Hitchhiking Slut Ch. 1


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"Oh, uh, sure. Okay." Gayle said as Trish plopped down next to her. She was unsure of this move, since they were sitting in a diner where people knew her. It was awkward. As much as she was starting to want to feel this girl next to her, she was aware of her surroundings. But it was too late now.

Trish sat firmly next to her new girlfriend. Their arms pressed against each other, and Trish's leather miniskirt creaked against Gayle's jean-covered thigh. Sue Anne came back with two plates of pie. She looked at the two girls quizzically.

"Well, this is cozy, isn't it? You two goin' steady or what?" She put the plates down.

While Gayle began to stammer an answer, Trish took over, "What's the matter, Sue Anne? Jealous? Two girlfriends can't sit close and whisper secrets over coffee?" She winked at the brunette.

"Hey, whatever, sweetie. This is the millennium, ain't it? Whatever." Sue Anne snapped her gum, eyed them again, but with some interest this time, and awkwardly turned away.

"Hey, careful, Trish. I know these people. I don't want them to get the wrong idea, ya know?" Gayle was getting concerned that Trish was going over the line, as much as she may want her to in private.

"Don't worry, babe. Anyone watching is too busy checking out our tits and getting hard." Trish put her hand on Gayle's and squeezed. The older woman looked down at their long-nailed, manicured hands together and felt the juices start to flow again. Her fingers reached backwards and briefly entwined with Trish's. Things were starting to get out of control.

"Okay, okay. I guess I'm alittle too sensitive. Sorry." With a long sniff, she could now smell Trish's perfume and the erotic odor of her leather miniskirt. But there was something else. Something earthy. Shit. Was that cunt juice? Was that coming from under Trish's skirt? Was she creaming? Was she as turned on as her? The smell of leather and cunt juice was beginning to raise her temperature level. What was happening to her? This had never happened before? Did this mean she was turning lesbian? How could she be so turned on by this hitchhiking stripper that she knew for all of a couple of hours? But it was happening.

They talked some more, Trish's breath washing over Gayle's face. Their faces were close. Perfume mixed in the air. They told stories, shared tales. Gayle talked of Jack, the relationship, her past--Trish did the same. They were becoming friends, becoming close.

Sue Anne walked over again and dropped off the check. "Here you go, girls. I'm your cashier, so let me know when you're ready to go."

"Hold on, I'll get it." Gayle picked up the check.

"No, no, let me split it with you." Trish protested. She noticed a couple of guys watching them from two tables over.

"No, Trish. Let me get this. It's your first meal here in town, and I want to celebrate us becoming friends." Gayle shook her head and got out her cash. She handed the money and check to Sue Anne.

"Oh, that's so sweet, honey. You are too good to me, Gayle." Trish glanced at the guys again. "Thank you so much." She suddenly turned and slid both hands on either side of Gayle's face. Her long-nailed hands cupped both cheeks. Before Gayle knew what had happened, the gorgeous young stripper closed the distance between their mouths and locked her burgundy lips to Gayle's dark red-painted lips. The two pairs of soft, pouty girl-lips mashed together. Lipstick smeared wetly between them. Gayle was so startled that her instincts caused her to respond to the kiss. Teeth ground on teeth. Their faces turned to right angles and they breathed through their noses. No tongue--yet.

Trish broke the kiss and pulled her face back. She turned to the guys who had been staring. Deep red lipstick was smeared on her mouth. "You like the view, boys? Look what you're missin', you little pricks." Trish smiled seductively and licked her lips. The guys were dumbstruck.

"Holy shit, Gayle!" Sue Anne's mouth dropped open and her eyes widened. "Holy shit!" "Uhhhhh, ohhhhh." Was all Gayle could get out. "Uh, it's not what you, uh, think, uh. Sue Anne, uh." Gayle was literally stunned, speechless to what had just happened in the diner where she regularly ate. "Keep, uh, the change, Sue Anne." Her smudged lips tried to awkwardly smile.

"Come on, Gayle, let's go." Trish grabbed Gayle's hand and rose from the booth, picked up her jacket and threw it on. "Here." She handed the older woman her leather jacket, and Gayle, still in a dreamlike state, put it on. Trish grabbed her hand again, laced their fingers, squeezed and pulled Gayle past a stunned Sue Anne. "Nice meetin' you, sweetcheeks." They both strolled out, hand in hand through the diner. But, just before they walked out the door, something strange happened.

