Homebound Ch. 06

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Kelly finally enters the picture, for better or for worse.
13.9k words

Part 6 of the 11 part series

Updated 07/05/2023
Created 02/04/2023
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Author's notes: Like I said in the postscript of chapter 5, Max and Kelly will finally reunite. I am quite exited, and now we are getting into the more fun cock, tit, and ass size. Also, nothing like watching an iceberg video on the side to set the mood. Also, this story was supposed to be a quick 2-chapter story, but when I was writing road mapping it took a life of its own. I want to reinforce my twitter, if you want to talk to me about the story that's the best place, because for all of literotica's positives, its comment section is not very good for back and 4ths.

Chapter 6: A return to form

|3 months earlier, in the haze of remembrance|

Max is sitting in his room, at his desk in his freshly clean room. A utube video reviewing a high end 1911 playing in his earbuds "$1500-dollar firearm you think it wouldn't jam. "My mind criticizes as the it jams on the final bullet in the magazine. Suddenly, I feel a pair of arms reach around neck and put me in a light choke hold, by reflex my thin arms shoot up to try and break the hold. It doesn't work.

"Tap out nerd" I hear Kelly's angelic voice call out, toned biceps starting to pinch my arteries. I tap her muscular arms, and she releases me.

"No fair I was watching something." I tell her rubbing my neck.

"Hah, you need to be prepared to fight at any time" she teases me as she plants her massive jean shorts clad ass on my bed.

Rolling my eyes, I spin my chair to face my best friend "what's up?" I ask looking into her blue sapphire eyes." God, I can lose myself in those eyes "I think to myself.

"Nothing, just wanted to hang out one last time before I head off to Florida!" she answers in her usually bubbly way "so what do you want to do?" she asks with a small tilt of her head, the large fluff, no what did she call it now, yeah, her floof of hair swaying behind the motion.

"Hmm, we can go downstairs and watch a movie, or a tv show or something" I suggest.

"That sounds good, we can order a pizza too" she replies with a small clap, making her chest jiggle. Standing up she starts for the door, looking over her shoulder she smirks "coming short stuff?"

Rolling my eyes at her stale bread of a jabs, I get up and follow her out. Walking by the dining room, my mom is on her laptop doing whatever mothers do on a Sunday afternoon. Looking up, she waves at Kelly and me.

"you two going to be downstairs?" she quips.

"Yeah, hey, we are going to order pizza in a little bit, so don't worry about dinner for us" I call out as I follow my tanned thick friend down the stairs.

Walking past the workout room to the home theater, Kelly and I sit down next to each other on the huge sofa. Grabbing the wireless keyboard, I turn the laptop that is connected to the tv and navigate to one of the streaming websites.

"So, what we got, octopus game? Nah, the royals? Too British." I call out to Kelly scrolling through the tv shows.

"Hmm, what about the workplace?" Kelly adds.

"We've watched that like 5 times now" I reply dryly.

"What I think it's still funny!" she shoots back, giving me a quick elbow to my side.

"What about breaking bed?" I offer up.

"Sure! where were we on this" she asks with a tilt of her head and hand going under her chin trying to remember.

"After the plane collision and the teddy bear falling from the sky." I answer.

And with that we turn the show on and start our last binge for the next couple of months. Kelly was completely engrossed in the show, but I was too distracted by my thoughts.

"3 months, no Kelly for 3 months, at least we can text and call, but... that's not the same as sitting next to her, hearing her impromptu jabs at me, her hugs, the way she looks at me sometimes. I wonder if she remembers that promise we made when we were 7... "My mind floats in introspection. I'm so far in I tune the world out and can barely hear anything else. A quick jab to my side rips me out.

"Ow shit, what?" I call out looking at Kelly, those blue sapphires locked onto me.

"I said, I'm hungry! Order the pizza!" she chides with a small huff and a fake angry look. "Canadian bacon with red bell peppers for mine!"

"I'll get 2 then. cinnamon sticks?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Do you even need to ask? Of course, mamas hungry and these massive things are going to start shrinking if I don't feed them well!" she teases grabbing her breast through her shirt and bra, well at least I think she's wearing one.

Averting my eyes blushing, I can hear Kelly giggling at her action, I pull my phone out and call 'Da Pizza Rat', who could have guessed that a pizza joint with that name could blow everywhere else out of the water. 20 minutes for the delivery, nice! Finishing the order, I toss my phone to the side and get back to watching the Show.

