Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 045


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A ring of fire formed over her head, and the ground pulsated with electricity. Mike watched in awe as the electricity crawled up the wall and throughout the house, remembering that they were inside his head. Did his magic function differently here?

In the distance, thunder boomed over the ocean, and he felt a surge of heat flow through him. He grabbed onto Lily's hips and pushed himself deep, letting her swivel her hips around him.

"Fuck, I'm so close," he gasped, the sky outside the house going dark.

"I don't want to hear about how close you are, I want you to fill my ass!"

"Your wish... is... my..." He couldn't hold it any longer, and he let out a cry that shook the house, then filled her to the brim with his cum.

Lily's fingers tore through the mattress, and she cried out, the fiery halo over her head now shooting flames in every direction. Her eyes bugged out of her head, and she went limp against the top of the bed, allowing him to pump himself a few more times into her ass before losing control of his legs and falling down on top of her.

The room was silent for several minutes, save for the sounds of the two of them breathing. Mike's face cracked into a grin, and he pushed a lock of Lily's hair aside to reveal her ear.

"Now do you wanna cuddle?" he asked, his voice a whisper.

The bedspread beneath them caught on fire, and he let out a laugh and stood up, his dick slipping out of her. Lily grabbed the comforter and folded it up, putting out the flames, then turned to look at him, her eyes glowing red.

"Hey, it was just a joke." He held his hands up apologetically.

Lily let out a grunt, squinted her eyes, and then the giant dildo fell out of her, landing with a wet thud on the floor. It had a suction cup on the bottom, so it stuck in place, waving back and forth. Lily grunted again, and his semen dripped out of her ass, splattering on the floor next to it. Quite a bit of his spunk fell out, creating a huge mess on the floor.

"That's..." So many words ran through his mind, so he picked the one he figured would least likely get him in trouble. "So unladylike." He wrinkled his nose.

"The Dreamscape is self cleaning." She fixed her skirt, then adjusted her headband. "I haven't felt that full since my last gangbang."

"That... uh..." he wanted to ask more, but decided against it. "Okay."

"Oh, don't worry. It's still special when we do it." He was surprised when Lily threw herself at him, her cinnamon flavored tongue suddenly in his mouth. Stumbling backward in surprise, he bumped into the dresser, his hands grabbing the sides to steady himself.

Lily broke the kiss and stuck her hand in the mirror behind him. When he turned to watch, he saw that the surface of the mirror rippled like hot oil. Lily's hand clutched tightly to the shadow figure hiding in its reflection, pulling on his face like it was made of cloth.

"Gotcha, fucker. Now let's see who's under that mask!"

The mirror exploded, sending both of them across the room. Mike crashed into the wall, the wallpaper distorting like rubber behind him, allowing him to slide safely to the floor. Lily struggled to stand up, her wings and tail bursting into view.

"I'm going to hurt you so bad," she hissed, and stood to face the shadow.

Caretaker. The shadow's voice was a collection of whispers. It didn't even bother looking at Lily. I would speak with you.

"Oh, I don't think so, you nasty little pervert." Lily approached it, her hands morphing into claws. "Since you like to watch so much, I think you should watch me tear you a new asshole."

Enough. With the wave of a shadowy hand, Lily was smashed through the wall of the house by an unseen force, her headband falling to the floor. In the distance, he heard her shrieking with rage, her voice going quiet.

"Lily!" Mike ran to the hole, but all he could see was a series of holes through the house, eventually ending with the outside world and a fantastic view of the ocean. "What did you do to her?"

A succubus is a powerful weapon, yet you waste your time fornicating with her. The shadow's voice dripped with disgust. You have much power at your disposal, yet you squander it, achieving nothing. Your journey is far, and you take so few steps. I merely removed a distraction that we may speak.

"I'm not trying to achieve anything. We're all just trying to get by, and things have been really nice recently. Except for shit like this." He turned to the shadow and let his wrath bleed into the dream. The floor creaked beneath his feet, and the baseboards turned into gnarled claws that reached for the shadow's feet but couldn't quite reach.

And yet, one of your own has been taken. The shadow rippled, then walked to the door of the room. It is a slight that cannot be suffered.

