Home Movies

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Movies made at someone else's home.
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This story depicts interracial and mature sex, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


Alex knew he was taking a risk and yet because he worked on his own it was something he could get away with. Previously his old school friend, Chad, had moaned that his fledgling porn movie company was struggling to put out new content as the industrial unit he rented was only so big and although he decorated it differently on a regular basis so that it appeared a different set, his niche market of 'bored wife at home' movies would struggle if he couldn't come up with new content and part of that was the need for new sets.

The two had been inseparable in their mid-teen years and had done most of their adolescent exploring together whether it was getting drunk for the first time, dating, all the usual adolescent rights of passage. This kind of thing had cemented their friendship and indeed Chad's parents had been impressed by Alex sufficiently to bank role his fledgling Estate Agent company. Sadly, Chad's choice of career had been something of a disappointment to his parents who cut themselves off from Chad while continuing to support Alex, although afterwards he thought it prudent that he and Chad keep their friendship low key from his parents.

Alex's slightly slurred reply was "You mean your subscribers are bothered by the background scenery?" right before he belched and drained the rest of his drink.

Chad had looked perplexed as he answered "You're joking aren't you, there are a core of regular subscribers who comment on the finest of detail in the background, or what the actors say or what they are wearing. There are some seriously perverted individuals with way too much time on their hands." The conversation went elsewhere but later Chad brought the topic back, "I might end up buying one of your properties just so I get another couple of months of different scenes but then I can't afford it at the moment and I'd be stuck again in six months." This comment got Chad thinking and the next time he saw Alex asked, "Do you think I could 'rent' one of your vacant properties to use as a set?"

Alex looked very cautious as he slowly stated, "I want to help you, I really do but this might be construed a step to far."

Chad shrugged and replied "Don't sweat it dude. I'm not sure what your reservations are but it's certainly not big enough to come between us."

Alex mulled his words over as said "I'm not sure how my seller would react if they caught sight of their living room or kitchen appearing in a porno."

Chad leaned closer and with a conspiratorial look stated "How long does it take to sell a property?"

Alex considered the question for a few minutes before answering "The average house is on my books for four weeks but then it takes another four weeks to complete the property sign off."

Chad smiled as he leant back as he suggested "How about if I don't release the film for ten weeks after filming or you trigger it's release if the sale drags out?" Alex's expression showed that he was considering Chad's words and so he pressed on "Plus how many of your sellers or buyers are subscribers to my channel?"

Alex smiled back as he replied, "You make a valid point but what is in it for me?"

Chad was now the one to consider his reply. "I can't really afford to pay you a lump sum up front. I can probably factor you in for a percentage of sales" Chad replied before then leaping in with "Or I can fix you up with the model ever so often?" Now Alex had met a few of Chad's models and had been surprised by just how ordinary they were, pretty yes but just like every other person. There was the odd exception who proved to be just as raucous as he had expected but it seemed that the majority were indeed 'normal'. Chad could see from his friend's expression that he had hit on an idea that maybe was worth pursuing. "How about you come down to the studio next time you are in the area between appointments, you can then maybe see who is on set that day?"

Chad didn't have too long to wait as Alex dropped in two days later. He arrived while the two stars were taking a break and Alex felt a bit weird stood talking to the pair as the female lead was dressed in just a red lacy bodysuit while her male counterpart was topless showing off his well-muscled form; it didn't take a genius to work out theirs was a wife seducing the visiting plumber type of scene, it was after all a staple of Chad's output. Chad handled the introductions "Fiona here is something of a regular star for me, the punters always respond well to the facial expressions she makes besides she is the perfect age to fit in with the 'bored housewife' genre."

Alex gave his lopsided smile as he shook the offered hand "Pleased to meet you Fiona, you'll have to excuse if I freak you out staring. It isn't very often I try to hold an ordinary conversation with a scantily dressed women in the middle of the day."

Fiona nodded and replied, "Stare away, I'm proud of my body and take it as a compliment if someone as young and handsome as you stares."

