Home Nursing


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Allie: "I know it looks like I'm cheating, but I'm not! Not really."

The old man gets in the tub while you talk, his erect cock bobbing up and down, wet with your girlfriends saliva. Allie, completely naked, gets up and takes your hand.

Gibson: "Ahhh...that feels good." You bet the old bastard feels completely satisfied after using both your bath tub and your girlfriend.

You: "How the fuck can you justify sucking off our neighbor, huh?"

Allie's substantial, bare breasts and pink tiny nipples are soaked with a mix of her saliva, and Mr. Gibson's ejaculate. You can't help but feel a little aroused by the sight of her, even though you just saw her with that old perverts large veiny cock in her mouth.

Allie: "Okay, I know it's a bit of a leap, but hear me out. After we decided that it would be best to relieve Mr. Gibson of the pain when I get in the bath with him, I started to help him out. Since then, we've finished every bath time with him ejaculating to relieve his sexual pressure."

You: "What?! We talked about you putting on clothes again, to stop torturing him with your body!"

Allie: "What? No we talked about helping him relieve the pain, right?"

Gibson: "That's what I remember, or that's what Allie told me."

Allie: "That's what we agreed to, Todd!"

You: "No, we didn't! So you've been jerking him off every day?!"

Allie: "Yes, like we agreed. I even asked his doctor about it, as soon as I was able, and he said that regular ejaculation was very healthy for men like Mr. Gibson. Since he doesn't masturbate, he's been missing out on the health benefits that it provides. If he doesn't get regular....service, he can more easily develop prostate cancer. So, really, it's my duty as his personal home nurse, to make sure he's healthy. Ever since then, while we are bathing, I just include a penile massage into his arthritis massage routine."

You: "Penile....massage...what?"

Allie: "It's also called the Lingam Massage. In this, the penis and its surrounding areas are massaged, which includes the testicles, perineum, (the part between the anus and the testicles), and the prostate."

Gibson: "It felt great....I was so relieved...."

You: "That doesn't explain what I just saw...."

Allie: "You're right. After a couple of weeks, my hands and fingers were getting very sore from massaging his whole body, and then his penis. You've always given me many compliments on my blowjobs, so I asked Mr. Gibson if it was alright with him, and he said yes. Ever since then, we decided to make him achieve orgasm before the bath, so that he can totally relax in there."

Gibson: "And you're right. She's extremely gifted, my wife could never suck cock like she does!"

Allie: "Thank you! I mean, really, I was already using my hands to make him ejaculate, what difference does it make if I use my mouth?"

You: "I can't believe this....what the fuck...."

Allie: "We can talk about this more later, after we finish this bath."

Allie then turns around and gets into the bath with that old wrinkly pervert. She sits in behind him and starts scrubbing him. Her busty chest is pressed up against his back while she reaches for his thigh muscles, and starts rubbing him up and down.

Allie: "Feeling better now, Mr. Gibson?" she says as she massages him.

Gibson: "Oh yeah....so much better. I can hardly feel my arthritis now."

Defeated, and tired, you leave the apartment for the nearest bar to calm down. You can't stand watching or listening to the scene in the bathroom. You stay there for hours, drinking far too much until finally the bartender cuts you off.

Bartender: "Alright, buddy, you've had enough. Time to go home...."

You: "pfffft....I can't go hooomee...."

Bartender (sighs): "Why not?"

You: "My ghirlfrien ish cheating on.....on me...."

Bartender: "Oh man, I've been there. That sucks."

You: "You haaave?"

Bartender: "Oh yeah....caught my girlfriend of four years with an older man. In our bed. Can you believe that?"

You: "That's crazy...."

Bartender: "How about you?"

You: "Sucking off our neighbor's cock...in the bathroooom....then took a bath with him...."

Bartender: "That's rough. So they're fucking, too?"

You: "No...I don't think so...."

Bartender: "And you love this girl?"

You: "I....I do....she makes me....happy...."

Bartender: "Listen, this is none of my business, of course. But if you want my advice, work it out with her some how."

You: "Wh..whaaat?"

Bartender: "I mean, unless you want to break up with her?"

You: "N...no..."

Bartender: "All I'm saying is....I regret breaking up with my ex. I wish we could have worked it out. But....some things were said that can't be taken back, you know?"

You: "Yeah...."

Bartender: "I still haven't found a girl like that again. I wish I could have forgiven her, but what's done is done. So go home, talk to her, work it out. Okay?"

