Hole in One with Emily

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Joining Emily on her company outing to the golf course.
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I had never been good at golf.

I consider myself relatively athletic, having played on the basketball team during high school and dabbled in various intramural sports during college. Recently, I started an excercise routine that toned my body considerably, putting me in the best shape of my life. But golf was one of those sports I've never took an interest in. Heck, I've never even picked up a golf club in my life. Just about the only thing I know about golf is that you don't want to hit the ball into the water or the trees.

That was what I told Emily when she sent me a text, inviting me to be her playing partner on the company outing at the local golf course.

"Miniature golf maybe. That stuff's for little kids and amateurs so I might have a chance."

"Oh, I couldn't care less if you don't know how to play" was her response.

She went on to explain that she needed to find her own partner so she wouldn't get paired up with this clingy male colleague who has been relentlessly making passes at her, constantly throwing himself at her feet, and just generally encroaching on her personal space, in spite of her reciprocating zero interest. He even went as far as to exaggerate the nature of their relationship, bragging to the guys in his department about the "close, personal bond" he shared with Emily, fabricating rumors that they would have secret, intimate rendezvous at night when in fact, it was exactly one late-night assignment together, and Emily had not found it the most pleasant experience. When the company outing was announced, he expressed how excited he was to be her golf partner so he can 'guide' her on how to swing properly. She's certain that he will use the outing as an excuse to make unwanted advances and feed into his own rumor that they were a couple. She needed to send a strong message that they were not dating and she was not interested.

"Doesn't the cosmetic firm mostly just have female employees in the offices?"

"It does, but he works down in accounting. They don't need to know anything about cosmetics."

"Why not just tell him you're seeing someone?"

"He doesn't believe me. He thinks I'm playing hard-to-get. Can you believe this guy?"

So at last I relent, and now here I am, standing on the green alongside several company employees, most of whom female. I look at the outfit of the closest man to my left, and then to my right, and then glance down at my own cheap white polo shirt and casual tan khakis. I have no idea how to dress for the golf course and just hope I don't stick out like a sore thumb.

"Relax, you look fine."

As if reading my mind, Emily's soft, angelic voice chimes out from behind with a little giggle. I turn around to greet my golf partner, who is wearing a navy blue short-sleeved polo that cuts off just above her belly button, offering a glimpse of her slender midriff, a light pink golf skirt that goes about halfway down her thighs, exposing a generous portion of her silky smooth upper legs, the rest of her slender legs covered from knees down in a pair of white knee-high golf socks. Her long, wavy black hair, usually free-flowing over her shoulders, is tied neatly into a ponytail. She struts over in a pair of pristine white sport shoes, beaming with a delightful little grin on her glossy lips, in one hand carrying a rental golf club and the other hand shading her squinting deep-brown eyes against the blazing morning sun.

"Thanks so much for coming out, Mr. L."

"Why do you still call me that? I thought we're on a first name basis now?"

"Oh! That's still a bit unfamiliar for me." A light blush reddens her cheeks powdered softly with makeup.

"Sure didn't sound unfamiliar in that video you showed me in the washroom."

My mind creeps back to the amateur video that Emily showed me on her phone during our last intimate encounter: one of her eagerly pleasuring herself in the ass with an 8-inch dildo while passionately moaning my name over and over. I feel a rush of blood pulsing into my cock, slightly stiffening against my pants as the image resurfaces in my head. Good thing these khakis are loose fitting.

"Ah! Don't talk about that here."

Emily shushes me with a sharp whisper and gives me a soft punch on the shoulder, the shy little smirk on her blushing face showing no signs of anger.

"Anyways, there is somebody I'd like you to meet."

She turns her head as a middle-aged woman approaches from behind, dressed modestly in a burgundy-colored polo and navy blue golf pants, her black hair tied into a stiff knot with silver strands here and there. On her firm, lightly wrinkled faces shaded under a visor, she wears the look of a superior who is both strict and compassionate.

"This is Dr. Yeh, my department supervisor. She has looked after me ever since I joined the company."

"You must be Mr. L. Emily has told me many things about you. I heard you were once her instructor and now works for us as a security guard. How did that come about?"

I shake hands with this regal, motherly figure and goes on to explain how I took time away from my previous teaching job and wanted to dabble in some part-time work in different areas, and when Emily heard about it she suggested working as a security guard at her company, so now here I am.