Alex then turned to the shirtless guy prompting Chad to introduce "This is Roger. Male talent is hard to come by and so he is also something of a regular."

Roger shook Alex's hand saying, "Nice to meet you mate" but then turned to Chad and asked, "While we're on a break do you mind if I bend your ear a bit" and they stepped over to the far side of the studio leaving the other two to make small talk.

Fiona handled the kick-off "Chad has mentioned he is trying to persuade you into letting us shoot at some of your houses?" The redhead caught Alex's wince at her comment and so she immediately interjected "Don't worry he hasn't made it public knowledge; we were talking over a drink yesterday as we were planning today's shoot and he basically sounded me out to see if I'd mind being part of your 'remuneration' package."

This last statement really knocked the visitor for six as Alex held up his hands in defeat "Wow, hold on there. This is a conversation I hadn't anticipated when I climbed out of bed this morning. I'll admit he has sounded me out but I hadn't expected the female talent to be quite so forthcoming."

Fiona took a step forward, placed her right hand on his pec and shot him her most seductive smile as she shrugged and replied with her voice low "Make no mistake, in this job you have to be prepared to produce a performance with whoever you're pitched up with on any given day but as soon as I saw you walk in I made up my mind that I'd at least try and hook up with someone as cute as you even if Chad wasn't getting any benefit out of the deal. Assuming I'm your type of course and not too old but then you did say you'd stare. Chad has been good to me and his punters give the kind of positive feedback that makes me want to strive to work more for him; it's a lot of fun."

Alex was obviously slowly absorbing her words. He had never contemplated porn actors had the same pressures to make ends meet as every other job but overall, he couldn't shake how hot Fiona looked as she smiled up at him so invitingly. He smirked nervously as he replied, "Well it's very hard to resist someone so beautiful dressed like you are and as for the older bit I think women age like single malt whiskey, the young stuff is best left to those that don't have the taste buds yet. Whereas some of us prefer a more flavoursome prospect."

Fiona raised her eyebrows at that comment and replied approvingly "Pleased to hear it although I've never been compared to a whiskey before."

Alex held up his hands once more as he immediately shot back "Please, I meant it as a compliment. Chad has shown me some of your work and I have to say I'm a fan. I can see why the other punters respond so positively."

This earned him a delicate stroke on his cheek "Thank you, that means a lot and no I took what you said as a compliment that it was obviously intended." Out of the corner of her eyes she could see the other two returning as she whispered, "Could we meet up for a coffee or drink sometime?"

Alex replied as he handed her his business card "Absolutely, I look forward to it."

Chad clapped his hands together and asked "Ok, are my stars ready to be immortalised on camera?" This heralded another eye opening experience for Alex; he saw a film as a finished item without realising the amount of stop/starting and multiple takes of the same routine. He would have liked to take in more detail but his next appointment was looming and so made a silent wave at the next break and made his way out.

The crucial thing about his visit is he got to witness Chad's problem first hand and so irrespective of whether they agreed Alex's reimbursement he was resolved to help his oldest and best friend. After all he was receiving the sort of financial support that Chad should have been receiving from his parents. Alex's next task while waiting to conduct his next viewing was composing a list of suitable locations that Chad could make use of. The easiest were the vacant properties he had on his books, especially those that he deemed wouldn't sell and would soon be encouraging the vendor either to drop the asking price to sell or encourage them to switch to a new agent. That way if anything untoward was ever identified he could deny all knowledge as it was no longer his property to manage. One of the down sides was that some of the better properties weren't furnished.

Some of the better settings had people still living there and some were discounted immediately as there was rarely a time when the property didn't have one or other of the homeowners there. He was left with occupied properties but the owners were out at work during the daytime and so he figured with a bit of careful planning with Chad he could come up with a plan to best use both their times effectively. His thoughts were disturbed when his phone rang, having first looked at the number and decided it was one he didn't recognise Alex assumed his best sales voice "This is Alex, can I help you?"

"Hello Alex" began the rich velvety voice "Not sure if you'll remember me, this is Fiona, we met the other day."