"Hey Max... are you going to miss me?" Kelly asks cocking her head innocently.

"I'm getting a 3-month vacation from getting jabs in my sides, kidneys, and short ribs. This is going to be GREAT" I joke.

"I'm being serious!" she groans, earning me another small jab to my side, proving my point.

"Do you even need to ask? yeah, I'm gonna you Kelly" I say in a low voice, looking into her eyes. Looking into those deep blue pools I can tell something was eating at the back of her mind. "Are you?"

"Of course, I am dummy, I'm going to be away from my best friend!" she answers hastily "Max, make me a promise, follow that workout routine I made you. If I come back and you're still a stick I'm going to beat you up!" she punctuates with halfcocked fist and a fake stern look, threatening to punch me.

"No problem, Kelly if it's for you then nothings off the table." I reply with a toothy grin.

Her face breaks into that thousand dollar smile I love and reaches out and gives me a great big hug, smashing my face into her chest pillows. "Also grow a couple inches will you" she finishes with a joke. Popping my head above her tits, I smile.

"of course, my lady, ill schedule the bone stretching surgery for tomorrow, what height 6'4" or 6'8"?" I retort playfully.

"5'4" is perfect" she replies with a last squeeze into her, she lets me go.

"That's what I get for having a tomboy best friend, steel grips, fitness, and hugs! "I think as I relish the feeling. Sometime later we hear my mom bringing down the pies and some canned drinks, the yellow green Sadern, it has lemon.

"Oh, you two look so cute when your shoulder to shoulder like that" my mom's husky voice calls out.

We both realize that we were in fact leaning on each other, both of us blushing we separate as my mom places the pizzas on the coffee table in front of us.

"If you two do anything do anything, don't make too much noise I'm watching something upstairs!" and with that she scurries off, lightly giggling at what she said. Both Kelly and I blush at the implications.

"god she's so embarrassing" I tell Kelly, grabbing a slice of the warm pie

"Capitalize the G in God next time Max" she chides rubbing the crucifix wrapped around her neck.

"Sorry, God she's so embarrassing" wait how could she tell my spoken word was not capitalized odd.

"I... I know, but she's great Max, you have a great mother!" she praises her while grabbing 2 slices and a cinnamon stick and digs in.

Chewing my food, I fall back into my thoughts. "What if I asked her out right now? Would she say yes, am I enough.... I don't think so. That's it once she comes back after I've had a couple months to work out then I'll ask her out! That's what I'll do!" I think with as much confidence I can muster "I hope she's not disappointed with my dick, well dicklet..." my dourer side shoots out.

The next couple of hours we chat about this and that, enjoying the show we have on and finishing off both pizzas, for a woman with meat grinder abs Kelly can put away some food! I guess she must have worked out earlier today or had one of her martial arts classes.

Lifting my wrist up, my Casio AE-1200WH-1AVCF watch and pressing the top right button to illuminate the tiny plastic screen, it tells me its 11:02:16 PM (I synced it with time is this morning), letting out a subdued yawn I turn to tell Kelly its time for sleep. Glancing over I see that Kelly fell asleep, on my shoulder. Angelic face in serenity as dreams dance across her mind, huge tits rising and falling with each soft breath, and as if she could feel my gaze on her, wiggles her whole body to get in a more comfortable position and smiles just a bit more tranquil. "She so peaceful, I want to see that every night..." I think as I admire her. Gently, oh so gently, I reach for the keyboard and shut the tv off and pull a blanket over the 2 of us. Like a shadow from a ghost, she does not awaken from my actions.

Laying my head on hers I close my eyes, and start to fall asleep, her natural musk of sweat, honey and roses waft up into my nose, smiling I silently thank my lucky stars. Slowly my consciousness slips from my grip, and I drift to land of milk and honey. "Good night, Kelly... I love you." Is the last thing I whisper before sleep pulls me into the realm of dreams.


My eyes shoot open, looking around I'm confused. "where am... oh yeah, I fell asleep on the coach." feeling my now normal morning energy surge through me I sit up and look around the darkened room. "Shit what time is it?" I ask to the empty room. glancing at the digital clock under the tv I see 4:25 am. Heaving myself off the leather coach, I make my way to the basement for my body building session. Before I head down, I go to the fridge and grab a bottle of Flooom, it hydrates.

