Homework Experiment

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Foreign student uses drug to remove teacher's inhibitions
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I should have known something wasn't quite right. It didn't feel right, not from the beginning. But I loved my wife, and I trusted her, and I had no way of predicting or even understanding the powers that would influence our lives.

Rita has been the love of my life for many years. And what's not to love. She's an attractive blond, a real natural beauty with a slim body, perfect, small breasts, and a tight ass. But more than that, she's intelligent and witty, and at 34, she's one of the youngest professors at the college.

I had never seen her so proud of herself the day she came home and told me about Vanya. Vanya was the talk of school from the moment he arrived. He had recently immigrated from Russia, looking for a better education than his mother country could give him, and had chosen my wife's college out of the seemingly endless list of possibilities. A Mozart of chemistry, they called him. And after finally snagging him, the school assigned Rita to tutor him in English. He could write it at an acceptable level, but his spoken usage was still poor. It was decided that they would meet at our house for an hour, four nights a week. He was a smart kid, and should be able to learn quickly enough.

There was something about Vanya that I didn't like from the first moment he walked through our front door. I had at the time passed it off as jealousy. I don't know what I was expecting from a Russian chemist, but it certainly was not the tall, dark and very fit young man. He looked more like a model or actor than a would-be scientist. At 21, Vanya was at the peak of his sexual virility. Had I paid closer attention, I would have noticed Rita's instant attraction or the gleam in his eyes as he looked over my wife's tight form. Instead, I shook his hand, covering my wince at his tight grip and went back to the television. I did not turn to see Vanya staring at Rita's ass as she led him into the kitchen to get to work.

Over the next two weeks I remained oblivious to what was transpiring in the next room. Rita changed a little, in her love making at least. She became more assertive and demanding, wanting sex whenever she could get it. It was not like I was in a position to complain. I just chalked it up to her excitement at the honor and trust the school had given her. Had I paid more attention, I might have seen Vanya discreetly adding small douses of a powder to her drinks whenever they studied together. I may have noticed how he spoke in a commanding tone, both ordering and influencing her mind as the chemicals he fed her slowly took effect. I would have thought twice about how my wife's clothes during their lessons were becoming less formal and more casual. And I am certain, had I been a more attentive and protective husband, I would have seen and stopped Vanya's first physical contact as he gently slid his hand along my wife's inner thigh.

The touches became more bold as Vanya became more confident in his drug and its effect on Rita's mind. He touched her waist and stomach, and moved his hands over her tits, feeling her firm breasts through her shirt. When he moved his hand inside her blouse and under her bra to pinch her bare nipple for the first time, Rita moaned and shivered but never veered from her lesson. It all seemed a logical part of the tutorial session. That same night, just before it was time to leave, he made the final test of his control. He ordered her to stand up and remove her panties. She did without hesitation, and when she sat back down, she quivered as Vanya's hand slid up her thigh and touched her sparsely haired and neatly trimmed pussy. That night was one of the most passionate and frantic lovemaking sessions we had ever had.

Had I noticed any of this, I would have been a fool to believe that a 21-year-old man would have stopped there. The very next night they got together, I was channel surfing on our big screen, looking for something to interest me. Less than fifteen feet away the lesson plan had taken a radical turn. Sitting close to her, Vanya spent the first few minutes with his hand under Rita's t-shirt, cupping her firm, bra-less breasts while she broke down some of the more complicated rules of our language. He stopped her speech by turning her had towards him and kissing her on the mouth. The kiss was returned with longing. His hands ran through her long, blond hair as their tongues fought against each other to be the first to explore the other's mouth.

Vanya broke the kiss and whispered in my wife's ear. She giggled at his comment, then looked worriedly to the wall that I sat obliviously on the other side of. Vanya simply raised his eyebrows. That was all it took as Rita slipped to her knees and crawled under the kitchen table. She wasted no time in fumbling at Vanya's belt. He rose up enough for her to unzip his pants and pull them, then his underwear, down a few inches. She gasped audibly, the sound masked by the volume I always enjoyed the TV to be on. His cock twitched, then started to grow as she watched. At half-mast, it was already impressive. But as Rita reached out with her small hand and took hold of the hot organ, it rapidly grew its full 10 inches. Her small hand had no hopes of encircling its entire girth. She was an excellent cocksucker, even deepthroating me from time to time. But I was not the size of that monster.

