Holiday Elevator Ride To Hell?

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Not the holiday travel I was anticipating.
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All sex acts are between people over the age of 18. The story is entered in the Literotica Winter Holidays Contest. If you enjoyed this please give it a good vote and favor it. Best regards to all. Erectus123


I admit it. I probably had a little too much champagne. But it was Christmas Eve, and I had saved that bottle for my 75 birthday, and that was only a month away, so what the hell, let the family enjoy it, and they did.

We had a great dinner. My daughter ordered a smoked turkey from that famous barbecue joint, and my God, it was fantastic. I cooked up my sweet potato dish, actually, yams, covered with marshmallows. I'd saved a bag of fresh cranberries to make a relish with fresh orange and some ground in orange rind. A little artificial sugar, being diabetic, I have to watch that sugar stuff. But everyone says I look great, no one believes my age, but there it is.

Martha, my wife, is a classy lady, but she doesn't cook. That's how we got together. I had her over for dinner and I've been cooking for the last fifty years. I've thought about sending her to a culinary school so she could learn to boil water. But she has all the attributes of a trophy wife. She's made a fortune in real estate, selling a few celeb mansions this year—more money than I'll ever need. Of course, I've done alright. Buying and restoring old houses for the last 35 years has made me a pile of dough and a chance to get out a little, spread my wings and legs over some choice females through the years. But that is all behind me now. I can still pop a half a viagra and get a hard-on, but I am trying to slow down.

Time was when I was boffing three gals a week, now I'm down to the occasional one, but she is a honey. Okay, my wife is good looking even at her age, but most women give up on sex after forty. No biggie, you just have to dig up another Mohill, or is it molehill? You know there is a town in the north of the Irish Republic called Mohill. I found some bonnie lasses there when I was in college. I'll say one thing for those Irish babes. They could swear like a sailor and fuck like a pro after sweaty dancehall night.

So I went to bed when the kids were about to leave. I just say I'm tired and ease off to the bedroom. No one complains. We all have fun together, but after eating and drinking, I get tired.

So there I was, passed out in the bed. My wife joined me after a bit, but I was too sleepy to notice. After all these years, we take care of each other and don't bring up the assorted mishaps we encountered along the marital road. Marriage is never what you expected it to be.

I have always thought I would die early on, by that I mean young. But as luck would have it, I was into my mid-seventies, sound asleep in my bed, my wife holding on to my hand tightly, as if to say "I won't let you go," when a tall pie-bald fellow with two white wings pried my hand from hers and took me away. I drifted behind him as if a fish caught on a nylon line. When I looked back, I could see myself lying there in bed. That was when I realized I WAS DEAD.

I don't know how long my spirit wandered. I don't have a clear recollection of the many places and people I passed, but it seemed like the journey lasted a very long time. I was still dressed in a t-shirt, but I felt no cold nor embarrassment because of my exposed genitalia..

At some point, I found myself on an elevator, or perhaps it was a cable car. I was seated with several other people. Most were elderly, but there was a young boy in a blue sailor suit who seemed anxious. I wanted to move closer to him, but when I tried to get up I felt glued to my seat.

As the conveyance traveled upwards, I was able to see the faces of the elderly people more clearly. I recognized none of them. No one spoke or stared. Mostly, they just looked down at the floor. They were all dressed.

Strangely, as we moved upwards, the relics of age slowly fell away, and little by little, all of us appeared younger. I was still wearing the undershirt I died in, I usually slept in the nude, but no one seemed disturbed by my shrunken penis and my two low hanging balls lying there between my legs, resting on the wicker seat. The carriage continued to float upward through a sea of grey billowing clouds.

The only one who looked familiar was a slightly plump black woman with large breasts and a big ass who I found very attractive in a sexual way. She reminded me of a woman I had a lengthy affair years back.

Then it came to me, perhaps this gal was the elevator operator, there to accompany us on this journey. She had the air of one in control. I imagined there must be a reason for this. Perhaps if some passengers became unruly she was here to calm them?