You: "O...okay...."

You drunkenly waddle home, thinking hard about what the bartender told you. You definitely don't want to break up with Allie, that's the girl you want to marry some day. But she's been sucking old man Gibson's cock behind your back for god knows how long now.

When you get home, you find Allie stayed awake, in bed, waiting for you to come home.

Allie: "Todd, baby, I'm so glad you're okay! I was worried sick! Come here...I tried calling but you wouldn't pickup..."

You: "ughhhmmm....yeah...I am a bit...pissed off....I just caught you sucking off our neighbors cock, remember?"

Allie: "Oh, baby....I'm so sorry. I didn't realize we had such a grave misunderstanding about relieving his pain. Really, I should have asked you, or told you after the first time. But things were going so well, and I didn't want to disturb you from your work. I honestly thought it didn't matter since I was already using my hands to help relieve Mr. Gibson."

You: "I...I didn't know you were doing that....the first time was an...accident...but then you kept going...."

Allie: "Only because the poor man was in pain, okay? Baby, he hadn't been touched by a woman in years. Then all of a sudden a young nurse comes and starts helping him out, rubbing his body, he was being absolutely tortured by me. And it's not like he's going to pick up some girls at the bar, he's an old man. He needs my help, that's all."

You: "I...I'm afraid you're just going to leave me...for him..."

Allie: "What? Of course that's not going to happen. He's an old man! He and I have no future together. But you and I do, and I don't want anything to get in the way of that. What I'm doing for Mr. Gibson is out of pity. He has no one, and will die alone. I think that's a terrible fate."

Allie starts undressing you. She's in her nightgown, her breasts can be clearly seen through it. You can't help but remember the old perverts juices spread all over them just mere hours before. In just a few moments, though, you're having sex. Allie had some convincing points, and by the time you've ejaculated into a condom, you've agreed that Allie's bath times with Mr. Gibson can continue, although only once a week.

Allie: "I'm so glad you see it my way, baby....this way I can take good care of Mr. Gibson....thank you."

Of course, you immediately regret agreeing to this, but it's too late to back out now. For the next two months, every Tuesday, Allie would 'relieve' Mr. Gibson, sucking his cock in your bathroom until he ejaculates in her mouth. She still bathes him every day, but at least she isn't sucking his cock every day. Amazingly, you actually got kind of used to this arrangement. As long as you didn't bring it up, and stayed late at work on Tuesdays, you could completely forget the fact that the old pervert is ejaculating inside your girlfriends mouth every week.

A downside of this arrangement is that Allie is much less interested in sucking you off now, she says because her jaw and neck muscles are sore. However, you're having sex more often, especially on Tuesday nights after her bath time with Mr. Gibson. In fact, Allie only seems to want to have sex on Tuesdays...

All in all, you're glad you didn't break up with Allie, and listened to the bartender.


Chapter 5.

It wasn't long until Mr. Gibson complained enough to Allie about the frequency of his 'relief', that she convinced you to let her blow him twice a week, sometimes three. After that, it was somehow understood that there didn't necessarily need to be a bath for the blowjob to happen. Mr. Gibson would come visit even on Sundays with the explicit intention to have Allie suck his cock and balls dry. Allie didn't seem to mind, sucking the old perverts cock with wild abandon. Because her knees were starting to hurt on the bathroom tile, they moved into your bedroom, so as to not disturb you when you were home.

Slowly, it became normal. Although you weren't keen on seeing it happen, the thought of it became not as big of a deal as you thought. Allie certainly doesn't seem to mind it, and it hasn't changed your relationship all that much. Also, every time she gives the old man an orgasm, she's so horny that she demands sex from you after he leaves, which has been great.

So eventually you get to be strangely excited whenever Mr. Gibson comes knocking, because you know you're going to have sex. After he puts his pants back on, stuffs his semi hard cock back in, and leaves, you enter the bedroom to find Allie naked, wet, and extremely horny. You have great sex every time, even though you do have to use a condom.

Mr. Gibson is, you have to admit, looking a lot better than he did when you first met him. Allie makes sure he is groomed well, she shaves his cock and balls herself now, and his arthritis is much calmer now with regular baths, good nutrition, and regular sexual relief. Allie knows how important hydration is, so she has Mr. Gibson drink various fruit juice, mostly pineapple. It's apparently very good for him, and Allie says it makes his cum taste nicer.

