?" it had just been a one time thing, right?

Two days had passed since Brayden came home and Julian had avoided him the best he could the entire time, leaving home early in the morning to play soccer and hang with friends, and only returning for dinner or in the evening, going straight to his room afterwards. Despite his best effort Julian had not been able to avoid Brayden completely, and every moment he had to spend around his big brother was tense and painful. The only upside was that the photos had stopped while his brother had been home, still Julian now never left his phone unattended.

Today however was Thanksgiving, and both Julian and Brayden had gotten strict messages from their mother that they had to stay home and help with dinner, the entire family was coming over so all hands were on deck. The only one missing was Julian and Braydens older brother Matthew, who were spending thanksgiving with his girlfriend and her family. Julian wished Matt and his girlfriend were coming here instead, so he could be a buffer between him and Brayden, he also missed his brother, who had moved out years ago. Julian was anxious about spending the entire day in such close proximity to his brother, remembering all the terrible things he had done to him just a few weeks ago.

It turned out Julians worries were obsolete, because in the thanksgiving flurry he hardly had to spend any time with Brayden. Almost as soon as Brayden came downstairs an hour after Julian, their mother sent him to the store to get last minute ingredients and by the time he returned their aunts, uncles and cousins had arrived. The house soon became crowded and with the aunts joining his mother in the kitchen Julian was kicked out along with the rest of the men to play some family football in the yard.

The sun hung low in the autumn sky, casting a warm golden glow over the backyard. The scent of roasting turkey and pumpkin pie wafted through the air, as the men took their beers and sodas outside. In the backyard, the makeshift football field was marked by two rows of lawn chairs serving as goalposts. Julian was placed on his fathers team along with uncle jack and cousin andrew. Braydon was on uncle charlie's team along with jacks son jack jr. and andrews brother marvin.

In the first half of the game Julian played horribly, his mind was so focused on avoiding Brayden that he fumbled the ball multiple times, causing his team to lose way to many points. He could feel himself growing embarrassed by his own performance. In the corner of his eye he could see Brayden, tall and strong, studying him intently. Julian was growing concerned that his family would realize that all his mistakes coincided with instances where Brayden came close to him, so when his dad called the next play Julian sprinted towards the ball ignoring his brother doing the same, and second later he felt something big and heavy hitting him from the side, tackling him to the ground.

The next thing Julian knew he was face down in the grass, his big brother on top of him. He could hear his family laughing and his dad telling him to "walk it off Julian". The feeling of braydens body on top of his was way too familiar og Julian froze completely when he felt his brother's warm breath on his ear. Julian could smell the beer on braydens breath as he leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"you know little brother, this gives me a bit of deja vu." Brayden taunted, before peeling himself off Julian. Standing up he reached down and pulled Julian up by the arm.

"You okay little brother? Didn't mean to hit you so hard" Brayden said loudly, more to the rest of the family than to Julian, laughing with that deep voice of his. Brayden then brushed some dirt and grass off Julian and winked before jogging to the other side of the yard towards their cousin Andrew, saying something that made Andrew laugh.

At dinner Julian sat as far away from Brayden as the decorated table allowed. Brayden sat next to cousin Andrew whom he had always been close to, Andrew being only a year younger than Brayden. The way they kept whispering and looking his way made Julian nervous. Brayden wouldn't tell him would he? or worse, show the pictures? They were family after all, and the activities they had engaged in was far from the kind of things families was supposed to do.

Dinner flew by and before anyone knew the family had left and only the residents of the house were left. Brayden and their father were lounging in the living room, drinking beer and watching sports, while Julian and their mother were cleaning up in the kitchen.

"Hey honey, is everything alright with you?" Julian's mother asked as they were putting away the dishes. "you've been so quiet lately"

"Everything is okay, I'm just not sleeping too well at the moment, probably just stress from school" Julian answered. It was a half truth. He hadn't been sleeping too well lately, and even though school was stressful he knew it wasn't the main issue. The reason for his insomnia was sitting in the living room drinking beer and watching sports with a phone full of compromising pictures of him.

"You work too hard." his mother replied, ruffling his hair and caressing his cheek. "Promise you'll slow down a bit? School isn't everything, it's important to relax a bit to"

"yeah i know.'' Julian said, pulling away from his mothers touch. The way she was ruffling his hair had reminded him of the same gesture from Brayden after he had fucked him raw in the ass, and that was a comaprison julian did not want to make.