Mike squinted his eyes at the shadow, curiosity overriding his anger. "And what would you know of it?"

I am not bound by any law, faerie or otherwise. I have seen the gilded cage, and heard the queen speak ill of you. Mark my words, she is a dangerous foe who would take the world from you if she could.

"I'm glad to hear that you care so much about my personal well being." Mike sat on the bed and crossed his arms. "I suppose the offer to help me for a price is coming now, right?" Every time the shadow spoke with him, it offered him immeasurable power for just a piece of his soul. Soul magic was extremely dangerous, and he had been warned about letting a piece of his go. The previous Caretaker, his Great Aunt Emily, had gone crazy and done shady things before she died, and he had a suspicion that the shadow had been the reason behind it.

The shadow hissed, a sound very much like boiling water. You would be wise not to discount my advice. The time will come when you will beg for my assistance, Caretaker. Your world will—

"Burn, right?" Mike finished the shadow's statement, tilting his head to look through the hole in the wall. In the distance, dark wings flapped furiously, and he could see the murderous gleam in Lily's eyes, even from this distance. "It's always about fire, the house burning, I'm burning, my world is burning, blah blah blah. Maybe we should make a different kind of deal?"

The shadow cocked its head. Such as?

"Tell me what I want to know and I'll keep her from kicking your ass."


Lily burst through the hole in the wall, her razor-sharp fingers closing around the shadow's neck.

"Nasty little fuck!" she shook her hands, but the shadow melted through her, his hands now closed tightly around her throat. Lily gasped in pain, her eyes bugging out and her tail striking at the shadow and hitting nothing. Mike tried to stand, but the air in the room was suddenly so dense that he could no longer move. He slid off the mattress, struggling to breathe.

Know your place, hellspawn. The shadow smashed the succubus into the ground, the floor splintering around her. It did this several times until Lily finally went still, her tail going limp against the floorboards. Pathetic. We shall speak again, Caretaker. Alone, next time.

Like a breath of fog, the shadow vanished. The heaviness dispersed, and Mike stood and rushed to Lily's aid.

"Are you okay?" He grabbed Lily by the arm and helped her up.

"It looks worse than it is. I'm going to have a killer headache when I get out of here, though." Lily lifted her head to reveal that several sharp splinters now stuck out of her face. "But, yeah, I'm fine."

"Is he gone?"

Lily spat out a piece of wood. "Yeah, but he was pissed. Whatever that shadow is, it's very powerful. I don't want you talking to it anymore."

"That's not a choice I get to make."

"And that's what worries me." Lily stepped back from Mike. "That thing shouldn't have been able to toss me around like that, not in here." She looked out the hole in the house. "I was miles out to sea before I could regain my bearings. That kind of willpower from a spirit should be impossible. It isn't a ghost, in case you were wondering."

"Well, I think we both know that the shadow isn't just a random spirit."

"Hmm." Lily turned her attention on him, her eyes smoldering. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I think I'm going to be keeping a closer eye on you for the foreseeable future."

"How... how would I take that the wrong way? It sounds like a nice thing."

Lily rolled her eyes. "Of course, you'd think it like that. Maybe it's about my own self-preservation, the idea that I actually like my freedom. I knew you would get all moon-eyed at me. You going to start writing me poetry now?"

"Maybe." He flicked a piece of wood off her shoulder. It hit the ground and turned to marbles, rolling in every direction. "I'm pretty awesome at haikus."

"Doesn't surprise me, since you're all about feelings and shit. Time to wake up now. I want you sleeping in your own bed from now on. Oh, and no making that door without me. I don't want that fucker watching you do it." Lily winked, and then popped like a bubble, vanishing from sight. An intense smell hit his nostrils and the world ruptured around him.

Mike opened his eyes and coughed, the air rich with the scent of sulfur. Groaning, he sat up, rubbing a sore spot in his neck. The floor was hard, and unforgiving, apparently, and the book he had used as a pillow lacked any sort of neck support.

"You are awake, Mike Radley."

He flinched at the sound of Death's voice, then looked up at the specter. "Have you been waiting there this whole time?"

Death shrugged. "I did not want to get separated in this place, so have remained by your side."