Popping my ears buds in I start to lift the mass of steel and fall into routine. The music not to loud as I start to reflect on the dream I had "All of that was three months ago, how the time flies when you start to grow like a bamboo shoot and fuck your mom like you're in a hentai" I muse "That dream though, when we fell asleep like that, reminds me of that time on the playground all those years ago, just the two of us hanging out, I think my mom and her mom where at the spa and Arthur was keeping an eye on us. Kelly made me promise, no it was a PINKY PROMISE, cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye kind of promise that I would be her first kiss, and marry her but I think she was joking on that part..." My train of thought continues, revisiting the memory that I hold so dear.

Smiling, I continue to pump some iron and get sweaty. My muscles bulging and bulking with every pump, heart pounding transporting all the blood my body needs, my massive cock hard as steel positively begging for attention and my softball sized nuts bulging in my sack, thankfully it reduced in a little in size since yesterday's edging. Regardless, they are still producing cups and cups of delicious precum.

Midway through my intense session, sweat falling off my form in small drops, my mom pokes her head down and shouts "Max what do you want for breakfast?" glancing over, I see she's still in her birthday outfit.

"Other than you, something filling" I tease, getting an eyeroll from her I get back to lifting. Dropping the deadlift bar, I reach for my jug of water to quench my thirst. Chugging more and more of the water, I focus my concentration on my body, feeling each rivulet of sweat rolling down my muscles, my stomach absorbing all the water I'm feeding it, all the sensation feeling intoxicating.

Killing off the last of my water, I look around for my Flooom bottle, its tasty. Spotting the dark container, I spin the cap off and take a deep swig of the milky latte drink. Feeling the now room temperature drink drain down my throat, I toss the empty container into the trash bin down here. Walking over to the weight bar I feel the energy coursing through my veins and resume the fun.

|2 and a half hours later|

Marching up the stairs to the dining room, shower water dripping off me onto the steps. Opening the door to the dining room, I look at the mighty breakfast my mom laid out for me, I quickly nab another bottle of Flooom, marketing slogan, and sit down across from my mom. Unscrewing the cap, I start to drink down the milky white substance and pile food onto my plate. Looking over I see my mom reading on her Epad and eating her comparatively small meal.

"Is this enough food honey?" she asks turning the digital page over.

"It's plenty mom, what flavor of Flooom did you get it tastes really good!" I tell her in between bites and swigs.

"I got the regular one that... wait which one did you grab?!?" she questions me, looking up for her electronic screen eyes wide.

"What?" I ask back as I'm about to swallow the rest of the Flooom, it has caffeine.

"Max that's my breast milk! I knew I should have put those in the garage" she says with a sigh.

"Well, that explains why it tasted so good! Besides that's not even the worst thing we've done this week." I tell her trying to defuse the situation "if I play this right, I might have a new tasty drink! "I think as my heart starts to pound faster and faster.

"I know, but it feels weird, you drinking my breast milk, using it to grow bigger and bigger..." she trails off as her eyes start losing focus.

Thinking about how to proceed, I feel a pressure in my chest, starting to get familiar with the sensation now. Standing up quickly, startling my mom, the sensation of heat and pressure starts to flow through my body. Closing my eyes, I try to focus on all the sensations. The surging power flowing through my veins started with my bones, each one stretching and elongating, I started to groan with the pleasure of all of it, my cock jumping and bouncing with all my movements.

The fire spreading to my muscles, I can feel my skin straining to contain the growing and expanding fibers. Finally opening my eyes, a little disoriented from the higher perspective I see the end of my growth in my muscles, massive and pulsing with the new power I've been imbued with. Being turned on so much I feel my cock start engorge and climb closer the ceiling, spewing more and more precum across the table. With a final pleasurable groan, it all ends.

Taking a couple breaths to steady myself, I look down at the changes to my body. My chest heaving up and down with the new muscle my body had produced. Whatever spurred on this growth must have been the most potent yet! "It must have been the milk!"I think to myself. Looking over, I see my mom is nearly in shock at what happened to me.

"Honey... are you, are you alright" she manages to sputter out after a good 2 minutes of her emerald eyes visually devouring my new and improved form.

"I'm, I'm feeling more than alright" I reply, taking a deep breath of sweet air "I think we need to measure me mom, I feel like a new man!"

"I... you got it stud!" finally composing herself, she stands up in a hurry. Massive jugs jiggling as she races off to where she left the notepad, measuring tape and pen my eyes following that massive swaying ass as she leaves the room.

