"Ho-Ho-Ho, Merry Christmas...." Pt. 02

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Consequenses from the powers I was given come to bite me...
6.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 12/31/2023
Created 11/10/2023
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I had planned on part one being a 'one and done' story but thanks to all your wonderful comments, I decided to take it further. Again, it's fantasy, some girl on girl stuff but reality taken with a little pinch of salt. Thank you again for reading and for your positive comments, it makes me enjoy that writing so much more. Starts right as the other ended.

I watched her drive off and walked into the house, still in shock.

"Well, somebody looks like he saw a ghost," laughed Mom as I walked into the lounge.

"I uh, got a woman pregnant," I said.

"How the fuck do you know already, I just took the test yesterday!" yelled Clara.

"Oh fuck..." I said as Mom, Dad and Clara glared at me.

"Seriously, how do you know?" repeated Clara.

"Hold the fucking phone, he said 'I' got a woman pregnant, not 'I hear you're pregnant. Pair of you better start talking, have you been having sex?" said Mom, her face looked pretty murderous, Dad just looked stunned.

We saw no point in trying to lie.

"Since Christmas. It just kind of happened," said Clara.

"And who were you actually talking about if you didn't know Clara was pregnant?" said Mom.

"Jennif... uh, Officer Grant," I replied quietly. Dad laughed until Mom scowled at him.

"Oh, come on, she's smoking hot, can't blame the guy," replied Dad.

"She's at least ten years older than him, John," said Mom.

"That conversation can be tabled, Clara, I thought you were on birth control?" said Dad.

"I got so wrapped up in our fun I forgot to take them," she replied, quietly.

I wondered why the conversation wasn't more about me having sex with my own sister but that became evident a little later.

"So, Officer Grant, is she expecting child support or what's the story there?" said Mom.

"Can't we talk about Clara?" said Dad.

"We will but I'm more concerned about us having another child to look after."

"She said she doesn't want anything from me. She's going to therapy and said getting pregnant likely saved her life. She has ptsd or something and was drinking pretty heavily. She's not upset with me, she said she will let her kid know me when they're old enough," I replied.

"And you're okay with that?" asked Mom.

"I'm 23, Mom. She's 33 and told me she has some life stuff to fix. It was fun, she is very sexy but neither of us went looking for a relationship or a kid."

"More out of, how the fuck, but she's always nice to any of us, not so nice where I'd see her suddenly seducing you, Son. And I'm not being mean about it, she just never came across as the slutty type, you know?" said Dad.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

"Can I use the bathroom first? This is a longer chat than I was expecting."

"Fine but straight back here, this is very far from over."

Clara was looking down as I passed her, I wanted to hold her, to tell her I loved her and that everything was going to be fine. I got to the bathroom and was washing my hands when the fairy or pixie appeared again, I jumped but managed not to yell out.

"Oh goodie, you're alone. I hate having to put a room to sleep, takes so much energy and I'm close to hibernation time." she said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You, mister, got a woman pregnant when you used your power. It's why it stuck when we tried to strip it from you. You'll have it until the baby is born, don't go getting anyone else pregnant, as long as you have a woman carrying your child, you'll be burdened with your power."

"But Christmas was a month ago!"

"I know, makes it more fun when you try any explain why she's horny for you and wondering why you're saying Merry Christmas. I swear, Santa had quite the sense of humor when he wrote the rules for this one."

"So, saying, 'ho ho ho, Merry Christmas' will still have a woman lusting for me?"

"Oh, you dick."

The room went bright then I blacked out. When I woke up, both Mom and Dad were standing over me in the hall, I had a damp cloth on my forehead.

"Wh... what happened?" I asked as I sat up.

I started to remember a dream as I came to, the pixie was the same size as me and she was naked.

"You can't have me, I had to bring you here to tell you but my touch is more than a human can take. Be mindful of who you say that to!" she had said to me.

"Hey, you with us? You spaced out again kiddo," said Dad with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm okay, I just stood up too fast and flaked out," I replied.

"Little nympho keeping you wore out I expect."


"Your sister, dufus, you said the Cop was a one-time thing."


They helped me up and sat me down on the couch, Clara brought me a glass of water, she touched my head with a look of concern but she stayed snuggled close. She kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "It's okay."

"So, you were telling me how you managed to seduce the neighbor," said Dad.

"Christmas Eve, when I was driving home in that storm, Santa crashed, I rescued him until his elves got him going then he gave me powers. I just say something to a woman and she'll want me," I said.