Alex smiled at the recollection "Oh I remember, especially how you were dressed at the time, how are you?"

The tone of the voice indicated that she too was smiling at the phone "I'm actually at a loose end today, I was wondering if you were free sometime to catch up over a coffee?"

Alex considered his plans and responded, "Yes I'm also at a loose end for the next 90 minutes or so, where did you want to meet up?" The two made plans for somewhere roughly halfway between them and Alex arrived a few minutes before the lady. He had taken a seat with a view of the front door and as soon as she sauntered up to the table he jumped up and pulled out the seat for her to take.

Fiona nodded her head as she smiled broadly "Such a gentleman. Your sort are definitely a rarity these days."

Alex flashed her his lopsided smile as he replied, "A lady should always be treated as such."

She raised her eyebrow as she replied "You've seen what I do for a living and still address me as a lady. I like that."

Alex shrugged as he replied "Your chosen occupation shouldn't preclude you being treated as a lady. I may have mentioned the other day that Chad has shown me some of your work, I suspect it was to try and coerce me into helping him out, but I will state again that I am a fan of your work. I can see why his customers always give you such positive feedback."

She reached over the table and stroked his hand saying "Thank you, that means a lot. Speaking of which, have you made your mind up yet if you'll help Chad? He hasn't primed me to ask by the way, I'm just asking because of our last conversation."

Alex nodded as he replied "I haven't told him yet so don't spoil the surprise but yes, I am going to help him. His parents continue to support me, both financially and putting business my way, but not him so I think I owe him. I'm just putting a plan together to present to him."

Fiona cooed "Oh goody, some new locations to try out." Her expression changed to one of conspiracy "And can I ask if you'll be exacting the sort of payment you were discussing with him?" after a short pause she added "I do hope so."

Alex smiled back at her as he asked, "Hooking up with the female talent?" She winked and nodded at that as he gave her his best schoolboy smile "We need to work out the finer points but yes I truly hope so, or at least certain members of the team."

"Oh goody" she replied, "when you've discussed with him, I want to be the first name on the list." This was the point she fixed him with a determined stare. "Ok now that is out of the way, tell me, how is your day going so far?" Conversation then turned to mundane matters and Alex found himself relaxing into the conversation. There were obvious signs that Fiona seemed to find him attractive and he hoped he gave off the same signals although both skirted around the flirtatious comments.

Two days later Alex went around to see Chad armed with a pack of beers and he presented his idea's. Over the course of the evening the two had coordinated Chad's shooting schedule with when a property would be available for most if not all of the day. Some of the unfurnished accommodation could still be used as Chad had the required furniture at his own studio plus a lock up with stuff he had acquired from the preowned market but the two planned to use existing furnished properties as long as Chad removed personal or family pictures that would give the game away in the future.

Alex had cleared his schedule for the first day to help Chad unpack the kit he would need. He was re-acquainted with Roger once more but the female talent today was a stunning black woman he was introduced to as Cleo. "Hello Cleo, I'm so pleased to meet you" Alex addressed as he shook her hand.

The beautiful woman flashed him the brightest smile Alex had been given "Like wise Alex. Chad has mentioned about your arrangement and I'll be pleased to provide due payment for you."

Alex was stunned and could only manage a poor impersonation of a floundered fish "I...I...I..."

Cleo gave a brief laugh "Don't sweat it honey, Chad had shown me a picture of you before he propositioned me and I said I'd be delighted. Besides us actors will often sleep with some of the crew, if it's their birthday or they deserve a treat for going above and beyond, I'd say you certainly fall into that category. It's the sort of gesture that inspires people to go further."

Alex was still stood there stunned while retaining her hand as Chad stepped up to him and slapped him on the back "Cleo here is a rare and precious talent. She's worked for some of the larger studios in the past and so comes to us with some extensive works. We're very privileged to have her work for us while she decides where she wants to take her career."

Cleo shot Chad a hurt look "Just continue to treat me like you do. Working for those bigger studios left me feeling like a meat carcass, at least you smaller companies treat the talent as real people, especially when I get to hook up with cuties like this one."

