Hitting the Bottom Ch. 05


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After about ten minutes I hear sounds in the hallway and then the door opens to admit Sandra, still dressed in her nurse's uniform, but with some noticeable adjustments that make my heart kick-start again.

The top of her dress is now open to the button just under her bust, the deep, wide V revealing a creamy swell of feminine flesh along with the top of her pink bra. Her little hat is now askew and tendrils of blond hair escape from the sides, caressing her blushing cheeks. Her skirt had been somehow folded into itself to about two inches below her interesting bits, and makes what I would call a 'pussy pelmet'. She's also carrying her nurse's bag.

And her lips... Oh my dear God in heaven. Her luscious lips are colored a bright, shimmering firehouse red, as slutty and obvious as they come.

Damn but this shit works. I feel my earlier ardor return with a vengeance.

My instant impression is that she looks like a woman on the prowl for a victim. I just gawp at her, mouth open waiting to catch any passing flies.

"Yes Mr. Moreno, it is your final medical that needs doing today, and as you are being such a good patient by not getting upset with the delay to your picnic I have decided to take this opportunity and give you a complete head to toe checkup. I shall require you to cooperate fully and hopefully this won't take too long. Do you have any questions?"

The sultry tone and look of desire on her face, combined with the obvious outfit and the total unexpectedness of her words and actions, rob me of any coherent thought and I just shake my head in answer to her question.

"That's good Mr. Moreno, and as you seem to be having a problem closing your mouth I shall begin there."

With those words she kneels on the bed next to my head, her shapely bare leg so close I can feel the heat of her skin warming my ear. She opens her bag and takes out a wooden tongue depressor from its sterile wrap.

"Say ahhhh." she asks as she gently inserts it into my mouth.

"Aghrrhhrerrer" is the sound that I manage to produce, but that seems to satisfy her.

"Tonsils good and the tongue a nice healthy color. Any pain from your jaw and lips?"

"Ot erry uch ut schtil hurths to o'en I outh."

She giggles, and the sound tickles down my spine all the way to my balls.

"Sorry! I guess it would help if I removed the depressor. Now try."

"Ahm - not very much but it still hurts to open my mouth very wide."

She nods sympathetically. "It will do for a while yet as your jaw heals, but I can see you aren't in any real discomfort. Let's have a look at your head."

Her fingers gently feel their way through my close-cropped hair, prodding around for about a minute before declaring that wound healing nicely as well.

Meantime my arousal is mounting by the second. Her scent is driving me crazy, her thigh gently rubbing against my shoulder and her succulent, half exposed breasts swaying inches from my eyes, it's all too much. I raise my hand and start to caress the top of her bare thigh, just below her panties. Sandra immediately leaps to her feet and stands at the side of the bed, glaring at me with her best outraged nurse's expression, though the twinkle in her eyes rather undoes the seriousness of her look.

"MR. Moreno! What do you think you're doing?! I require you to behave yourself while I give you this thorough and professional examination. If you continue in this manner I shall be forced to report you to the authorities. Now, will you behave or do I need to restrain you?"

Restrain me! FUCK NO. My eyes widen at the suggestion, and I decide to play along - even if it's only to be on the safe side.

"I will behave Nurse. I promise."

"Hmpphh, we shall see. Now, I need to check your upper body. Behave!"

She opens her nurse's case again, gives it a quick rummage and produces a stethoscope. It's the real McCoy and knowing nurses don't get issued them I surmise she had either bought it or half inched it from a doctor especially for our little medical.

She's full of surprises, isn't she?

The sight of it hanging round her neck with the tail end dangling between her breasts is enough to raise my blood pressure another couple of notches. Fuck knows what it will be when she finally gets to testing it. Leaning forward she puts the earpieces in, huffs onto the business end and then rubs it in her palm a few times, and finally places the warmed metal onto my chest.

"There now, wasn't that nice of me to warm it up just for you, sir?"

Her sweet lustful smile tells me she's fully enjoying the game being played. I feel myself respond to it - and to the way she uses 'sir' in this sassy tone of voice. Even more adrenaline pumps into my veins.

Bring it on, babygirl.

"Big breaths please and then slowly release them."