Dad laughed his ass off, Mom just raised an eyebrow.

"I'll get you more water," said Clara as I finished the glass.

"So, that's fucking hilarious, with a straight face too. What did you say to her?" asked Dad.

"Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas," I replied.

"She's all yours, Son."


Dad sat back in his chair with a smile on his face, Mom, however, had a wanton look on her face and was undoing the buttons on her dress. Before I could finish, 'what are you doing?' she had dropped her dress to the floor and was knelt beside me in her bra and panties, fishing my cock from my boxers. Clara came into the room with my water and grinned when she saw what Mom was doing.

"You said it, didn't you? She told you to be careful," said Clara.

"How the hell, oh!" I gasped as Mom took my cock into her mouth.

"Maylina appeared in my head when you were out, she said I've to help you be careful but I didn't get to you before this. I think we should tell him, Dad, before Mom mounts him," said Clara.

"Tell me what?"

"The party your Mom and I were at over Christmas, is the same every year. No clothes, lots of drinking and lots of sex," said Dad.

"B.. but, you were at Uncle Steve's," I replied to him.

"Why do you think I'm fine with your Mother and what she's doing right now? I think I had all 3 of her sisters at least twice while she did her best to wear out your cousin and your Uncle Steve," said Dad.

"You two were supposed to come this year but you're coming to next year's," said Mom, only stopping long enough to talk.

"I'm going to have both of you when Mom is done with you," said Clara.

I didn't care that it was my Mother sucking my cock, I'd spent pretty much every day since Christmas fucking my sister so any moral hangups I might have had about family were long gone. Her mouth felt amazing and it didn't take me long to get hard. Mom stood up, dropped her panties, took her bra off then straddled me to take my cock inside her. Her pussy felt amazing, she groaned in pleasure as she began to ride me and I just held on to her waist as she pounded me. I watched her beautiful breasts swaying as we fucked, I freely admit to trying to get a glimpse of them over the years and I finally had them in my face. I sucked one of her nipples into my mouth and looked up at her as I did my best to keep it in my mouth. It had the desired effect, Mom started really grinding her hips on me and started cumming as she took me deep into her.

"Oh fuck that feels good, I'm going to cum," I said, groaning as Mom's pussy tightened around my cock.

"Oh honey, wait....." said Mom.

At first, I was a little freaked out but then I saw her. As my cock spurted my seed deep into my Mom, my little Pixie appeared.

"I'm pretty sure she was about to say, don't cum in me but it's a little late for that," she said.

"I... I thought the power didn't work on family?" I gasped, my orgasm still going.

"Well, that was before you knocked up your sister after the pretty Police Officer. You're causing me all sorts of trouble you know!"

"Me? Santa did this, I didn't mean to say it."

"Your Mom gets a new IUD on Monday, her fun over Christmas broke the last one but they're going to be telling her she's pregnant. You, mister, need to stop saying it until we figure this out!"

"I'll do my best, why am I still cumming?"

"Froze them, slowed you down. I'll be back soon," she said then was gone.

"Oh fuck, I was trying to say don't cum but too late now, that's quite the load!" said Mom.

"They don't put another IUD in until Monday," said Dad.

"You felt amazing, Mom, I doubt I could have stopped the way you were riding me," I replied. She kissed my forehead.

"It's okay, it was my fault. I'm going to take a bath, you three have fun," said Mom.

"I'll come with you, we'll have fun next time, Clara," said Dad.

Mom looked pretty distant when she left, Clara handed me a damp cloth to clean myself up.

"Wow, she crashed pretty hard!" said Clara.

"Not my fault," I replied.

"Hey, I'm not mad at you. Kinda killed my buzz though. You, need to be careful though my love."

I wish I'd remembered the whole being careful thing. Things got kind of nuts at home when they told Mom she was pregnant. It had only been 3 days since she'd had sex with me but she was ovulating and they were doing a pretty thorough exam before they would fit the new birth control. Nobody was mad at me or anything, Dad was taking it pretty well and pretty much blamed Mom but they decided to just relax and work out a story, or a new place to go and live, until they could think straight. My head was reeling. I now had 3 kids on the way, two of which I couldn't tell anyone about and I was stressed. Despite the cold, I sat on our bench at the side of our house and was just staring into space. I didn't even see Jennifer approach until she touched my shoulder.

