Hobson's Choice Ch. 02


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"OK, if you say so," he replied. "Let them stay. I'll call the other parents, give them your phone number and explain the situation. Maybe with my endorsement you won't have to go through this grilling again. Be prepared for some calls in quick order, though. They also love their daughters, you know".

"No problem," I said. "I'll let the girls answer the phone for a while. Let them do the talking." He didn't seem convinced that it would work, but he couldn't argue with the approach.

"Now, John, while I have you on the line, what is this my daughter tells me about your new product line? Are you back in business, and what can I do to get a look at what you have going on?"

"Let's set something up, George, in a week or so. I'll have the last details wrapped up then, and we can see if there's a match for your needs. I'll call you on the 22nd, a week from Monday. OK?"

"I'll come to you," he said, "just say the word. Are you talking to anyone else?"

"Not yet," I said, "but I suspect there are some others that might be interested."

"If it's anything as good as the Lightning, I dare say you're right," he said, "but give me a chance first, OK?"

"OK, George," I laughed, and we hung up, each of us very satisfied with the outcome.

"Men!" said Sandy and shook her head. "He went from a concerned parent to a greedy tycoon in a heartbeat, didn't he?"

"No, Sandy, that's not true," said Karen. "It's just that he knows John's reputation, and after he had talked to him, he was OK with it. And you can't blame him for wanting to pick up on the best tip he has had in a long time." She turned to me. "My dad is going to call the others, did I get that right?" Karen asked. I nodded. "That's cool," she said, "he'll make them listen and agree. He is very persuasive when he wants something."

"We'll see," I replied. "You girls can answer the phone and deal with your parents. I'll talk to them if they really want to, but I am sure you girls can deal with it." Of course the phone rang, and of course Sandy's mom wanted to hear everything from me. She kept saying, "Yes that's what George said."

The same thing happened with Alex's dad. Only Alya's mother was satisfied with talking to her daughter. "She learned to trust my instincts a long time ago," explained Alya. Finally, the deal was done, and everyone took a deep breath.

Saturday, May 11, 11:30 am

The girls were very happy, and came to hug me, all at once. "I want a proper kiss," said Alya. "If you don't know how, I'll show you." I kissed her. She made a face. "'I meant a real kiss," she said, and proceeded to show me how. Her tongue was busy duelling with mine and she applied a toe-curling combination of soft lip pressure and suction at the same time. I reacted instantly, dragging her to me and giving it some serious attention. She moulded her body to mine and moaned into my mouth. She noticed my dick getting interested and ground her hips into mine, feeling every inch of its hardness against her tummy.

We came up for breath. "Better," she nodded with a smug look, but her rapid breathing gave her away. She had felt it too, that's for sure.

"Me too, me too, me too."

"Girls, girls! Let's not get into the me too routine, it makes me feel like a bowl of ice cream and four kids." They had to laugh, and quietened down. "That's better," I said. "I am ready to kiss you now. Line up here."

"Yes daddy," said Karen, and drew in a quick breath as she realized what she had said.

I smiled at her. "Oh yeah, I'll show you 'daddy'." That kiss was just as fantastic, and gave my growing erection a nice little boost. Alex came for hers, and I moved my hands under her skirt to her naked ass as I held her tight and kissed her. She squeezed back and looked disappointed when it was over. Sandy flowed into my arms, making sure her breasts were free from the t-shirt and stabbing me in the chest. She also breathed quicker when we separated.

"That was nice," said Alex, "and we have two more days of this, right?"

"We sure do," said Karen, "but John, - you were skirting awfully close to the truth when you made those promises to my father, weren't you? I was so scared you would promise not to touch us, because you would either be lying or we'd go back to being nice proper girls and back on with the underwear. I know you wouldn't break your promise and I hated the alternative. It would have ruined everything."

"He is very clever, our John," said Alex, smiling. "He sounded so sincere and yet he was sneaking peeks at our breasts while he was sweet-talking your dad, and went right back to our bodies after he had hung up."

"I was sincere," I protested. "I meant everything I said, and I suspect your father understood more than you give him credit for, Karen. I even sensed a little envy when I said that thing about having four beautiful girls in the house." She blushed (again).

"Do you really think he knew what we had been doing? – and still agreed that we could stay?"