Chad shrugged as he replied, "Whatever the reason, I still feel privileged you've agreed to work for us." He turned to Alex as he asked, "So will the lady here provide a suitable recompense?"

Alex was still flapping as he repeated "I...I...I..."

Cleo barked a laugh and replied "I'll take that as a yes. Don't worry honey I'll hang back after the rest have departed to make sure you get the best reward possible."

Alex was pinching himself throughout the shoot. When Cleo stripped, he thought he had finally seen an angel. Her dark creamy skin seemed to shimmer in the light -- the reality may have had something to do with the oil applied to her skin -- her smile held his attention like some kind of laser beam but it was her dark nipples that would stick with him. He had never had the pleasure of a black lover -- out of circumstance rather than purposeful decision -- but she looked amazing as she went through the motions with Roger.

Alex guessed it was down to the experience of the two actors that they wrapped the shoot up in good time. After helping Chad and Roger pack away their stuff he was left with just Cleo as he waved the others off. "So where would you like your reward?" Cleo asked him, all professional as she had been all day.

Alex was still a little intimidated by her as he replied, "You really don't have to do this if you didn't want to."

Cleo pouted her bottom lip out as she said "Aah, I've been looking forward to this all day. Roger's okay at performing to the camera but he doesn't really ring a girls bell off camera if you get what I mean." Alex's expression demonstrated he was following her argument and so she added "After a day of oohing and aahing while being bounced around gets a girl's libido racing. Are you man enough to relieve me?" This was the point where she was gently caressing his shoulder.

"Errr, well yes, seeing as you've put it like that" Alex replied.

Cleo smiled at him as she pushed him backwards so that he slumped in the well-padded chair behind him. She followed his trajectory and as he came to rest, she sank down to her knees before him. Alex watched avidly as she reached up for his trouser zipper and pulled it down with one hand while the other unbuttoned his trousers. The scantily clad woman stared directly at him as she extracted his dick from his trousers. He was never going to top some of the stars she had worked with and yet she was still pleasantly surprised as he thickened out with his dick in her grasp.

"Mmmmmm, nice" she whispered before ducking her head down and wrapping her red painted lips around the crown of his dick. The lady certainly knew her way around a guy's dick, especially when she fluttered her tongue around the head as she ducked her head down to take more of his length inside her mouth. As she pulled back, she sucked longingly along his length as it retreated from her mouth. With just the head left between her lips Cleo worked her tongue over and over but then sank her lips down his dick once more.

Alex let the lady work a number on his cock and on any other occasion would have left her to her task until he came but this time he had other ideas. "Time for some retaliation" he announced as he stood up and steered her to sit in the centre of the large, padded sofa. The white lacy bodice she was wearing had press studs at the crotch and he quickly dispensed with them before he ducked his head forward so that he could work the tip of his tongue around her clitoris. He always enjoyed eating pussy but had never previously come across one with a piercing through the hood of her clit. His tongue kept working over it while he explored this new sensation. The piercing was obviously effective as Cleo humped her pussy up and down against his face while he worked his way down to burrow his tongue as deeply in her as he could.

Alex had completely forgotten that he was making love to a porn actress as her reactions were like any other lover he had come across. It was only later that he fully appreciated her complete participation having earlier witnessed how she 'acted' while the camera was rolling. Soon after her climax Cleo pulled him up by his ears until he knelt upright between her legs saying, "You're good at that but I need your dick inside me now."

Never one to knowingly disappoint a lady Alex lined up the head of his dick and drove his hips forward sinking half of his length inside her. He found as he thrust forward to eventually sink his full length in her that the lady was indeed talented as the way she gripped and massaged his dick while buried inside her was unlike any other had experienced in the past. Cleo adjusted her position until she could wrap her legs around his hips and dug her heels into his fleshy butt to encourage even more exaggerated strokes from him. "Come baby, take me, seed me. I need my insides bathed" she ushered him further.