"I see." He groaned, then stood up. His legs hurt too. "I think we should take what we have and go meet up with the others. I feel like shit."

"Let us take our leave, then." Death's hood concealed all but his lower jaw, but Mike could feel the reaper's intense gaze on him. "Mike Radley, are you aware that a demon of Hell had sexual congress with you while you slept? She left just before you awoke."

"You... you saw that?"

"I did. I found it interesting."

"I, um..." Mike looked at Death. "Interesting like your maps?"

A chilly laugh emanated from Death, a laugh that echoed through the Library. "I found it fascinating to watch, and have so many questions!"

"Ah, geez." He and Death walked back through the stacks toward the large ledge overlooking the rest of the building.

"Are you in love with this demon, Mike Radley? Were you two making love? I have heard the term before, but find it quite silly. I guess you could claim that a child itself is a form of love, but how do you know if you are making love when you have to wait so long to find out that the woman is pregnant? Is it just wishful thinking to make such a statement?"

Mike sighed. "Her name is Lily. As for how I feel about her, let's just say that our relationship is extremely complicated." He looked out over the expanse of the Library and saw a distant carpet moving their way.

"You slept through the whole thing, Mike Radley. Did you not enjoy it? I know that humans sleep through things they find tedious or boring."

His cheeks burned. "It's how some demons do it is all."

"I see. Mike Radley, you seemed to suffer a series of seizures toward the end of your sexual encounter. Is your body okay? Are you well?"

Mike rolled his eyes, willing the carpet to come faster. Death continued to question him on the nuances of sex for the entire ride, and it became perfectly clear by the time they landed that Death wasn't going to let it go anytime soon.

He spotted the others in the Lobby. Tink was crashed out on a separate carpet with a giant stack of books nearby, and Sofia appeared in a flash of light, wheeling an empty cart into the Library. She had obviously dropped a load of them off in the house.

"So you're saying these seizures are pleasurable? People do it on purpose?" Death was sitting with his bony legs crossed, gazing up at Mike with a sense of wonderment.

Mike felt like he was a kindergarten teacher for the Damned.

"Look, you and I can talk about what an orgasm is later," he told Death. "Sex talk can be sensitive for some people, and I don't want to upset the others."

"I see." Death looked at the women by the entrance. "We must use discretion then."

"Yes, absolutely." He let out a sigh of relief, grateful that Death had gone quiet. When the carpet landed, Sofia approached him, holding her staff up.

"You've been gone a while." She looked past him at the cart full of books. "Hmm. Tink found way more books than you did."

"She had Reggie's help, though." He looked around. "Speaking of, where is His Majesty?"

"He went home hours ago. C'mon, let's get these to the dining hall, and then get you to bed. You look like shit."

"Gee. Thanks." He grabbed his cart and pushed it toward the exit, stopping long enough to shake Tink awake. She scrambled onto his back and locked her arms around his shoulders, then laid her head down. Death followed close behind, pushing the last cart. Back in the office, they pushed the carts over to the corner, setting them with the two that Sofia had already pushed through.

"That's a lot of books," he said, rubbing his eyes.

"And we'll get to them..." Sofia's eye squinted, and she opened her mouth wide, an enormous yawn escaping her. "Sorry about that. I'll catch up with you this afternoon. You're on your own for breakfast, if you get up before me."

"That's fair," Mike mumbled, then watched Sofia activate the magical bookshelf and vanish. Tink muttered something in her sleep, then lightly bit his shoulder.

"C'mon, little goblin, let's get to bed. Goodnight, Death."

"Goodnight, Mike Radley." The reaper gave a wave and then sat down at the desk. "I will think about what you have told me."

"Discreetly?" Mike asked.

"Very." Death winked, causing Mike to flinch.

"Good." He left the office behind and walked into the living room. The lights were all off, but he could see well enough to realize that someone was asleep on the couch. Walking slowly, he squinted, his eyes adjusting to the dark.

A loud thud startled him, and he nearly dropped Tink. He rushed over to the light switch and flicked it on, revealing that the figure on the couch was Beth.

"Hmm?" Beth yawned, stretching her arms so high that her shirt lifted, revealing her bare stomach. "Oh, it's you. Finally."

