Holding Out For a Hero Ch. 02


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We didn't speak much on the short walk, we just enjoyed being next to each other. The sound of waves rolling on to the beach, mingled with the noise of the various parties, that were well underway in various locations. The tangy sea air drifted by mixed with the pungent smell of a few hundred joints being smoked by the partygoers.

We pitched up at the restaurant, which was a cute little Bistro that Sasha liked, oddly enough I had eaten there once or twice before. It goes to show, that sometimes the most expensive place isn't always the best.

We ordered food and drinks. Sasha spent a lot of the time just staring at me, her blue eyes trying to bore in to my head. We did chat, but it was all small talk, and by the end of the starters my patience was wearing thin.

"Do you want to ask me something?" I probed.

Hesitantly Sasha looked away then back to me again. "Before, at the shop..."

Immediately my face went beet red. Me and my big mouth.

"I don't know." I interrupted. "It just happened, it isn't something I do every day."

I swear I could see a little crimson creeping on to Sasha's cheeks as she took a breath to reply.

"I was going to say, I know how you felt."

A small bomb went off between us.

"What do you mean by that?" I was being really dumb that evening. Although I blame the beer for messing with my head a little.

"I get aroused being naked in places like that." Sasha said shyly.

It's funny, but I hadn't seen a shy Sasha before, and I immediately fell in love all over again. She just looked so adorable.

"I used to go to shops to try on things and undress completely. I would dream that someone would take my clothes away and leave me like that."

The words came out in a rush, like she had been waiting all evening to say them.

"When I said that to you, I was reliving my fantasies. I didn't expect you to react in the same way."

My mind flickered back to the changing room, and I briefly wondered what it would have been like if the roles had been reversed. The immediate reaction my body had was confirmation that I would have enjoyed that as well.

I reached over and placed my hand on hers. "I could do that for you, if you wanted Sasha."

Her shy expression softened in to one of joy laced with excitement. "I think I would like that. I would enjoy being made naked by my little Kitty Kat."

Heat washed over me, and I drained the remaining beer in the bottle in an effort to cool down. Now I have a little confession to make. Since that first night with Sasha I have had this imp living in my head. I think it sneaked in whilst I was reading erotica on the internet. Purely for research purposes of course. I wouldn't want you to think I made a habit of looking up the top ten best erotica sites on the internet, then read everything by the top ten authors on those sites... Okay, maybe I had made a bit of a habit of it. Anyway, mostly the imp behaves, but now and then it jumps up and makes me say things I normally wouldn't. This was one of those times.

"I think I can come up with some more scenarios than that as well." I offered, whilst my brain wondered if I could actually back up the words the imp made me say.

Sasha leaned forwards eagerly. "Like what?"

Fuck... My brain raced frantically, I was getting seriously out of my depth. I must have read several hundred erotica stories on the internet, some of which involved the luckless heroine ending up naked after some unfortunate incident. One jumped to the fore of my mind, a story of two women who went skinny dipping in a lake and a friend of theirs stole their clothing.

I think my brief panic must have given the imp a little impetuousness, because it took full advantage of me being lost for words.

"There is always the nudist beach." My mouth said, while in control of the naughty imp. My brain screamed at it to shut up.

Sasha sat bolt upright. "Nudist beach?"

My brain kicked the imp in the shin and muttering something about getting me in trouble again.

"Yes, it's about thirty minutes' walk from your house. Just by the marina. It is the part of the beach that is fenced off."

I could see the cogs whirling around like mad in side Sasha's head. Unfortunately, the imp was still in control of my mouth.

"I wonder if you would enjoy going there, and while you were swimming, I sneaked down and stole all your stuff.

Those glacial eyes danced with fire, and Sasha half stood. "We go now?"

As much as I wanted to do that right there and then, my brain made a sudden lurch for control again and two small problems came to my mind. One it was going dark outside and I wasn't sure if that beach would be open. And two, I wasn't sure my legs would get me there and back.

Yeah, sometimes it sucks having a brain that analysis everything, and legs that go to jelly every time I get excited.

