His Secret Passion


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"Y-Yes, Sir...I'm watching your manly cock fuck my wife's pussy!"

"Well then, you can plainly see there is room for your face there..."

"What? I mean...what do you mean, Sir?"

"I want your tongue on my manly cock when your wife lifts up...when she lifts up, press your tongue to my cock and go up with her...when she lowers herself—lower your tongue down to the base...clean her cunt juice off my cock with your tongue as she fucks...understand, boy?"

"Yes, Sir...."

It was all a bad dream, he told himself as he obeyed Gregory's orders. He'd wake up soon in a cold sweat; this was too unbelievable to be really happening. He had his tongue on a man's hard cock. Tasting his wife's pussy-juice was nothing new, but now, licking a man's erection, well....

He followed his wife's fucking motions very carefully. His tongue never left Gregory's prick. They fell into a rhythm that he quickly adjusted to, but much to his dismay, he found himself getting excited by this perverted act. His own cock became hard, and he felt the cum churning in his balls.

He discovered it wasn't entirely repulsive to have his tongue on a hard, manly cock. The heavy balls he held and massaged intrigued him, too. He began to wonder how much semen the huge scrotum contained.

His head began entertaining exotic thoughts; he barely noticed his wife's screaming and frantic fucking. Every now and then she pushed downward far enough and his nose would become buried in her cunt, but it was more a distraction and annoyance than anything.

His tongue had found a vein that ran the length of Gregory's penis and he concentrated his efforts there; he pressed his tongue firmly to that vein and stroked it up-and-down in time with the movements of Linda's hips.

Suddenly, Linda screamed especially loud and a torrent of her female juices flooded from her cunt and ran down Gregory's cock. The boy lapped-up and swallowed as much as he could.

Then he heard Gregory bellow with a manly roar; his hips bucked wildly and John had difficulty keeping his tongue on the man's ever-expanding cock. He swore he could actually feel with his hands the cum exploding from the man's balls, and he was certain his tongue vibrated from the force of the cum shooting up through the manly cock.

Then John experienced something that both thrilled and shocked him: his own balls contracted then forced huge streams of semen out of his pulsating prick. He didn't know it was possible to have an orgasm without his prick even being touched.

His body shook and his eyes rolled in his head while his small prick unloaded streams of cum on the side of the couch, and the floor just below...but there was no time to enjoy the orgasm.

Gregory immediately pulled Linda back against him and pulled her open legs high in the air. Her gaping cunt was inches from his face and he could clearly see the white, man-cream oozing from her gash.


He didn't think about what he was doing, he just did it. In the back of his mind he knew his lips and tongue were covered with a man's cum; he knew full-well he was swallowing sperm and semen, as well as his wife's cunt-juice, but it didn't matter anymore. He was still shaking and trembling from the intensity of his own orgasm.

He had no idea that an orgasm could be so powerful with such all-consuming pleasure.

His mind was lost in a fog of confusion and uncertainty over his own feelings. He obeyed every order he heard Gregory give him without hesitation. He ate all of the man's cum from his wife's cunt; he cleaned the older man's deflating penis with his lips and tongue; he even licked the couch and floor clean of his own spunk.

Now he found himself walking on his knees, trying to keep up with his wife and Gregory as they slowly sauntered hand-in-hand towards Gregory's bedroom. He felt only slightly humiliated as he was made to hold the older man's scrotum and flaccid cock in his hands on their walk to the bedroom.

The following morning the boy found himself in a familiar position: naked, and on his knees; his knees spread wide apart and his hands clasped together behind his neck. He was facing the bathroom door waiting for Gregory to finish his shower. His mind was completely overwhelmed from the events of last night and this morning.

He had assumed all along it would be a one night occurrence; Linda and Gregory would have their fun with him and everything would return to normal in the morning. His hopes had been quickly crushed when, after eating Gregory's cum out of his wife's cunt one more time in the morning, Linda announced she would shower and be off to work.

Then a bone-chilling cold seized John's spine when he heard his pretty wife say, "I'll leave you two boys alone for some 'quality time'...."