"Finally what?" Again, a loud thud. "What is that?"

Beth rolled her eyes. "Yeah, about that. Remember the stuff missing from the storage unit?"

"The stuff that got sold at auction? Of course." Honestly, he never thought of it. It had been gone before his arrival, and he figured it was already out in the wild, so why worry?

"Well, you got some of it back." Another thud came from the dining hall. "Here, let me show you."

Curious, he followed, but not before Tink slid down and sleepily drew a hammer from her belt.

"Tink smash, then sleep." The goblin yawned, then blinked weary eyes.

Beth lead them into the dining hall. The first thing Mike noticed was the cardboard box in the middle of the table. It had been duct-taped in place, but kept lifting itself off the ground. A squadron of rats were watching it, their tiny spears at the ready. Sitting atop the box, like a tiny cowboy, was the doll Jenny.

"What's in it?"

"No idea. Figured I would wait for you." Beth pointed in the corner. "There are five other boxes, but this one is restless, to say the least. So... you going to open it?"

Curiosity compelled him to do it, and he was at the edge of the table before he realized what was happening.

He thought about his conversation with Sofia, and even the one with Lily. Determined as he was to open the box and see what was inside, he was dead tired, and so were the others.

"You know what? It can wait for tomorrow." He turned to the rats. "Would that be okay?"

The rats looked to their leader, a heavy-set rat with a modified tin can for a helmet. The chunky rodent gave Mike a solemn nod.

"Good. C'mon, Tink. You can smash it later."

"Okay." Tink slid her hammer back into its holster and wandered off toward the stairs.

Mike turned his attention back to Beth. "So other than this box, anything I should know about?"

"I can tell you later. Nothing that can't wait." Her unkempt hair fell past her face, and she pulled it into a faux ponytail to get it out of her face. "Let's go to bed."

"Uh, yeah, uh..." It was stupid, but he felt his face heat up. Why was it so easy with the others? It wasn't something he could even remotely explain, but Beth still brought out the old him, the one who struggled with women. "Yep. Let's go to sleep in our beds."

If Beth noticed his awkwardness, she didn't acknowledge it. She walked ahead of him up the stairs, her wrinkled shirt caught on the edge of her pants, exposing the thick curves of her ass.

He did his best not to stare all the way up. Once in his room, he stripped to his boxers, turned off the light, and fell into his bed. Tink joined him, curling up behind his back.

He thought about the shadow, Cecilia, and the unknown boxes downstairs. Exhaustion claimed him, his thoughts becoming a tumbled heap as he slipped into the realm of dreams. Somewhere below, the box continued to thump in place like the beating of a cardboard heart.


Okay, so funny story, I didn't even know that Scooby-Doo was coming up on the 50th anniversary, I just thought it would be hot for Lily to dress up as Daphne and get Mike to fuck her. So... sorry Velma fans. Either way, I hope you enjoyed that scene, and the rest of the chapter as well.

Can't wait for the next chapter? Neither can I, but I am still writing it. Follow my bio to get notifications on release, or for those of you in the know, just click on it to see updates. I always change it on the day I hit submit (there's a few day delay before it posts here), but that's usually the easiest way to figure out when the next chapter is coming.

Don't forget to comment or send me feedback, I read it all, even if I don't respond (my email is a total clusterfuck anymore). As long as you keep encouraging me to do it, I will keep writing stories like this one.

That's enough from me, I'm off to mysterious Annabelle land where I do my Annabelle things. Take care of yourselves and each other, and have a great October!

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AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Thanks for the nice story Annabelle!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

That was pretty impressive. The dreamscape sounds amazing. And sex with Lilly dressed as daphne is something I never knew I wanted to read about. Who is the shadow?

AndebyAndebyabout 2 months ago

I adore Death. Still should be speaking in caps though, hahaha!

Dessert_RichardDessert_Richard5 months ago

Just wanted to say how much I am enjoying the stories in hfhm. I love this weird, wacky and wonderful family, fucked up as it is... But aren't all families fucked up in some ways.

Thank you for sharing this with us... And long may it continue

YourNeighbourYourNeighbour7 months ago

Sex Ed to the Grim Reaper is gold.

Thanks for the chuckle.

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