"How about we save that for another time." I suggested. "We don't want to rush the starters to get to the main course."

She sat back down with a slightly disappointed expression.

Another story by the same author came to mind, and before my brain could stop it, the imp jumped in with both feet again.

"What if, we went to the bathroom and I asked you to undress. Then I took your clothes and left you there while I came back to the table for another drink."

The disappointed look vanished and was replaced by one of excitement. "Oh yes, I like that idea as well. You are good at this Kitty Kat. How do you get these ideas?"

Okay I was tempted to say it wasn't me it was the bad imp in my head, but I didn't think that would make sense.

Heat rose to my cheeks again as I replied. "From stories I have read."

"Stories?" Sasha questioned. "Like in books?"

A small sigh escaped me. This was going to be awkward. It wasn't like I didn't want Sasha to know I had been reading erotica on the internet, more like I was worried about some of the ideas she may get from them. But as my brain had foretold, I had opened the can, now all the worms were making a wriggly break for freedom.

"Not quite in books." I began tentatively. "Stories I have read on the internet."

"Once again, you surprise me little Kat. I didn't think you would be the sort of girl that read internet porn." Sasha said, a little too loudly for my comfort.

This time I am sure I turned a very bright shade of red. "It isn't porn." I hissed as quietly as I could. "It is erotica."

A puzzled look etched itself on Sasha's innocent looking face. "Erotica? How is that different to porn?" She asked, not taking my whisper as a hint.

Honestly I wanted the floor to swallow me up. I was sure that everyone in the restaurant had heard what Sasha had said. "It just is." I told her exasperated.

Amazingly she seemed to accept that answer, and for a moment she stayed silent. Which worried me slightly more, as I knew she was contemplating my words.

"Would you share some of these stories with me Kat?" Sasha asked, her voice edged with a little hopefulness.

It was the tone of her voice that really got to me. I didn't know a great deal about Sasha's life before she came to the UK, just that she had been training to be a ballet dancer in Moscow before she discovered her own sexual identity. After that she had been a little closed about revealing any details. I guessed that life hadn't been easy for her, even in the world of dance where just about everyone was gay to one point or another. Then again Russia was a different place to Europe and the acceptance of same sex relationships wasn't as forthcoming. I just knew by her voice she wanted to share her personal fantasies with me, and somehow, I had blundered in to one of those fantasies.

"How about I read you a couple of them later." I offered with what I hoped was a gentle smile.

The Sun rising wasn't as bright as Sasha's smile. For a second, I was Romeo and Sasha was my Juliet.

"Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, that thou, her maid, art far more fair than she." The romantic poet in me blurted out.

Yes, it was a little corny, but it was the only line I could remember from something romantic. I can quote lines from Terminator 2 all day, but Shakespeare just doesn't stick as well. Maybe if there were a few more explosions or a ninja robot trying to destroy the world... Sorry, wandering off again.

"That was beautiful Kat." Sasha murmured, her eyes a little misty and a wistful smile on her face.

I made a mental note to memorise some more Shakespeare quotes. After all you never know when they may come in handy.

We finished the main course without too much distraction, and just light conversation, most of it based around gaming. I had found out the Sasha had been playing Skyrim. An instalment of the Elder Scrolls games, that although was around ten years old was still very playable due to the large variety of modification programmes available. It was during this conversation a small plan came to my mind. It would take a while to set up, but I was fairly confident with my skills and with two of Sasha's rather over powered PCs, I thought I could pull it off. But that is a story for another chapter.

"Would you like anything else Kat?" Sasha asked after the cute waitress had cleared away the used plates.

I think it must have been the excitement of the day, or the beer, or something, because the imp was taking great advantage of my lack of concentration.

"Actually I would love your underwear in my pocket." Somehow I managed not to clamp my hand over my mouth in shock.

To be fair Sasha did a short sharp intake of breath, which I took as a sign of surprise. No real shock there. It had surprised me.

"Do you want me to do it here?" Sasha asked, her eyes a little wide and her breath shortened.

