Holly’s Sales Training Ch. 06


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Free at last, I let out a big sigh of relief. This caused another gush of spit to pour from my mouth. But I barely noticed! I was so busy catching my breath that I simply stayed in position with my lips close to his glans. And a brief moment later, my eyes snapped open in shock!

Oh my gawd! Mr. von Swine was still sitting on the toilet! And for good reason! Have you ever heard off the 'after dribble'? It's when a man leaks a bit of pee even though he's already finished urinating. And that's exactly what happened to the cringe old creep! A splash of pee squirted out of his dick and hit me right in the face. Actually, the piss splashed directly into my mouth, because my lips were still open from all the panting. So vile! #PostMicturitionDribble

Not gonna lie, it wasn't much, but it was still gross! It was definitely enough to make me shake with disgust! But most of all, it was a fierce reminder. The filthy swine hadn't wiped his member before making me deepthroat it. All of a sudden, I became aware of the bitter, rancid flavor on my tongue. In response, I smacked my lips, but it didn't help. Instead, it made it worse because the taste intensified. Big yikes!

Oh, yuck! That feeling when I realized what the sour old sack had done. He had literally used my lips as toilet tissue. In a heartbeat, I went from obedient to feisty. Jumping to my feet, I crossed my arms in front of my chest and took a defensive stance. The submissive slut was gone, and the wildcat was back, I swear! #FierceSociety

"Hehehe! Not so obedient after all." The staunch sleazebag chuckled in response. "Looks like you didn't pass the training after all. Too bad for your job prospects, Mrs. DeLuca."

Oh my gosh! He couldn't be serious! This was still part of the training? No way! Nobody had told me! This wasn't fair! Boiling with rage, our eyes locked. And then it dawned on me. This was the final exercise, and I hadn't realized it. So stupid! After all, a submissive slut should always be prepared (thanks for the warning Stiff Cliff)!

Holy smokes! I panicked when I realized that it was my own fault. What an epic fail! I knew that I had to make up for it, so I started looking for ways out of this dilemma. The longer I thought about it, the more desperate I became! There was only one option, and I didn't like it. Not at all! Nevertheless, I had to react. But that was easier said than done. #HealthyBoundaries

In the end, it was too hard! It was a step too far and an act too nasty! No matter how much I wanted it, I couldn't bring myself to do it. This ain't it, chief!

What do you say, my legit loyalistas? Do you think I missed a chance here? Should I turn around and beg Mr. von Stein for a third chance? What if he insists on that nasty stuff? Any suggestion helps.

---How to tame a wildcat on the way to domestic bliss---

#KinkyPerv: Hey sweet slut, how come you say what your Boss wants is NASTY stuff? You shouldn't think that way...it is simply...out of the ordinary! Say to yourself it's something new, something a good and OBEDIENT slut should learn to do! You don't want him to think that you're too Dumb to get your job back, do you? Yes, you are Dumb, but not THAT Dumb!*

*Anonymous: Seriously, you're trying our patience, stupid slut! You're [a] filthy flatchested filly so you better beg n beg hard. You won't get many more opportunities! Didn't you brag about being hellbent and determined? Don't tell us you already forgot! Your brain must be tiny then. Its [sic] prolly so small it must be in your chest.*

Oh my, guys! Thanks for reminding me! I know, I flexed my resolve, turned around, and did the opposite. You're right, I need to stop questioning my decisions all the time. I'll never get anywhere that way, especially when others (like the patriarch) have more knowledge and experience. I guess I need to start listening more than talking. Sure enough, I'm not too dumb to listen. And my brain's definitely not small, it's just clouded and hazy. So obvi!

By the way, I'm a feisty feline, not a filthy filly! Get your facts straight, guys! Even Mr. von Stein knows it! After all, he keeps calling me his pussycat (and now, I have the nails to prove it). In fact, the seasoned exec emphasized my temper as a reason for his actions in the bathroom scene. Go figure!

You may already know, guys, but the old-school owner didn't let me off the hook that easily. When I hesitated to take the next step, he legit guided me. To reassure me, he literally took me by the hand and helped me overcome the obstacles in my personal growth. #MentoringMatters

"Why ain't I surprised by your reaction, silly kitty?" The old-school owner continued unabated. "You really need the rebellious attitude, don't you?"

"Tho, I like the whole slut-with-attitude style! It's quite entertaining." He added with a chuckle.

Oh phew! At least, the strict old sack didn't seem angry. It was obvious that he had expected a few stumbling blocks along the way.

