Hollywood Party Hostesses

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Nicola, Angela & Dizzy hostess a wild party.
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Disclaimer: The following story contains sex scenes and rude words. The decency laws in most states would require it not be read by persons under 18, or, in some places, 21. Also, if you're offended by adult themes, you should probably leave now. More importantly, this tale features women presented as sexual objects. There is nothing wrong with this, as they are only fictional characters. I urge readers, especially young males, to not regard real women in this way.

This work is © 2001 the author.

There is no Nicola. All characters are fictitious. The situations are made-up. This is only a fantasy, so any similarity to real persons and events is pure coincidence.


Typically, the phone rang as Nicola was in the shower. She answered it, her tanned body glistening with water.

"Hi Knickers, it's Scott Keen."

"Scott, hi!" Nicola replied warmly. "It's great to hear from you. Especially since I'm wet and naked."

Scott Keen was a casting agent. Not just any lowly, B movie casting director- he cast for big Hollywood features. Nicola had just wrapped on Bikini Stewardesses 2, and while the B biz was good to her, Nicola wouldn't say no to a part in a major motion picture.

"Listen," said Scott, "I just had a real interesting conversation with your agent. He said it'd be cool if you come work one of my parties this weekend."

"A party?" Nicola asked. Scott's parties were legendary wild. He'd hire a couple of aspiring actresses to come along and serve as hostesses for the evening. It was extra money, and a great way to do some networking. Nobody really knew for sure what went on at these soirees, though. To protect Scott's reputation, neither the guests nor the girls talked about them. But there were rumors, stories of naked starlets waiting hand and foot on Hollywood bigshots, willing to do anything to land even a bit part in a movie. Nicola's heart skipped at the thought. Since arriving in Hollywood from Melbourne, she'd experienced the hedonism of the town. Every adventure brought her one step closer to her goal of stardom, and gave her pleasures she'd never known before. "And just what would be expected of me?" she asked, coyly.

Scott laughed. "Oh, nothing much. You'll be serving the guests. Food, drinks... that sort of thing."

Nicola could almost hear the inverted commas around 'that sort of thing'. "Wow, I'm so glad you thought of me. I'd love to be a hostess at your party," she replied.

"OK, sweetheart, it's 8 o'clock Saturday night. I'll send a car to pick you up. Wear your sexiest evening gown, and be prepared for the most fun you've ever had."

Nicola thanked Scott again, and put the phone down. A Hollywood party hostess! She thought of the doors this would open for her. And just imagine what goes on in one of those things! Nicola shivered with delight. Or maybe she was shivering because she was still wet and naked?

At almost seemed like Saturday would never come. Nicola hadn't been this excited since she was a little girl, waiting for Christmas morning. She went shopping to pick out just the right dress to wear. She settled on a slinky, low-cut red dress that clung to her body. Nicola also decided upon matching red panties as well, though no bra. The short skirt showed off her gorgeous tanned legs, while the plunging neckline precluded anything from being worn underneath, presenting Nicola's juicy breasts for all to see. As she got dressed, Nicola realised that if she bent over too much, she'd be in grave danger of popping out. Given that she was going to be serving drinks, there was a pretty good chance she'd be putting on a show for her guests. Oh well, Nicola thought with a naughty smirk. As Jennifer Aniston once said, who cares, I've got great boobs.

Saturday night found Nicola dressed in her new gown, being carried through the city in the limo Scott had sent for her. It was a typically cool, dry LA evening, and as Nicola looked out the tinted windows with night gathering, she felt like a movie star on her way to a premier. She closed her eyes, indulging in her favourite fantasy- being chauffeur driven to the Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard, wearing nothing but a fur coat, diamonds, and a great big smile.

They stopped outside Plaza Hotel. The driver stepped out and opened to door for Nicola. A little lost in her movie-star fantasy, Nicola stepped out, imagining a red carpet lay at her feet, surrounded by dozens of photographers calling her name. She smiled at them, blowing them imaginary kisses. The doorman looked her up with a leer. Nicola flashed the elderly gent her warmest smile as she breezed inside.

