His Seduction Ch. 04


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"Sick and defenseless, my ass! Let me go!" Keith laughed and struggled to sit up.

Mike flopped on top of him. "Oh, I've lost my strength. Please, Keith, don't take advantage of me."

"Mike, your soup is going to get cold and then Jason will kill us."

Looking down into Keith's flushed face, Mike smiled. There was no fear in Keith's eyes. He was definitely making progress. "Alright, Nurse Nan. I'll let you up, but you have to promise to stay and take care of me all day."

Keith bit his bottom lip. He knew instinctively where this was going. If he stayed all day with him, they would end up doing more than just watching TV and taking medicine. With a smile more shy than confident, he nodded his head. "Okay, sicky. Just get off me!"

The triumph in Mike's eyes was too much. With a shove, he pushed Mike off of him and rose to grab the two bowls of soup. He passed one over to Mike and sat on the edge of the bed. "Scoot over."

Still sporting a Cheshire Cat grin, Mike wisely held his tongue. For thirty minutes they sat in silence eating their soup and watching Rudolph telling Christina here sister was still alive and creating havoc.

When the show ended, Keith pursed his lips in frustration. "They can't end the show like that! He just found out his father was really his grandfather! And what about Annabelle? What if no one finds her in time?"

Mike laughed and took Keith's empty bowl of soup and rose to place it on his desk, handing Keith some tea. When Keith stifled a yawn, he raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry, I guess I didn't sleep well last night. I'm just a bit tired and I can't get rid of this blasted headache."

"Well, take something for it. I'm going to grab a quick shower. My mother always told me that simply lying in bed when you were sick was no way to get better. Washing up, fresh air and plenty of chamomile tea was the only way to do it."

"Just don't chill," Keith said with another yawn. "I'm going to pop in a movie."

The hot water felt good. Mike could feel the water washing away the aches and pains. He really did feel better. Thank God for moms.

Throwing on his jeans, still toweling his hair, Mike padded barefoot back to his room. "What are we watching?"

Silence met him, besides the drone of the TV. "Keith?" Mike walked into the room and found Keith fast asleep on the bed, the remote still in his hand. Mike walked over and picked up the remote and placed it on the bedside table. With a sigh, he felt Keith's head. "You little shit. Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling good?"

Keith was easily running a hundred and one fever, if not slightly higher.

Going into Keith's room, Mike grabbed the blanket off the top of the bed and returned to his own room. Easing himself down beside Keith so he wouldn't wake him, Mike laid the blanket over both of them and gathered Keith in his arms. Keith moaned, but didn't wake. He burrowed into the warmth of Mike's body, his head falling onto Mike's chest. Mike petted his head as he would a cat. "Its okay, Keith, I'm here. I'll take care of you."

It was nearly an hour and a half later when Keith woke. He felt groggy, but his head didn't hurt as bad as it had been. With a stretch and a yawn, he became fully aware that he was not alone in the bed. No, he was pressed against a halfway naked Mike. And, man, did it feel good.

"So, you finally decided to wake up, did you? You're missing a fairly good movie, here."

Holding the blanket close to him, even though he was still fully clothed, Keith blushed and slowly sat up. Damn it, why the hell had he fallen asleep? "Yeah, I like this one. To bad I didn't get to watch it."

Mike laughed and leaned into Keith. Keith pulled away, but could only go so far. When he was close enough to kiss him, Mike merely leaned his forehead to Keith's. With a husky whisper, he said, "Good, your fever has gone down a bit. It's still there, but it's not as high."

"Oh." Keith gulped audibly. It must be delirium from the fever, but he wanted nothing more than for Mike to kiss him right then. "I . . . I didn't realize I had one."

"Well, you did. Here I was trying to get sympathy from you, and you go and get sicker than me. Shame on you."




"Stop looking at me like that or I'm going to have to take advantage of you."

Keith turned a delightful shade of pink. "Sorry."

Mike pulled back and rested against the head board. "Don't be. I kind of like it when you look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you want me to take advantage of you."

Keith bit his lip. It had come time to make some decisions. Did he want to go farther in this relationship with Mike? Or did he want to pretend it never happened? Could he live with himself if he just let it slip away? "Mike?"


"Would it be bad?"

Mike looked at him, not quite understanding what Keith was asking, but knowing that somehow it was important. "Would what be bad?"

Keith looked at the ceiling. "Would it be bad if I wanted you to take advantage of me?"

Mike nearly swallowed his tongue right then. Somehow, he miraculously kept himself from jumping Keith and spoke calmly. "No, it wouldn't be bad, not if it's something that you really want."

Keith looked down at his hands as they played with the blanket. "I was thinking last night. About things that you said and stuff. I was thinking that whatever is happening between us is very new to me and it scares me a bit, but what scares me more is the thought of not finding out where it goes. I like the fact that it's you and stuff. I just don't . . . I don't want to make it stop."

Mike took a deep breath. "You know, Keith. Once you give me the green light, there is no going back. I want it all, not just some fling. I can't do that, not with you. If I want to kiss you out in public, then that's what I'll do. If I want to dance with you or go out with you, it will be like a normal date. I want you to be okay with that first or it's just not fair to either of us. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Keith whispered. It was frightening saying all of this out loud. Even though he knew Mike was his friend and would never reject him or hurt him, he was still afraid it would happen. "I understand and I still want you."

