Holding Out For a Hero Ch. 04


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Another button popped open and I could feel the same breeze that had aroused the skin of my stomach play across the dampness of my underwear. I had no idea how many buttons were left, but I could tell there weren't many by how the thin cotton moved over my skin.

Sasha's hands move over my waist and ease my panties over my hips. Now I know I felt a rush as my belt came off, but the sensation of feeling my underwear creep past my bottom and slowly slip down my legs was so tantalisingly erogenous in an indecent way, I wanted to scream her name to the skies. As it was I remained silent. Hardly daring to open my mouth to the delicate kisses that touched my lips, in fear that some would hear and discover us.

Hands ran up from my hips, almost brushing my breasts as they passed, before halting on the skin of my shoulders. Mid kiss she softly pushed the dress off my shoulders and I yelped in to her mouth as I felt my body exposed to the open air.

I felt her strong arms wrap tightly around me and she half carried my backwards until I came in to contact with the wall and I gave another little yelp as the hard stone touched my very sensitive skin.

"How sexy do you feel little Kat?" Sasha asked as her hands ran over my chest. "Are you as horny as you were in the shop?"

If only she knew... I had surpassed the level I had achieved in the shop, and now I was soaring far higher than I had ever been. I managed a little whimper in reply.

"So on a scale of one to ten?" She asked mimicking my question in the restaurant.

"Ten." I gasped.

Her eyebrows arched, and a sexy smile curled her lips. "And what if I put your clothing out of reach?"

My mind went on fire as I remember how helplessly sexy she looked when I had put her coat on. I half crossed my legs trying to hold back the climax that I could feel building inside me.

What happened next was a bit of a shock.

Sasha dropped her coat on the floor and picked up my dress from where it lay on the grass, pulled it over her arms and attempted to button it up.

The reason was obvious. She was attempting to recreate for me the feeling I had given her when I put her coat on. The big difference was I am tiny... Sasha isn't. My naked state slipped from my mind as I watch the horrific train crash that was my baby fitting her size twelve body in to my size eight dress. Not to mention squashing her thirty-eight C boobies in to a gap that fit my thirty-two B ones.

Never before, in the field of dress wearing, has so much been covered, by so little dress, held together by so few buttons.

The space between the buttons gaped open revealing her skin beneath and the top two had to be left undone creating a very desirable cleavage that threatened to erupt like Vesuvius having a bad day. Sasha slipped her coat back on leaving it open so I could still watch her body strain the seams of my old dress.

Sasha smiled at me as my underwear went in to the pack along with the belt. With my clothing placed out of my use and the distraction of Sasha's bizarre reverse strip tease over, I felt the sense of my nudity fall heavily on me once more and I glance around nervously.

"So how sexy does little Kat feel now?" Sasha asked grinning like a hungry wolf as she picked up my camera.

The climax was still swirling around inside of me, like a scene from Jaws it prowled below the surface waiting to appear, but at the moment I had it under control.

"About eleven." I replied sheepishly trying hard to be as confident as Sasha had been and not to cover myself.

My camera made several clicking noises as Sasha began her picture collection of me.

"And what if I was to run off and leave you?"

Somewhere inside me a shark fin slipped in to view and the haunting music from Jaws heralded the sensation of my arousal about to break the surface. I know I shouldn't have been worried, as my poorly fitting dress wasn't going to let Sasha run anywhere, but the thought made me squeak like the timid mouse I felt I was.

Sasha looked at me with those amazing eyes, and I could tell there was something running through her mind.

"Can I live out a fantasy Kat?" She asked shyly.

A million fantasies tripped through my mind, and I wanted Sasha to do all of them (yes, I know I have said that I was new to most of this, but I do have a very active imagination, and the internet had supplied me with an awful lot of fantasies). It wasn't lost on me that even though I was the nude one, she was the one being demure.

"Well I can't really refuse can I." I replied trying to sound sultry, but my voice was still a little mouse like.

