Ho, Ho, Hoes, Merry Chrissymas

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Soon to be step Bro&Sis; conflicted couple deal w/attraction.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.

This is my entry in the Winter Holidays 2019 contest, so please vote if you read the story.

This is the romantic story of two college students, who, not having met each other before, are about to become step-brother & step-sister, yet find themselves too attracted to each other in a short time, and the conflict that causes.

Author reserves all rights, other than those ceded to Literotica.


The Ford F-250 pickup pulled up in front of the dormitory at the college we both attended. One brake squeaked, in protest. He climbed down, and as he cleared the nose of the tall, four-wheel drive pickup, I was impressed with his nice looks; sort of wavy light brown hair above slightly sharp features, and with warm eyes. Under baggy jeans and a winter jacket, he appeared to have broad shoulders and slim waist, and looked to be close to 6 feet tall.

"Chrissy?" he asked, his breath steaming in the cold air.

"Toby, my hero, I presume?" I said.

"Toby, yes. Hero, I doubt."

"Well," I replied, "I...rather we...would not be getting home for Christmas and the wedding without you!"

"Without my boss loaning me his pickup, neither would I. Ready to load up?"

"Yup...Anyway, it is really nice to meet you," I said, as I grabbed my bag and roller case. His voice sounded a bit familiar, but I couldn't think of from where.

He opened the rear doors of the crew cab and put my bags next to some wrapped presents and his luggage. Then, Toby said, "Yeah, certainly is nice to meet you, too. We had better get rolling. It is a 5-hour drive with good weather, and we may not have that much longer."

I climbed up into the front seat, using the grab handles, and fastened my seatbelt. It was nice and toasty, with the heater going as strong as it was. Toby climbed in the other side, did his seatbelt, and put the truck into drive. He drove out of the school's entrance, and headed west.

Wanting to break the few minutes of quietness that followed, I thought I would catch him off guard and learn how he responded, "Didn't know I was gaining such a cute brother."

"Uh...thanks...I...well...thought you looked rather nice yourself, considering you are wearing a flannel shirt, and that parka."

"This old thing!?" I giggled, "I just threw it on." I really liked the grin that grew on his face from my humor, as he kept his eyes on the traffic ahead. I also liked his glances, when I took off my winter cap and shook out my hair, which reaches about halfway down my back.

"So," I opened, "how much of a surprise was it when your mom said she was getting married, and on such short notice?"

"Pretty surprising. I mean, I knew she was dating...your dad...while I was in my freshman year. And even this year, I still had not heard her say how serious it was getting, even at Thanksgiving. Then, I got the phone call two weeks ago that they are getting married on Christmas Eve! I wasn't expecting that at all."

I shook my head slowly, and added, "Yeah, me too. Dad had been telling me how happy he was, though he never hinted that he was going to pop the question. But a wedding just two weeks later! What is that about?" I chuckled, "You don't think your mom is...well, you know...?"

"NO!" Toby barked, "Well...I hope not! Suddenly gaining two sisters is strange enough for an only child. A third new sibling, and a baby, would be a real shock."

"Oh, so I am strange, am I?" I taunted, with a smile.

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah," I chuckled, "I do. I mean, me, 19 years old, college freshman, and now I am getting a brother...well, brother-to-be at this point. "To be...Toby" I said, in thought, "I think I just got a nickname for my new brother...2B...yeah, 2B!"

"Great. Fifteen minutes, and I have a nickname already. Girls!!"

"What!?" I laughed, "Guys have all kind of nicknames for each other! With your looks, I would think you have had plenty of dates, and would know that women like nicknames, too. Get with it 'bro'!"

"Haven't really had too many dates. Been studying a lot, and working, and well...I feel like a klutz when I try to talk to a woman I don't know. Plus, I get turned down, kinda often."

"Wait 'til to you meet my older sister, Tara," I snorted, unintentionally, "She dates a lot...and talks a lot. I bet she can give you a lot better sisterly advice than I can about approaching women. I am the quieter of the two of us, relatively."

"I assume Tara will be there, too?"

"Supposed to be," I said, "but with this weather front moving in, who knows. I am glad you could borrow this beast, because my little Toyota would certainly not have made it, if it were caught in a big snowstorm. When the airline cancelled my flight, I wasn't sure what I was going to do, until dad called and told me that they were trying to get my 'new brother' to drive me and him home, after your flight got cancelled, too."