"Everybody knows you want a strict master to teach you a lesson n make you submit." He declared. "So, don't you get confrontational with me now, ditzy titsi!"

Oh yeet! The seasoned exec appeared so wise and experienced. He made me feel like he was holding his protective hand over me. I was safe, no matter how dire the situation. I was secure, no matter what happened next.

"Seems to me, every time I tamed your little ass n broadened your horizon, you get bored with the status quo." He explained his insights. "It's like you always need a new challenge, so you start fires everywhere."

"Acting out to be tamed again! That's some fiery spirit you got there, pussycat." He warned me, nonetheless. "You're too stubborn to realize it, but you're pushing it."

"You're lucky I like a challenge!" He quickly reassured me. "Domesticating a wildcat never gets old, no matter how many times she needs to be put into place."

"Actually, I'd be disappointed if this feisty feline turned into a cuddly kitten once the taming's completed." He became all poetic.

Holy snap! Mr. von Stein's speech struck me to the core. Actually, it was a keen observation. I've always been temperamental and enjoyed challenging people's misconceptions. There was so much truth in his words that it astonished me. Frankly, I hadn't expected such profound insights, so this was hella impressive! #ChallengeAccepted

Anyway, the truth hurts! In my case, however, it made my defenses melt away until my arms dropped to my sides. When the old-school owner noticed my change in demeanor, he immediately took advantage. Although he kept sitting on his 'throne', he grabbed the zipper of my hoodie and pulled on it. Without resisting, I followed along, bending over. Inch by inch, my face came closer to his boner while my excitement grew. I could feel the thrill of the situation taking hold of me. It confirmed everything the persistent patriarch had said. Even if it was new to me, it had been obvious to everyone else. #GoWithTheFlow

And so, I didn't think, I simply acted. When my lips touched his purple helmet, I dropped right to my knees. As a result, I found myself kneeling in front of the toilet bowl in my mom's bathroom. So wild! The whole scene was super nasty! But that only added to the thrill. My excitement was epic!

Hella obedient, I opened my mouth and let the old man do the work. Thank heavens, he didn't shove his dick down my throat straightaway. Instead, he stopped when half of his shaft was planted in my mouth. No surprise there! After all, he wanted me to clean his dick, didn't he? For this reason, I dutifully started twirling my tongue around his big stick. #BathBomb

And with that, I got to taste the full flavor. What a dope taste... said no one ever! In truth, it was bitter as hell and rancid as fuck! So not yummy! Even though I wasn't throating the boner, the disgusting taste was enough to make me gag. Big yikes! And yet, I bathed his shaft with my spit until all the remnants of pee were gone.

But then Mr. von Swine put his hand on the back of my head. Suddenly, he pushed my face up and down, using my lips to jerk him off. Amazingly fast, his thick prick began to throb. Shortly after, his big stick started to spit. That feeling when I realized that I had managed to suck my man off in record time. My heart leapt for joy! But a moment later, my heart dropped, because I felt the dick juice on my tongue. #EmotionalRollercoaster

Oh my god! It wasn't cum! It was pee!

What the heck? The filthy swine wasn't shooting spunk, he was squirting piss! More precisely, he pissed in my mouth. This was madness! Mr. von Swine had deceived me! The previous tinkle hadn't been his 'after dribble' after all. Instead, he had held back one last splash.

Sweet jeez! I was outraged! And yet, I didn't protest because I had no time for it. Instead, my body jerked mad fierce and my legs kicked super savage when I tasted the pee. And for good reason! It was bitter as hell and rancid as fuck! My disgust was on another level! #YikesForLikes

After a while, however, my temper got the upper hand. But the seasoned exec was prepared for this. Putting his hand on the back of my head, he held me tight despite my squirming and wriggling. His prick twitched two more times, releasing two more splashes of pee into my mouth. Oh yuck! The rancid flavor spread out and assaulted my senses, but there was no chance of escape. The filthy swine didn't let up until I had swallowed all the piss. The struggle was real!

Oh my, guys! I had never felt more submissive than the moment the sour old sack released my head. This had been a true lesson! The Dom was in control... anywhere and anytime. No matter how much I rebelled and protested. No matter how many times I threw a tantrum and hissy fit. If I wanted to be a good subslut, I had to hand over the reins and let the Dom make the decisions.

Despite this revelation, my temper still got the better of me. When it finally flared up, I jumped to my feet and resumed my defensive posture. My striking blue eyes sparkled with anger while my mouth was agape in disgust. To be perfectly honest, I didn't mean to make a fuss, but old habits die hard, don't they?