She continued to stare at it in awe until he finally tapped her on the head. Whatever inhibitions she felt at its size were shattered with that tap. She attacked his cock with a hungry need, slurping her mouth up along the side and over the head before opening wide and attempting to suck as much as she could in her mouth. As it was, only about half was going to fit inside the tight space of her mouth, but it was enough. She plunged her mouth up and down, pausing only to catch her breath or to suck his hairy balls in her mouth. Vanya gasped and groaned loudly, almost daring me to hear, as my wife went down on him. Like I said, she was an excellent cocksucker, and with five minutes she felt his cock swell only an instant before the first glob blasted her mouth. Several more quickly followed as his hot cum filled her mouth and leaked out the sides. She swallowed as much as she could, and the rest dribbled out onto her chin and clothes.

I slipped quietly in to the kitchen for a drink, hoping to not bother them, just as Rita had finished wiping his cum from her shirt and was drinking a glass of water. She smiled sweetly at me and kissed me on the cheek and went back to her lesson.

For the next week, even I noticed the tension that had grown between them. It was a stressed tension, but an uncomfortable tension that seemed to have been brought on by my presence. I had no idea my wife was sucking off her student every night, or that Vanya had started to become so bold as to even go down on my wife while I was watching the game. But for the first time in our marriage, I was beginning to question her loyalty to me. It was a small leap from suspicion to actively searching for evidence. And one evening while she was out, I did just that.

I had never once even thought of reading my wife's email before, but as I poked through our study, her laptop seemed to scream at me. I flipped up the top to find that she left her connection to the college left on. Rubbing my sweating palms and looking around guiltily, I clicked her email icon. There was one email still in her trash bin that she had not fully cleaned out. My heart was now racing as I clicked on it and read the message from Vanya. It was a short message, mostly about school and her tutoring, but the final bit made my heart skip painfully in my chest.

"It was so much crazy in the stairwell. You suck cock good. We sleep together soon, and I show you what real man is like. Vanya~"

I couldn't believe it. My head swam with all kinds of thoughts of rage and retribution. I would kill them both. But those thoughts would have to wait as the front door opened. I quickly closed her laptop and did my best to avoid her for the rest of the night as I decided what to do.

The next night, as Vanya entered, I stood up to get his attention. As he looked into my angry eyes, and I into his eyes, I saw that he knew I knew. The cocky bastard only smirked and gently caressed my wife's ass as he followed her into the kitchen, the wrongness of the act not even registering in her drug induced reality. But I didn't know about the drugs, the chemicals he was feeding her, not then. All I saw was my wife not even reacting to his intimate touch. I was beyond shock at the actions, but even more startling was the fact that I did not challenge them. Over the next hour I made every excuse possible to frequently enter the kitchen. My wife shifted nervously at every arrival.

"Everything okay in here?" I asked as she squirmed in her chair.

"Yes, dear," she answered, glancing at the doorway, trying to will me to leave with her eyes. "Everything is just fine."

By the end of the hour, Rita was flustered with pent up desire. Vanya kept his cool, though, and never looked twice at me. He kissed Rita on the lips at the door, right in front of me. There was nothing I could say because the moment he left, she was on me. She wrestled me to the floor and pulled down my pants. Lifting up her skirt – the little tramp wasn't wearing panties – she dropped her soaking cunt down, sucking in my entire cock in one, quick plunge. Rita always liked slow, passionate lovemaking. That night, as she bucked and screamed on top of me, might have been the first night we ever fucked. I came quickly under her assault, and, stunned by my inaction, went to bed.

The next day, Rita had left a message on our machine saying that her lesson with Vanya had been cancelled and that she would be late as she had a faculty meeting. Lost in my own thoughts, as I had been all day, I tried to find comfort in a book. Rita came home late, when I was already in bed, and left early. Having slept poorly, and still nursing a wounded pride, I called in sick at work and spend the morning in silent misery. I decided I would confront my wife that night. And if I did not get a satisfactory answer for what was going on, I was leaving her.