Gregory personally oversaw the boy's bathroom ablutions. John was pleasantly surprised at the older man's gentle touches as he soaped and washed his body. To John's dismay and alarm, Gregory's long cock became erect as soon as he touched him, and it remained that way their entire time together in the bathroom.

When Gregory produced a razor and some hair removal cream, well, that was when the boy understood this wasn't going to be just a one-night stand. When Gregory was finished, the hair on his legs, chest, underarms and crotch was gone.

While he waited obediently on his knees for Gregory, he glanced at his clothes folded neatly on a chair beside a table, and on the tabletop he could see his wallet and car keys.

Suddenly his mind flashed-back to earlier in the morning when he watched his wife getting ready for work. She had opened a closet door and pulled out one of her favorite pants suit she wore to the office. Plus, he'd noticed makeup and hairbrushes that he recognized belonging to her.

She had clothes and makeup here? He asked himself.

The realization that his wife had been here before; that her affair with Gregory had been going on for some time slapped him hard across the face:

Who knows how many times she'd lain in his big bed with her legs spread wide for her boss?

Memories of her having to work late, or at least that's what she had told her young husband, flooded his mind. In the last month she'd spent many late nights at the 'office'.

I am such an idiot, he told himself; then he glanced at his clothes again.

Suddenly, another memory invaded his already confused mind: the feel of his tongue and lips on Gregory's hard cock; the manly aroma overpowering his senses; his shattering orgasm when the older man squeezed and pumped his throbbing erection.

The boy's emotions swam in a sea of turbulent uncertainty; his head filled with conflicting thoughts. It was like two warring factions vehemently arguing over two opposing ideologies--once again he looked at his clothes.

"It's very simple," said his left-brain. "Put on your clothes—take your wallet and keys, and GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE NOW!"

His right-brain swiftly countered by saying: "No, if you do that you will never know what you will be missing out on...even after all he's done---you like this man---you can't leave now!"





The screaming voices in his head froze him in place. He desperately wanted someone to tell him what he should do, but he knew the answer had to come from within. After what seemed like an eternity, and as he was on the verge of tears, the bathroom door suddenly opened and Gregory appeared wearing a black robe.

When the older man saw the boy still waiting for him he smiled, and his penis instantly became semi-erect.

And then Gregory said something the boy would never forget: "Johnny, I'm glad you didn't leave...you've made me the happiest man in the world—please...please forgive me for my earlier behavior...."

The boy watched in amazement as the robe jutted out and the man had an obvious erection. He looked at the man's face and saw a smile; a smile not of self-satisfaction and gloating, but rather a smile of appreciation and joy.

Gregory approached the kneeling boy and opened his robe. The expression on John's face was not one of fear or contempt, but rather wonderment and curiosity.

"Johnny," he said softly. "Open your mouth and taste it...."

Through cloudy eyes, John stared at the hard cock inches from his face and asked: "Are you going to make me queer?"

A wave of sadness swept over the older man as he replied: "Johnny, no one can 'make' you queer...you either are or you're not...I'm very sorry for what I forced you to do last night...the last thing in the world I want to do is hurt you--I have special feelings for you...I know we only spoke for a couple hours at the party, but I received the distinct impression that you are unhappy with who you pretend to be...I want to give you the opportunity to explore who you really are...."

Gregory leaned down and gently took the boy's head in his hands. The older man's thumbs wiped away the tear drops on the boy's face then he softly kissed him full on the lips. Tentative; unhurried; the boy kissed him back; their tongues met for the first time as the kiss enflamed Gregory's passion for the boy even more.

When Gregory pulled away from John he glanced down and saw the boy's prick in full erection.

"Johnny," he said. "This could very well be the only chance you will ever have to change your life—to live your life the way you want—not on the expectations of others, but life on your own terms...all I'm asking is you give yourself a chance at finding true happiness...please open yourself up and let me to teach you how to become the person I know you want to be...."

The boy searched out Gregory's eyes and they looked at each other like it was the first time. The intensity was palpable; the passion was real.

"I love you, Johnny...I've loved you ever since we met...."

The boy wet his lips with his tongue then without hesitation encircled Gregory's cockhead and drew as much of the hardness into his mouth as he possibly could. The boy's cock throbbed and pulsated as his tongue lathered the velvety flesh of his new lover; his very first boyfriend.