I said nothing but kept staring at her. Of course, she noticed, but it didn't seem to bother her. She kept reading a magazine that looked like "The New Yorker."

At one point, she raised the publication, and I could see the title was not "The New Yorker," but something called "Heaven Forbid." That was when she lowered the magazine and winked at me.

We had been traveling for a very long time, but I wasn't sure how far we had gotten. By now, I could see my reflection in the cloud filled windows. I looked the way I did in my forties. That was when the attractive guide got up from her seat and came and sat down next to me.

"Do I know you?"

"Of course you do, Samuel. You look better now then at the start of the trip. Don't you recognize me?"

"No, it's not possible, are you, I thought it was you, Celeste. I just wasn't sure. I don't quite understand what is going on here."

"And I always thought you were the smart one."

"Obviously not, if I'm seated here."

"But there is no way you could escape your destiny. Do you have any questions?"

"Not really. I guess I'll go with the flow. Now I do have a question or two. What the fuck is going on here, and why are you here?"

"Of course, you realize we are all spirits?"

"Yes, that much I figured out. Where are we going? Is it to heaven? I mean, we seem to be moving in an upward direction."

"That will be decided when we get there?"

"You mean I could be headed to hell?"

"Would that surprise you?"

"No, not really. But I wasn't a bad person. I tried to be good to you."

"But, you did some bad things."

"I did? How much stuff did I give you? Tons"

"After all your promises, you abandoned me. You'd make love to me and you'd say, 'I'll never leave you.' But you lied."

"Well, I was in an untenable situation. You knew that. I was married, I had no intention of leaving my wife, a divorce would have destroyed me,"

"So you chose money over love?"

"Well, Celeste, you were so demanding. Whatever I did for you, no matter how much money I brought you, it was never enough. When I last saw you, I brought a good bit of money for your daughter's expensive birthday gift, and you were furious that I had not brought you more for food. We never discussed your finances. I just always gave you money after I made love to you. That gift money was what you asked for, you didn't say anything about needing more. I told you I'd have more cash in a few days. Then you got mad and said I only gave you money so I could have sex with you.."

"Celeste, you said a lot of nasty things. I felt hurt very deeply. So much so that I no longer wanted to have sex with you. And that day was my birthday? You never asked. I just mentally moved away from it all. If you had apologized, all would have been as before, but you chose not to. After a few days, I figured you would call me if you wanted me or needed something, but you never did.

Celeste just sat there, never commenting till I finished.Then she responded,

"So that was the end. After three years, You just stopped talking to me. You never said a word after our argument? And like a fool I was waiting for you to call me."

"Well, I'm sorry Celeste, I didn't, and as the days and months passed, I figured you had found someone new to replace me."

"You liked fucking me, didn't you?" She had that sly grin I remembered she'd have after sex. She'd tell me how relaxed I made her feel.

"Yes, I did a lot. You knew that. But you said I was only giving you money so I could fuck you. You knew that wasn't true. I was very generous to both you and your daughter. I had strong feelings for you. I loved you. But you gave me the exit I need to extricate myself from a situation that had gotten out of hand."

"I liked the way we had sex together. The way would go down on me, even doing my ass hole with your tongue."

"Well, I could get very passionate." My wrinkled penis, hearing those words, seemed to swell up and begin to have a life of its own.

"I'll bet you never licked your wife's ass hole."

"No, only yours.

"And after me?"

"There was no one after you, just occasional infidelity. I had to get it out of me somehow. I didn't like jerking off."

"Did they suck your cock as good as I did?"

"Just about everyone does that. You always seem reserved when I'd push my cock in your face. You were a great fuck but excuse me, blow jobs just weren't your thing. I had a Mexican girlfriend for a while after you. She just adored cock. It was always in her mouth, I'd even cum there, and she'd swallow it or let it dribble out and rub it on her face or tits."

"That's really more than I had to hear. Your's was the only cock I ever sucked."

"I don't believe that."

"Well, I wanted to suck yours. If there were others, they were forced on me."

"I thought that, but you really weren't that accomplished at cock sucking, it was always like you didn't quite know how to do it, or maybe you didn't like doing it. I once asked you "if it bothered you."