"Hey, hold on Gayle." It was Sue Anne following them to the door. Gayle turned around. They locked eyes. "Hey. Um, you gave me alittle too much cash. Here, here's your change." Sue Anne reached out to Gayle's hand and the woman opened it for the money. The brunette palmed a piece of paper to the blonde, turned and walked quickly away.

Gayle allowed herself to be pulled out the door and down to the parking lot. The fresh air brought her back to her senses. She looked down to her hand, opened it and saw that Sue Anne had slipped her her phone number. "Well, fuck me," thought Gayle to herself. "All this time I've known Sue Anne, and I've never known." She slipped the paper into her tight jean pocket.

"What just happened in there, Trish?" Gayle stopped the girl as they arrived at the truck.

"Nothin' and everythin', sweetie. Nothin' and everythin'. I think you just got your first girl-kiss. You know you liked it, right?" Trish pulled Gayle to her and put her arm around her waist. Their leather jackets creaked as they rubbed together.

"Well, yeah, I guess. But I never did that before, and I know everyone there." Gayle felt the warmth of the girl's body against hers.

"Who gives a shit, girlfriend? Live your life. You know we're both turned on. You don't owe them nothin', Gayle. Just go with what you're feeling. And I'm gonna rock your world, baby." With that, Trish swung Gayle around and pushed her back against the truck. She pressed her full body against Gayle's. Their breasts mashed together. Trish wrapped her arms tightly around Gayle's waist and squeezed her hard, jean-covered ass cheeks with both hands. Gayle could feel those long nails digging into her ass. She raised her arms and draped them around Trish's neck. The sun had long since set, so the parking lot was fairly dark. But Gayle was losing her self-consciousness. Passion was beginning to take over. She had never felt these feelings for another girl before, but it was uncontrollable.

The two gorgeous girls remained locked in each other's arms, their huge tits mashed against each other, gazing in each other's eyes. Trish moved her leg between Gayle's. Each had a thigh pressing against each other's cunt. They began grinding slowly. Gayle couldn't believe she was doing this in the parking lot of the diner. Their mutual gaze dropped from eyes to lips. Slowly, Trish began moving her face toward Gayle's. She smiled seductively. Slowly the distance closed. Trish slid her tongue out and wetly licked her full, bee-stung lips. Gayle was getting wetter and starting to lose control of her emotions. She could feel the cunt juice leaking onto her thong under the tight jeans in reaction to the mutual cunt grinding. She watched Trish's lips and tongue getting closer until they were only an inch or two away. The gold tongue stud waved hypnotically in front of her. She could smell the mint on her breath that she had popped on the way out. Her sweet breath....

"Mmmmmmm. Hey, sweetie. You are one hot, hot babe. Do you know that?" Trish whispered into Gayle's flushed face. "I've wanted you since you picked me up. I think you feel the same, don't you?" It was a question Trish knew the answer to, but she wanted Gayle to speak it.

Gayle's armpits were sweating under her black leather jacket. She could feel Trish's hands squeezing her ass cheeks and their cunts grinding together. The erotic smell of perfume, leather and pussy juice was starting to envelope them in a cloud. Her nipples were hardening, her sweet breath was coming quicker. This was decision time.

"Uh, uh, Trish..... I can't believe this. But I do want you too. I do. You are makin' me so fuckin' wet, I can't believe it! No guy has made me this horny since I can remember.... oh, sweetheart, you are making me so crazy......" Gayle ground harder.

"So you want me, Gayle? You want me? You like my lips, baby? Do you like these wet lips?" Trish licked her lush lips again, making them shine with extra saliva.

"Oh, yes, baby, yeah! Your lips are so sexy! So wet! They're so pretty and full. Oh, shit, I can't believe I feel like this, Trish!" Gayle's long nails reached up into Trish's soft hair and clutched it. Trish's mouth was still only an inch or two away.

The sexy young girl whispered slowly, hotly. "So what do you want, baby? You want me to kiss you? Do you want this hot, young stripper to kiss those luscious, wet girl-lips? Do you want my full lips on yours? Do you want me to make out with you? You wanna make out? You want me to kiss you, Gayle? Huh? You want to swap spit with me? Taste my mouth? You want my tongue on yours? You want to suck tongues? Tell me, baby. Tell me what you want." Trish's mouth was so close, so close to Gayle's......

This intimacy and nasty talk was making Gayle lose it. "Oh, fuck yeah! You're such a slut, Trish. Yeah I wanna kiss you. I wanna make out with you here in the parking lot. I don't care who sees us. I wanna feel your sweet lips on mine, I wanna taste your hot spit in my mouth, suck your tongue, suck that stud in your tongue. Please kiss me, Trish, let me kiss you. Oh, shit, my cunt is so wet now. Kiss me, baby." Gayle drew Trish's face closer until their lips almost touched and they smelled each other's breath.