So, what's the line, my fashion fam? The mind is willing, but the flesh is weak, right? This saying fits a hundo p! This feisty feline is willing, but she's not tamed enough to perform such nasty acts. So how am I supposed to deal with this pervy stuff? I'm grateful for any tips you've got!

---How to raise your emotional vibes and clean your home's energy---

*KinkyPerv: Well done sweet slut! You just became a better cunt for your boss! Swallowing a bit of pee wasn't so bad, right? Next time, try asking him (in a humble and docile way) if you could clean his cock. Make it a habit for you: whether it's after he's done pounding your asshole, after he's done peeing, or just after he's done cumming on your face... show him it's important for you to be a good Cleaning Slut!*

*OldCatTamer: Oh Hoelly, don't think we didn't notice. You said piss instead of wee wee or some other polite bullshit. You even dropped a fuck like a good subslut! It's a start, now move on to cunt and shitter and all your other favorite vulgarities. Always keep improving!*

Oh wow! You guys think I'm improving my slut skills? That means so much! But it's not easy! Honestly, it's legit hard to keep pushing forward, always getting bolder and braver. But I said it before and I say it again, we innovators need to break new ground and go places where we may not feel comfortable at first. After all, that's the rule of being inspiring! #iykyk

To tell you the truth, Mr. von Stein's reaction mirrored your words. He didn't get angry when he saw me glaring at him. Instead, I saw a hint of pride in his eyes, although he mostly looked amused. And then the old-school owner finally got up from the can. Stepping toward me, he was still grinning. Not missing a beat, he exploited my open-mouthed shock and pushed two fingers between my lips. In fact, he pushed and pushed some more until his digits knocked on my tonsils. With a jerk, he shoved his fingers past my uvula and down my throat. My gag reflex kicked in and my gullet began to clamp down on the intruder as it desperately tried to expel it. Since the fingers didn't move, my throat began to spasm around them. #GoodVibrations

Oh my gawd! He couldn't do that! This was insane! Filled with indignation, I grabbed his arm with both hands and held it tight. I badly wanted to pull the fingers out. I urgently wanted to get rid of the intruder. I desperately wanted to stop the choking. This was horrible! But I had just learned the importance of relinquishing control, so I couldn't be defiant. Not so fast again! Besides, I had just thrown a temper tantrum, so I was already on thin ice.

Of course, I didn't move my hands or push his arm back. I just held the position as if I were using his arm to latch on to something. Meanwhile, my spasming throat made me gag harder than ever. I heaved and retched until my mouth filled with piss-stained spit. Eventually, my mouth brimmed over, and saliva began to sip from the corners of my mouth. This was gross! #HookLineAndSinker

And with that, I learned that it's actually a trifecta of triggers. Besides, bitchslapping and facespitting, fingergagging is the most effective way to activate my submissiveness. Each one works well on its own, but the triple play is the ultimate weapon! Nothing works faster to make me more docile and compliant, I swear! #TripleTrigger

Needless to say, Mr. von Swine was well-aware of my inner conflict. His brat-taming skills were legit and far superior to the fratboys' douchebro style. Consequently, his dominance left me no choice but to comply. While he kept his fingers down my throat, we stared at each other. His gaze evolved from amusement to conviction and finally superiority. By contrast, my icy scowl devolved from fury to reproach until my piercing gaze broke and became groveling. #Devolve2Evolve

"Tell me, dumb cunt, you wanna cum?" The sour old sack asked me point blank.

Holy moly! I still had the coarse old codger's fingers buried down my throat, so I could barely respond. In fact, my gagging was louder than my talking. But it didn't matter because I had no time for long-winded speeches anyway. Instead, my lust guided my action, making me nod my head fast as fuck.

And I oop! The next sec, I squirmed. Obviously, the old-school owner didn't like my answer, because it earned me a slap to the face. Dang it!

"What a greedy gash! Why you think you deserve to cum before the men?" He chided me.

Oh my gosh! He was right! How could I forget about that? I was such a bad submissive, wasn't I? My feelings when I realized my stupidity. The embarrassment was real! My face when I noticed that there's still so much to learn before I'm a legit subslut. The shame was next level!

"Please, sirrr! Pleassse!" I started begging asap. "Cum inside me, sir! Use my pussy as your seed bank!"

Holy smokes! Desperation began to burn on my cheeks as my throat spasmed around his fingers. I was ready to say anything and everything. I legit wanted the owner's cum in my cunt and nowhere else.