"I wanted to do this since I mentioned it in the shop." Sasha said as she rummaged in the bag and withdrew my belt. "I promise you will be safe." She said as she looped the belt around my neck and locked the clasp against one of the studs.

As she gave it a little tug to see if it held and wouldn't choke me. The sensation was so intense I wasn't sure how my legs managed to support me.

"Now I have my Kitty on a lead, how horny does she feel?"

"Fifteen." My mouse voice squeaked.

As I have mentioned earlier, if I had a label (I just want to make everyone aware, I am actually not a fan of labels for people. We are all individually unique and therefore unlabelable. [yes, I just made that word up]) I would be more a submissive person than a dominant one (Although not like the ones in the BDSM stories I have come across while doing my research). So, I can only assume what I said next was entirely down to the naughty imp, and not a true reflection on my character in any way.

"Maybe you should tie my hands to complete the look."

My brain went in to melt down. 'Why did you say that?' it asked. 'Don't ask me, I didn't say it.' It replied. The argument my brain had with itself went on for some time, so I won't detract from the story with the details, so let's just say that my brain decided my body was on its own for the time being.

Sasha's eyes went very strange and her body wobbled a little. Then she rummaged in the bag again and moved behind me.

I squirmed as Sasha's hands brushed against my bottom and I felt something soft wrap around my wrists. When she returned to take hold of the makeshift leash again she was slightly breathless, and I suspected she had just had a small climax. My hands tested the binding around my wrists. They were quite securely fastened and annoyingly it felt like she had used my panties to do it.

So now I was stood in a quiet area of a public park, completely naked apart from my panties, which were unfortunately not where they were supposed to be, and a make do leash around my neck. I was very aware of the cool breeze, that before had just been refreshing, but was now like a teasing set of fingers tickling every part of my body at once. The shark fin of my arousal was rapidly cutting through the waves and the imaginary orchestra had gone in to overdrive, as I tensed against the inevitable rolling orgasm that was cresting inside me.

Sasha gently tugged the leash again. "Walk with me Kitty Kat."

We began walking back towards the woods. Every step I took made me feel more exposed, and I was sure I was going to hear a shout for people to come and see the nude girl on a leash. Halfway across and I understood why Sasha had lost her nerve. The feeling of being far away from any form of cover was too much for me, and my control went. I took another faltering step forward and the first wave peaked. I moaned like an over paid porn actress (not that I know what that sounds like). Another step forwards brought in another wave and more moans accompanied it. I tried to take the third step with my thighs pressed together, hoping to hold the rising tide back.

I think King Canute did a better job. Although to be fair, he wasn't nude, with his hands tied by his own underwear, and being led by a super sexy Russian dancer wearing a dress far too small for her.

I bent over as another wave broke over me and my moans began to roll in to one long one. I suppose if Sasha had really been dominating me, she would have made me crawl the rest of the way. As it was she seemed to be having problems with her own response to my climax and her moans of delight mixed with mine.

Just when I thought I was going to collapse to the grass, Sasha pulled me in close and wrapped her coat around the both of us and we sank to a sitting position. The feeling of having Sasha holding me, mixed with the oddly erotic sensation of the grass on my bottom. It only took Sasha to gently run a fingertip down between my legs and I surrendered in to a very happy orgasmic moment. I remember Sasha frantically kissing my neck and caressing my body, and every touch raised new surges inside me. Like it had that very first night. Only far more intense.

I think it was the typical British summer weather that brought us to our senses. I was half laying down, semi covered by Sasha's coat. Her hands were cupping my breasts comfortably and my head was resting on hers. I looked up in to her diamond blue eyes and muttered those three words.

"Crap it's raining."