That eventing Julian couldn't sleep, his head was full of images and memories he didn't want but couldn't seem to get rid of. The smell of his brother, his breath in his ear earlier that day. Julian shivverd and looked at the clock on his nightstand. It read 02.34 at night, and everyone in the house was sound asleep. At least that was what Julian thought as he looked out the window, until he heard the door to his bedroom creak open behind him. Julian's body froze in fear as he heard someone enter and close the door behind them. Julian knew who it was without turning around, but he didn't dare move. Should he pretend to be asleep? Would Brayden even care if he were asleep?

Julian felt the bed dip as someone climbed in under the duvet, and then he felt a pair of big, strong arms around him and a warm body pressing against his. Julians entire body was shaking like a leaf as a pair of lips close to his ear whispered "Did you miss me little brother?"

Braydens voice was deep and filled with something Julian knew all too well.

"Please don't hurt me!" Julian managed to plead through shaking lips.

"I'm not going to hurt you little brother, I'm going to help you" Braydens breath smelled of pumpkin and beer as he leaned closer to Julian's face. "Remember, that's my job as a big brother, to help my little brother prepare for the real world."

Despite the absolute terror those words brought to Julian, he didn't even think of trying to run away, after all Braydon still had those pictures. They could ruin Julians entire life if they got out. There was no way to identify Brayden in the photos, but Julian's face was visible in every single one, and in some it even looked like he liked what was happening. If those photos got out his last year of highschool would be hell, and they would ruin the chances of getting into a good college.

Julian lay there just waiting for his brother to start his assault, but Brayden seemed in no hurry. Brayden had wrapped his arms around Julian and was slowly stroking his body under the duvet. Julian could feel Bradens entire body pressed against his. Brayden was shirtless, but wearing pajama pants, despite this Julian could feel Braydens cock hardening in his pants and pressing against the small of his back. Braydens hands were stroking everywhere they could reach, up his arms and down again, over his chest and down towards his abs, where they stopped at the lining of his boxers and then went up again. Julian released a shudder as Braydens hands moved away from his boxer lining, glad that they hadn't ventured further down his boxers. Then they would discover something Julian didn't want known, his cock, slowly hardening from the contact with his brother.

Julian didn't want his brother to know that all the soft touching and caressing was making him hard, it was too embarrassing. He didn't want this, Brayden was his brother after all. It was just that Braydens hands were so strong and warm and his body pressed against Julians didn't feel like the body of a brother, and the hands didn't feel like a brother's hands.

Brayden let out a soft groan as he kept cressing Julians body, now moving over his hips and down his legs and up his neck and jaw cupping his face.

"You know little brother, I don't feel that I have been completely fair to you" Brayden said after a while. "I know I promised you I would show you how the real world treats innocent little thing like you, but i should probably show you how to take care of yourself to"

"What are you talking about?" Julian croaked, his brother's velvety voice stirring something in his stomach.

"Well, I showed you how to take a big cock in your tight little ass," Brayden began as he pressed his now fully hard cock against Julians back. "But it forgot to show you how you can use your other tight wet hole to stop a man from ever coming so far."

Julian's heart rate increased as Brayden finished explaining, beginning to understand what his brother was talking about. Memories of the rough face fucking blowjob Julian had been forced into before his brother had taken him up the ass emerged, making him swallow hard in fear of a reprise.

"But you already did... that." Julian answered weakly, feeling his big brother's cock grinding against his back. "I already had you in my mouth." Julian continued in a whisper after a few moments with no response for brayden.

"Well that little brother was no real blowjob."Brayden said as he turned Julian around so that they were facing each other under the duvet. "That was a means to an end, I needed my cock hard and wet, but a real blowjob requires more skill than breathing through your nose and holding your mouth open."

Julian shuddered as he looked up into his brother's eyes. Braydens eyes were dark with lust and slightly glassy from the alcohol, but his gaze still made Julians stomach flip.

"But I don't want to." Julian said weakly, knowing it made no real difference.

Brayden looked at his little brother for a minute, before a smile broke on his face.

"Come her little brother," Brayden said as he sat up in the bed, leaning against the headboard. When Julian made no attempt to join him, Brayden pulled him up by the arms and placed him in front of himself, so that Julian was sitting between Braydens legs, back leaning on his chest, cock pressing against the fold of his ass. It dawned at Julian once again that his brother could literally pick him up and toss him around like he was nothing, and the thought made him swallow hard once again.