Mike smiled. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you say that."

He gently tilted Keith's face up to look at him. When Keith got that look on his face again that screamed for Mike to take him, Mike groaned low in his throat and kissed him. It wasn't going to be the most restful of days, but it certainly was going to be the most satisfying.

As their lips met, Keith melted into him, giving himself completely. His hand rested lightly on Mike's bare chest feeling his heartbeat under his hand. It was nearly as erratic as his own and that comforted him in ways he couldn't even explain. The feel of Mike's skin under his palm excited him. Growing brave, he let his fingers slide down and circle Mike's hardening nipple.

Mike moaned into his mouth.

It was empowering knowing that his touch could elicit a response from Mike. Moving slowly, he rose up and sat on Mike's lap, both hands now on his chest. Mike's hands reached up and caressed his neck and face as their lips plundered each other. Keith let one hand trail its way down Mike's chest onto his stomach. The muscles quivered under his exploratory touch making excitement jump in his stomach. He could feel the length of Mike's arousal under him. He moved experimentally and delighted when Mike jumped under him, another groan rising in his throat.

Mike broke away from their kiss. "Touch me, Keith."

Keith looked down at Mike's jeans and could clearly see the bulge. He'd never pictured himself touching another guy. But, then again, he never would have imagined allowing his best friend to seduce him on his birthday, either.

With a hand that shook only slightly, Keith traced the outline of the bulge, Mike sucking in his breath. When Keith let his finger slide inside of the jeans to touch the head of Mike's arousal, Mike let the same breath out on an explosive his.

Keith pulled his hand back afraid he'd hurt him or done something wrong.

Mike made a grab for his hand, a smile on his lips. "No, baby, its okay. It felt good. Damn good."

Keith gave a small smile.

"As much fun as I can see that you are having, I'm not sure I can take a whole lot more of this. You're torturing me."

Keith laughed and coyly put both hands on top of Mike. "That means I shouldn't stop, right? How am I ever supposed to learn how to do this if you stop me at crucial moments?" His hands griped Mike through his jeans, making Mike go taunt.

Mike grabbed Keith's wrists in one hand and flipped them so Keith was under him, his hands above his head. Keith looked startled, but his body told a different story. "My turn, you little imp."

Letting his body pin Keith to the mattress and keeping one hand secure around Keith's wrists, Mike's left hand eased its way down Keith's neck, slowly unbuttoning the shirt Keith was in. With each new section of skin, Mike would lean in and love this new area with a lick and kiss. It didn't take long for him to have Keith breathing erratically under him. Still, he didn't relent. Pushing the now open shirt wide, he let his mouth cherish each nipple while his hand made it's way to the fly of the Keith's jeans. Painstakingly slow, he unbuttoned them and lowered the zipper. Keith let out a cry as Mike's hand found him.

"Hmmm, seems like you like this. Are you taking notes," Mike asked with a husky laugh.

"You bastard," Keith responded without any heat.

"I'll take that as a yes." Releasing Keith's hands. Mike rose up and stripped Keith of his jeans, making short time of his own as well. Coming down on top of him again, Mike nestled himself in between Keith's legs, the head of his arousal right at Keith's entrance.

Grabbing hold of Keith's arousal to keep him where he wanted him, he reached into his nightstand and found his K-Y. He thanked who ever it was that invented the flip-top that was so easy to use with one hand, and poured some onto Keith's manhood.

Keith moaned out loud, a sound of pure ecstasy.

Mike laughed as he rubbed the lubricant in, using some on himself as well. "Like the self warming, do you?"

Keith began to buck his hips in time to Mike's hand. Mike paused and leaned in close to Keith, whispering in his ear. "Tell me what you want, Keith."

"I . . ."

"Tell me what you want."

"I want you."

"How do you want me?"

Keith groaned.

"Come on, tell me."

"You're cruel."

"And you love it. Now tell me how you want me."

"I want you inside of me. Please, Mike!"

That was all he needed. With a surge of his hips, he buried himself into Keith with a moan. Keith cried out and rose off his back, pressing himself farther onto Mike.

"I'll never let you go, Keith," Mike panted. "Never. You are mine."

Together, they began to move. Keith looked into Mike's eyes, afraid he'd lose this moment of unity if he looked away. Their bodies became slick, still Keith held to Mike.

"Come with me, Keith. Come with me."

As one, they cried out their release and fell back onto the bed. Mike smoothed Keith's hair away from his face and kissed him on the lips.

Keith smiled at him. "I don't know how good of a boyfriend I'll be, but I'll try, I promise, Mike."

"You're already everything I need, Keith." Mike leaned back onto a pillow, rolling Keith with him so he was laying on top.

"How did you know?"

"How did I know what?"

Keith let his finger roam Mike's collar bone. "How did you know I was, um, gay? I didn't even know, so how did you?"

"Call it gaydar, call it what ever you want. All I know is that when I looked at you, I wanted you and that was enough for me."


Keith raise his head and looked toward the bedroom door into the hallway.


Keith looked back at Mike. "I thought I heard the front door."

Mike reached for the remote and quickly turned off the TV. With in moments, they both heard the steady pounding on the front door.


"Deep shit," Keith said, rolling off the bed. Grabbing for his pants, he headed for the door.

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