"Yeah, my mom called, and I told her that my car was not up to challenging the weather," Toby said, "I am just lucky that the restaurant owner, Sal, who I work for, is such a great guy and let me use his older truck. And my mom told me that the airlines have cancelled 60% of the flights into here, because of the cascade effect of flights not wanting to get caught out there."

"My dad said that the chance of rebooking and flying out in time for the wedding was near zero," I said, "But, hey, this way I get to meet my new bro, 2B, a day early. This trip could be pretty cool, getting to know each other. On that note, where do you work and live?"

"I work at Maria's Italian Ristorante, down at 10th Avenue and Milwaukee Street. Sal is Maria's husband, and they are great people. They treat me like they are a second set of parents, and I live in a duplex rental property they have. They let me have it really cheap, as I work for them at the restaurant, as well as maintain the rental property. And I get the garage for my car."

"What kind of car is it?" I asked, being something of car gal myself.

"1969 Ford Torino Cobra. I restored it myself in high school."

"Is that the dark green fastback, with the hood scoop, which I have seen around town, and with that rad deep rumble?" I asked, a bit excitedly.

"Yeah, that's it. You most likely saw it around the athletic center, as I usually drive it there so that I can leave from swim team practice to go straight to the restaurant."

COOL!" I exclaimed, and meant it, "Stick or automatic?"

"Stick," he said.

"Really Cool!" I said, in a bright voice.

"You like cars, huh?"

"Yeah," I responded, "especially those cool muscle cars of 60s & 70s!"

"Well, it is a 428 ram air, with a 3.50 ratio limited slip rear axle, and power steering & brakes. Got it from a neighbor who had it stored it for over 20 years."

"I would love to get a ride in it someday!" I said.

"You drive stick?" he asked me.

"Yup!" I chirped.

"Maybe I will let you drive it sometime...when it's dry outside," he chuckled.

I bubbled, "WOW, that'd be rad! I think I am going to like having a brother, more than I thought!"

"Well, I already think you are a pretty cool sister-to-be. Does your sister, Tara, look like you?"

"More like the swimsuit model version of me," I said, slightly dejectedly, "I am 5-6, and she is two inches taller, all of it in her legs. Big blue eyes, instead of my gray, smaller ones. About ten pounds heavier, and I swear all of it is in her tits. Dirty blond instead of my 'yet-another' brunette. And a smile that doubles as a night light."

"I detect a little jealousy," 2B told me, with a chuckle.

"Yes, but I love her," I sighed, "It is just that I want to put a bag over her head...well, her whole body, really...when I meet a guy that I like, because if she walks up, I know I am going to lose him once he sees her. She doesn't steal them from me, but it is hard to get them to refocus on plain me, once they watch her shimmy and jiggle with every step. I have to do jumping jacks to get a decent bounce out of my tits."

"I am beginning to feel like a brother already, since you are comfortable discussing your tits with me," 2B chuckled, "So, they do they bounce when...?"

I caught the mischievous implication of the unfinished sentence. Then I said, in a chastising tone, "Getting a bit personal, with your new 'bro' status, are we?" After a pause to watch 2B squirm, I added in mock-arrogance, "And it depends on the guy!"

Toby chuckled, as he replied, "Anyway, I think women put too much importance on their breast size."

"Oh yeah?!" I exclaimed, "You try being a female for 15 minutes in the presence of Tara, Queen of Tits, and watch her suck the attention out of the room. And it most of it doesn't go to her face! Sorry bro, but your gender is a majority of mammary-entranced fools, who are compelled to follow wherever their dicks point them."

He laughed this time, "Tell me what you really think, sis!"

"Sorry," I said, and took a deep breath, "I get a little worked up over men, sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I am no virgin, nor lesbo, and I like to get off on a good dick, like I had...never mind that. Anyway, it is just that there are too many guys that are jerks. They will spend an hour trying to impress you, get you drunk, and get you to leave with them. And, yet they will not even spend five minutes trying to understand who you are, other than that you can control your gag reflex, have melons to grab & squeeze, and that you are willing to let them use that 'fun box' between your legs!"

"Uh...so no boyfriend, I assume?," he said cautiously, and I realized my ranting had gotten carried away, again, and made him uncomfortable.

"Sorry for the diatribe," I sighed, once more, "and 'No', no boyfriend. I have already gone through two of those unfaithful beings in my first year at college. The last one was history after Thanksgiving vacation, as that 'turkey' goosed two 'hens' at the same time, while I was back at home for 5 days."