Life continues like that for a while, until one fateful Friday afternoon, your boss, Mr. Figaro, sends you off to train remote employees in Malaysia.

Mr. Figaro: "I need someone qualified to train these dunderheads over there. They're getting too many things wrong, for what I'm paying them!"

You: "I...but....how long do I...."

Mr. Figaro: "Oh, it shouldn't take more than two weeks, tops a month...you're leaving tomorrow."

You: "Mr. Figaro, I don't think that I..." You try and escape this, but he cuts you off.

Mr. Figaro: "Son, do this for me, and I see a bright future for you here. There's a spot for Director freeing up soon, and I need someone who has their head screwed on right. Show me you are that person, and the job is yours."

You: "Wow....okay, thank you Mr. Figaro."

Mr. Figaro: "This is no vacation trip, boy! Do this right, or you're fired, you hear me?"

You: "Yes, sir. You can count on me!"

Allie was of course shocked to find out you were going away for a month to Malaysia. Doubly so when she found out Mr. Figaro didn't pay for a ticket for her, too.

You: "This is a business trip, there's no vacation time, we wouldn't be able to hang out anyway...."

Allie: "Oh...but I'll miss you so much!"

You: "I'll miss you too. I've got to pack, I'm leaving in the morning..."

You kiss Allie goodbye at the airport terminal the following morning, and land in Malaysia half a day later. Time goes by like a blur, you get barely any time for yourself down there. Endless meetings and training seminars take over your days, and you barely get any time for yourself. Just enough to fall asleep for eight hours, and then back to work.

A week later, you're talking to Allie via video chat in bed just as you woke up. For her, it's the evening, and she's getting ready for bed.

Allie: "Good morning! I hope things are going well!"

You: "Morning...." you say groggily.

Allie: "You look tired, baby....they're working you too hard out there..."

You: "I know, but..." you stop as you hear somebody talking behind Allie.

Voice: "Ugh...Allie, can you help me out here?" You recognize the voice.

You: "Who...Is that Mr. Gibson?"

Allie: "Oh, yeah..."

You: "What's he doing there so late?"

Allie: "Well, I've been meaning to tell you, but he's been staying here for the last couple nights..."

You: "What? So...he's sleeping on the sofa?"

Allie: "His apartment is getting fumigated, and he can't stay there for at least a week. But....I couldn't let him sleep on the sofa, with his arthritis."

You: "So you're on the sofa? Allie, the man can get a hotel..."

Allie: "Uhm, so...I mean, I suggested that, but he raised a good point. I'm his nurse, and we need to see each other every day, and I'm...relieving his sexual tension.... So we figured it was no big deal to sleep side by side."

You: "What? That's ridiculous, and so unnecessary!"

Allie: "Well, think about it, the closest hotel is twelve miles away. I'm not walking that back and forth every day, and he certainly isn't. This just makes sense, right? I mean, he sees me naked anyway, regularly."

You: "Okay, okay....I get it....just...."

Allie: "Just what?"

You: "Nothing, it's just temporary, right?"

Allie: "Yeah, only until his apartment is no longer poisonous."

You hang up after saying goodbye, and go to work. You figure that since Allie is regularly sucking his cock, on your bed, that it isn't a big deal if he sleeps there, too.

A couple of days later, Allie calls you out of the blue in the middle of your work day, when it is morning for her.

You: "Hey, baby. You never call at this hour, is anything wrong?"

Allie: "Hey...no, nothing is wrong. I just want you to know something, and I want to clear my conscience, so that you know that I'm being open and honest with you..."

You: "That sounds scary.....what's going on?"

Allie: "Well....there's no easy way of saying this, so I'm just going to spit it out.....Mr. Gibson and I....accidentally had sex last night."

You: "WHAT?" You shout all over the office. All eyes are on you, and you feel immediately embarrassed. You lower your tone to a whisper.

You: "what....? what are you talking about....sex with Gibson....? Accidentally? what the actual fucking fuck are you...."

Allie: "Let me explain....it WAS an accident, at first, totally innocent. Then we leaned into it, and we let things get too far...."

You try and swallow the knot in your throat, but you can't seem to manage it. You say nothing, and allow her to talk.