"Not exactly what we had been doing, but I think he understands about men and women and that things can happen, and that you are very beautiful and I am only a man, - and who knows. But he does trust you and he does trust me to show some common sense and not to do anything you will be ashamed of and regret afterwards."

They were thoughtful and silent for a while. "Actually," said Alex hesitatingly, "now that you say that, I got some of that from my dad as well. Like he was wishing me well, somehow and that he loved me. Wow!"

Sandy nodded thoughtfully. "Yeees," she said slowly. "Yeees."

"So now that we have that settled, what's for lunch," I said brightly, breaking the serious mood.

"Me!" said Alya. "Please John, can I be your lunch?"

I couldn't have resisted her on my own, but I looked questioningly at the other girls. "Any thoughts on the menu, girls? Does that sound good to you? I don't want anyone to be hurt or feel left out..."

"I just wish I had thought of it first," said Karen reluctantly, "but I know how Alya feels. Besides she missed out this morning, and I know she was disappointed. You go enjoy your lunch. We'll manage in here."

With a happy grin and a flush of excitement, Alya grabbed my hand and dragged me back in the bedroom, closing the door. "You're not backing out this time," she said in a serious but playful voice. "I have wanted this so bad, ever since last night." She slipped off her top and shorts and stood there naked, glowing with the healthy energy of the young.

"Come on," she said impatiently, lying down on the bed. "Let's do it."

I just stood there. "I'm all yours," I said, "but you have to unwrap your own lunch." She lit up like a Christmas tree and scurried out of the bed again. She unbuttoned my shirt and pulled off, planting little kisses on my chest as she went downwards. She grabbed my belt and pulled me to her, then sank to her knees and unbuckled it.

"Easy does it," I said. "He scares quickly." She nodded, suddenly serious. She slid her hand up under my shorts, grasped my balls with a soft touch and fondled them, before moving her hand to my stiff dick. With her other hand she unzipped my shorts slowly and gently, carefully keeping my dick away from the fabric and the zipper. As they fell to the floor, she kissed my dick softly and took it in her mouth.

Sucking and fondling, she abandoned herself to the worship. Little noises communicated her excitement. I started to feel the sap rise, and stopped her.

"Not so fast," I said gently and lifted her up. She was light as a feather in my arms as I laid her on top of the bed. She looked me uncertainly. I sensed some tension, and just held her and kissed and fondled her while she calmed down and started responding again.

"Are you a virgin, Alya," I asked, not sure about where to take this, and remembering what Sandy had said. She shook her head. "No, I have had sex before, but it wasn't very good. What we did yesterday was waaaay better." He was rough and too fast and it hurt like hell. I have been too afraid to try it again, and to be honest; there hasn't been anyone I wanted to do it with either. Not until yesterday. I really wanted to do it yesterday."

"And today?" I asked.

"Yes, today too," she smiled. "Will you show me how to do it right, please John? I'm on the pill, so there's nothing to worry about with that."

I kissed her, "Let's just take it as it comes," I said and started kissing my way down her neck and shoulders. Soon she was writhing on the bed, and grasping for my head and pulling me downwards. I moved to her breasts and sucked hard on her dark, hard nipples. She curved her back up to meet me, gasping and moaning. I added my hands to the play, starting on her thighs, slowly working my way between her legs.

As soon as my hand made contact with her curly bush, she came. She shook all over, and bit her lips trying to keep quiet. "Let it out," I whispered. "It doesn't matter if they can hear you. They know what's going on. You didn't worry about that yesterday."

"They were right there yesterday," she protested, "not listening at the door." I had to smile; there was a certain twisted logic in it.

I went back to her breast again, gently nibbling at her nipples with my teeth, careful not to bite down. "Aaahh," she moaned, "they are so sensitive. I feel every touch right down to my pussy." My hands were on the move again, stroking and fondling, and burrowing into the spreading and secreting lips of her pussy. She pushed against my hand again and again, humping as if making love for real. I kissed down her stomach and blew gently on her red and hard clitoris, standing like a lighthouse beacon in her black curly thatch. I kissed it, and she came again, grabbing my head.

"Come inside me, please!" she pleaded. "I need you inside me!" I continued to kiss her pussy, and pushed a finger deep inside.