For the next couple of minutes she carefully listens to my breathing, a frown of concentration etched on her face. The only thing betraying her calm, professional façade is that every now and again she happens to 'accidentally' brush my bare, tight nipples as she moves the base. It's exquisite torture, and I can do nothing about it. Not without stepping out of my role, which I find myself rather enjoying - against any of my preconceived ideas.

So this was what it's like to be under the power of a mistress, give her total control over me. And the real shocker is that I am as turned on as I'd ever been. FUCK. I don't even know how I should feel about that.

"Okay Mr. Moreno, while I have you in this position I think it's time to check your blood pressure. Give me your arm please."

I obey wordlessly and she wraps the cuff around my bicep and starts pumping. Again she's being very professional except while leaning over me to adjust the cuff she gently rubs her breasts along my ribs, her nipples poking hard through the cotton of her uniform. My breath catches and my dick twitches and swells further, now more than half-hard.

Sandra looks down my body before meeting my eye and says lightly: "Relax Mr. Moreno and ignore what I am doing. We wouldn't want to raise your blood pressure at this stage now, would we?"

RELAX! Fat chance. Ha!

"Hmmm, BP is a little high sir, so I think we should try and lower it a bit before taking another reading. Roll over onto your stomach please."

I do so with a low moan of half-relief, half-frustration as the weight of my pelvis settles over my engorged member making it sink into the mattress below. I hold myself in tight check not to dry-hump the bed.

There's a limit to how low I'll get. Humping her bed is most definitely out of the question.

Sandra moves over to straddle my hips and I do my best not to think about her pretty pussy pressing against my butt through her hot pink panties. Try not to think about pink elephants. Go ahead, try. But then her warm hands come in contact with my shoulders and every thought evaporates from my mind altogether.

The next twenty minutes are spent in my receiving the most relaxing and sensuous massage of my life. Sandra's hands glide across my skin and gently rub away the knots in my muscles. I'm in heaven.

"There now, isn't that better Mr. Moreno?" Her sweet voice lilts melodically in my ear, and another quick check of the blood pressure apparently confirms things are normal again.

"Now, while you are in this position it's time to check another vital function, one that is important in middle aged males, and if a problem is found early enough it can be easily cured."

This statement is followed by the sound of her little bag of tricks opening again and something being removed.

My relaxed brain had perked up by this stage though it hasn't grasped her exact meaning, but it fires into life as recognition hits me like a sledgehammer with one simple sound:

SNAP! goes the rubber glove around her wrist, and instant memories of me conducting cavity searches on detainees surge through my brain.


I roar up and am about to flip over when Sandra's soft weight presses all along my back and her hot breath tickles as she speaks close to my ear.

"Shhh... relax Mr. Moreno. I promise you will enjoy this. The prostate is the center of your body's pleasure zone."

Her breasts press into my shoulder blades as she kisses me lightly on the back of the neck, tiny butterfly kisses that send shivers of pleasure up to my scalp and almost make me forget about her declared, devious intent.


All my muscles tense as my mind struggles with itself. It's not like I've never had my rear end checked before - being in the service did actually entail full medicals every couple of years - but letting her do it - in a sexual context - is a completely different beast. I'd never had a lover penetrate me in any way, shape or form; never felt even remotely inclined to experience it.

And yet the thought of denying Sandra, of disappointing her by not playing along, stops me from turning around and putting a swift end to it.

Besides, I might even enjoy it.

Yeah. That's exactly what I'm afraid of.

As if reading my mind Sandra licks and nibbles on the spot where my neck and shoulder meet and then goes back to speaking quietly in my ear: "Trust me baby... trust and relax. I'm going to make you feel so, so good..."

I gulp a lump down my dry throat, give her a curt, almost imperceptible nod, and try to regulate my quickened breath. I don't protest any further. In some distant corner of my mind I figure this is probably a good way to build her trust in me... and if I'm being completely honest with myself I'd also have to admit I'm now curious as to what she has planned. I sink into the covers and at her gentle push open my legs to give her access.

My cheeks are slowly pried apart and cold lube drizzles onto my ring. A gloved, slim finger touches my tight star and is immediately - if gently - inserted, gliding in easily with all that lube, and then is carefully turned so that it's facing towards my front.

So far so good.

A moment later I cry out in surprised pleasure when the most incredible feeling shoots through my cock, created by her finger gently massaging the walnut-sized gland at the base of my balls.

"Aaarrrggghhh FUCK that feels good...!"

