Holy Order of Revisionist Saints Ch. 06

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Saving Will's family, and a close encounter.
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Chapter 26

We were arguing! Well, not exactly arguing but not totally agreeing on how to move forward with what we knew had to be done. I had to fuck many people. My lovers could not all agree on how to proceed and organise everyone into the house. The sisters were all for doing the women first, my other two for the men. Tamsyn and Florence wanted to separate the children from parents, Marion wanted to keep family units together. Sabrina wanted to keep all the adult women in the cells and allow the men and younger children to be together in the house.

Our hosts kept out of it and looked upon us with amusement, especially after the women had been talking for a while, they immediately stopped and stared at each other. No-one was giving way and they had reached a stand-off. Harry had stayed and I could see he was about to intervene when my women came to what appeared to a consensus. I knew this because after many eye moves with each looking carefully at the others, they all nodded at the same time. I could see the others in the room breathe a sigh of relief because the atmosphere around the table had been heavy and loud.

As one my four stood and turned toward me, moving as a single unit they pulled me from my chair and frog marched to the bedroom. I looked back to see startled expressions watching us leave. Closing the bedroom door they stripped themselves and then me, pushed me to the bed and proceeded to fuck the daylights out of me, and each other. If we all thought the discussions had been loud, their love making left that in the dust. My cock was pulled and pushed into every vagina as they fought over who should be the first for my load.

In the space of a minute after getting naked I was inside three of them and on the way to the fourth. I gave up trying to work out which cunt was on my cock for the simple reason it wasn't any single one long enough, and I couldn't see down there anyway. My face became a battleground for whichever crotch was too far from my cock. It was a rushed line of pussy to mouth, or mouth to mouth as I had to kiss and lick whatever was pushed against my lips. It was hectic, uncontrolled, frenzied, and the most exhilarating time of my life.

Being the dominant male that I am I did what came naturally, I laid on my back and left them to it. They had their reasons and methods, I was only their master, what would I know.

I think they started to get tired as things began slowing down, and it only took an hour, I think. An hour of a frenzied sexual attack and I had not yet cum. I still had no idea who or what part of anyone's anatomy was on my cock as I think they had added mouths to the string of vaginas covering it. The slow down did allow for someone to remain on me for a couple of minutes and I finally came. I was lazily sucking someone's pussy at the time, but recall hearing a female scream of "Yes! I won!" At that they all got off the bed, put on some robes and marched out of the room. I remained on the bed wondering what the hell had just happened. Marion returned a minute later to assist me into a robe and back to the round table discussion.

Pushed into a seat with my wife firmly planted on my lap, only after she surreptitiously opened the bottom of my robe and pulled her own up. Her bare butt was touching my naked lap. I don't know why, but she had her reasons I guess. It was Sabrina who made the announcement of the decision we had made. Had me stumped, as I don't recall any talking.

"Okay everyone, here is what is going to happen. Adult women would be left in the cells until I had done my thing to them, only one per room. The men and children will be brought out and kept under supervision. Florence and Tamsyn will make sure they are made aware of the rules. They are more likely to obey women who were in the church system, they can talk the talk better.

"We won't be changing the men at first because their children need them. We are lucky in that there would be no real bond between the kids and their mothers. So it won't matter if they are around, or not, anyway. Face it, they have no idea about kids, and in their current state won't care.

"We will start with the oldest female and work our way down. This way we remove the greatest resistance first. The younger ones with less time under the control should be easier to manage. Once the females are fixed we can move on to the men. If the men all need two days to recover we have the others to cover for their care of the children.

"Okay. Any questions?"

I think everyone bar the four women sat there speechless as to how these decisions had been made. I had my theories, but for the most part they were too outlandish and unbelievable, belonging in a science fiction story. My thoughts on the hows and whys were cut short as Marion stood and pulled me from the room, firstly covering me up. Without ceremony I was naked and back on the bed with my four lovers, also naked and back to doing the thing we all do together when in our bed. They were extremely vocal, and extremely dedicated to sharing my cum between them.

It was late afternoon before I was awoken by a knock on our door, and Harry calling out that Rob was awake. This time I dressed in clothes before leaving the room.

Chapter 27

The upper level in the main house had been set up with dormitory accommodation, as well common rooms. There was even a basic kitchen. More than enough to house my brothers and brothers-in-law with their children. It was odd talking to the men now that I had lost my submissive nature. Knowing they had all been fully emasculated by drugs and mind control was a sad thing to witness.

Having learnt of the way Marion's male family members had viewed my change of status, my women went all out to impress my superior status on the men and children. They always referred to me as Master, even giving little bows of deference to me. My opinion was sought out and they always thanked me for my decisions. I found it a bit nauseating, but it seemed to work. Even the children looked at me as though I was larger than life.

I loved the moment that Tamsyn's two kids rushed to me to get a hug, and as I carried them they urged me to go play in the yard. I knew this was normal for them and I thought there was no way this could be staged. At least the happiness this pair showed had to be genuine. My love of playing with the two kids must have shown through in my interaction with them. Inviting the other kids to join us in the back yard made it become a bit crowded. Fortunately the sand pit was clean and had lots of spades, buckets and toy earthmoving machinery. The three of us were laughing and building castles when we were slowly joined by the other kids, boys as well as girls. Even my oldest teenage nephew and niece started playing. I ignored the rules of being a manly man and let the tears fall at the laughter and excitement I was seeing on their faces.