It wasn't a fantasy that, as she crossed the lobby, everyone turned to look at her. Everyone wanted to see who this supermodel brunette was, with the slim, tanned body packed into the tiny red dress. Every step made Nicola's boobs jiggle delightfully within the confines of her red dress. Nicola felt them undressing her with her eyes, and gave a proud toss of her hair as she strode past them and into the elevator. The operator, a young black man, eyed her up with a smirk, enjoying the view. "The penthouse suite, please," Nicola said. Still grinning, he replied, "Yes ma'am," and punched up the top floor. On the ride up, Nicola again felt butterflies in her stomach. A little anxious, she ran her fingers down the exposed part of her cleavage. What would it be like? What debauchery awaited her? Nicola could hardly wait to find out.

Scott Keen met her at the door. He was a devastatingly handsome man in his late 20s, with brown hair, blue eyes, and a smile that made Nicola want to drop her knickers on the spot. In her career, Nicola was often required to fuck unattractive men, but Scott Keen was one man she was more than happy to oblige. They kissed passionately, Scott slipping his tongue inside Nicola's mouth and swirling it around her own. He slid his hands down her waist to her ass, and gently massaged each cheek. Nicola moaned into his mouth, and pulled his thigh against her crotch. They continued to make out for a little longer, Nicola rubbing her pussy against his leg. Finally they broke apart.

"God, Knickers," Scott breathed, "you're sure horny tonight."

"Oooh, yes," she whispered, running her hands across his chest. Scott laughed in reply. "Come on in and meet your co-hostesses." Scott took her by the arm and led her into the suite. "Knickers, meet Angel and Dizzy."

Nicola's face fell. Angela "Angel" Monroe. The slim, raven-haired beauty eyed Nicola up with a contemptuous smirk. They'd met before, been up for some of the same parts, and had quickly become bitter rivals. To have her here too, on what was to be the greatest night of her career, was a terrible blow. Nicola forced a smile, trying to be polite. Angela was dressed in a jet-black minidress, slit so high on the leg that most of that side of her body was bare. She had a fairly small bust, so her short skirt was designed to accent her creamy thighs, and perhaps a flash of something more.

The other girl Nicola barely knew. Her name was Darci "Dizzy" Clay, a bubbly blonde with (by all accounts real) 44-inch boobs. She was dressed in a strapless white gown that showed off generous amounts of her upper chest. Nicola had only ever seen her once, at a barbecue, dressed in a tight, beer-soaked t-shirt that read "I wish these were brains", giggling inanely as two guys stuffed hotdog weiners down the front of her cut-off denim shorts.

Nicola was appalled to see Angela here, but was determined not to let is spoil her night. She greeted both her fellow hostesses, careful not to betray the animosity she felt for Angela. She had to admit, despite her icy exterior, Angela was very, very hot. Her chest was smaller than Nicola's, but she was a little taller and slimmer. If their last encounter was anything to go by, Angela was just as willing as Nicola to do whatever it took to advance her career.

"OK, girls," said Scott, "Our guests will be here soon, so let's finish getting everything ready."

In a low voice, Angela hissed to Nicola, "I saw you dry humping Scott's leg. You were like a bitch in heat. If you're going to act like that tonight, just stay away from me, slut."

Nicola blushed, and tried to think of a witty comeback. Unfortunately, "Shut up!" in a whiney voice was the best she could manage.

The hotel suite was cleared for tonight's party. A bar was set up at one end of the room, with a generous supply of alcohol. At the other end was a small raised floor, usually reserved for a grand piano, but tonight was occupied by a brass stand and a large glass bowl, like a fish bowl only empty. Scott informed the starlets that, for the first part of the evening, they would be mingling with the guests, getting them drinks. Nicola noted with anticipation that Scott didn't tell them what they'd be doing for the second part of tonight's festivities. She also couldn't help notice that the suite had three bedrooms, one for each of the beautiful hostesses. Nicola smiled, guessing at what was to come. But there was still one dark cloud: Angela. She tried to put her out of her mind and concentrate on the debauchery ahead.

As if on cue, Nicola's rival called out her. "Well, Knickers, now that your best talents have been put to use, you might as well head home."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nicola retorted. She put her hands on her shapely hips, coolly meeting Angela's malevolent gaze.

"I mean you're much better suited to shifting furniture than the arduous task of entertainment. You'd please the guests tonight alot more by going home and reading a book."

Nicola was furious. "Just how are you going to please them, Miss Mini-tits? Iron their shirts on your chest?"

Now is was Angela's turn to be incensed. She rushed forward with a screech, but was caught short by Scott.

"Girls, girls, please." He seemed more amused than anything else. "If you want to settle this little argument, might I suggest something a little more lady-like?"