She was very tight, but the plentiful lubrication helped. She tensed a bit, but relaxed again as the discomfort went away. "Please," she pleaded again. "Make love to me!" I smeared some of my pre-cum on my steel hard dick and put it at her entrance. She reached and held herself open, then pushed her hips up against me, forcing me inside.

She gasped, and froze. "You are so big," she explained. "I don't know if this will work." Actually, I wasn't too sure myself; She was not a big girl, and she was very tight. I was careful not to cause her pain, so I moved very slowly and gently, pushed in a little, then withdrew some, before moving forward again. Little by little she opened up, and began responding again, coming back at me in the motions and helping me move inward.

"Its so good," she panted. "Do it harder, I can take it." But I kept up the slow gentle rhythm, easing my way in almost imperceptibly. Along the way she came again, noisier and happier this time.

I kept going without a letup, slowly and gently, in, out, in some more. My prick felt the firm grip of her pussy walls as a hot soft glove and I balanced precariously on the knife's edge a few times. Somehow I managed to hold back and kept going, slowly, in the same steady deliberate rhythm.

"You're driving me crazy," she hissed. "Fuck me, dammit. Just fuck me!" I ignored her pleas, and kept going. It was becoming much easier to move in her, and I increased the stroke, still keeping the same slow pace. She moved with me, getting into longer strokes and more vigorous action. I was till not all the way in when I felt myself hitting bottom.

"Aiii," she said. "Easy! You're too big, I knew it."

"There's more," I said teasingly, and kept on stroking. She came again; her orgasms were coming more quickly.

"You're fucking me to death," she gasped, "please don't stop."

I was just about all the way in now, and started stroking faster, little by little. With each stroke she rose to meet me, giving herself up to her body's needs and desires, not thinking, just one big bundle of erotic tension. She didn't care that I was hitting bottom any more, she just grunted with every stroke. I couldn't hold it any more; her intensity and the long build-up had me going for real. As I finally burst in her she went over the top as well, in a great cry of joy and ecstasy. No doubt they could hear her in Texas, let alone in the next room.

I wasn't silent either, venting my intense feelings in something incoherent. I kept coming, and she responded to each spurt with a spasm of her own. We kept moving gently as we both came down to earth, - prolonging the sweet intensity as much as we could, not wanting the moment to end. She held me tightly and whispered my name. "John? Is it always this good with you?"

"No, it's not," I said truthfully. "This one was special."

"Good!" she said, reminding me suddenly of Sandy in her tone of complete satisfaction.

"Are you still hungry," - Sandy said from the door, "or have you had enough to eat?"

"Don't be cheeky," I said.

"You should talk," quipped Alex, peering past Sandy at my bare ass in the air.

"That was quite something," added Karen. "We knew exactly how many times you enjoyed that Alya, and we knew when it was over, that's for sure. So we gave you a few more minutes, but now it's time for real lunch. We waited for you." My dick was still not completely soft, and Alya still had me in a tight grip. I had to give it some effort, and I pulled out of Alya with an audible plop, making Alya wince and Sandy grin.

"You two need a wash," said Sandy. "We can do that, - just stay there, and don't get any of that on the sheets." We lay there side by side while Sandy and Alex got the washcloths and towels.

Karen knelt by the bed, looking at us both with big eyes. "I envy you, Alya," she said wistfully. "It must have been incredible. Can I have some of that too?" Without waiting for an answer, she gave my dick a kiss, then leaned over and scooped some of my cum from Alya's cunt and brought it too her mouth. "Mmmm, still tastes good. You do too, Alya!" She lay down on my stomach and kissed Alya's pussy, licking up my cum, mixed with Alya's.

Alya lifted her head and looked down at Karen, stunned. "Karen?" she said uncertainly. "Do you..." She left the sentence unfinished, laid her head back and closed her eyes. I could feel her pulse beating faster again.

Karen was into it now, licking and sucking and probing deep with her tongue. "Mmmmm." I reached down, pulled up Karen's t-shirt and felt her huge breasts caressing my dick, which showed new signs of life with this unexpected development. Karen moved one hand to my balls while she kept licking Alya.

"You can't leave them alone for a second," laughed Sandy when they came back and found us in that position. "But Karen?" She was as stunned as the rest of us. Alya moaned and started meeting Karen with small thrusts again, building to another climax.

