Holding Out For a Hero Ch. 05


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You know how you get that feeling, that you are going to agree to something that you know you will regret, but still do it any how...

I gripped the towel a little tighter. "It doesn't matter Sasha. Anything will be ok."

So... That's the reason why I ended up trekking across the park fields in a black latex dress with Sasha walking behind me giggling. I was very conscious that it showed off every little (and I emphasis little) bump of my body, and I was sure everyone could see how hard my nipples were. Things were only made worse because me I could feel the cold breeze whistling around the still tingly skin between my legs, even though it reached to mid-thigh.

We followed the same route we took the day before, pausing to search the ground where ever we stopped to take pictures. Which caused more issues as the bloody stupid dress kept slipping to show my bottom whenever I knelt down. Much to Sasha's enjoyment.

As we followed the path through the woods she began to hum, muttering what sounded like a nursery rhyme.

"Malen'kaya koshechka vyglyadit tak seksual'no v svoyem rezinovom plat'ye." Then she hummed a little more. "Sobirayetsya otshlepat' yeye malen'koye beloye dno pozzhe, poka ona ne vopit." Then more humming.

Now I fully understand you don't know what Sasha's voice sounds like, so I will attempt to describe it. Imagine Bonnie Tyler only with a Russian accent a bit like Villanelle from Killing Eve, and you are fairly close. Husky, smooth, and bloody alluring. So, the little tune she was singing was playing havoc with my mind. It sounded sweet and innocent, but arousing and sultry at the same time.

"What is that in English?" I asked. "You sing it beautifully."

I was treated to a wide grin that was rather wolf like in appearance.

"I tell you sometime sexy Kitty." Sasha giggled and began to hum it again.

I stamped my foot in frustration (Yes, I do that now and then, and yes, I do know it makes me look like a spoilt child...) "You can be very annoying sometimes." I told her. Which only incited more giggles.

"Your nipples bump when you get stampy." Sasha laughs her eyes sparkling with her verbal teasing.

"No they don't." I replied stamping again to prove my point, only to realise my nipples did indeed quiver like walnuts on a jelly under their latex covering.

Of course, Sasha just laughed even more and danced slowly past me singing again.

"Sobirayus' snyat' s kotenka yeye rezinovoye plat'ye i zastavit' yeye tantsevat' dlya menya."

I did my best to ignore her and knelt again to look around some bushes for my keys. I will admit, I am not one for dressing sexily, or even for wearing a dress often, but the feeling of this outfit was distracting me. The way it slithered over parts of my skin and clung to others was fuelling the sensations I was getting from having no underwear on.

"I tell you my song if you give me dress." Sasha suddenly tells me from where she is leaning against a tree. I think it is the same tree she hide behind the day before.

I exaggerate a sigh and put my hands on my hips, realising for the first time in my life I actually have a waist line thanks to the latex. I was slightly shocked to realise I felt very sexy instead of skinny. This feeling added a little boldness to my reply.

"I would love to Sasha." I say throwing what I hoped was a sexy pout for good measure. "But we have to find my keys first."

There is a look of surprise crossed with elation on Sasha's face. Then a huge smile spread across her face and she bent down and picked my keys up off the ground.

When I was naked in the changing room I thought the world had moved a few feet to the side. At this point in time, I think it has jumped in to another dimension. A rather peculiar dimension where things are similar but not the same. In this dimension Kat isn't shy, but outgoing and sexy.

"Dress please sexy Kitty." Sasha held out her hand, fully expecting me to strip off there and then.

Now as I said, in the normal dimension, there is no way Kat would do that. She would be far too shy and timid. But in this dimension, Kat is proud of her body and likes nothing more than to show it off.

Either that or the naughty imp had finally found a way to take full control of me, because what happened next was so far beyond what I would normally do it can't have been me doing it.

Whatever the cause, I am sure I was having an out of body experience, because I remember looking down at my rubber covered self and I thought 'Wow I really am sexy.' I am sure that was the tipping point as the old shy Kat got up and went to do some gaming, leaving the new slutty sexy Kat 2.0 in charge.

Kat 2.0 strutted (yes, this Kat struts, she doesn't walk, she is far too sexy for just normal walking) up to Sasha, reached out and popped open the top few buttons of her crisp white blouse, revealing the white lace bra underneath. Kat 2.0 deliberately hooked one of her slim fingers under the flimsy material and drew her tall sex goddess away from the tree she had been leaning against, repositioning her in the centre of the clearing. She then strutted away, making her slim bottom jiggle under the latex, looped her arm around the tree and ducked behind it, hiding from Sasha in a reverse of the situation from the day before.

I did pause for a second at this point, maybe it was a last-ditch attempt to regain control of my body, but it went in vain as my hands slipped in to the top of the latex and slipped it over my small boobies in one easy push. I loved how suddenly they seemed perky instead of small. I hadn't noticed before, but they are quite pointy, especially as my nipples were very proud in the cool breeze.