"And what did I say?"

"That you didn't mind as long as it was mine. That was sweet."

I looked around. The other passengers seemed to have disappeared.

"Where did they all go?

"Oh, they are still here. You can't see the passengers once their bodies dematerialize."

"But I can see you."

"That's because I'm in a special category. You see me as I appeared before I died. That is for your benefit to help you with your acclimation. And to remember what you'll be missing."

"What do you mean, you died?"

"Well, of course, I'm dead; otherwise, I wouldn't be here."

"I guess you are right."

"You've never asked me what happened after you abandoned me."

"I know, I don't like to stick my nose where it doesn't belong."

"You had no problem sticking your nose inside my vagina, did you?"

"You're making me blush."

"Not really, you are fading from your terrestrial vestments as have our companions. Only your cock seems to have gained a new life."

I looked down, and my penis was proudly swollen.

"Ok, what happened, I'll ask, what happened after our argument."

"I killed myself a week after you abandoned me. My daughter became deathly ill, and a week later, she died. That was when grief and abandonment overtook me. That's why I'm here. The Boss doesn't like it when people commit suicide. I am here as a courier, ferrying people, ok spirits, up to the accounting office where decisions are made as to their eventual placement.

"I'm so sorry, I never knew you died, never in my wildest imagination. But you are here. So you must be in heaven."

"No, not at all. This location certainly is not heaven. It is a halfway place, maybe someday I'll be rectified, but it might take a thousand years."

That's terrible. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry. The Boss doesn't think highly of men who have affairs while married and subsequently abandoned their lover. You might not be going to the destination you think you are going to.

"You mean I'm not headed to heaven?"

"It's not for me to say. You'll find out very soon.

"Will I see you again."

"It's not likely."

"How old do I look now? "

"I'd say about twenty-five, younger than when we had our fling.

"Look, my cock is rising,"

"I guess you still want me."

"Of course I do. Look at this erection."

"Then come next to me, before we arrive, anything goes."

I raised my tee-shirt, tore it off and I embraced her. She felt nude against my chest, just like in the old days. Those melon tits were so big and soft. Her clothing somehow had disappeared, and that big butt and her luscious moon pies were once more in my grasp.

As crazy as it seems, we made love, mostly standing up. She was always a little taller than I was, so I had to rise on my toes to get inside her. Her vagina was as soft and sweet as a chocolate cake. I don't know how long we made love, it seemed like a long time, and I hadn't even taken my viagra. I looked around a few times, but no one was looking at us.

"Do these other spirits see us?"

"Naw, like those people alive, they only are concerned with themselves."

"That's good. Your ass is so nice."

"I never let you fuck me in the ass. You once tried."

"No, I just ended up pushing in the wrong place. "

"Would you like to do it now?"

"No, I'm good, just like this. Your body was always exceptional. I'd get hard just talking to you on the phone. And those things you say.

"What things?"

"Like you'd say, "I got all wet last night just thinking about you."

"I still remember how beautiful you looked, in those tight red pants, when you met me so I could give you money to go visit your cousin in Vegas, at least that's what you said."

"Yes, that was true."

"My God, you were so beautiful that day. I wanted to propose and marry you.

"Yes. I remember you told me that. That's what you should have done, and we might not be standing here, but who knows?"

"A I gripped her rear and pressed my cock balls deep inside her, she said,

"I thought you said you didn't want to have sex with me anymore."

"I know I said that but I think I changed my mind. Celeste, I kind of have a feeling that this is our last time."

At moment I came with a force I'd never before experienced.


Finally, that magnificent erection deflated about the same time I heard a bell that rang,

I pulled out of that tight vagina, the one I loved thirty years ago. It was as fine as ever."

"That was really good, Samuel. You fucked me like a teenager."

"I'm sorry for any grief I caused you. Celeste, please forgive me."

"It ain't up to me, honey child, you'll find that out soon enough," and Celeste's image began to fade, and in that exact moment she had disappeared.