I reached down further, found Karen's ass under the wide shorts, and tickled her asshole. I licked my finger and probed gently. Karen stiffened and came. So did Alya, with another uncontrollable groan. "God!" said Alex. "I can't deal with this any more". She lifted her skirt and moved her hand to her pussy.

"Let me," said Sandy, moving her hand to Alex's moist slit. Alex tore open Sandy's shorts and reached for her pussy in return. Heads thrown back, they masturbated each other furiously for almost a minute, then collapsed in orgasm, side by side.

They slowly got back up, kissed each other and remembered the washing. "We all need a wash," I said. "How about a shower?"

"I wonder how many that shower holds," mused Alya. "Let's find out..." We wandered into the bathroom, feeling pretty loose and comfortable with each other. Those of us that had any clothes on dropped them on the floor with no further ado, and we took stock of the shower stall. "I think it will hold us," said Karen dubiously, "but it will be very cosy. Let's give it a try."

We were crowding in when I had a sudden thought. "Hold it," I said. "We need one of us to get the water temperature right before we all get in there, That first bit of water will be a real shock if we're all there and can't get out of the way."

"Good point, John! You do it!" Why was I not surprised?

With the warm water streaming down, we jockeyed for position under the twin showerheads. It worked pretty well, but we had to get close. No one seemed to mind, and we all rubbed out slick bodies together in a big group grope. I grabbed the shampoo and started on Alya's hair. She hummed and lent against my chest as I lathered and massaged her hair and scalp. "That's so nice, where did you learn to do that?"

"Oh, I have had good teachers for many things."

"Why don't you show me what you have learned about washing someone? That way we get two for one."

"What about us?" came a plaintive voice.

"Why don't you wash each other? It's a lot more fun than washing yourselves."

"I guess, - but we want to wash you!"

"Yeah, and you wash us!"

"Girls, girls, - I am sure we can work this out. With the organizational talent and cooperation I have seen so far, this should be a piece of cake." I could literally see them thinking, frowning in concentration.

"I think you would need to be in the middle," Sandy said in the end, "and the four of us around you."

"Good start," I said approvingly. "Then what?"

"We could all get to you then," said Alex thoughtfully, "but we would just be fighting about who gets the good bits."

"Yes, and you couldn't reach all of us. – Unless we moved around!" – Karen suddenly cheered up. "We could move around you and take turns."

"How about he moves around," said Alya, as if I was just an object to be managed. "We stand around him; he turns around. We wash the side that is in front of us and he washes whoever is in front of him."

I had to laugh. "There's nothing simple any more, I guess – but what the heck, let's give it a shot. Everyone got a bar of soap?" I went to the middle, the girls crowded in around me. So far, so good. We began the circular washing cycle. Karen was in front of me, and she grinned as she started, going directly for my dick. I was a bit too apprehensive to have a hard-on, but it had just that almost-erection that thickened it and offered some resistance to bending.

It felt good, and I enthusiastically attacked Karen's breasts, kneading and pinching while I sent my soapy hands gliding over the hefty globes. I made sure I let a fingertip or a nail catch just an edge of her nipples as I caressed and washed them, and they stiffened quickly. I let one hand drift down and onto her pussy, teasing her clit gently as I washed. The other girls had a go at their allocated side, but they all started in the same general area of my body, so it got crowded with hands there.

My ass was washed and my hips, with the hands from the sides wandering off limits and warring with the others. I let it ride for now, and enjoyed snuggling up to Karen and the feel of the eight tits and four slippery bodies rubbing against me, all over. Behind me, Sandy made a determined assault on my ass. Her soapy hands pulled my ass cheeks apart and went exploring down the widening crack. I am a sucker for having my ass caressed, and Sandy was getting me back for last night.

Alya's hand was also on my ass. She felt what Sandy was doing, and joined in. helping to keep the cheeks apart while Sandy's finger went lower and found my sensitive rectum. Gently, she probed and the tip of her finger slipped inside. Alya's fingers came down to feel what was going on, and helped tickle around the opening and down under my balls. Sandy probed deeper. Karen could tell something was going on; - my dick was jerking and my hands tightened on her breasts.

I gave Karen a long, deep kiss, which she returned with excited fervour. Then I let go of her pussy and magnificent breasts and made a quarter turn. I looked into Alex's flushed face. She kissed me and started going for my dick as well, only to find that Karen hadn't let go. Alex frowned, but decided not to make scene, and just joined in washing my dick.