Home Alone


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He was still licking her clit, and now, she grabbed his pate with both hands holding his head tightly against her.

The unintelligible sounds she was making literally sounded as though she was crying, but he couldn't look up to see. "Oh, yeah, I'm fucking coming!" she actually yelled along with a string of more sounds he took to be pleasurable. Her body twitched a few times. Then she pushed his head away.

"Where'd you fucking learn that?" she wanted to know.

"I don't know. Heard about it."

"That was fucking fantastic! I've never had such an intense orgasm. Stick your fucking dick in me now!"

Vanessa slid to a mostly supine position as Nelson knelt on the sofa. Smirking at her use of so many F-bombs, he drove his hard cock into her soaked pussy. Not only did it feel juicy, but it made fucking her sweet.

"That's it! Fuck me. Fuck me."

He assumed that meant she wanted it hard, so he really plowed her, noting his dick coated in a shiny liquid.

"That's it. I'm going to come again. I'm going to come on my stepbrother's cock. If that's not the fucking hottest thing."

The word nympho came to Nelson's mind as he screwed the shit out of his stepsister. He wasn't certain what the exact definition of the word was, but as he understood it, it surely seemed to fit Vanessa. Could any guy be as lucky to have a girl who liked to fuck so much?

She pushed him away, but only to sit him up and mount him facing him. Leaning forward, she kissed him, but was pivoting back and forth too fast for the kiss to be effective. She then pressed her cheek to his and groaned as her second orgasm overtook her. She ground her pussy into him as though so doing would enhance her climax. Whether it did was hard to determine, but it did bring him to the edge.

"Oh, fuck. I'm going to come, too." And it felt like it was going to be a big one.

Vanessa hurriedly slid off him onto the floor, grabbing his dick and mouthing it all in one motion. She was barely just in time as he started firing jets of steamy cum, some drops hitting her lips and chin before she had him completely in her mouth. He was blasting so much, and she was feeling so wicked, she didn't attempt to swallow much, but rather preferred the nastiness of allowing it to ooze out of her mouth, down her chin, onto his balls. To finish, she held his dick at the base and rubbed the head around her lips coating her skin with white, pearly liquid.

Sitting beside him, Vanessa reached for her shirt and used it to wipe her face clean. She then used it to somewhat hide her face.

"Something wrong?" Nelson asked.

"I'm embarrassed," she admitted.


"I got carried away. Every time we do it, it just gets better and better. That time made me so horny I really felt naughty."

"So, how did that embarrass you?"

"I don't want you to think I'm a slut. I mean, I really like sex, and every time we do it just makes me want to do more things."

"I don't think you've done anything slutty. This is all new to us so we're just, you know, learning what we like."

"That was a wonderful way of putting it. Are we doing it too much?"

"How much is too much?"

"I don't know," Vanessa answered with a shrug. "I just wanted to take advantage of the time we have before the folks come back. Don't know what opportunities we'll have after that."

"There is that."

They went back to watching the cooking show, which was just about over. When it was, Vanessa said, "Guess I'll go take a shower."

"Okay. That made me hungry. I'm going to find something to eat."

"There's leftover pizza from yesterday."

* * *

Having now fucked his stepsister three times, Nelson did not need to sneak after her to spy on her showering, but he did watch her walk up the stairs naked. Looking at her while they were having sex was amazing but seeing her nude doing something ordinary like walking up the stairs really brought her beauty alive, made him appreciate her more as a young woman than just someone to fuck.

In the kitchen, Nelson put two slices of pizza on a paper plate and into the microwave for a minute. While waiting, he grabbed a Pepsi from the refrigerator. He took a bite of pizza as soon as he pulled it out, but it was hot, so he had to take a quick sip of his soda. That was as far as he got when the front doorbell rang.

Nelson hadn't seen fit to dress. He figured that even though his stepsister was showering, she'd likely want to fuck again before long. Now, he had to scramble to jump into his shorts--sans underwear--and T-shirt.

The peephole revealed an attractive girl at the door, so he didn't hesitate to open it. She wasn't as gorgeous as Vanessa, though he was sure there was some prejudice in that belief, but she was close.

"Hi," the girl greeted. "Is Vanessa here?"

"Who wants to know?" Nelson asked in a flirtatious voice.

"I'm her friend from school. Janelle." She smiled seductively. "You must be her new stepbrother," she noted in a similar tone.

"Yeah. Nelson. She's in the shower, but you can come in and wait."

"That would be great! Thanks."

But then, Nelson became concerned that maybe Janelle was not someone Vanessa liked. Oh, well, too late now. Following Janelle in, Nelson noticed she wore not a T-shirt, but a T-shirt-type shirt that showed off some fair-sized tits and a short jean skirt revealing nice legs. And when she sat on the sofa, setting her phone on the armrest, she crossed her legs and he got to see a lot of thigh. Of course, he had to wonder if she'd be a good fuck.