There were other toys in the yard that we had accumulated for when we had more families here. Eventually children grow bored doing the same things and drifted around the yard. They soon had their own fathers and uncles enjoying free time to just have fun and enjoy the moment.

The men also got a surprise when their own kids happily went to my women and easily interacted with them. Experience said that females wanted nothing to do with children, and the kids learned very early to stay away from women. Here was a natural occurrence that was opposite of everything they knew. But here the kids were interacting with my women, and I could see the wonder on the faces of the females. They were as amazed as the men that these children were playing with them as though it was natural and they had always been doing it.

Soon enough I had to pull away and tend to business, and as I left the yard so too did my women, with obvious hesitance. They knew we had things to sort out. I had six females in our locked cells, and I had only one method to help them break from the mind control that was forced on them since birth.

My thoughts were in doubt that I was doing the right thing. Saving them from the cult was on the plus side and the only reason I was going to do anything. I had to face the negative side that I could be just changing them from the church cult to my own. I hoped I didn't become like those women in the church hierarchy and force my demands on them. If I did nothing then these people, my family, would continue with the abuse towards others and to themselves. They were each both abuser and abused. At the end of my soul searching I had one overriding path to follow, one for which it seems I was born to walk this earth. Somehow my body could right the wrongs brought about by others, and I could only do what was necessary. I had by this time plonked myself on the end of our bed and watched each of my four women, lovers, wives, or whatever they have become, enter the room to place themselves around me. They all positioned themselves to be as close as possible to me. When I smiled their faces lit up like a fireworks display. It was then I felt good about myself, that at least I wasn't alone on my journey.

Chapter 28

Marion spoke first, breaking the silence, "Well Master, are you ready to begin saving the family. The women are all isolated in their rooms. We tested it out and with the doors closed they are almost totally soundproof. With two doors closed it is impossible to hear from one room to another, so we don't have to worry about getting interruptions from the other women whilst we help them."

Sabrina added, "We have also made sure the clothing they are wearing is easy to remove. We also have something for you to wear when you first enter the rooms. No point advertising your intentions too early, they might get a bit more feisty towards you. Your clothing will also come off easy, and we have many spares in case it rips or stains too badly."

Florence then presented me with my new outfit, although I had to wonder how it wouldn't be advertising my intentions. It was so light, thin and close fitting that my manly proportions had to be visible through it, at least outlined by it.

Tamsyn helped remove my current clothing and helped Florence dress me in what was similar to paper overalls, in a thin material with wide gaping extremely short legs. As part of our research into male to male sex we had watched a gay parade, and I thought this outfit would have made first prize if they had a competition. Considering the touching and lustful expressions from my women I guess they didn't consider it to be too gay. They didn't even let me wear underpants, and with what they were doing to me my cock was certainly on display.

All four women were going to be present when I did the deed, letting me know they approved of exactly what I had to do. I really appreciated their support and said so. Huge mistake. It took me an hour and another four cum loads to leave the room, and I needed a new set of overalls as the original set had been ripped off me. I also felt fully warmed up after releasing four loads of cum. A bit like the article I read about athletes warming up before a race. At least my cock was flaccid for the walk through the house to the other building. I was also pleased that all the others had been moved elsewhere on the property. I would have hated for the young kids to see me in this outfit.

There were six rooms on one side of the corridor and Annette was in the first we came to. Florence said they were in rooms in order of priority. No guesswork required.

We arrived at the door and I paused, "Wait a moment. Let me take a few deep breaths first to prepare myself. I know what I have to do is necessary, but I am still forcing myself on a woman. Even with your help and assistance it still goes against all that I am to do this."

After a group hug Florence unlocked the door and we entered unannounced. Of course Annette knew we coming in from hearing the door latch. She stood there by the bathroom door, wide eyed and stiff as a board. I could see she was angry and ready to resist anything and everything. She made a hissing sound at us I could hear her frustration at being treated like she has been. Her anger might have held more sway toward me if she wasn't wearing a similar outfit to my own. I did notice it was as short as mine, but the bottom part was a skirt instead of pants. It was also totally pink; bright, fluorescent, blind your eyes, pink. Her arms did a sudden move to place her hands on her hips, which puffed the skirt out displaying the matching panties, which I think may have been in that G-string style. She may not have the body of a younger woman, but her extra weight was carried well for a middle aged woman with three grown children.

"About bloody time you came to let me out. You cannot treat me, or my brethren like this. We are all free women of the church and demand to be treated with the courtesy due to our position. I won't even go into what I think of you whores who sold out to a stupid male. And you little brother, how dare you even think you will get away with this. I don't know what they do in the education centre but I will gladly put you there myself."

I could feel my women bristle at the words being spat at us, and I responded before they got into a slinging match.

"My poor dear mistaken sister. Your own church committee are the whores."