The older man groaned with pleasure then said: "Let's move to the bed—there is so much I want to teach you before your wife comes' back."

Linda groaned then shouted "SHIT!" She'd been working on her assignment for over an hour before she admitted to herself that she had no clue as to what she was doing.

I should have stayed in education, she thought to herself. By now I'd be teaching, but no, I had to listen to my father and go to business school...God I hate this shit! Why am I even being considered for a promotion? Everyone around here knows I suck at my job!

She stared at the clock on the wall and her mind drifted off to a more pleasant place. She thought of Gregory. He was a lifelong bachelor, but he'd hinted that she might be the one woman to change him. If they married, she could quit this miserable job and live in luxury the rest of her life.

She thought he was a wonderful man, even if he was old; she could overlook their age difference. No, it was his sexual appetite that concerned her. He was becoming more aggressive and demanding, and he had flat-out told her what he expected her to do for him.

I think it's my upbringing that makes me so inhibited, she thought.

She was raised in a strict, religious family and good girls only have sex to make babies; they weren't supposed to actually enjoy it, but Gregory had awakened in her a long suppressed desire, a burning lust; that made her physically crave the feeling of his huge cock thrusting swiftly and deeply inside her.

Even though she was almost thirty, until Gregory, she'd never experienced mind-numbing, toe-curling, back-arching orgasms the type of which changed her from her husband's 'good girl' to Gregory's 'cock-hungry slut'. She was at the same time both thrilled and ashamed of her newly acquired wants and desires.

But good God, she thought, the man actually came out and said he wanted me to learn how to satisfy him with my mouth and—good grief, I can't believe I'm even thinking this—my rosebud.

She shuddered at the thought of Gregory's huge penis forcing its way into her 'back there'—in her forbidden place.

That has got to be excruciatingly painful, she thought.

Then she thought of her husband: poor, pitiful, sweet little John; so kind and gentle he wouldn't harm a fly.

She had found his innocence charming at first, but when she realized she faced a lifetime of intercourse with his puny dick, she came to discover how much she would miss having a huge, manly cock plowing in-and-out of her like Gregory's cock!

Her bosses' big cock had opened the floodgates, not only to her pussy, but her mind as well. She blushed just thinking about it.

Anyway, John was still young, she thought, he'd get over me and move on with his life. I'm sure somewhere out there is a girl who doesn't care, or doesn't know about multiple orgasms.

Linda checked her watch, Gregory had told her to be back at his house at six; she still had seven hours to kill. She looked at the mess of paperwork on her desk, shrugged her shoulders, stacked the papers in a neat pile, then decided to go for a walk, maybe window shop and even take in a movie.

Later, as she drove to Gregory's place in his new Mercedes, she made a conscious decision to submit to whatever sexual demands he might ask of her.

It wasn't a decision born out of her love for him; no, it was much more practical than that: it was imperative she used her womanly wiles and charms to seduce him into marrying her; the only escape from her work dilemma would be to become his wife, then she would never have to go to that god-awful company ever again.

Linda stood at the front door of the house waiting for someone to answer the bell. She hated it that he hadn't given her a key yet; he said he'd forgotten and would get one made right away; that was two weeks ago.

When Gregory opened the door she was startled to see him wearing his black robe and slippers, but her suspicions were quickly erased when he called out "Darling—I'm so glad you're home" and he took her in his arms and gave her a long, passionate kiss.

Johnny was in his expected 'position': on his knees, hands clasped behind his neck, facing the door.

He was concentrating hard on what Gregory taught him to say; on how to act. It was difficult to control the joy and elation he felt; his heart was singing with the memories of the past few hours with Gregory. He felt alive for the first time in his young life.

"Close your eyes, darling, I have a surprise for you," said Gregory.

She was thrilled; she hadn't expected this type of reception. She dutifully closed her eyes and Gregory took her hand and led her inside the house. She heard the door slam behind her.

"Darling," he said. "I have prepared a special gift for you—a gift that is guaranteed to bring you much pleasure...you may open your eyes now, dear."