Suddenly Trish's tongue was close enough to lick Gayle's lips, flicking, tasting the lipstick. Gayle could feel the stud on her lips. With a groan from each girl, their lips locked again. But this time Trish slid her tongue into the woman's mouth. Gayle had pulled Trish's head over and her mouth descended on the girl's, the young stripper's tongue sliding down her throat. Trish's head was turning back and forth; her tongue was everywhere - rubbing gums, the roof of her mouth, overpowering the blonde's tongue. Gayle had eagerly parted her lips, and Trish's tongue wiped around her teeth. Gayle opened her teeth to let the tongue into her warm inner sanctum.

Their tongues dueled inside the blonde's mouth. Two flat, long, wet girl-tongues wiping around and over each other. Trish's tongue stud erotically scraped along the flat spitty surface of Gayle's mouth muscle. Trish licked the roof of Gayle's mouth, then under her tongue, then to the insides of each cheek. She tasted every inch of the busty blonde's inner mouth. Saliva flowed from one girl's mouth to the other's and then back again. Then the spittle leaked out of their lips onto their chins, making them slick with sweet saliva and smearing lipstick. Trish gave Gayle's ass one last squeeze then slid her hands up along the black leather jacket covering her back, rubbing her manicured hands all over the soft, supple kidskin. She loved the feel of the leather, especially knowing she was making out with the beautiful woman who was wearing it. Teeth clicked against each other as the girls' mouths widened and deepened the kiss. Their faces were at right angles so they could increase the passion of the make-out session.

Suddenly a car passed slowly and a window went down. Gayle became aware of people watching from the car. A young, female voice laughed and yelled out, "Hey, get what you need, girls!" Then, just as quickly the car was gone. Gayle reluctantly broke the kiss and swiveled her head to look for the car. Was it someone she knew?

"Hey, I'm not done with you yet, baby." Trish whimpered and pulled Gayle's face back to hers. Trish slowly pressed her pursed lips down on Gayle's again, all the while gazing hotly into each other's hooded eyes. The two pairs of full, pouting lips felt warm and spongy as they pressed on each other, then they began to slowly open their mouths again. The girls kissed each other deeply and tongues angrily twisted and turned, slavering over each other. Trish's full, pouty lips pressed hungrily onto Gayle's. They were so full and pliant. Even though the older blonde woman had very large, full, sexy lips, the younger girl's covered hers and mashed them together.

"Mmmmffff... ummmmm..... ummmffff", was all either girl could get out as their faces moved together. Gayle could feel Trish's tongue stud slide out of her mouth and insinuate itself seductively through her lips, flicking at the roof of her mouth again. Gayle's heat level rose quickly as she felt the tongue stud rub along her own tongue, scraping the opaque mucous from it. It was like awakening a sleeping serpent. Their long tongues began to dance together, slipping and sliding from one mouth to the other. Thick saliva accompanied the tongues and formed a wet trail on and around their mouths. Teeth clicked against teeth, tongues ran across gums and inside their cheeks. Then they both opened their mouths wide and licked each other's tongues all over--top and bottom. They locked their mouths over each other at right angles so that their tongues were invisible. Anyone who has experienced a deep French kiss knows what was happening inside.

One could visualize those hot tongues, slick with saliva, wrapping around and around each other, gliding over and over each other. The two women were locked together at the mouth. Their full, soft lips were munching away at each other. Their hands gripped each other's heads and twisted them back and forth slipping luscious lip over luscious lip, and every few seconds their mouths opened and tongues visibly darted in and out. One and then the other inserted her tongue deep in the mouth of her new lover, and as she withdrew it, the other sucked it briefly as if reluctant to let it go. After trading off several of these tongue sucks, Trish stuck her tongue way out and Gayle wrapped her lips firmly around it. This time the young stripper plunged her tongue through the tightly puckered lips of the busty blonde and fucked the female mouth with it. The two gorgeous busty girls in their jeans and leather were locked in a passionate make-out session standing against the truck in the dimly lit diner parking lot.

Trish then drew her right hand down and to Gayle's crotch, rubbing the tight faded jean material over her cunt. She could feel the heat between the woman's legs. She splayed her glossy long-nailed fingers over the crotch. The young girl groped the sexy blonde while Gayle spread her thighs to allow access. She was juicing to the point that it began to seep through the material.