I'm not sure if I blurted it out loud or not until I hear Sandra's delighted chuckle as she leans over to speak into my ear again.

"Told ya you're gonna like it baby... now be quiet and enjoy the ride..."

Now I am really in utter heaven, and after a couple of minutes I can no longer avoid humping my hips against the duvet, whether or not I mean to. The gentle laugh from behind me only increases the tempo of my bucking hips.

"Oooooh yesss... I think you really, really like it. Maybe a bit too much, hmm?" and in the next moment her clever finger withdraws, leaving me silently begging for more of her gentle, knowing touch. I grind my teeth hard to keep that thought to myself.

I'd be damned if I begged a woman to finger my ass. I don't care how good it feels, there's a hard limit right there!

"Time to continue the examination I think." she says it after a little pause, which I suspect was meant to give me the opportunity to speak up.

Dammit. Just hurry up and finish already before I make a total mess of your sheets, lady.

I hear the glove being removed and discarded in the bin followed by the rustling of clothes being shed, raising my hopes way up before I suddenly receive a sharp, surprising slap on my right buttock.

What the HELL?! She's going to spank me now? NO WAY.

But before my jumbled mind can decide how to best broadcast that message across I feel her soft palm rub gently at the tingling spot, her fingertips just barely grazing my aching balls from behind causing the tingle to spread and intensify all through my groin.

"Please turn over, sir, and keep your hands by your sides."

She sounds polite and professional again - respectful, almost - and I respond without conscious thought. I turn, my cock springing up to a straight-backed salute to the beautiful, gloriously topless nurse standing next to me. Her firm and ample breasts are flushed along the top and both nipples are tightly erect, almost like miniature dried grapes. Hard, wrinkled, and by the looks of it - throbbing.

"Having done the prostate exam it is now time to check your ejaculatory function. As you can see, I have decided to help your arousal by giving you some visual stimulation. Is that agreeable to you, sir?"

I nod dumbly though I can see she doesn't wait for my reply but already climbs onto the bed and kneels down between my legs, leans forward with swaying breasts, and gently takes the helmet of my cock into her mouth, starting to lick and suck with the lightest of touches.


My hips jerk irregularly with every swipe of her soft, wet tongue, and after no more than 30 seconds of this incredible sensation I blow...and I blow ...and I blow. It seems as if I am cumming for a whole fucking minute, and the whole time Sandra just gently suckles and swallows, using absolutely the minimum of pressure on my bell end.


The whole blow job from start to finish lasted maybe a minute, and not once had Sandra taken more than the head of my dick into her mouth. She barely even touched me! But even with that thought it is all I can do to just lie there in a cloud of orgasmic bliss, totally drained, my fingers and toes still tingling from the effect.

"Well, Mr. Moreno, it seems your ability to cum hasn't suffered with your injuries. I would say that you are in full and fine working order."

She sounds satisfied. Smug. I feel the urge to reclaim the upper hand, to dominate her and take control rise inside of me, and silently I push it back down in my mind. She topped you and she did a fine damned job of it. Handle it. It's not like you didn't like it.

My voice still sounds funny when I try to reply with some measure of coherency. "Bit damned quick though... I'm sorry, baby. I haven't come that fast since I was a teenager wanking to the latest edition of Penthouse."

A soft chuckle sounds in my ear as she slowly slithers her way up my spent body and nestles into my good side.

"Oh, I'm surprised you even lasted as long as you did after the prostate massage. I was trying to judge it so that I stopped just short of you cumming. Looks like I got that bit right!" I can hear the smile in her voice.

Lifting my arms from the duvet for the first time since she told me to keep them there, I wrap them around her and pull her in close.

"So... It looks as if not only do I have a lovely little subbie to play with, but a kinky little wannabe Domme as well. Did you enjoy that, my pretty pervy nurse?"

I feel her grin widen on my chest. "I did - more than I expected to, to be honest - but it isn't something I'd want to do all the time. I definitely like being dominated by a strong man, but I figured the occasional change wouldn't hurt any." She turns her eyes up at me, and for the first time since she walked into the room I can see some insecurity in them. "Right?"

I grin and hug her close, kissing her upturned lips lightly. "Hmm. I would reluctantly admit to having enjoyed your little game... but I'd caution you from getting too used to it. There were a couple of moments there where I was seriously tempted to show you who's the real boss."