At first it didn't register in her mind at who she was looking, but she focused hard and when she recognized her husband on his knees, her eyes bugged-open in shock; she wasn't sure, but she thought he was wearing her new sheer, diaphanous pink teddy and matching panty.

"Mistress Linda," her young husband began, "I have been trained to serve you any way you desire...I will obey your every command without question—I will submit to your whims and fantasies and pleasure you beyond your wildest dreams...if you are not satisfied with my performance, or find me lacking or disagreeable, I will accept whatever punishment you wish to inflict upon me...I am your property to do with as you desire...I am your Sissy-Slave-Boy and you and Master Gregory now own me—my sole purpose in life is to obey and serve you and Master Gregory."

Her heart caught in her throat; she was both appalled and thrilled at what she heard. When she looked at him carefully, she could plainly see he no longer had chest hair, and his pubic hair had been removed as well. His tiny erection pressed hard against the sheer fabric of the panties.

He seemed to be enjoying this, she thought as she stared at his hard prick.

She briefly wondered what Gregory had done to him when she was gone, but all doubts were quickly erased from her mind when she heard Gregory say, "Sissy-Boy, lick Mistress Linda's shoes!"

"Yes, Master Gregory!"

And she watched in utter amazement as her docile young husband scrambled forward then leaned over and immediately polished her shoes with his tongue. She instantly felt a dewy moisture envelope her pussy.

Oh my God this was exciting! She felt depraved and alive--her mind whirled with random sexual acts she would force her submissive husband to perform for her.

"Darling," said Gregory, suddenly snapping her out of her fantasies. "I've laid out an outfit for you to wear in the bedroom...take a quick shower and dress then join us out here for cheese and crackers and wine...we're going to see how well Sissy-Boy performs his duties tonight...."

"Oh my, y-yes dear," she said, her heart all aflutter.

She studied herself in the mirror before she re-joined Gregory and 'Sissy-Boy' in the living room. She wrinkled her nose and frowned; the red see-thru teddy was okay, but the crotchless red panties and black lace garter belt and black nylon stockings made her look cheap and slutty. She sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

"Listen, girl," she said to her reflection in the mirror, "...if your future husband wants a whore in the bedroom—that's what you'll be!"

She shuddered at a mental snapshot of the unfinished paperwork piled on her desk at work.

"You will do whatever he tells you to do—no matter how shameful and immoral it is...."

Linda strutted into the living room with purpose and confidence. She struck a pose for Gregory; she even parted her legs slightly to show him her exposed pussy.

Had she been more aware of her surroundings, she would have noticed their irregular breathing, and slightly reddened faces. While she was away, Johnny had sat on the older man's lap; they had kissed and fondled one another into a state of heated arousal.

Linda smiled to herself. She looked first at Gregory, and then her husband: both males had obvious erections tenting-out the material covering their private parts.

She thought: Wow! I'm going to dress like this more often....

'Master Gregory' had 'Sissy-Boy' refill her wine glass three times before he announced they were moving to the bedroom.

Linda moaned incessantly; her hips thrashed and rolled on the bed; her thighs locked around her husband's head, trapping his face and tongue between her tightly clenched thighs. Gregory caressed her breasts and chewed lightly on her hard nipples. She was straining to orgasm but Sissy-Boy was ignoring her sensitive bud.

"Oh God—ohhhh—Sissy-Boy—lick my clit, damnit—make me cum Slave-Boy!"

Gregory kissed her hot lips and she fervently kissed him back.

"Darling," she heard him say, "I want to be fair and honest with you...I want you to know what will be expected of you in our marriage bed..."

"Sissy-Boy—STOP!" he said as he gently pushed the boy's head from between her legs.

She whimpered in frustration—she had been sooo close!

"Y-Yes, d-dear...I'll do whatever you want...."

Gregory's lips formed a half smile—half sneer: "Good girl..." he said and kissed her lips then continued, "...darling, you have two places I haven't enjoyed yet—that I intend to use tonight and throughout our marriage--you know where I mean, but I certainly don't want to force you into anything you don't want to do..."

She flinched when his finger found her rosebud. He slowly and gently stroked her ultra-private, virginal hole.

"Darling, I want your approval—it won't mean anything unless you want to feel me in there..." he said then placed his mouth against her ear and whispered to her.