"Well, Emily speaks very often and very highly of you. She often references the things you've taught her. She must be very fond of you."

"Emily has done very well for herself. I'm quite fond of her as well, Dr. Yeh."

More so than you know, I think to myself and dart a little glance at Emily, who throws a mischevious little wink in my direction. I maintain my gaze on her just a bit longer with curiosity.

"Well, it was a pleasure to meet you. I'm pleased to see Emily invited you as her golf partner. I hope you two have fun at the outing today."

Dr. Yeh slightly bows her head and formally excuses herself, wandering off to greet other employees. As she takes her leave, I shift my full attention back to Emily.

"You remember things from my class?"

"Of course! I wasn't as distracted as you might think, you know. Especially since you were the best teacher. I even finished that book you gave me!"

"Book? Which book?"

"You know, the one about cosmetic science. I took it home and read it cover to cover."

"You actually finished it?!"

I blinked at her incredulously: Back when she was my student and had mentioned that she wanted to work in the cosmetic industry, I wasn't sure she knew what she was in for. But I said nothing and simply nodded, not wanting to pile on the discouraging comments- she had received enough of those from her peers and counselors. I found a book about cosmetic science and placed it on her desk before she arrived in school the following day, more as a show of support than anything else. I never thought she would actually read it. In fact, I thought she had lost the book.

Emily must have read the thought behind the wide-eyed, gaping-mouth look on my face as she lets out a little giggle.

"You thought I lost the book, didn't you?"

"I did. I'm sorry I underestimated you. You're just full of surprises."

"I hope you mean that in a good way." Emily leans in and narrows her eyes like a prosecutor cross-examining her witness, wearing a devious smirk on her lips.

I let out a slight chuckle and crack my silly little grin, then press on to a more serious subject:

"Does Dr. Yeh know about the male colleague who's been harassing you?"

"She does. She reported him to the accounting supervisor but he says she was just being overly protective. Human resources says there's nothing they can really do unless he makes me feel unsafe." Emily nods while slightly pursing her lips.

"Well, doesn't he?"

"Not really...he's not the kind who could make people sca...here, see for yourself."

Emily darts a quick glance past my shoulder. I take a few steps to the side and pivot my body slightly to steal a peek out of the corner of my eyes, catching a glimpse of what I can only describe as a slight-framed, unassuming man, hovering behind a few others and throwing shifty gazes in our direction, the only remarkable thing about him being a shiny custom-made golf club that looks quite different than most other people's cheap rental. Upon initial impression, I can see why Emily's complaints went unheeded- Had she not pointed him out to me, I would have never even registered his unspectacular, almost invisible presence.

"He hasn't stopped looking over here since we arrived."

I pause for a moment, then something else occurred to me.

"Does he or Dr. Yeh know about...us...our current relationship?"

"Nobody knows, as far as I can tell. At least I haven't told anyone. Well...maybe a few girls from my department suspect. But the only person who would know is your cousin Ashley. After all, she was the one who helped us hook up."

That's right, I haven't forgotten about that. I have to find a way to repay Ash someday for that memorable Valentine's evening, when she brought me to the speed-dating event where I was able to meet Emily again.

Reminiscing on that passionate night, I take a few steps and position myself next to Emily, gently cradling one arm around her slender waist.

"Well, I might be a bad golfer, but that's not what I'm here for, is it?"

Emily, taking the cue, draws herself closer to me, sliding one hand over my arm and softly nestles her head against my shoulder, allowing me to catch a whiff of strawberry-scented fragrance in her hair.

"That's right. You can be terrible at golf as long as you're a good bodyguard."

I glance over in the direction of Emily's obsessor, but he has disappeared behind the other employees. Perhaps he got the hint and my mission was accomplished. The only thing left to do now is get through the rest of this golf event without making a fool out of myself.

So much for that.

The very first swing I take would send the ball sailing into the water hazard.


Standing behind and observing my gaffe, Emily chimes out a playful giggle as I dip my head in shame and mark the penalty on our team score card.

"Oh my, a hole-in-one on your first shot. You might be worse than I am!"

"I tried to tell ya. I think we might end up with the lowest combined score. All the other teams have already moved on ahead."