It is possible that the legs fell off my chair, because I was fairly sure I went backwards on to the floor. What she suggested had thrown a different spin on things, and I realised I had underestimated Sasha's need to convey her passions. I briefly wondered, if she had known I was going to suggest that, would she have worn something different. As it was, with such a thin blouse and short skirt, to have her remove her undergarments would leave her fairly exposed. I do know that just the thought if it made me feel gooey all over.

Now it may surprise you, but I am really not a dominant person. The thought of asking Sasha to shed clothing in view of everyone horrified me, but at the same time it was making me feel very excited. I partly chickened out.

Having finally beaten the imp in to either silence or unconsciousness I suggested. "Why don't you decide." Hoping she would take discretion over valour.

To my upmost relief Sasha stood immediately, her face a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

"I will be back." She promised sounding like some sexy female Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonator.

Left alone, I spent a few moments trying to stop the room spinning. I don't know what I had done to end up in this situation, even if the majority of it was of my own creation, but I was fairly sure that this wasn't how I envisioned the evening playing out. I did know the thoughts of a barely dressed Sasha sitting across from me in a public place was playing havoc with my sanity, let alone my arousal.

Arms wrapped around me from behind and Sasha's scent filled my head.

"Back again little Kitty." Sasha whispered in my ear as she pushed something in to my pocket then took her seat again.

Her face was more than a little flushed, and her jacket was buttoned. Even so I could easily make out the swell of her breasts through the thin fabric of her blouse. Trying to act nonchalantly, I dropped my hand in to my pocket and felt the silky material stashed in there. I glanced down and saw that her red bra nestled in my pocket.

Just the bra. Either she had chickened out of removing her panties or...

I looked up to see Sasha grinning as she wriggled about on her chair, her eyes full of mischief and desire. I think I managed to open and close my mouth a few times, beyond that I couldn't say anything as I sat and watched her fumble around under the table. I wanted to look around to make sure no one was watching, but I couldn't bring myself to look away from the spectacle, or to possibly meet the gaze of someone who may have noticed.

Finally, Sasha finished wriggling about and sat up straight, her face flushed red, knowing her, more with excitement than embarrassment.

"Hold out you hand little Kat." Sasha instructed.

I then realised why the imp had relinquished control of my mouth, it had obviously done a counter move on my body, as my arm extended a little too eagerly.

Sasha's hand hovered over mine, her fist clenched tight. I lost my nerve at that point and closed my eyes, as they were the only thing I think I still had solid control of.

I felt something soft and ultra-light drop in to my palm, and I quickly managed to wrap my fingers around the item and withdraw my hand before I open my eyes again. Not that I needed to look at what was in my hand, the smoothness of the material laced with the slight dampness told me all I needed to know.

My mind remembered the sensations of how I had felt in the changing room earlier that day, and fireworks began to pop and whizz in my nether regions, as I wondered if Sasha was experiencing similar feelings.

I glanced over to the blonde angel sitting across from me. She had a dreamy expression on her face, like she knew something that no one else knew. Which I suppose made sense.

The waitress that had been looking after us bustled over and asked if we wanted dessert, and I hurriedly stuff Sasha's panties in to my pocket.

By now the sensible every day part on my brain had given up totally, and the imp had gotten full control of my actions, and I heard myself order two Irish coffees.

The waitress smiled pleasantly, oblivious to anything that was going on between Sasha and myself.

As she moved away I stood and moved my chair around to the other side of the table so I was sat at ninety degrees to Sasha instead of across from her. I could see that the table cloth was hanging low enough to touch her legs, obscuring any view of Sasha's lower half. The imp fed a what it thought was a wonderful idea to the rest of my body. My sensible brain decided to take a holiday at that point.

"On a scale of one to ten, just how aroused are you Sasha?" I asked quietly.

That dreamy look was still painted on her face. "About a six." She replied happily.

I sneaked my arm under the table cloth and placed my hand on her thigh, just above where her boot ended.

"How about now?"

Sasha shot me a sideways look. No doubt wondering where I was going with this. And to be honest so was I.

"Six and a half." She replied, her voice tinged with excitement and a little nervousness.

My hand inched a little further up her thigh caressing the silky skin as I did so.