Brayden picked up his phone from the nightstand, having left it there before climbing into bed with Julian.

"I want to show you something" Brayden said, holding his phone in front of Julian, one arm on either side of him, both showing the phone and keeping him in place. On the phone there was a video playing, a video that made it go cold down Julians back.

On the screen he could see himself lying on his back, legs in the air, being thoroughly fucked by a big cock, a hand squeezing his throat. Then he saw himself convulsing, eyes rolling back and jets of cum pouring out of his own cock as he orgasmed from his brother pumping into him with force.

"Look at that, you didn't even need to be touched to cum, that's a real bottom right here" his brother laughed, eyes glued to the video.

The video continued with a finger swiping through the cum on Julians stomach and putting it in Julians mouth. Julian remembered the finger forcing it in, but in the video it almost looked like he opened his mouth willingly, basically asking for it. Julian continued watching himself sucking on the finger, cheeks hollow and flushed as his entire body thrust with the force of his brother plunging inside of him. The video then shook, and Julian knew it was because at that moment Brayden had pulled out of him, preparing to cum on his face. When the camera again focused, Julian saw himself on the bed, his mouth open and the big cock shooting streams of cum in his mouth and his face. Julian's stomach turned again as he watched himself swallow the cum as the video stopped.

You could see everything on the video, his face, him being fucked, him swallowing cum, him cumming form being fucked. If this video got out it would ruin his entire life. At the same time it would cost Brayden nothing to post it online, no part of him was identifiable.

"Wasn't that so hot!" Brayden murmured in Julians ear as he put the phone away.

"Please dont show that to anyone" Julian cried out, quickly lowering his voice remembering his parents in the other room. "It would run my life" he whispered looking his brother deep in the eyes.

"Then do as you're told" Brayden said matter of factly, lending back against the pillows and the headboard. "you can start by giving me a blowjob, a real one this time."

Julian turned around, sitting on his knees between Braydens legs, kneeling in front of his brother. The only light in the room came form the streetlight outside of julians window, but still it was enough to see what he was doing in front of him. As julian looked up he realized that from this angle Brayden once again looked like a god, chiseled face, strong arms resting behind his head, wide chest with a light dusting of hair and abs Julian could only dream of. As Julian looked his brother over, his eyes were instantly drawn towards the bulge between Braydens legs, where he knew what was waiting for him. Turning his eyes up to meet his big brothers, Julian stuttered.

"i-i don't know h-how." He admitted with a blush.

Brayden chuckled. "That's okay, I'll teach you, that was my intention anyway. it's my duty as a older brother after all, so the world doesn't take advantage of you"

"First," Brayden instructed. "You need to take my cock out so you can properly see it"

With shaking hands Julian reached out towards his brother's bulge. With timid hands he raised the waistband of his brother's pajama pants and reached under to grab a hold of his brother's already hard cock. Brayden wasn't wearing any underwear so Julians hands found their target straight away. Braydens cock was warm, and both soft and hard at the same time. Julian pulled the waistband of the pajama pants further down, freeing Braydens big cock from its cloth prison allowing it to spring up to full attention.

It looked huge, full of veins and with a big purple head, already slick with precum. Julian knew that this was the same cock he had had in his mouth and ass a few weeks ago, but at the same time it seemed impossible that something that big should fit inside any part of him.

"Now take it in your hands, calm down little brother, it's not going to bite." Brayden said with a mocking laugh upon seeing the terrified look on his little brother's face.

Julian reached out again. His hands looked so tiny compared to his older brother's big cock in front of him, and when he took it in his hands he could hardly close his fingers around the throbbing cock.

"Now start stroking." Brayden instructed and Julian did just that. Almost immediately Bryadens cock started leaking more precum from the tip. Julian looked up at his brother, unsure what to do.

"lick it," Brayden commanded. "First the shaft all the way from the base to the tip like you did last time, then the head to get the precum."

"Like this?" Julian asked unsure, licking a line all the way from the base of his cock to the tip, lapping up the precum that had collected on the head. Feeling the salty taste collectin on his tongue.

"Yes, that's good," Brayden said in a breathy voice, slightly trembling from the contact of his little brother's tongue on his hard dick. "Now swirl your head around the tip," He instructed.