I wondered how it will feel on my slightly damp pussy, and before I know it I had a latex dress around my ankles, and my bare bottom was rubbing against the tree.

The air on my skin and the texture of the tree felt fantastic, and I questioned why I haven't done this before. It just felt so free and exhilarating. When I bent over to pick the dress up I allowed my bottom rub against the tree softly while I circled my hot little clit with a finger.

It was very difficult to stop.

I turned around and waved the dress out to one side so Sasha would now know I was naked. I wanted to tease her like she teased me. It felt awesome to flaunt myself in such an outrageous way while my very tender nipples touched the tree. For a moment, I was very tempted to rub my pussy against it but chickened out in fear of splinters. That was something I didn't want to risk.

Whilst hiding behind the tree, I pitched the dress towards Sasha, I wanted it to land part way between us, so she had to walk towards me to pick it up. The second it left my hand I knew I had made a huge error. I hadn't factored in just how much weight there was to it, and I had assumed it would flutter like a leaf. Instead it flew further than I thought it would do.

My eyes followed the garment up, arching through the air and stop, snag on a branch hanging tantalisingly out of reach.

Of course, this was the moment in time that Kat 2.0 decided she had better run away and leave the mess she had created to old Kat to sort out.

I suddenly noticed just how naked I was. And just how public the area we were in was. I managed to make a small mewl as I curled in to as small a shape as possible. Which mean my bare bottom got prickled on the holy bush behind me, and the mewl turned to a squeal.

Annoyingly, the situation wasn't helped by the amount of laughter coming from Sasha, who was singing that song again between giggles.

I looked up from my crouched position to see her peeking around the tree with a grin a Cheshire cat would be envious of.

"I think sexy Kitty likes being nude." She manages to stop giggling long enough to say. "Nudie sexy Kitty keep throwing her clothes away. Stand for me nudie Kitty."

A resigned sigh escapes me, there is no getting out of this with my modesty intact, so I slowly stand up, trying to cove myself as much as possible. Although I have no idea why, she has seen everything I have closer than this. I let my arms drop to my sides, attempting to make it look casual.

"You could at least tell me the song." I tell her, determined to get something out of the situation.

This raises more giggles and she hums a few bars.

"Little Kitty looks so sexy in her rubber dress... Going to spank her little white bottom later until she screams... going to take the rubber dress off Kitty and make her dance for me..."

It's funny how things seem to go from bad to worse...

"Now nudie Kitty Kat." Sasha purrs like a cat with a bowl of cream the size of Denmark. "Shall I retrieve you little rubber dress?"

I often wonder at no matter how hard I try, it always seems like Sasha has me at a disadvantage. I attempt a sexy pout. "I would be grateful if you would Sasha."

Now I do know I have mention how Sasha used to do ballet, but even I was unprepared for what she did next. She positioned herself under the branch, gathered herself in to first position then went in to a vertical Sauté to snag my dress off the branch.

It was like watching a missile launch. A tall, blonde, sex on legs missile.

Of course, she landed perfectly, which considering she was in heeled knee length boots and on uneven ground was amazing in itself. I confess just watching it made me cum a little. Although I think that may have been down to how her boobies popped out of her bra and her tight skirt rode up to show her panties on landing.

Sasha dangled the dress from her raised arm triumphantly.

"Naked Kitty should dance for me now." She commanded. And I mean commanded, like a Cold War Russian KGB officer or something. Someone who wanted to be obeyed and wasn't going to take no as an answer. Especially as it would be coming from a much smaller, naked, trembling nerd.

Crap I want her to take me right there and then. I wanted her to pin my against a tree and make me cum until I screamed.

I opted to try and dance for her, hoping if I please her she would please me. The routine I chose was a replica of the one she did for me on our first night together. (Yes, I remembered it very well. I had replayed it many times in my head.)

I shuffled through the leaves in what I hoped was a passable imitation, then decided to attempt to copy her jump. I placed my feet in what looked to be a good way and bent my knees outwards.

"Hold." Sasha ordered. Sounding even more demanding.

I held. Although my legs quickly began to wobble. Especially as she walked over to me and cupped her hand over my open pussy, slipping a finger inside me.

My legs went to jelly. Badly made runny jelly.

"Now Sauté." She instructed.

In my mind I lept gracefully skywards in an elegant fashion, just as she did. In reality I think I got about six inches off the ground.

The main thing was my feet didn't touch back down again. My entire body weight came to rest on my pussy as Sasha's hand held me there.

That was when my universe decided to explode from between my legs and all over her hand.