"Ohhhhh, fuck, Trish. That feels so damn good. So good. Uhhhhh." Gayle groaned as she broke their kiss and moved her mouth to the stripper's ear. She stuck her wet tongue deep into Trish's ear and licked around it, lightly bit it, erotically breathing her hot breath. As Trish slid her hand under Gayle's crotch to her ass crack, the heat on her hand continued to burn.

"Ohhhh, Gayle, yeah, baby. That tongue feels so hot, so good." Trish threw her head back and felt Gayle's mouth slide to her neck, tacking small nips at the perfumed flesh. They were both sweating in passion under their leather jackets now. Sweat began wetting Trish's tight stretch tank top and Gayle's soft black leather halter--between their mashing tits and under their warm armpits. Sweat marks began to show on them both as they humped each other next to the truck.

"Sweetie," Trish breathed into Gayle's ear, "let's get into the truck and get comfortable. I gotta fuck you, baby. Come on." The gorgeous young girl grabbed the woman's pants waist over the zipper and roughly dragged her to the passenger car door. She grabbed the handle, opened the door, and steered Gayle up and into the seat. She climbed up into the cab after her and pushed the blonde back down onto the seat. She grabbed both leather-sleeved arms to hold her down, and laid her body full length over the hot blonde bartender. Gayle couldn't move--Trish was surprisingly strong. And the young stripper enjoyed dominating this older woman with the muscular body. It turned her on to be roughly handling her and controlling those strong arms. She felt those taught female biceps flexing under her sweaty hands. She was going to take this woman like she had never been taken before. And right in the truck in the parking lot of the diner!

Gayle had no choice but to let Trish climb on top of her in the truck cab. She was pinned to the bench seat by the girl's strong grip on her arms and her tits. And she wanted this busty, erotic girl to have her, to take what she wanted. She grasped the soft brown lambskin leather sleeves covering Trish's arms with her hands and sought out the girl's mouth with her own. Her tongue wiggled out between her lipstick-smeared lips, reaching out, and Trish took the hint. But first she wanted to play.

"Open your mouth for me, baby." Trish whispered in the dim light. "Open your mouth and let me give you something." In her hot arousal, Gayle wondered what Trish had in store for her--but she followed this strong girl's demand and kept her mouth open, her wet tongue waiting. Trish began hocking up as much spit as she could. The deep sound from her throat could only mean she was dredging up mucous slime from way down and bringing it up into her mouth. The thick ball of spit gathered like phlegm in Trish's mouth. Her eyes glazed as she stared down into those beautiful mascaraed brown eyes. Her girlfriend's open mouth beckoned. Suddenly she reared her head back and let fly a mouthful of thick, slimy saliva onto Gayle's tongue and into that open mouth.

Gayle's eyes widened in surprise, but also in erotic shock. She took in the full ball of gooey spit. "Ummmmmmmm. Ummm, hmmmmm." Was all Gayle could say as she savored Trish's gift of mouth juice. She rolled the spitball around in her mouth, tasting the tart yet slightly peppermint flavor, letting it soak her teeth and gums, running it around within her cheeks. Gayle swallowed alittle of it, but wanted to keep as much in her mouth as she could, holding the moment, tasting the special flavor. She had a thought and slowly opened her mouth as Trish watched. This became extremely arousing as strings of whitish phlegmy spittle bridged between Gayle's lips, under her tongue, and between her teeth and inner cheeks. They were thick, slimy and very inviting. Trish's moist eyes lidded with passion. She had never met a woman as erotically passionate as Gayle. She groaned and plunged her mouth down, gluing it with saliva to Gayle's. Cheeks bulged as tongues wrestled thickly, girl-lips mashed together, spittle drooled from the corners of the girls' mouths onto their chins and cheeks. Deep red lipstick smeared together with burgundy. Breathing was ragged through their noses. The two horny girls wrapped their arms around each other and rolled around together on the bench seat of the truck.

At this point, both girls grabbed each other's tops and roughly jerked them over each other's huge tits. Neither had worn a bra, so the globes plunged out, nipple to hardening nipple. Gayle broke the kiss so she could guide one massive tit from above into her suckling mouth. She had never ravished another girl before, but her instincts were kicking in as the passion careened out of control. Both girls could smell the odor of sweet saliva, sweat, leather and pussy juice. The two girl-bodies sweating so heavily under the leather jackets as they wrestled on the front seat increased the erotic leather smell in the small truck cab.