"You could have a competition," piped up Dizzy. "Winner takes all."

"What kind of competition?" Angela asked.

"Well...," thought Scott. "I guess I could keep score for you both tonight. A total of the number of men you, er, 'entertain'. Whoever is the most 'entertaining' wins."

"Ooh, goody!" squealed Dizzy. "What does the winner get?"

"Not the winner," cut in Angela. "The loser."

"What have you got in mind?" asked Nicola.

"The loser has to walk out of here, into the elevator, down to the lobby, out into the street and hail a cab home. Naked."

"Naked?" Nicola raised an eyebrow.

"You heard me," Angela replied with a smirk. "What's the matter, Miss 'You wanna see my tits for a dollar' ain't up to it?"

Nicola wasn't about to back down now. She raised her chin. "Naked. No problem. I only hope you're up to it." The two starlets glowered at each other for a moment longer.

Scott smiled, no doubt amused at the unexpected turn this was taking. With the room all ready, it was time to get on with the festivities. "You ladies ready to enjoy yourselves?" he asked.

"I sure will," Angela replied.

"Me too," Nicola quickly added.

"I can't wait," squealed Darci.

"You all know your places. Now, just remember what you have to do. For now, keep filling glasses, flirting a little, and make sure everyone is having a fabulous time. That'll just be to warm everybody up. I'll let you know what to do when the party really starts up."

All three girls' eyes lit up with excitement. Tonight would be a night none of them would forget.

As the guests arrived, Scott had Darci greet them at the door. The ditzy blonde was enjoying herself, welcoming each of them very warmly indeed. For her efforts, Darci was handsomely rewarded by the men with some very affectionate groping, and Nicola could see the giggling bimbo was having difficulty keeping her clothes in order. It was obvious that whilst liberties had been taken with Nicola's nickname, and Angela's was a downright lie, "Dizzy" really was an accurate term for Darci Clay.

When they had finished molesting Dizzy at their leisure, the guys would come into the suite and be greeted by Nicola. She flashed them an inviting smile.

"Good evening gentleman, and welcome to the party. My name is Knickers, and it'll be my pleasure to serve you tonight." She continued to smile, even as the guests made crude jokes about her "serving" them. "Is there's anything you'd like me to get you from the bar?" The usual reply to this was "a couple of jugs" accompanied by some open leering down Nicola's blouse at her own very tempting couple of jugs. Nicola took it all in good humor, and laughed along with the guests, setting her beautiful breasts bouncing deliciously.

The room quickly filled with horny men from the movie industry, of all shapes and sizes, races and creeds. There must've been at least 2 dozen people present, all of them bustling to get near one of the three lovely hostesses, and all of them wearing very broad grins. Nicola was busy for the first half-hour or so, scurrying back and forth to the bar for drinks for her thirsty guests. With her hands full carrying a serving tray, her body was vulnerable to the many roving hands around her. Nicola initially fought to keep them at bay, but soon got so horny herself she did nothing to stop the wandering caresses that stroked her thighs, made their way up her skirt, and openly fondled her breasts. As she returned to the bar to fill another order, Nicola would adjust her low-cut dress to hide a naughty nipple that had worked its way free.

Needless to say, Nicola was loving all the attention. Being a model, she just loved being looked at, and the amorous affection her body was receiving was just the icing on the cake. As she squirmed with delight at yet another pair of hands cupping her boobs, Nicola found herself giggling as inanely as Dizzy had been just a few moments ago.

Speaking of Dizzy, it was obvious she was becoming the real hit of the party, no doubt due to the size of her chest and her complete lack of inhibitions. Dizzy was fighting a losing battle to keep her tits inside her dress, and unlike Nicola had apparently given up on some semblance of decorum. As she glanced over at her now, both Dizzy's massive, snowy white boobs were hanging out, as Dizzy, her hands full with glasses, did her best to serve her very happy guests.

Angela was also enjoying her fair share of attention. While a complete bitch to her fellow starlets, Angela was more than accommodating towards men. She was wide-eyed and grinning as a man reached down the front of her dress to retrieve an olive that had somehow made its way down her front. "Slut," thought Nicola to herself, and the next moment beamed with pleasure as one of the men behind her slid an olive down her cleavage. "Sorry, gorgeous, let me get that for you."

"Why, thank-you, kind sir," Nicola said coquettishly, as his hand disappeared between her tits.