In case you missed it, the Dicktator had been right. This is special to me (and for every other woman, I'm willing to bet). The pulsing of the dick and the warmth spreading through me is extra. The liquid filling me feels like the man is taking me over, inside and out. As if he's taking possession of my most sacred place and owning it! For this reason, I wanted to reserve it to my Dom and no one else, I promise!

"What you say, silly kitty? I can't hear you!" Mr. von Swine played the boomer card again. "Thou shalt not mumble!"

Oh jeez! What a jab! The irony wasn't lost on me. Of course, I was hard to understand, but it was the patriarch's fault! In fact, the fingers made me sound even dumber than I felt. Ugh!

"Please, sir! Inseminate your stupid slut!" I started screaming without restraints. "Plant your seed deep in my womb! Breed your bitch!"

Oh wow! Suddenly, it was so easy to say these dirty words. They just bubbled out of me, completely uninhibited. But they were barely audible and hardly comprehensible, because the filthy swine pushed his fingers even deeper down my throat. In the end, it was just a silly mumble. So mean!

"Still can't understand a word." The sleazy scumbag didn't let me off the hook. "Too bad! There's no way around it then, ditzy titzi!"

"It's you're asshole again." The stern old sack decided. "It's a proper assfucking or nothing at all."

Oh my god! No! This was the opposite of what I wanted. My asshole was sore and stretched from the training session. My pussy, on the other hand, was wet and waiting. He was making the wrong decision here!

Not gonna lie, I wanted to keep begging for the owner's cum in my coochie, but I knew it was futile. Most importantly, I knew it wouldn't make any difference! He was the Dom, so it was his decision. I, on the other hand, was the sub, so I had to comply, no matter what. That's why I ended up nodding in the affirmative.

Needless to say, the patriarch liked my response because he reacted real quick. Keeping his fingers in my mouth, he used them like a hook to pull me down. Soon, I found myself kneeling on the tiles of my mom's bathroom. Pushing me onto all fours, the dirty old dude stepped behind me. After the training session, my sphincter was swollen and effectively done for the day. Accordingly, I was low-key scared of the pain, but the positives of pleasing my man far overweighed the negatives. #DingedUp

Of course, the sight of my worn-out gapehole didn't stop the cunning old codger and I'd expect nothing less from an alpha male! Without hesitation, he placed the tip of his stick between my bubble buns and thrust down hard. I responded with a guttural groan that became a long grunt as I felt my rearhole react. Butt sex is always intense, but this was extra! My puckerhole was so sensitive that every stroke felt twice as vigorous. The intensity was off the charts!

I must admit, the fact that I freely offered my battered butthole made me feel so submissive. For the first time ever, I truly felt like a good subslut and I was hella proud of it! After chasing it for so long, I finally found fulfillment. This revelation gave me a new thrill and soon the soreness was forgotten. Every fiber in my body vibrated like a tuning fork. Believe me, guys, at that moment I was mad happy and deeply satisfied, I swear! #RelentlessRooting

And then my grunts got stuck in my throat. There was a knock at the bathroom door! We were about to be disturbed! We were about to get caught and exposed! So unreal! After all the action in the bedroom, this couldn't be happening, not now!

Holy moly! It was my mom! With everything that was going on, I had completely forgotten about her. All this time, she had been waiting in the living room. Now, she had finally become suspicious. No wonder! #ShookAF

"Excuse me, Mr. von Stein! I don't mean to intrude but have you seen my daughter?" My mom called through the door. "I haven't seen her around and she hasn't answered my calls."

"You know these kids nowadays. They never give a word when they leave or where they go." She adopted the same sour tone as the patriarch. "I always wonder where all her manners have gone."

Oh my gawd! My mother too? I had never heard her ranting like that. This was absurd! Mr. von Swine must have gotten her hooked on this topic. So ridiculous!

"Don't blame yourself, Mrs. DeLuca. I feel the same way about my daughter. She has no manners either." The seasoned exec responded through the closed door. "I guess we weren't strict enough. Now, we see what you get from that."

Oh my gosh! The sleazy scumbag emphasized the lack of strictness by landing two sharp blows to my butt that made my booty tremble. Luckily for me, the slapping sound was drowned out by his voice. Nevertheless, I had to bite my lips to keep from screaming. This wasn't okay! But it only got worse from there. The two old-timers started exchanging complaints about 'generation whine'. Can you believable it, guys! They chatted through the closed door while the cringe old man pounded my asshole. #AbsurdityOfTheDay