Her expression was one of amazement, probably at the gall of a man to talk back to a woman. Her words though continued their vitriol.

"How dare you say such things of our leaders. Your own mother is one of that illustrious committee."

"Sister, haven't you ever looked at the names they use? Women of the Holy Order of Revisionist Saints," but she just blankly looked at me, so I spelled it out for her, "W H O R S. Get it? It spells whores."

Annette spat out, with a little less venom, "Imbecile."

"Not to worry," and I turned to look at my companions, trying to show as much confidence as possible, "Time to do what we came for, perhaps you could help get her in the mood," and the five of us laughed.

Seeing us take a step forward Annette rushed into the bathroom, but without a lock on the door or anything to bar it from opening my women were able to bring her back. They had her stand in front of me with her back to the bed. This was my last chance to stop what I was about to do, but with a sigh I pushed forward. Fortunately her arms were held back and all I had to do was dodge a well aimed bite.

Next she tried to kick me me, but I stepped in closer so her foot flew past me. Not that her bare feet could do any damage to me, more likely she would hurt her own toes. With my arms around her body I held her tightly to me. I didn't know anyone's eyes could get so large as these when she must have felt my erection press against her. I could see the realisation hit her as to what we planned to do and she went into hyperdrive trying to fight us off. As expected her efforts were unsuccessful as my helpers pushed her back to lie on the bed. Between the four women her arms and legs were securely held. She actually screamed when I tore her clothing off, and yes she was wearing a bright fluorescent G-string. This I tore off as well. I then tried to remove my own suit, but ended up just tearing it off. I then grabbed her at both knees to provide me with access to her pussy, releasing them only after I my body was close enough to keep her legs spread wide. Sabrina was to my right and holding a jar in one hand. I dipped a finger in and wiped the lubricant onto my cock.

Her eyes bugged out as she stared at my hand rubbing all over my erection. I don't think she could think quickly enough by this time to even scream. I used my fingers to ensure she was open enough for me and insert some more lubricant. The petrified look on her face almost stopped me from proceeding. Gritting my teeth, thinking of the greater good I plunged part of my cock into her vagina. I may not want it to take too long, but I didn't want to hurt her more than I could help. By the time I was fully inserted she had stopped fighting us and I could almost see her moaning at the sensations.

When I had 'saved' my women I had been overtaken by my other self and didn't really comprehend things fully. I had little memory of details. This time it was me doing this, allowing me to become aware of little things. In one plunge inwards a little pre-cum was let loose and Annette moaned as though in appreciation. After a few emissions of this liquid she was getting into the activity and my women had loosened their hold of her. With her arms and legs free she had wrapped them around me holding me tightly to her. She actually climaxed before I finished, which made me happy as I made one last plunge to empty myself into her. She had a large orgasm as my cum blasted into her. When I pulled back my sister rolled to her side into a fetal position and slept.

Sabrina opened the bag she had dropped at the door, returned the jar and passed me another outfit. A packet of wipes also came out and she cleaned my cock. I hadn't even noticed she had carried it before. We silently left the room, locking the door behind us. I opened my arms and my four women rushed into my arms. I could see that all of us were suffering from the strain of what we had just done. That was a very intense time.

Marion asked, "Will, do you need a rest and take some time to recover before we go through that again? We'll abide by whatever you decide."

I considered what I needed and answered, "No, I think I need to keep going. Who's next?"

Marion answered me, "Your brother Sam's wife. Gail's the next oldest at 38."

I sighed and walked slowly to the next door. As different as chalk and cheese, I believe is the saying. Gail is an extremely beautiful woman, and the very-pink outfit was very becoming on her. What surprised us was the difference in her attitude to what we expected after our interlude with Annette. Gail was quiet and sedate. She had already worked out why she was dressed in such a slutty outfit and was resigned to it. I wouldn't say she was cooperative, more just passively giving in, as she was positioned for me and didn't fight against us. Her expression never matched her physical submission and more than once I considered that if looks could kill I would have died as soon as we entered the room. I think the only change was when she realised I would be doing the deed as I bent down to give her vagina a taste, and even then she only shrugged. Like all the others though she rolled into a ball and went to sleep after we climaxed together.

We left her sleeping as we walked out, I realised that I wasn't as fatigued as I had been worried I would be. I had even managed to have a decent wash in the bathroom sink. Locking the outer door behind us I just raised my eyebrows at Marion, getting her answer immediately.

"Priscilla, she's 36, but then you should already know your sister's age."

I nodded as Sabrina handed me another outfit. I was really glad they weren't pink. After the first two reactions I wondered at how my other sister would be. She was possibly the least attractive member of my family and tended to follow the crowd. I wasn't disappointed, she didn't put up much resistance, once it was made obvious that she couldn't stop it. Surprising me was that she removed her clothing stating it was horrid to wear and with her overweight body made her look like a pink marshmallow. We didn't disagree.

The only resistance she offered was to tell me, "You will be caught by our church people and made to pay for anything you do," making me think about how nobody ever mentioned God or Jesus or any other ecclesiastical figurehead, only the church or its committee. Not even those 'Revisionist Saints' that figure prominently in the name of the church get a mention.