"Seven." Sasha said without any prompt.

Another inch and I could feel the soft material of her skirt against my hand. I let my fingers dance on her skin. Fingers that had been honed, through years of gaming, to have the dexterity of a concert pianist.

I was rewarded with a slight gasp of breath as she whispered "Eight."

My fingers played a quick scale up her thigh which made her skirt ride up a little further. One of my fingers brushed against the moist skin of Sasha's lips, and I saw her clench her teeth together as she closed her eyes.

The imp reminded me of another story where during a bout of oral sex, a girl had spelt her name out on her lover's clitoris with her tongue. Well it seemed too good an idea to waste.

I drew a 'K' with my index finger and Sasha's hands gripped the edge of the table as she let out a long breath. I wondered how far through my name I would get. 'A' made her knuckles turn white while the 'T' incited panting.

Ok that was 'Kat' done. I decided to go for 'Kathrine.' I was half way through the 'H' when the waitress tottered over holding our coffees.

"Oh you two look really sweet sitting together." She said as she placed the coffee down.

I finished off the 'H' and started on the 'R.'

"Can I get you anything else?"

As I finished the 'R' Sasha's eye popped open and she nearly screamed 'Nine.'

The waitress froze. Her mouth gaping.

"Sorry my friend is German." I butted in hurriedly. "She was just saying 'No' in her native language." Sometimes the wicked imp can get me out of trouble it seemed.

"Ah, of course." The waitress nodded. "I'll leave you in peace." She added with a smile.

I drew the 'I' only I decided to do it lower case and made a big point of doing the dot in a nice tight little circle that went one for quite a while.

Sasha moaned through clenched teeth and the table vibrated as her grip tightened.

"Nine." She gasped breathlessly. "And a half."

I really took my time doing the 'N' and half way through the 'E' Sasha squeaked. A noise I hadn't heard her make before.

"Eleven." She said very quietly.

By now my fingers were slick and I could only guess at just how wet Sasha's skirt must be. My mind wandered back to how she brought me to climax in the changing room and an idea popped in to my head.

"You do know your skirt is soaked Sasha." I whispered in her ear. "You may have to take it off if it gets any wetter. Maybe I could make you something to cover up out of two napkins tied together."

With my free hand I draped a napkin over my lap to emphasise how little cover it would provide.

I can honestly say I have no idea what she said next. It was just a stream of Russian spoken through clenched teeth. I decided to throw caution to the wind and go for my surname as well.

As I began the 'M' I played more mind games.

"I think you should come over to my house at some point Sasha." I told her as I flowed in to a very curly 'C'. "When you arrive I will make you take a shower, and whilst you are showering, I will take all of your clothes and hide them. That way you will have to stay as my nude servant for as long as I require. If you are really well behaved I will take you up to the park at Stanmer. You will still be nude of course. It will be very sexy to watch you walking through the woods naked."

By now Sasha was completely gone. The Russian words had ceased and she just settled for holding on to the table and making a low humming noise, her eyes focused on an empty space. I had actually lost track of where I was up to with my spelling, so I just settled for making lazy circles on her special spot, as I carried on projecting fantasies in to her head.

"We can walk along the beach on the way home tonight. I am going to take a couple of these napkins and actually get you to take your skirt off and wear them instead. I would love to see you like that."

Sasha opened her mouth enough to let out a long moan that was barely a sigh. I have to admit I was impressed by her ability to climax without making too much noise. I couldn't do that, as I had proven earlier in the clothes shop.

"Oh my little Kat." Sasha panted as she released her hold on the table. "What did you do to me?"

"Are you ready to leave now?" I asked, fairly eager to get home and play around a little more with each other's fantasies.

"I don't think I can move." She whispered turning bright red. "The chair is going to be very wet."

Now, I will say this just for the record. I didn't mean to laugh. It was one hundred percent nerves. Whenever I get really nervous I tend to giggle. And now we were faced with exactly the situation I had used to get Sasha to climax. Of course, the imp had decided its job was done and left me to pick up the pieces. My eyes darted about looking for inspiration.