"Want me to beat him up for you?" Toby offered.

"You would do that for me, 2B?" I asked, brightening.

"No...I am not a fighter," he said "But I thought you needed the support, sis."

I chuckled, "It's the thought that counts, as they say. Enough about my sex life. I won't ask about yours. So, tell me about your mom."

"Hmmm..." he started, "Well, I think you will really like her. She is strong, competent, and fair-minded, yet sweet, without being sappy. She is an attractive natural blond, and about Tara's height, I imagine. And she has a great sense of humor, with a ready laugh."

"And your dad?" I asked.

"He can take a flying leap, as far as I am concerned," 2B said, sharply.

"Ouch!" was my immediate reply.

"He is a traveling sales manager for a large paper products firm. He was gone an awful lot of the time on, supposedly, business travel. Turns out, he played my mom for a sucker, as what he really had was another wife, not legal of course, and 2 young kids, on the other side of the state. Mom finally stumbled across his second cell phone, and all the messages and calls that were on it. She filed for divorce and locked him out while he was 'out of town'. She got nearly everything, here, in the settlement. Bigamy charges are pending for him."

"Sorry, but Go Girl!" was my only response, given my shock.

After a pause, I continued, "You should really like my dad. He has been there so much, for Tara and me, since we lost mom. Ovarian cancer, caught too late, and which spread too rapidly. Three years ago." I dragged my fingers under my eyes, before they overflowed.

With a slight sniff, I added, "She was 45 years old. I miss her so much...but please know that I have nothing against your mom marrying my dad, as he really needs the companionship, especially now that we, Tara and I, are both in college now. By the way, Tara is two years older, and a senior."

"I am so sorry about your mom," Toby said, quietly, and reached over and squeezed my hand.

"Thank you, that was nice of you...bro," I said quietly, also thinking that his touch seemed somehow familiar. I tapped a few times on my cell phone, and then held it out at arm's length, facing Toby, "This is the last picture I took of her." I held the phone out, until Toby was able to glance at it.

"Lovely woman. I can see your resemblance."

"Her name was Christine," I said, sadly.

"Are you named after her, Chrissy?"

"No. For some odd reason, my name is Chrisilla," I responded, "Although, mom may have been pulling my leg, she said that she & dad were watching '101 Dalmatians' when she was pregnant, and that the name just came to her when she heard the name 'Cruella de Vil'! I just go by Chrissy."

Hearing him laugh, I demanded, "What are you laughing at!?"

He replied, between deep chuckles, "I, somehow, just had a vision of your parents holding you as a baby, with that huge head of black & white hair that Cruella has!?"

"Okay, wise, guy," I chuckled, "that is funny. And my full name is, Chrisilla Marie Harrison. Yours?"

"Tobias Nathaniel Wittendon."

"Sounds a little pretentious," I said, "Sorry, but it does...like it ought to have 'the third', or 'esquire' following it."

"Tell me about it. That is why I am just 'Toby' everywhere, expect on legal documents."

After a lengthy pause, when we had to slow for rubberneckers which were checking out a flashing police car on the shoulder, I asked, a little coyly, "So, Tobias, can your randy little sister ask you for a small favor?"

"UH...what did you have in mind...randy sister-to-be?" he asked, and the caution was apparent in his voice, though he had an odd smirk.

"Hey!" I said, sharply. "Clean up your thoughts!" I laughed. Then feigning shyness, I said, "Think you can tell me the guy's name on your swim team, who really packs his Speedo? I heard some girls talking about him."

Toby answered me brusquely, "Don't know his name...big team...not in my events."

I saw his face turning red, and thought maybe he didn't like the guy, or was jealous, so I had better change the subject.

"What are you studying at college?" I queried.


"So, I have a brainy bro?" I remarked, in an upbeat manner.

"Me? No! I just like numbers and patterns, and it ought to be a versatile degree to find employment with. What about you?"

"Gerontology," I replied, waiting for the typical question of "What is that?"

"Is that the study of aging or the elderly?"

"Brainy bro gets it right." I chirped, "That is better than most people, who have no clue."

"And what is Tara's field?"

"Marketing & Sales. She seems to think her looks and gift of gab will open a lot of doors," I scoffed. I pulled out my cell phone, tapped, and then unbuckled my seatbelt. I saw his slightly curious look as I slid over the bench seat, to be next to him. Then I showed him a photo of Tara, in a bikini.