Large splashes of cold rain began to impact on my bare skin and I screeched with the shock of each one. Sasha giggled inanely as she hastily shrugged her coat off and wrapped it around my shoulders. I did think that it may have been prudent for her to at least untie my hands, but she just settled for buttoning the coat up and tucking the loose end of the belt inside the coat. I suppose I should have been grateful that I at least got the waterproof option. My dress that Sasha was wearing (if you could call it that) rapidly became soaked and clung to her skin in quite a dynamic way. I know it was tight fitting anyway, but with it being wet it just emphasised every little curve, especially the way her nipples were reacting to the cold rain. I felt the tickle of arousal arise again.

We chose the shorter route of crossing the grass to get back to Sasha's car. Her striding out in a saturated dress that was fit to burst, and me, trotting besides her, hands still restrained by my underwear, and nude apart from a coat that caressed my hyper sensitive skin with every step. All the way to the carpark, I was gritting my teeth against the climax I could feel running rampant inside me. Thankfully the onset of the rain had emptied the park fairly rapidly and there was no one to witness our indecent journey.

Of course, when we got to her car we couldn't just get straight in because of marking her precious leather interior. Instead Sasha opened the boot and took out a blanket (yes, the same one I had been wrapped in that first night). She folded it around me then shocked me by removing the rain-soaked coat from underneath it. I was left swathed in just the course wool blanket that seemed to want to slip off my shoulders every time I took a breath.

"Are you going to untie me?" I asked in my squeaky voice as she helped me in to the car.

"Soon." She said with a naughty wink as she ensured I was covered, then fastened the seat belt around me.

Apparently, I was going to remain at Sasha's mercy for a while longer and I squirmed a little, as the prickly blanket did nothing to curb the stimulation to my body.

The driver's door opened, and Sasha placed another blanket on her seat then joined me in the car looking very flushed. "This is not so comfortable." She said plucking at the wet dress that clung to her skin.

I wriggled about again as the blanket itched my skin. "At least you look dressed." I sighed. "I feel very vulnerable."

"Vulnerable?" Sasha asked, puzzled.

I closed my eyes for a moment, not wanting to have to explain to Sasha what being like this was doing to me. "Helpless." I managed to say trying to keep the excitement I was feeling out of my voice.

Sasha's hand slipped under the blanket to stroke the inside of my thigh. "Do you want to be helpless Kat?"

Her touch made me jump, and the blanket slipped to show a little of my cleavage again.

Sasha adjusted the blanket once more. "You will have to sit very still Little Kat or people will see."

I made a noise like a weak kitten as I imagined Sasha driving around town while the blanket slowly fell away allowing anyone to see me.

"Do you remember how you teased me under the table Little Kitty?" Sasha asked as her hand edged further up my thigh. "You wrote your name on me with your finger."

I went very quiet in anticipation of what she was about to say.

"My full name is Sasha Viktoriya Dominika Zakharchenko."

At that moment in time, I was both delighted and alarmed that Russians had such long names. Either way I knew it would be a long journey home, with Sasha writing her name all the way, and me not daring to move.

Sasha giggled as she started the engine.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4ualmost 5 years ago

(Agreeable) Kink is good, very good

TSreaderTSreaderalmost 5 years ago

An amazing story! So well written and sooooo much fun! I do hope that you’ll continue this story someday! Thank you!

retnavysec69retnavysec69about 5 years ago
More please!!!

Love this story more please.

CliterateDykeCliterateDykealmost 6 years ago
Love Kat & Sasha

This is such a wonderful, engaging story. I'm just loving this series so much TM. I hope you continue writing this. It's sexy AF, playful, loving & your writing is totally brilliant.

FetishhandFetishhandabout 6 years ago
Wonderful Developing Voice.

Wonderful indeed, This might be my favourite work of fiction you have written thus far. I have sent you a message through 'Literotica' but in case it does not reach you, I wish to ask if you would like to collaborate with me a short form comic or two or at the very least an adaption of some of your current work.

You can see my work at

https://fetishhand.deviantart.com/ or


you can contact me at rsbgraffix@gmail.com

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