Allie: "Last night, I was in the middle of giving Mr. Gibson his blowjob. He was enjoying it greatly, like usual, but I got a cramp in my jaw, and couldn't finish. He said it was no big deal, and we could take a break. I laid in the bed, rubbed my jaw muscles while he laid next to me, and spooned me. We had just bathed, and were both nude. To comfort me, Mr. Gibson hugged me tight. His erection was sandwiched between my thighs, pressed up against my pussy. He started instinctively moving back and forth, slowly. I decided to let him, since it was innocent, and not technically sex. I figured I'd let him do that until I could finish him off with my mouth. Then, I got so wet, probably because I hadn't had any sex in over a week, and he just slipped inside of me."

You: "Oh my fucking god.....Allie....."

Allie: "I know. That was the accidental part. But I was so horny, because you've been gone, and it felt so good, that before I knew it, Mr. Gibson was on top of me, pounding my pussy as hard as he could. I let him, because, for a man with sever arthritis, he was....quite eager....and he needs the exercise, Todd. He really does."

You: "Jesus fucking Christ....I can't believe what I'm hearing."

Allie: "I'm only telling you this because I don't want to keep secrets from you, honey. But I want you to know, it meant nothing. It was just a carnal release, and I really needed it. Mr. Gibson did, too, and he agreed that we should tell you, and keep it between us three. So nobody has to know."

You: "Yeah, great. I'm so relieved that even though my disgusting old neighbor just fucked my girlfriend in my own bed, nobody knows about it!." You say ironically.

Allie: "It's not like I planned for this, baby. I didn't expect that this would happen. I thought that Mr. Gibson wouldn't even be able to have sex, given his illness."

You: "oh, so while he's 'pounding your pussy' like you say, his arthritis is fine? This is total bullshit, Allie."

Allie: "It's the truth, Todd. As a budding nurse, I know how much exercise is important, especially in old age. His doctor had recommended regular exercise for him, but he can't even go on the exercise bike, his knees hurt so much. Anyway....there's more...."

You: "How could there possibly be more....?!"

Allie: "We obviously got a little lost in the moment, and Mr. Gibson wasn't wearing a condom. I didn't have the wherewithal to ask him to pull out, so....he didn't....."

You: "He....he came inside of you???"

This was the final straw. In all your years of being with Allie, you have never even felt the inside of her pussy without a condom on, much less cum inside of her. Yet this old man is doing it with wild abandon.

Allie: "Yes....but it's okay..."

You: "How, exactly, is that okay???"

Allie: "It was a safe day for me, so I won't get pregnant....silver linings, right?"

You: "I can't believe you let that disgusting old man fuck you, and cum inside of you! That's so revolting, I feel like I'm going puke!" You're sort of shout-whispering at this point, drawing even more attention towards you.

Allie: "Todd, baby....it's okay. I mean, really, if you think about it. I've been taking his cum inside of my mouth for quite a long time now. This isn't so different, I just used my pussy instead."

You: "And you're just going to let him sleep in bed with you again tonight?"

Allie: "It's not like he has anywhere to go, Todd. His apartment is still unlivable, and poisonous."

You: "Allie, I want this all to stop. The baths stop, the blowjobs stop, right now. This has gone too far."

Allie: "Todd, I'm in a very difficult place here. I wish you could understand that. I still have to take care of Mr. Gibson. And if he's not satisfied with my service, he can get me fired. If I get fired, there's no way anyone will hire me as a home nurse again."

You: "I....I don't want you to get fired....you'll be wearing clothes like a regular nurse while bathing him. Okay?"

Allie: "Okay. That's reasonable. I can probably do that."

You: "Fucking probably. What the fuck...."

You angrily hang up on Allie, and stand up from your cubicle, and try to explain to a very interested office that overheard some of your conversation, that your mother just got in an accident, that's why you were upset.

The rest of the day, you can't help but think about this constantly. Of course you're extremely angry, but you feel angry with Mr. Gibson, not Allie. He took advantage of his situation, and basically, practically, raped Allie. She had no choice, you convince yourself. Still, you want her to feel bad, so you don't answer her numerous calls that day, and you decide not to call her before bed, since she would be asleep. The next morning, you decide to call her and explain how you feel. She would be getting ready for bed, or maybe even in bed by now.

The phone rings six times before she finally answers. She usually picks up in two or three rings maximum.

Allie: "uh....heyyy...baby....uhh...."

You: "Hey....I just wanted you to know that I'm not angry with you for yesterday. It wasn't your fault, he took advantage of you, and that's on him.

Allie: "Uhuhh....yeah.....yeahhhhh...."

You: "I...uh... just hope that you'll be watching out for that, so that it doesn't happen again...."