Honey, I Shrunk Your Pussy! Pt. 04

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Herbie continues his sexual revenge on all three ex-wives.
6.3k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 08/25/2023
Created 07/20/2023
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He walked over to a large ten foot tall object covered in a tarp, grabbed the cloth and pulled.

The tarp slid off the giant object and crumpled to the floor, revealing what looked like a ten foot tall plastic rocket ship with a rounded nose cone.

There was a hollowed out section in front of it in the exact shape of an upside down man, like someone could lay down inside that depression with the top of their head on the floor and their feet up past the center of the giant tube.

The room had mostly quieted down.

Someone shouted, "What the hell is that?"

Herbie smiled and pushed his glasses up on his nose. He pointed something in his hand at the large, tubular object and pressed a button.

The entire rocket shaped object began violently shaking and pounding the floor as it hopped up and down, precariously wobbling and making a hell of a roaring rumble sound that filled the basement.

All the men in the room, startled by this violent shaking and roaring, shouted curses, covered their ears or quickly retreated. "Oh shit!" and "Turn it off!" and "What the hell is that?" several men shouted.

Herbie pressed a button on his device and the rocket shaped object stopped shaking, wobbling and roaring. He said, "That, Gentlemen, is a ten inch vibrating dildo. I enlarged it to ten feet and hollowed out a space so a naked man could ride on it." He pointed to his ex-wives. "I intend to put one of you lucky gentlemen on it, shrink both you and this dildo down to an appropriate size with my incredible Shrink Ray, and fuck a few of our ex's with it... with one of you inside it for the whole ride."

Herbie smiled and turned to the stunned crowd of men. "Now... do I have any volunteers?"

The whole room remained silent. Then one guy in the back said, "Can you shrink the other two ladies down, too, the ones we're going to have sex with?"

"Absolutely," Herbie said, "I just assumed you all might have wanted to have sex with them at their full sizes."

"You mean," another man in front asked, "We can fuck them at half their sizes, like maybe even smaller?"

Many of the men started murmuring. Some asking questions of one another, others making side comments, some just cursing in astonishment and others expressing disbelief. The murmuring grew until the whole group of men were chattering loudly amongst themselves with multiple conversations, cross talk and debates going on simultaneously.

Then one tall fellow in a ship captain's hat stood up from a folding chair and shouted, "How the hell are you doing this, Dr. Nipper?"

The men all stopped their chattering, listening for Herbie's response.

"Well, let me explain," Herbie said. "I have invented a device which emits a field of energy capable of shrinking matter by--"

"NOT the bullshit story," the tall man said, folding his arms. "I want to know how you are creating these optical illusions. More importantly, why are you doing this? We obviously will all discover you're a fraud as soon as we approach that little version of Nancy and she turns out to be a hologram or something."

"Eddie, right?" Herbie said, "Edward Grant? Nancy took your yacht in the divorce settlement?"

He nodded.

"Why don't you go check Nancy out. I'll even have her orally pleasure you if you like. She has agreed to sexually service every man I command her to service today." Herbie waved a hand, welcoming him to go inspect Nancy up close.

Eddie Grant strode forward and stopped right in front of the two and a half foot tall Nancy, who was kneeling so her little head was only a bit higher than Eddie's knees.

Nancy was naked with her arms folded over her big bare breasts in a feeble attempt at modesty, but she was tethered to the wall behind her by a steel cable attached to the back of a wide leather belt around her waist.

She reached up to the nozzle on her neck and twisted the cap, closing it off so she could speak without using her hand to cover it. She placed both her arms back over her naked breasts.

"Hi, Eddie," she said.

"Hi, yourself." Eddie inspected all around the spot where she was kneeling and waved his lanky arms around her, down her sides, in back of her and even below her, through her slightly spread legs.

After he checked between her legs for projections, he lifted his hand up and cupped Nancy's shrunken pussy in his big hand.

She jumped, letting out a little yelp and grabbing his forearm with one hand.

"Go easy with that, Eddie. I'm still a little bit tender there from what Herbie did to me this morning."