With everyone nursing a full glass, the pace settled down a little, and the girls were able to kick back and chat with the guests. Nicola's sexy Australian accent made her an exotic treat for the movie people used to the Californian beach bunny.

"Uh-huh," Nicola replied to yet another question about her homeland, "sure there's plenty of topless sun bathing back home. It wasn't until I moved here I even bought a bathing suit with a top."

"You sure do have a great all over tan," drawling one of the guests, staring hungrily at her barely-covered breasts.

"Why thank-you," she replied.

"Do you have any trouble doing nude scenes?" someone else asked.

"Of course not, silly," Nicola replied. "I used to be a professional nude model. Why, sometimes I just find it so distracting to wear clothes at work." She laughed, and the men joined in. "I just looove my work," Nicola added. "Yeah, so do we!" someone called out.

The men parted for a moment to allow Dizzy through. She was circulating through the crowd carrying the glass bowl in both hands. Hanging around her neck on a chain, and nestled between her boobs, was a small pocketbook and a pen. The bowl had a number of folded pages in it.

"Hi guys! Everyone having a good time?" she asked. They cheered in reply.

"I know I sure am," said Nicola with a grin. "I haven't had this many men crowded around me since I did a nude modelling shoot on Santa Monica pier!"

"Well, I know you're all going to love what Scott's got planned for later on. He wants each of you guys to write your names on a piece of paper, fold it, and drop it into the bowl."

The guests willingly complied, especially as doing so involved diving into Dizzy's cleavage to take a page and get the pen. With her tits groped yet again, Dizzy moved on. Nicola licked her lips, excited at what Scott might have in mind. Some kind of raffle, perhaps? And just what were the prizes going to be?

"So, 'Knickers', eh?" Someone asked. "Where did you get that name from?"

Nicola blushed on cue, remembering the story. It wasn't true, but she always got a thrill out of telling it.

"When I was at school, one day we had P.E."


"Physical Education. Gym. Anyway, I was in the changing room, with all the other girls, and I was about to change into my P.E. gear. Suddenly, I realised I had forgotten to put any panties on when I left for school. When I took my skirt off, I was completely naked from the waist down. One of the other girls noticed, and started laughing. Then, everyone joined in. I thought I was going to die. But I survived, and it was my first time naked in public. Anyway, they started calling me Knickers. It wasn't to be cruel or anything, just a nickname. And I've sorta had it ever since."

The men were packed around her so tightly that Nicola had at least four male bodies squeezed against her, with those unlucky enough to be further away reaching through to stroke an arm or a leg. She could feel bulging crotches pressed against her body. Nicola was so tall, and the man on her right so short, that the crotch of his tented trousers rubbed against her bare thigh. Nicola shivered with delight. She was the centre of attention, and all those straining cocks were there for her.

Just then, a roar of delight went up from a group of men clustered around another of the hostesses. Nicola craned to get a look at what was going on, and saw Angela, obviously offering to pick something up that had been dropped, bending over and pushing her ass into the air. As she lent over, her skirt rode up further and further, exposing her bare backside to the jubilant crowd. They came up far enough to reveal her bare pussy. Angela wasn't wearing any panties! Angela looked over her shoulder and gave a wicked grin. Nicola felt a rush of indignation that Angela was stealing her audience, and desperately tried to think of someway to win them back. Dizzy did so first, and called out in a loud voice:

"I can do tricks with my boobs! Look!"

All eyes now turned to Dizzy, as first one breast, and then the other, and then in unison, began to jump out of her dress of their own accord. Her trick was greeted with applause from all.

Scott chose that moment to call for everyone's attention. He was standing on the raised area of the suite, next to the glass bowl, which was now full of the names of every man in the room.

"Alright, everybody, let's kick this party into high gear!" This announcement was greeted by a yell from the crowd. Scott waited until the commotion settled down. "Can I ask for our three lovely hostesses to make their way up here with me."

Nicola, Angela and Dizzy made their way forward. Nicola's stomach swum with excitement. She couldn't stop smiling as she looked out on the room full of horny, eager men.

"Now you've all had a chance to mingle with these ladies, but what say we really get to know them intimately?" Scott called. His audience hooted in reply. Scott pulled the grinning Dizzy to the front of the crowd. He was like a cheesy gameshow host, introducing the contestants. Or maybe about to hand out the prizes. "Tell us what your name is, sweetheart?"