As Emily takes her stance in the tee box, a light gust of wind picks up, gently lifting the fringe of her short golf skirt and offering a subtle glimpse underneath. Before I can make out what she was wearing, Emily quickly runs one hand over her buttocks and pushes the skirt down, turning her head to shoot me an impish grin.

"Pretty windy today, huh?"

As she positions herself and hacks wildly at the ball, her skirt kicks up again, this time revealing a clear view of her cotton panties lined with black and white horizontal stripes- not as sexy and daring as the open-slit laced panties she wore during our previous encounter, but still has its own appeal in a cute, sporty kind of way.

Emily squints her eyes with one hand shaded over her brows and watches intensely as the ball sails in a high-arched trajectory, hooks right, and drops straight into the thickets.

"Are you sure I'm worse than you?"

I tease her a bit while slinging the rental club over my shoulder.

"Oh hush. At least mine can still be played. Come and help me find it."

She throws me a fake pout followed by a smirk and marches down the fairway with her personal escort close behind, admiring her bubbly butt swaying under her skirt. We make our way into the woods and begin foraging through the bushes. I turn to catch sight of Emily bending over several times and offering gratuitous views up her little golf skirt.

"I think I see it."

Emily calls out to me and I sprint over, seeing her bending over a bush, one hand propped against an adjacent tree trunk, the other hand poking her golf club into the thickets, stretching forward with one leg slightly raised.

"See? Right there."

She points it out to me with the club and I lean in over her shoulder too see. She stretches for the ball even further, causing her to lose her balance and stumble forward. I instinctively wrap one arm arond her waist to hold her up, my pelvis inadvertently grazing against her hips.

"Thanks." She glances back at me with a smile of embarassment and a soft twinkle in her eyes. I smile back at her, then shift my attention back to the ball.

"I see it. But I don't think that's ours."

"How do you know?"

"The logo is different. That's not the same ball."

Still bent over with my arm around her waist, Emily glances back at me, her hips lightly pressing against my crotch. Intentional or not, it was enough to cause a reaction as I feel the bulge growing and pushing up against my pants.

"What do we do now?" She asks with an innocent little pout, her deep-brown starry eyes transfixed on mine.

"Well, we're probably not going to make much progress on the golf course even if we continue..."

I feel my bulge forcing its way tightly against my pants now, slowly betraying my efforts to conceal my urge to pounce on Emily at this very moment and ravage her. Doing something lewd with her in such open space seemed irresponsible and out of the question before. But now it feels so tempting, so utterly irresistible.

"I agree. We might as well tap out. We're already way behind and it's way too hot on the golf course. Let's just hide out here."

Emily giggles mischeviously. As my bulge push up against her buttocks, she lets out a soft gasp and slowly grinds up against it, glancing back at me with a saucy smirk.

"Besides, I'm sure there's something way more fun we could be doing..."

"Out here? Where someone might see us?"

I gulped hard at her suggestion, feeling my chest pounding ferociously, as if pushing my heart up to my throat.

Up til now, all our sexual encounters have been in very private, enclosed settings, with no risk of being seen. This would certainly be new territory for us. I was both thrilled and bewitched by this audacious, sex-crazed little nymph bending over in front of me.

"What? You don't want to?"

"Of course I do."

Emily beams bashfully upon hearing my eager reply and straightens herself, turning to face me with my arm still anchoring her waist. The next thing I know, our lips are passionately locked together as we make out, our tongues intertwining and slurping in each other's mouths. Emily pins me up against the trunk of a tree and pushes herself up on her tiptoes, driving her tongue deeper into my mouth as our hands impatiently explore each other's body. My hands work their way down to wrap around her hips, pulling her into my bosom as my fingers pushes up her skirt to caress her ass cheeks, feeling the smooth cotton fabric covering them. Emily returns the favor, reaching down with one hand to massage my bulging crotch over my pants.

"You dirty girl, you wanted to hit the ball in here so we can sneak around."

I huff softly as we break from our kiss, my chest slowly rising up and down against the palm of her hand. Emily flashes a wicked grin.

"Or maybe I'm just awful at golf."

"I want you so badly right now, Emily."

"Me too...I want you too..."