Eddie yanked his hand away and stumbled backwards, as if afraid of her. "Holy shit!" he said, smelling the hand he had used to touch her pussy. "She's small! She's really that fucking small!" He turned his head. "How the hell did you do this?"


Herbie was beginning to get impatient with all the questions from these simpletons.

He let out a sigh and tried, once again, to explain his Shrink Ray in the most basic of terms. "I told you," he said, "I invented a device which emits a field that is able to shrink matt--"

"Yeah, yeah, who cares!" the bald headed guy named Russell shouted, "I just want to see that tiny blonde chick blow the tall guy!"

Someone else yelled out, "Nevermind that! I want to see him fuck her!"

Another man yelled, "Hey, Nipper! I'll pay you ten grand if you let me be the first to fuck Nancy while she's that small!" It was Chuck Cockburn, one of Nancy's ex-boyfriends. He had told Herbie that Nancy had played him for over fifty grand in the two months they had dated and she had never even slept with him.

All the men began shouting, most yelling how they wanted to fuck one of his tied up and naked ex-wives or another.

Chuck yelled out louder than the rest, "Let's fuck them all!"

Suddenly, prompted by Chuck's shout, the crowd of men erupted in hoots and hollers, and everyone surged forward, some undressing, pulling down their pants or taking off their shirts as the whole group headed toward Nancy and Herbie's other two ex-wives.

Herbie opened his box, snatched up his Shrink Ray rifle, turned the dial, pointed it at the unruly crowd and opened fire.

As the green light cascaded through the group of men, hitting those closest to the Shrink Ray rifle first, the men began vanishing until everyone had disappeared. Only his ex-wives and Eddie Grant, who was still standing in front of Nancy remained. A big area of the floor in the basement where the crowd of men had been was now speckled with ant sized men.

Herbie shouted down at the shrunken crowd of men, "Who makes the goddamned rules in here, Gentlemen?"

Dozens of tiny, high pitched voices clamored from the basement floor. Herbie could barely hear them. It was hard enough to hear his three ex-wives yesterday when they were that small and that was up close using the mixing bowl's acoustics. Hearing the tiny voices from more than a few feet away was impossible.

Herbie grabbed a dust pan off the table where he kept the storage box for his Shrink Ray rifle and set it down on the floor.

He shouted down at all the little men. "I want you all to get on this dust pan. Anyone who doesn't get on it will stay an inch tall."

The scattered tiny crowd of ant-sized men on the basement floor moved, all quickly coming together and headed toward the dust pan.

Eddie Grant turned around, looking down in horror at the swarm of his formerly full-sized peers. "What the hell did you do to them, Nipper?" he shouted.

Not wanting to get anyone crushed, Herbie held up his hand in a stopping gesture and shouted, "Stop right there! Don't move! Wait until they all get on the dust pan. You could inadvertantly step on one of them. They're very difficult to see at this size."

"You shrunk them all down to the size of ants," Eddie shouted. "You are stark raving mad, Nipper! Stark raving mad!"

"No," Herbie said, speaking to both Eddie and the large group of tiny men making their way toward the dust pan on the floor. "They are more or less the size of cockroaches, and I am simply controlling the situation. I promise every man here that we will ALL get to brutally rape, sodomize and sexually torture these three gold digging whores, but those brutal, torturous gangrapes rapes will be conducted in a polite and civilized manor."

Eddie Grant let out a loud scoffing laugh. "Hah!" He smirked, pushed the brim of his captain's cap up and shook his head. "So you're saying we should brutally gangrape these ladies like civilized men?"

"Precisely!" Herbie confirmed with a terse nod.

Eddie shrugged. "Okay, then, Nipper. I'm with you. So, just tell me when little Nancy here can start sucking my dick."

Nancy shook her head, pushed air through her nose and said, "Really? You're WITH him, Eddie? I thought you, at least, being a father of two daughters would talk some sense into Herbie. Have you both lost your minds? This is kidnapping, torture and gangrape on three innocent women, for Christ sake."

Eddie chuckled a mirthless chuckle. "Yeah, I don't see any innocent women here!"

Nancy shook her head, sat back onto her heels from her kneeling position and in a frustrated voice shouted, "Both you sick perverts are going straight to Hell."