I was fortuitous, or so I originally thought, that I was home during the day as a courier arrived with a package for me. It was a plain, brown envelope with something solid inside. I had barely shut the door before I ripped the package open and found a videotape inside. Looking around, as if I might find the person who sent it standing right beside me, I curiously moved to the VCR and pop the tape inside. Curiousity turned to dread as I turned the machine on and Vanya's face appeared on the screen. I don't know where he had filmed it from. It appeared to be a large and nicely furnished bedroom, and given the amount of excitement around the young student, it seemed reasonable that the college would have put him in a nice house or apartment somewhere. He beamed broadly as he settled back and looked into the camera.

"Hallo," he sneered in his thick accent. "You know something is going on with yer weef. What you do not know is how mooch is going on. Yer weef is a wery gorgeous woman, and I knew I had to have her. And have her I will tonight. Sit back and enjoy the show." I should have turned it off, but I couldn't stop myself from watching.

The filming broke for only an instant before starting up again. It was the same room but from a different angle, and it was obvious someone was carrying the camera around. My Rita was sitting on the edge of the bed. She was dressed in a short, cotton summer-dress. The white material made her skin glean on camera. Her face was composed as she looked up and smiled into the camera, but I could sense the nervousness posture.

"Dis school offered me many perks," Vanya's voice spoke from behind the camera. "Yer weef was not one of dem, but I take anyway. My guest is on da way. And she will elp me to fuck yer weef tonight."

As if on cue, there was a soft knock and the camera swung around and panned in on the door as it opened. A woman stood in the doorway and looked over the scene with an amused air. She was a call girl, most likely, and one of the perks the college had evidently provided. Dressed in a short, tight skirt and short-sleeve blouse that fought to contain her large tits, her makeup was heavily applied and her long, dark hair overly curled. She was attractive in a slutty way. She took the gum out of her mouth and boldly stuck it to the door jam before sauntering in on her high heels.

"So, Vanya," she laughed, "this is Miss College Professor." The hooker looked her up and down and grinned at the camera. "She doesn't look like a teacher. She doesn't look like much of anything. But after this, she'll look like a porn star." She laughed and moved towards the bed.

"Rita," Vanya said and he followed the action, "dis is Anya. Or she is Anya tonight. Anya was da name of my sister, a wery beautiful woman. You are going to make love to her. And din, you are going to fuck me."

Rita's eyes widened, but she stood up as Anya approached. She turned and looked hesitantly towards the camera, but not at it.

"Go ahead. Make love to dis woman."

I was shocked to see Rita smile and nod as she moved forward. My wife had never shown any interest in being with another woman before, but she stepped eagerly forward and found Anya's lips. The two kissed long and passionately, and my cock twitched uncomfortably in the confines of my pants as I watched the two women make out. Anya was the first to touch, moving her hand up squeeze Rita's breast. Vanya was a decent cameraman, following the action and zooming in and out at all the right moments. Rita was slow to respond, but she started moaning under the touch and moved her own hands to Anya's ass and tit, squeezing both with a sudden zeal.

The two women fumbled towards the bed until they bumped against it. Anya reached down and grabbed the bottom of Rita's dress and pulled it up over her head. I gasped as my wife stood before another woman completely naked. Rita shifted and started to cover herself with her hands, but Anya shook her head. They resumed their kiss, only this time Anya's hands roamed over Rita's bare skin. Her nipples were rock hard and she squirmed every time Anya touched them. Anya finally broke the kiss and pushed Rita back onto the bed before climbing on beside her. Positioning her on her back, the prostitute leaned over my wife and kissed and licked at her naked skin. She spent a long time sucking on Rita's small breasts, perhaps fascinated by the size difference of her own.

Anya was smiling when she finally pulled off her blouse. Her large breasts swayed above Rita's face, and I watched in awe as she leaned up and grabbed her tits, guiding one of the nipples to her mouth. Anya allowed herself to be rolled over and Rita climbed on top. Any inhibitions she might have felt were gone and she licked and sucked at the other woman's tits and body, purring as she went. Anya helped her undo the skirt and push it passed her legs to the floor. Rita stared at the woman's bald cunt, uncertain as how to proceed.