"How long have you and Vanessa known each other?" Nelson asked to make polite conversation.

"All through high school."

With a nod, Nelson mused, "I wonder if she'll go back to your school or transfer to mine now that she'll be living here."

"I hope she does come back to our school."

"I don't know if our parents have even talked about that."

Janelle merely shrugged, the movement causing her arm to push her phone onto the floor. "Oops," she said with a giggle.

"I'll get it," Nelson offered, and when he knelt, Janelle spread her legs giving him a clear view up her skirt. She was wearing panties. He looked up to hand her the phone and she gave him another seductive smile.

"Nelson, could you come up here for a second," Vanessa called from the top of the stairs. "Hey, Jan, be down in a minute."

"Take your time."

Nelson took his time walking up the stairs. For some silly reason, he didn't want Janelle to think he was under his stepsister's orders.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Vanessa asked in a heated whisper, pushing him into his bedroom, which was the nearest to the stairs.

"What do you mean?" he asked innocently.

"Flirting with my friend?"

"I wasn't flirting. You didn't hesitate to look up her skirt."

"Well, it was there in my face."


"If we're going to be together, I've got to know that you won't go chasing after every pretty girl that comes along."

"I was just being polite."

She gave him a stern look, then walked off. He followed her only as far as the stairs and watched her descend. He saw the two girls hug but couldn't hear much of what they were saying.

A minute later, Vanessa returned halfway up the stairs and advised, "I'm going to the mall with Janelle."

"Do you have to?"

"We have to keep up appearances," Vanessa said. "I can't let her think I'd rather stay home with you. I noticed the way she looked at you. She'll insinuate something and I don't want to have to have to deny it."

"I guess you're right."

"I'll try not to be gone long."


Vanessa turned to glance down at her friend who was busy staring at something on her phone, so she gave Nelson a quick kiss on the lips.

* * *

Though they'd only spent about 24 hours together so far, Nelson was suddenly lost without Vanessa around. He went up to her bedroom, which she'd actually only occupied for two nights now, just to take in her aura. In addition, the room had her distinctly sweet scent. He had no intention of snooping around, although he did consider fishing her panties out of the dirty clothes hamper for a whiff, but he thought that would be silly.

Back downstairs, he returned to the kitchen to finish his pizza, which he had to reheat. After that, he tried to watch a movie, but could only pay half attention. The hours wore on, and he kept checking the time wondering when she would return. He considered calling her cell but remembered he didn't yet have her number. Morning became afternoon which became evening, and by sundown, he was becoming concerned about her. He considered calling his dad to get Vanessa's cell number from her mother, but he didn't want to risk worrying them or getting her in trouble.

Worried though he was, Nelson could hardly keep his eyes open as his fourth movie neared its end. What followed were weird dreams, one in which a snake or something was creeping up the leg of his shorts. It was enough to make him shudder and abruptly awaken. He was both relieved and annoyed that the intrusion was Vanessa's hand reaching up his pants leg for his cock.

"Where the hell have you been?" He groggily asked.

"I couldn't get Janelle to bring me home. We stayed at the mall until it closed. We must have hit every store there. And then she wanted to get something to eat."

"I was worried."

"I'm sorry. I would have called, but I didn't have your cell number. We'll need to exchange those in the morning." She was gently stroking his cock in his shorts. "Let me make it up to you."

Nelson really was too tired. In addition, he didn't want to be at her beck and call when she wanted to fuck. He might regret that later, but for now, that's how he felt. "Not now. I'm glad you're home safe, but I just want to go to bed."

"Oh. Okay." Vanessa didn't expect that, and it disappointed her.

Nelson got up from the sofa, went upstairs and to the bathroom before getting ready for bed. As he lay there attempting to fall back asleep, Vanessa came into his room. He looked up at her with a frown, wondering what she was doing, or if she was refusing to accept that he really wanted to go to sleep. She merely smiled at him and stripped all her clothes off.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Can I sleep with you?"

"I guess. If you really mean sleep."

"Of course." So, she climbed into bed with him, snuggling close, her skin cool against his causing him to shiver until their body heat evened out. Surprisingly, she kept her hands to herself, which he didn't really expect, but was glad because he didn't think he could have resisted her otherwise.

That was the last thing he remembered.

* * *

"What the hell is going on here?"

It was loud enough not only to awaken them but also to scare the shit out of them. And if that wasn't enough, opening their eyes revealed a sight that was even more frightening: their parents standing at the foot of Nelson's bed. The looks on their faces were not those of parents who missed their kids.

"What are you guys doing here?" Nelson asked.