My cock jumping at the erotic sight, I can barely fight off the need to jerk off my massive cock. "It's so fucking huge! I never thought I'd think this but I hope it slows down so I can fit it in Kelly! "I think as I slowly reach with my big hands to stroke the long pulsing meat stick spewing its goop across the rest of my breakfast, speaking of which I bend over and start to finish the rest of what my mom made me, precum included!

"Sorry sugar plum, I forgot where I... oh you must have been hungry!" my mom chimes as she saunters in, creamy hips slightly cocked while she looks at me.

"I taste too good to waste mommy!" I tell her laying on the act a bit thick. "But enough of that, let's see how much I've been improved!" I state with a flex of my mighty cock, another dollop of my cream splashing onto the unfished feast.

"You got it honey!" she says dangling the tape out seductively, well as seductively as a massive titted, huge ass naked ginger-red head can be.

Standing up straight I ready myself for the measurement. Neither of us say anything in the silent room, all that pierces the silence is the goopy drip of my cock and her dripping pussy. Pulling the tape across from shoulder-to-shoulder I'm now 32" across, my biceps at a sleeve ripping 28" fuck even my wrists are starting to get bigger than where my biceps were last week! She then pulls the tape around my massive chest showing a thick 46" inches, pecs and back so thick it felt like I have slabs of paving bricks on my body.

Now for her favorite part, she drags both hands down my washer board abs and deep obliques, exploring and feeling each crevasse. Moving down she stops at my cock, and gives it a couple experimental strokes, now being unable to wrap her hand around my massive fertilizer stick, moaning at the implication, my mom barley can rip her attention from it. With shaking hands, she moves to my thick quads, sitting at 40" around of steel hard muscle. Next, she goes down to my bulging calf's reading out 28" around, so close to eclipsing my biceps.

Lastly, she moves up to my crotch, mesmerized by the long thick slab of meat, harder than steel and radiating heat like a boiler. Unable to help herself, she drags her tongue along the underside of my pipe thick cock slowly pausing at the rim of my purple head, teasing the edge like she was eating a popsicle. Getting her temporary fill, she pulls back and starts to measure the bitch breaker.

"And lastly... 18 inches...Max, your just so fucking HUGE now! I can... I can barely believe it!" she moans out, squirting a gush of pussy juice loudly onto the tiled floor. Seeing such a nasty display my cock squirts out a massive splash of precum, thick and pearly white painting her tits and abs with my prodigy, my massive mango size balls growling with the need to release.

"You're such a dirty bitch! clean up the mess you made" I command her, feeling swept up in the heat of the moment.

"ah, yes Max! let me grab some paper tow-"

"No, with that slutty mouth of yours!" I interrupt her, wanting her to put on a show for me.

"...ok honey." she agrees reluctantly, getting down on all fours. She pauses about an inch above the goopy juices mixing with my pearly white precum.

"what's wrong? Don't want to taste your nasty juice mommy?" I question her mockingly, a small ember of something starting to gain heat in my chest.

Hearing my words, she lets out a small groan and starts to lap up the juice. Long sexy tongue working to get all the of the nasty slime into her maw. Seeing her massive ass jiggling and shaking as she eats up, I get ready to execute my most ballsy move to date. Stepping behind that massive ass, I put my hands on both of those amazing cheeks, feeling and squeezing them.

"Ahhhh! Max what, I told you we can't- "she starts, feeling me massaging those perfect pale globes of muscles and fat.

"Don't worry mom, it's going to be better!" I reassure her, but still, she tries to reach back to push me away. That small ember wisping in my chest flash ignites into anger. I grab her wrist firmly, and bending over to reach her ear, that momentary broiling anger guides my words "I own you now bitch, I can do whatever I want to you, and you WILL just moan and accept it!"

With that, I spread both cheeks and I lower my massive cock down into the ass crack. Once I was firmly in-between each ass globe, I press them together, sandwiching my soda can thick cock in that soft, warm, and firm valley of flesh! Moaning at the feeling I start to thrust into the ass job she's reluctantly giving me.

Moaning in response, she lowers her head and resuming to eat her goopy soup. I growl at the new sensation, anger still burning in my chest "who is this bitch thinking she can deny me! This fucking whore will learn that my cock owns her! "I think to myself, though very faintly I can hear the voice of the demon mixing with my inner voice, although right now I just don't care as I continue to pound this whore's ass as if I'm trying to fuck a litter of babies into her!