I had no choice. When Anya took charge again, sitting up and kissing my wife while four hands roamed naked skin, I had to release my hard cock before it burst through the fabric. They made out for long minutes before Anya deftly turned them into a 69 position. Rita moaned as Anya plunged her face right into my wife's cunt. I was hardly aware of my cock exploding, showering my shirt and legs with cum as the camera zoomed in on Anya eagerly eating out Rita. My wife twisted and moaned, and I saw her body shutter as an orgasm rocked through her at the woman's touch. Rita screamed incoherently as Anya continued to lap away, prolonging the orgasm as long as possible.

The camera moved to the other end, and as Rita slowly came done from her orgasm, my wife looked up into the camera and smiled before lowering her face into a woman's cunt for the first time. The pair went at it for countless minutes, sucking and tasting and fingering each other to orgasm until Rita rolled off and lay on her back gasping. Anya slowly sat up, a lazy, contented smile on her lips and bent down to kiss Rita. My wife gently kissed her back, and Anya got up, gathered her clothes, and with a wink into the camera, left the room.

The scene suddenly changed and the angle was different. It was a wide, stationary view of the entire bed, the camera set up on a tripod. My Rita was still naked on the bed, propped up on the pillows and grinning away from the camera. Only moments later, Vanya's naked body entered onto the screen, his massive cock jutting obscenely straight out from his body. Rita licked her lips and crawled forward to meet him at the edge of the bed.

I marveled both at Vanya's size and my wife's eagerness to stuff his cock in her mouth. My soft cock twitched in my sticky hand and started to swell once again. I watched the wanton display in shock as Rita sucked hard on his cock, devouring over half its length before running her small mouth around the outside of his shaft and down to his balls. Vanya moaned and ran his hands through her hair. Even though she was over a dozen years his elder, Rita looked like a child next to his much larger, muscular form. I could clearly hear Rita's sucking and slurping as she enthusiastically swallowed another man's cock in front of a camera.

"You make me cum," Vanya moan as he pushed Rita away. "But not yit. I cum inside you. You will beg now for Vanya's cock."

Rita looked up at him uncertainly as he stood over her with his arms crossed. When she failed to answer, he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her screaming onto the floor. "I said beg," he snarled and brought an open palm down across one of her exposed tits. I know how sensitive Rita's nipples are when she's aroused, and was not surprised to hear her howl in pain. "Beg!" He slapped her other nipple even harder.

"Please," she moaned. It was a forced plead, but I could hear the sincerity in her voice. Her entire body was flushed with desire, and I thought I could almost see the wetness glistening from her cunt as I stroked my now fully hard cock furiously. "Please fuck me, Vanya. Fuck me good."

"I will," he laughed and dragged her forward, shoving her chest down onto the bed. He dropped down in behind her and lined his cock up with her cunt.

From that angle, I could see almost nothing of my wife as his large frame completely covered her tiny one, but I heard her scream as his massive cock entered her cunt for the first time with one, massive shove. Vanya took a handful of her hair in one hand, and a firm grip on her hip with the other and pulled his himself back. With his next thrust, Rita scream turned from shock and pain to lust.

"Yes," she howled as Vanya started pounded his large cock into her small, tight hole. "Yes, Vanya. Fuck me. Fuck me like a bitch. Fuck meee!" Her screams turned into incoherent babbles as she came around his cock. They set off my second orgasm, shooting more cum over myself. I hardly noticed. With her tight hole, feeling all the tighter by the girth of his cock, I was not surprised when Vanya pumped hard into her and came deep inside her pussy.

Vanya slumped, sweating, on top of my wife. The lay panting together before Vanya finally climbed off of her and headed towards the camera. As he reached for it, the scene changed again. Vanya sat fully clothed once more front of the camera.

"Yes," he said happily. "She was a good fuck. I will fuck her more, much, much more." He laughed and I slowly clicked the TV off.

I stared blankly at the screen before grabbing a dishtowel to wipe myself off. Searching through Rita's study aids, I found Vanya's number scrawled across a piece of paper. Forcing my heart to slow and my nerves to relax, I dialed the number.