"I said, Hi, are you okay?" she said to me with a smile. She was in uniform.

"Oh, sorry, I was a little spaced out," I replied.

"It's freezing out here, want to come over and talk about it?"

"I uh, sure."

"I promise I won't try and seduce you, though it's not like I can get pregnant twice," she said with a grin. I managed to smile back at her.

"There it is, I got a smile. Come, let me make you some tea."

I followed Jennifer inside and watched her as she made us both a mug of herbal tea. It was pretty good.

"I'm on a break, I ate my sandwiches on my way over here but I forgot my keycard for the gym this morning so I came home to get it. What's going on in that head, you look pretty stressed out," she said to me.

"I uh, I'm not sure if I can talk about it really. I'm hoping it'll work itself out," I replied.

"Is it anything to do with that pretty sister of yours? You didn't get her pregnant, did you?"

I just looked at her, wide-eyed.

"She's not very quiet and rarely closes her window. I know she doesn't sneak boys in and it's always when your folks are out," she added, thankfully still smiling.

"You must think I'm disgusting."

"Actually, I don't. You'll never meet him but I have a twin brother, I can't tell you how much fun we'd have when our parents went out of town. I had quite the appetite and got off with him instead of all the fuckboys that chased me constantly. He found a nice woman to settle down with but neither of us has regrets about it. I'll keep your secret, I know I don't need to tell you but you don't repeat that to anyone, okay?"

"You said you were married before?"

"I was. Asshole cheated on me, thought he could use my job as an excuse but he knew I didn't have regular hours when he married me."

"I don't understand how any man could cheat on you, you're perfect." she laughed.

"Oh, I'm far from that, honey but thank you for the compliment. So, is she keeping it? Abortion's legal in this state, I'm pretty against it but I don't judge others."

"We just found out last week, she's against getting rid of it too."

"Quite the pickle you're in, huh! I wouldn't worry about it, most people don't pay attention to anything outside their little bubbles these days. I know I get looks when I'm in my jogging gear but it's jealous wives because their husbands are dreaming. Can't wait to see the scowls when I'm jogging with a stroller. Shit, I had better get back. Do you have any plans tonight?"

"Not that I know of, why?"

"Because I liked this little chat, first I've been able to really relax in a bit. I thought maybe I could cook you dinner?"

"No way. I'll cook for you."

"Well okay then, I'll be home around six, that sound good?"

"I'll be here."

Jennifer hugged me, then we walked out together. I was still smiling when I walked in the house.

"Where did you go?" asked Clara.

"I was having a tea with Jennifer," I replied.

"A tea huh, quickie before she went back to work?"

"No, a tea. I'm going to hers for dinner tonight though."

"Oh, well have fun."

I could tell by the look on her face that she wasn't happy. I pulled her to me.

"Hey, what's that for?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" she replied.

"Are you jealous? I'm going to have dinner, that's it."

"You can fuck her if you want, I don't own you. Just don't lie to me okay?"

"I am going for dinner. How about I take you upstairs and you can drain me then she won't get lucky."

"I've just spent the last two hours puking my guts up so no thank you."

"Oh, are you okay?'

"I am now. Can't eat fucking cheese anymore apparently."

I held her close to me then kissed her softly on the cheek.

"I love you, Clara."

"You better, not every sister that will have a baby with you." I laughed.

"By how society reacts, that's probably a good thing."

I relaxed for a while then got myself showered and ready for dinner. Jennifer was a few minutes late but I didn't mind.

"Sorry, traffic was horrible and my Chief would kick my ass if all I used my lights and sirens for was to get home faster. You look nice, we're not going out right, I fully plan to wear sweatpants," she said with a smile.

"No, I just wanted to look less scruffy," I replied.

"Well, I'm going to get out of this uniform and shower. I picked up a couple of steaks, fridge is well stocked so make whatever you want."


I found a nice mixture of vegetables and decided on stir-fried veg to go with the steaks. I forgot to ask her how she liked them but I went with medium-rare so I could cook longer if she preferred different. I had just set them to rest and was plating the vegetables when she came back.

"Oh, that smells amazing. Good choice, I love stir-fry," she said.

"I forgot to ask how you like your steak cooked," I replied.

"Well, if that's anything beyond medium-rare I'll throw you in lock-up for serious crimes against good steak."

"Perfect, I'm far too pretty for jail, they're both medium-rare." She laughed.