"We felt bad for leaving the two of you alone not really knowing each other well," Nelson's dad explained. "But it looks like you've really gotten to know each other."

"You said your son was a nice, respectable young man," Vanessa's mom said. "l wouldn't call this respectable. Go to your room, Vanessa."

"We'll talk about this when I'm done with her," her mom said to Nelson's dad.

"Talk about what? Doesn't look to me like she was there against her will."

"Both of you, stop!" Vanessa shouted. "You wanted us to get to know each other. We did!"

"We didn't say sleep together."

"You didn't say not to," Vanessa argued.

"Don't get smart with me. Go!"

Giving her mother the evil eye, Vanessa slid out of the bed, slowly retrieved her clothes, and defiantly walked to her room naked.

Her mother followed her, shaking her head.

Father and son went to the door and watched as they disappeared into Vanessa's bedroom.

"Well, shit!"

"I'm sorry, dad," Nelson offered.

He gave his son a look. "Do I want to know how this happened?"

"Believe it or not, she started it, not that I'm trying to blame her."

"Really? So, how far did it go? Did you fuck her?"

"Have you seen her? How could I resist that?"

* * *

"You're making a huge mistake," Vanessa warned as she slipped a robe on. "He's the best thing that's ever happened to you."

"You think I don't know that? But I have more than myself to consider."

"Nelson is really a good guy, mom. You don't have to worry about him."

"And yet, he got you to sleep with him. What else did he get you to do?"

"I wanted to sleep with him."

She wasn't expecting that. "Why?"

"Because I like him. And he likes me."

"Did you have sex with him?"

Vanessa thought quickly, but there was no way to avoid answering. Then she decided to defiantly admit, "Yes. And it was divine."

"Well, isn't that just special."

"Yeah. It was."

Mom huffed. Shaking her head, she stepped closer to her daughter. "Vanessa, don't you think you're too young to have sex "

"No, I'm not. I'm eighteen. That's legally old enough."

"Wow, you've just got an answer for everything, don't you?" Mom turned to walk out. "We're not done yet."

As she passed Nelson's room, her husband fell in behind. She led him to the kitchen where they were out of hearing range of the teens.

She turned to her husband with a big smile on her face.

He frowned in confusion. "Now, you're happy?"

"Yes! Sorry I barked at you up there, but I was hoping something like this would happen."

"I wanted them to get along also. But I didn't expect it to go this far. You have to believe that Nelson is not--"

"Let me explain. Vanessa has a girlfriend that she is very close to. Janelle. I've been fearing that the two might be having a lesbian relationship. I have no real proof, just circumstantial evidence, but I haven't seen her show any interest in boys."

"Why would it be wrong for her to be a lesbian?"

"It wouldn't. I just wanted her to at least try a relationship with a boy. How could she know for sure otherwise?"

"She could be bisexual."

"And there would be nothing wrong with that, either. I just want her to be certain."

"Then why did you come down so hard on her?"

"Because if I hadn't, it would have had the opposite effect. I know my daughter. I had to let her argue it out. I did learn that she really does like your son. That's a good sign."

"So, what happens now? You've probably pissed her off. What will this do?"

"Nothing. She's very headstrong. If she wants him, I won't be able to stop her. Hell, she'll probably sneak into his room tonight."

"You're sure about all of that?"

"Yeah, I'll let her cool down a bit and then go talk to her again later. I'll slowly come around. She'll think she's convincing me."

"You're devious. I better keep my wits about me."

She laughed. "Yeah, you better not cross me."

* * *

"She's not as clever as she thinks she is," Vanessa said with a smirk as they eavesdropped just outside the kitchen. To Nelson's concerned expression, she said, "And no, I have no lesbian interest in Janelle, nor am I bisexual. I knew she had this concern about me and Janelle. I overheard her talk about it on the phone with a friend of hers."

"So, was everything we did just to prove a point?" Nelson wanted to know.

"No. I didn't know they would catch us. But I'm glad they did because now they know, and they're okay with it. I do like you and I like to fuck you!"

"I guess that's good enough for me."

"Let's go back upstairs." So, the two teens quietly snuck back to her bedroom.


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KerrionKerrion8 months ago

Too fast with the kids practically jumping into sex together as soon as the parents leave. Especially with them both being virgins and not knowing each other at all. Other than that, a good story. 4/5


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Awesome plot, this got me real hard and horny

Prospecting_for_snowProspecting_for_snowalmost 2 years ago

I enjoyed the unexpected plot twist at the end. was a better ending than I expected.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You write nice. Write more stories.

But please ... why did you end like that? your story did not need a shock at the end. It was continuing pleasantly, that shock interrupted the story and the emotion. Like you made a perfect clay pot and at the end broke it ... !

Overall, nice story.

(Sorry, I'm not native English speaker)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


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