Not being experienced in sex, I do cum fairly easily, even without physical contact sometimes. I think this time, it was a combination of how aroused I was, coupled with my weight meeting Sasha's fairly unmoving hand with my very sensitive clit in the middle. Mix in how she was being strict with me and it was like she threw a switch.

My thighs clamped on to her hand and I toppled forwards, so my boobies pressed in to her face. The pair of us went from standing to lying amoung the leaves immediately. My arms wrapped around her head, holding that beautiful platinum hair against my breasts while she nibbled on my nipples.

My back arched like a wild thing as I ground myself against her. I must have looked like a sex starved slut as I work my climax out on her hand.

Then I felt a sharp sting as Sasha spanked my behind with her free hand.

I yelped but continued to work myself out on her, the spank making me rub harder. I think got a little carried away at this point as I yelled for her to do it again.

That was how it continued. Sasha nipping at my breasts and spanking my backside as I squealed and called her name out for more spanks as I rode her hand to oblivion.

Much later we stopped kissing and cuddling. Partly as I was getting cold and also as I was getting nervous that someone may pass by. It was a miracle that no one had seen us as it was. Although looking back on it there could have been a crowd gathered cheering us on and neither of us would have noticed or cared for that matter.

Neither of us spoke, after such an intense shared moment neither of us wanted to break the spell. I adjusted Sasha's clothing for her, pushing her lovely breasts back in to her bra and fastening up her buttons. Then I smoothed her skirt down over her hips and behind, caressing her bottom as I did so.

With her presentable she picked up my rubber dress and held it out for me. As I reached out for it she withdrew her hand cheekily, and instead of me being shy or scared I giggled, enjoying the tease.

"Can I tease you more Kat?" Sasha asked me softly. I think it was the tender way she asked that made me want to do anything she asked.

I reached up and picked a leaf out of her hair. "Ask me anything Sasha. Anytime."

There was a moment there when I thought she was going to cry. Instead she hugged my still naked body very closely and kissed my forehead.

"Beautiful Kitty Kat." She whispered, then stood back holding out my dress once more.

With a little effort I squeezed back in to the dress, actually enjoying again how it felt against my skin.

"And now for the teasing." Sasha grinned again, beckoning me closer, then stuffing a handful of dry leaves down inside the dress.

With my skin being very sensitive after the huge climax, the leaves felt extraordinarily uncomfortable but at the same time gratuitously sexy. I moaned delightfully at the feeling. I couldn't keep my hands from running over my breasts where Sasha had so erotically inserted the leaves.

"I wonder what it would be like to have latex panties on with leaves in them?" I mused out loud.

"We should find out." Sasha announced immediately. My brain hardly had time to register my words let alone hers, before she had whipped her own underwear off and eased them up my legs, pushing the dress upwards as she did so.

Her small lace panties were warm and more than a little wet, but given how I felt it didn't really factor, especially as she shovelled a huge amount of leaves in to them before smoothing the dress back down.

With the skin-tight rubber keeping the itchy leaves rustling against my very sensitive skin and other parts, my head went light, and I felt dizzy as my weary body got back on the arousal treadmill.

Things slipped in to a daze as Sasha took hold of my hand and slowly led me back to the car. I know I moaned softly all the way as the leaves slipped inside my folds tickling and teasing with every step.

I sat in her car as gently as I could, but even so I cried out as my rear was bristled by the leaves as they scrunched against my skin.

"How you like my teasing? My sexy play toy." Sasha asked as she got in and started the engine.

"Hot and wet again." I admitted. "Just so you know when we get back I am going to lick you and tease you for as long as you have been teasing me."

There was a sharp intake of breath from Sasha. Then she checked her watch. "Two hours ten minutes and counting." She turned and winked at me. "Plenty of time to stop and get drink on way home."

I whimpered as the car pulled out of the carpark, but I was sure I was going to pay her back every minute.

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FandeborisFandeborisover 2 years ago

This was a fun story to read. Sasha and Little Kat are made for each other. If you ever wanted to revisit these two I would most appreciative.

eros53eros53about 4 years ago

What an adorable story!! A wonderful Happy Ever After page after page after page. And to find that Sasha is just as in need of reassurance as Kay made ir perfect. Well done and thanks again!

alexwatson62alexwatson62almost 5 years ago
JUST WHEN I THINK ...........

........... you might struggle to top your previous chapter ........... ok, I`ll just shut up now ....... rofl

That naughty little imp is going to get BOTH of them into a lot of trouble .........

CliterateDykeCliterateDykealmost 5 years ago

Brilliant, sexy, insane fun. Thank you so much. You have no idea what joy & healing your stories bring to my life. I am so very grateful.

WaxPhilosophicWaxPhilosophicalmost 5 years ago
Kat, darlingk...

we must get moose and squirrel... but first you give me dress, da?

Oh, I was grinning like a fool all the way through. Thank you for bringing us another chapter of these lovely ladies.

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