And then she said it. My name flowed out of her tongue like a gentle stream, trickling melodiously to my ear, causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand up as she gazes up into my eyes, wearing a shy, alluring smile on her slightly-parted, cherry-red lips. This was not the first time I had heard her say my name. But it was the first time she had said it to me directly.

Before we know it, we have cast caution to the wind as her hands are propped against a tree trunk, her back turned to me with her hips perked and legs spread apart, her skirt hitched up to her waist, I bury one hand between her thighs, running two fingers across her striped panties and feeling the wetness soaking through, pinching her dripping folds through the cotton fabric. She gasps and glances back expectantly at the sound of my zipper being undone as I slide my hand up and slowly pulls her panties down to her thighs, revealing her twitching labia already wet with love juice. Mesmerized by this glistening sight, I reach forward and begin fingering and toying with her slit, thrusting my fingers in and out and causing her to moan sensually.

"Stop teasing me and put it in already. I want your juicy cock inside me so badly."

"My pleasure."

With my manhood springing free and fully-erect, I eagerly oblige my awaiting, lust-filled angel. It wasn't long until I'm buried deep inside her, plowing her doggy-style as she props her hands against the tree trunk, gasping and whimpering and moaning my name over and over again. Hearing her call my name like that as we make love gives me a new level of erotic sensation as I furiously slam my pelvis against her hips, slapping loudly against her ass cheeks and driving her petite body forward. As I continue to plow her mercilessly, she arches her back, and I instinctively reach forward and grab a handful of her ponytail to carefully hold her head back. She lets out a yelp at this new stimulus.

"Oh god yes."

With the other hand, I reach forward and take hold of one of her hands and gently pull it back towards me, allowing me to drive deeper in. She lets out a loud gasp, perhaps slightly startled at how rough I'm handling her, but offers no resistance as I pull her weight into mine. Her moans and whimpers only grows louder and more passionate as I relentlessly ram my cock into her dripping pussy, her one hand propped against the tree and my two hands grabbing her hair and the other hand, anchoring her as we make love.

"Oh god this is so hot, I need to take this off."

Emily moans and lowers her arm to pull at the fringe of her shirt. I slow my thrust, letting go of her hand and hair to help her out of her polo as she tosses it on top of a nearby bush.

"This too."

Her white sports bra comes off immediately after as she flings it aside, snagging it on a dangling tree branch.

"Our 'Do Not Disturb' sign."

Emily quips with a playful giggle as we return to our previous position. Rays of sunlight beam through the foliage overhead, reflecting against the glistening sweat drops on her arching back as her petite nude upper body rocks back and forth to my poweful thrusts, her perky breasts swinging and slapping against her bare skin.

As we change position, she takes a moment to help me out of my own sweat-drenched polo, revealing the toned chest glistening in perspiration, heaving with deep breaths. She stands facing me now with my cock out and dangling. Emily softly bites down on her lower lip and gently slides one hand across my chest muscles, running a finger down the crease between the pectorals and resting her palm over one pectoral, feeling my robust heartbeat and the heat emanating from my skin pores. With the other hand, she reaches down and softly caresses the tip of my penis as it twitches eagerly for more. She lowers her hands and drops her skirt and panties simultaneously, kicking them off.

Now completely nude except for her knee-high golf socks and sport shoes, my gorgeous sex angel, bare skin catching rays of light poking through the heavily shaded woods, lurches forward standing on her tiptoes as we begin making out again. This time I waste no time grabbing the supple flesh of her bare ass, lifting up her petite body and positioning her over my pelvis, gently lowering her outspread thighs onto my twitching cock until her slight weight presses her down into the throbbing meat pole.

Emily breaks our kiss and lets out a soft yelp as this new position drives my shaft further in than ever before. She rolls her eyes back with pleasure as I begin to thrust my hips upward, lowering my knees for leverage. I brace my upper back against a tree for support as I rock my hips up and down, bouncing Emily on the meaty pole like my cock sleeve- whimpering, moaning, gasping, and uttering my name louder and louder until those sounds grow into cries and screams of erotic ecstasy. She throws her arms over my shoulders and wraps her legs covered in her knee-highs tightly around my hips as I continue to pound her senseless- My body will probably ache all over the next day, but watching the salivating, wildly sensual reaction on Emily's blushing, angelic face as I push her to the limit makes it all worthwhile.