I saw him glance at my phone several times, before he responded, "Looks like she could be quite successful!"

"Too much importance on breast size, huh?" I chuckled, "I can see the drool, 2B! You studying her 'statistics'?"

"Well...I just want to remember what my other new sister looks like."

"Yeah, right," I chided, and then added "Let me show you a picture of my dad."

"If you want to stay here, please buckle up."

"OH! He cares about his sister, Chrissy. How sweet," I said, in a cutesy tone.

"Just don't want to get a ticket for unbelted passengers, mam" 2b said, and I recognized the humor of his purposely flat delivery.

I pulled the seat/shoulder belt out of its reel, and searched between us for the receiver buckle. Out of female habit, I glanced at his lap as I clicked the belt into place. I quickly turned my face forward, and then turned towards the passenger side, to hide the blush I felt blooming. My shocked mind screamed, "Oh My F'n Gawdddddd...He must be thinking of Tara! His man snake is visible, even in those baggy jeans, and it is Halfway To His Knee!! And he is that guy on the swim team!"

I sat there, quietly trying to rid my mind of the thought, "2B is carrying around a pussy pleaser of epic proportions!" I still felt the blush, and stared out the passenger window.

"Are you going to show me your dad's picture?" His voice seemed to boom in my ear.

"Uh...oh, yeah...here it is." I had to tap my iPhone twice to wake it back up, as it had gone to sleep while I was stupefied.

"I can see that my mom would find him attractive," he said, and then added with a slightly concerned tone, "You okay? You seem rather distracted and a little flushed."

I cleared my throat, quietly, then answered, "Sure...fine...Just realized I am a bit tired. Mind if I borrow your shoulder for a little rest?"

"It's all yours."

"Okay if I turn on the radio?" I asked after a moment, already tired of the droning tread noise of the truck's tires.

"Go right ahead, as long as it is not hip-hop/rap."

"Ugh, no!" I responded, and turned on the radio, and chose a C&W station.

I leaned against his solid shoulder and closed my eyes. My mind started to drift, as I took in his distinctly musky, yet dusty, scent...rather outdoorsy in character. With a strong male scent in my nose, my thoughts wandered back to last night.

"That party had gone nothing like what I had expected. The classy hotel room downtown the other five girls from college had rented for their hen party was really nice. I bet a couple of those girls came from money. I am glad they invited me, even as a late addition, when they found out it was my birthday."

"They had said it was just going to be drinking and games, in Christmas costumes. I suppose I should have known better. Then Amanda announced she had hired a stripper. Why had I been so uneasy with that I idea? It would just be a man dancing, and getting down to his skivvies, with sexy gyrations. Why did I think that those internet videos of a stripper with a room full of women, sucking & fucking, had to be staged, and not real. I certainly had believed they were just porn actresses dressed like office workers."

"I remember my relief when Amanda said the stripper's agency had said that they had a conflict, and would probably not be able to find another stripper to fill in. With the loss of entertainment imminent, the drinking got heavier and Regina was the first one to strip off her elfish blouse & sports bra, and make advances toward the two others. Amanda and Cindy had already gone down to the lobby to buy more soda for mixers."

"Michelle & Sharon joined in, going topless, and got involved in kissing and groping each other. Regina got down to those sheer bikini undies. Sure did not look like the first time these three had done this. All their intimate activities and the sexual smells were making me somewhat aroused, when, suddenly, they realized that I was not involved."

"God! I felt so foolish, with my drunken squeals, but I had never done something like that before, and they took everything off me except my mask and elf hat. I liked how envious they were of how big and long my nipples were. Then it was just plain erotically weird when Sharon started sucking my nipples, and Regina started rubbing my pussy. It was so odd to feel turned on, yet so embarrassed."

"I was unsure whether to feel disappointed or relieved when Regina & Sharon's attentions were cut short by the return of Amanda and Cindy. I remember how fast I closed my legs when I saw the Santa that they had brought with them. It was Amanda that squealed, 'Look what I found!' I quickly had to throw my loose clothes over my nudity."

"Though I really had no experience with them, I thought strippers always brought music with them. This one had none, and he looked stunned at the abundance of semi-nude women, or fully nude in my case, with the exception of my mask & hat. When told to dance, he just made weak, little gyrations."