I had to tear my eyes away from her a few times, she was just in a loose t-shirt and black sweatpants but she had her wet hair up in a ponytail and very little makeup on. I thought she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever laid eyes on and my heart was pounding just thinking about her smile.

Dinner was pretty good too, I loved to cook and took pride in my meals. Jennifer finished everything and took our plates away then poured us more of the sparkling grape juice I'd brought. Our conversation just flowed, she was really intelligent and spoke with confidence about everything. We had a lot in common too.

"So, how did you first have sex with Clara?" she asked out of the blue.

"I just kind of happened really. She was a little jealous of you and was a little mad at me. I didn't want that so I kissed her and it just kind of led to it. She told me she'd wanted me for a long time," I replied.

"You know, when you spoke to me that morning, I'd had a fucking horrible shift. All I wanted was to be held, to be used and to feel wanted by someone. I can't help feeling like I used you."

"You say that like you tied me to the bed. I think you are so beautiful and have done since the first time I saw you. We've been talking for almost 3 hours and I can't think of anyone I've ever felt so happy to talk to for this long. You have a presence that I can't help being relaxed around but you're strong and confident."

"Wow, it has been three hours. I can say the same thing to you. You don't seem to be afraid of me and my usual anxieties just melt away with you."

She gazed at me for a good 30 seconds then pulled me to my feet. She held me then kissed me softly on the lips.

"I want you to make love to me, Marcus," she said.

"I'd like that," I replied, trying not to sound over-eager.

She led me to her room and we kissed each other passionately, we stripped and just the sight of her naked had me hard. I went to go down on her but she stopped me and just pulled me on top of her and kissed me again as she led my cock inside her. She felt just as wonderful as our first time together, we took our time though and when she'd cum three of four times she kissed me again.

"You can cum in me, told you I can't get pregnant again," she said, we both laughed.

I increased my pace a little and then let go, my climax was pretty intense and it set her off again. We gazed at each other as we caught our breath.

"That was wonderful," she said, smiling at me.

"I agree," I replied.

"Will you stay with me, I'm off tomorrow, would be nice to wake up with you."

"I'd really like that."

We ended up making love two more times that night, she was fast asleep when I woke up the next morning. I watched her sleeping for a while then kissed her softly on the cheek.

"Mmm, I hope 3 times was enough, I'm pretty tired, don't think I could go again," she said, smiling.

"No, I'm pretty worn out too. May I make you breakfast or should I go?"

"Shower with me then I'll let you go."

We ended up having sex again in the shower, just seeing the water cascade over her amazing body had me hard again and she had me take her from behind. She held me once we were both dried and dressed again.

"This was amazing but it can't change anything. I want you to enjoy your life, Marcus, not get tied down with me," she said.

"I'm not into that bondage thing, sorry," I replied, she rolled her eyes, smiling.

"Well, go home and eat your sister, make her cum nice and hard for me, okay?"

"I'm sure I'm in the doghouse for a few days, I told her I wasn't coming here for sex."

"You were coming here to keep me company and I loved it, sex was a bonus. Oh, she's there, let me talk to her."

Clara was taking the trash out, I was worried about what she was going to say but it was good.

"Hey, sorry I stole your brother for the night," said Jennifer.

"Um, why would that bother me?" replied Clara, a little frosty.

"Well, I know when my twin went to see other women, I'd make him wait at least 3 days before he could make love to me again. When I hear you both it brings back wonderful memories. If you ever want to share him with me, I'm good with my tongue too."


Jennifer nodded at the assumed question.

"It happens a lot more than people think," said Jennifer.

"Well, thank you for saying something, I told him I don't own him so as long as he's honest with me I won't punish him for wanting a goddess like you."

The women hugged and Jennifer walked home.

"Need coffee?" asked Clara with a smile.

"Sure," I replied.

"Good, I made it nice and strong, drink some then I'm sitting on your face. I'm not waiting 3 days but anytime you come home from another woman you reward me with oral."

"I think I can live with that."

"Oh, it's not a choice my love."

I had no sooner put my empty mug down when Clara led me by the hand to her room where I was put on my back on her bed. She wasn't wearing any panties under her skirt, she straddled my head and held onto my hair until I started licking her. I explored and licked her like it was my first time with her, she always tasted so good to me and hearing her moan in pleasure spurred me on. I'm not sure how long I was licking her for but by the time she had her explosive orgasm, my jaw ached a little. I rubbed it a little when she climbed off me.