She sticks her chin out, one delicate eyebrow arching up in challenge. "So why didn't you?"

When I answer her all playfulness is gone; this is too important to joke about. "Because we hadn't talked about limits yet. I was serious about that being mandatory before I would ever Dom you, baby."

Sandra nods and bites her lip before speaking again. "I can't wait."

I smile, kissing her lips lightly, reassuringly. "Yes you can baby. And you will."

Sandra says nothing but hugs me close in response, and I think I feel her nodding into my chest before she pulls back and props herself on her elbow.

"So, my lovely hunky fixer of sinks, did you mention something about a picnic? I'm starving after all that exertion."

I smile up at her. "I certainly did. Wanna go for a walk somewhere remote, or do I bring it up here?"

"Hmm..." She seems to consider her options as her free hand travels down the side of her body, massaging her breast before dipping lower over her belly and straight into her pink panties, where she starts rubbing small circles at the top of her slit.

"Why don't you bring it up here... and while you do that I'll work on preparing my own very special dessert just for you... Maybe you could even convince me to have your treat before dinner..."

I groan deep in my chest and roll myself to stand up beside the bed, watching Sandra prop herself back against a couple of fluffy pillows, spread her legs wide, pull her panties to one side with her left hand and wet the fingers of her right hand in her mouth before going back to masturbating right in front of my very appreciative eyes.

"God but you're pushing it baby... keep that up and I may decide to tease and then deny you just to remind you how it's going to be very, very soon."

I watch her eye widen and turn a smoldering grey-blue and her breath catch in her throat.

Gotcha, babygirl.

"Now you keep playing with this pretty pussy of yours so that it's hot and creamy for me when I'm back with our food, but I don't want you cumming just yet... all right?"

Her fingers quicken their pace across her clit and then slow down to slide up and down her slit, making me almost forget all about the darned picnic basket. She gasps softly when her fingertips hit that sweet spot halfway between her clit and her tight hole and her eyes roll back and close for a moment before opening to lock with mine again.

"Yes sir, I think I can do that, but please be quick."

I smile and keep watching as I get into my boxers and jeans, sitting down on the bed to put on my shoes not bothering with socks, and then grabbing my T-shirt and moving towards the door.

"Oh don't worry baby, there's nothing that would keep me away knowing what's waiting for me up here. I'll be back in five minutes; think you can hold off till then?"

With another breathy sigh and a sweet arch of her back she picks up her pace again and murmurs:

"Y-yes, sir."

"Good girl."

I leave the room, only recognizing my own words halfway down the stairs.

FUCK. Friday couldn't come fast enough.




Author's note: Did you like this chapter? Tell me, please! VOTE, FAVORITE and COMMENT. Thanks!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Nurses use stethoscopes.

JasonRTaylorJasonRTaylorabout 8 years ago

When I said she was the instigator, I had no Clue how right I was! :D

This 'little girl' has her mind made up and is more than clever enough to 'help' and 'heal' Dan until he's back in control - right where she wants him!

The Domme scene was hot as hell - once again I am intrigued by this concept and I am looking forward to the day when I can explore this part of myself, a part that you have most definitely made me aware of, so thank you miLady ;)


small_town_girlsmall_town_girlalmost 9 years agoAuthor
update about Hitting the Bottom Ch. 10

hey y'all! it's been *ages*, hasn't it? life's been pretty crazy for me in the past few months, which is why i haven't published anything for ever... but that's about to change :)

i am making good progress on Hitting the Bottom Ch. 10 (which will be one before last for this series) - hope to post it over the next couple of weeks.

in the meantime, if you're in the mood for a short over-the-top BDSM / Menage fantasy, i have just published my story Tenderloin on Kindle. it's FREE for the next 4 days only, so grab it today and have some fun over 4th of July weekend! - http://tinyurl.com/prrl3ad

be back soon with HtB10... xoxoxo

STG / Annie

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Wishful thinking!

When I find a story like this I never want it to end, no matter how the writer twists and turns the story. As far as I'm concerned this story could continue forever, unfortunately they never do. Building good characters just means that us readers fall for them and the end of the story is like a death in the family, but we keep reading just as life goes on. Thank you, Mike

maninconnmaninconnover 9 years ago

....just yeah!

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