The carriage came to an abrupt stop as if someone had slammed on the breaks. We were accompanied by a small spirit, parrot sized, who flew above us and herded us out of the carriage. It pecked at our ears as if it was one of those Scottish sheepdogs. The child in the blue sailor suit was swooped up by some sort of flying creature and carried out in the opposite direction.

Once free of the conveyance, we took our place in a very long line. We stood there for what seemed like years. Finally, I could see the clerk's desk in the distance. Time was obviously of no importance here. From the time I saw the clerk's desk till the time I arrived a few feet away, it seemed like it was the equivalent of six weeks before. But now I could actually see the clerk. She was an old lady talking to the spirit travelers ahead of me as the line wound down. I could not hear what their silent lips were saying.

After what seemed like an eternity, I stood in front of a stern older woman who looked strangely like my mean Elementary School first grade teacher, Mrs. McCarthy. She'd often kept me after school for bad behavior. It was so far back in time that I couldn't even remember what I had done to deserve it. I recalled she used to say I was always fiddling with something.

She was seated at her old oak school desk, in front of two doorways. One doorway had a white door, and the other was doorless and dark.

"Is that you, Mrs. McCarthy?"

"Who were you expecting, Samuel, you ungrateful cutworm? You look about the same age as when I saw you last. And you are as naked as a jaybird. I might have expected that. Were you having some fun on the way up here, Samuel? And who were you expecting to see when you arrived?"

"No one, especially not you, dear teacher. But I am delighted to see you. You taught me the cursive letters so well. Nowadays, school teachers don't even teach kids how to write in cursive. People always compliment me on my penmanship, and I always say I owe it all to you."

That attempt to soften the moment only led Mrs. McCarthy into a deeper frown.

"Yes," Mrs. McCarthy said, leaning forward to peer through her thick glasses into a large book. It says here that you always lie to improve your position."

I ignored that and added, "I'm surprised you haven't started to use computers here."

"We are not in any rush here; time is infinite, as are the foibles of humanity."

That comment shut me up. I hoped she was unaware of the summer romance I had with the girl who turned out to be my first fully mature intimacy. In that case, with a girl who turned out to be her granddaughter. Now that was a coincidence! Fucking the granddaughter of the one who made my first grade experience a living hell. Of course Grannie had passed at that point.

My mind went back in time. Oh, the evenings in my Dad's convertible, that 1960 White Ford Galaxy with those long bench seats, as good as any bed for fucking, with her panties pulled down, her skirt flipped up, she lying down beneath me, arms akimbo, blouse wide open. We'd parked on a dark back street, I made love to her and her small tits; as she argued,

"Don't use a condom. It's a sin." She was always trying to grab the condom out of my hand to chew it apart like a good Catholic schoolgirl.

"How stupid do you think I am," said Mrs. McCarthy. "You think I didn't know you fucked my granddaughter when she wasn't even of a proper age."

"How do you know that?"

"Well, it's right here on your page."

"My page?"

"Yes, you idiot, it's all here, and that's not even the worst of it."

"Does that mean?...."

"This is a lot more serious stuff than what you used to pull in my classroom or with your erection in the front seat of your Dad's old car."

And then that Parrot thing started biting me on the ear and herding me towards the black doorway. When I didn't move fast enough, he grabbed me by my foreskin and steered me into the dark doorless entry. I stood there motionless afraid of what might come next and then that damn thing bit me on the ass and I fell into the dark doorway, a black void. I fell in an endless spiral. I could hear Mrs. McCarthy's last words echoing above me,

"Goodbye, Samuel, and good riddance."

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This is a great story!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story 5'd.

Lovecraft_LoreLovecraft_Loreover 3 years ago

5 stars, I like the short ones, and a metaphysical plot.

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsover 3 years ago

Very original story! I liked that it's different, and well written, too. 5* from me. ~~ JBE

Ashesh9Ashesh9over 3 years ago

beneath the surface sex , cock-sucking ass grroping ...vagina licking there is deep metaphysical non-erotic philosophy / human tragedy here, Bro: i 5-ed as well as Fave-d!!!!

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