Once everyone seemed to be on the dust pan, Herbie grabbed his magnifying glass off the table. He crouched down onto his knees and began taking a head count.

"Please stop wandering around, Gentlemen, I need to make certain everyone is present and accounted for."

Herbie finished counting. There were only twenty-six men on the dust pan. There should have been twenty-seven.

"Whose missing?" Herbie asked. "Does anyone know who is missing?"

"You make us big again!" Russell shouted up at him in his wee little voice. Many of the other little men began shouting at him, too, some shaking their fists.

Herbie looked up and scanned the basement floor. Various articles of discarded clothing that had escaped the Shrink Ray's effect lay strewn about where some of the men had dropped them when they were still at their normal size.

Herbie spotted a tiny speck next to a crumpled sports jacket. He smiled. Whoever was missing was that speck and looked to be safe and sound.

Standing, grabbing his makeshift paper scoop off the table and carefully approaching that tiny speck, he stopped and knelt down. Using his magnifying glass he inspected the speck.

It was Harvey Greene, a somewhat chubby accountant from LA, one of Rachel's victims. He had flown in from California that very morning at Herbie's expense. "Harvey," Herbie said, smiling down at him, "Why didn't you head to the dust pan?"

Harvey waved a dismissive wave in the dust pan's direction. "Hi, Dr. Nipper. I really didn't want to get lumped in with all those rowdy guys," Harvey said, and then he shrugged. "Plus, I didn't feel like walking."

Herbie chuckled. "Do you still want to fuck Rachel in her ass?"

"Oh, you bet I do! And I've been saving up all my semen for a week for your other ex, too, just like we discussed on our video conference."

"Good! Good! Then let's get you up to size, Harvey. You wait right there."

Herbie jumped up, strode to the table and grabbed his rifle. He turned the dial, took a few steps toward Harvey's speck, aimed, waited a second for the target defining sight to zero in on just Harvey and his clothing, selected that target and fired. After all, Herbie didn't want to enlarge the concrete floor under him by nearly seventy times its present size. That would be disastrous.

A full sized Harvey Greene suddenly stood before him. Herbie cradled his rifle, smiled and wagged his head toward the gagged and tied up, Rachel. "Go get her, Harvey. She's all yours."

Harvey looked over at Rachel. She was standing with her naked backside pushed out, slightly bent over a waist high cabinet, her feet and her arms spread shoulder width apart, with all her limbs secured to the wall and floor. She looked back, eyes wide and shouting into her gag, obviously having heard everything they had been saying, and not looking like she liked it one bit.

Harvey smiled, turned toward Rachel and began unbuckling his belt. "Hello, Honey! Long time no see." He walked toward her, pulling his penis out of his pants. "Did you miss me?"

Rachel screamed something that sounded like 'LUCK YOU!' through her gag, but Herbie knew he must have been mistaken.

Eddie Grant watched Harvey approach the helpless Rachel with his dick out. "Are you really going to fuck her?" he asked.

"Damn right I am. I left my wife for this cunt and she took my entire life savings just before she dumped me."

He stopped behind Rachel, stroking his cock and looking down at her pretty, protruding ass. "Never got to fuck Rachel in her amazing ass. Said she hated anal; that it was only for filthy, disgusting sluts." He looked over at Eddie, still standing in front of the kneeling, half-sized Nancy. He nodded down at Nancy and said, "What did that gorgeous blonde do to you, again?"

Eddie frowned. "She took my yacht."

"It was part of our divorce settlement," Nancy cried, frowning and rolling her eyes.

Harvey snickered ruefully and shook his head. "A single blowjob won't even make up for the cost of an anchor. You have three little holes right there in front of you, brother. If I were you I'd start making her pay it ALL back with her backside. That's the hole they'll remember."

"Hey!" Nancy's higher pitched voice shouted. "You just mind your own fucking business, Pal!"

Harvey smiled, licked his palm, wet the head of his now raging boner, and said, "I think I'll do just that." He pressed his eightish inch cock against Rachel's helpless asshole and pushed.

Herbie moved around for a better view. He got the perfect angle just in time to see Harvey's erect penis pop inside of Rachel's anus. Harvey grunted in effort as he rammed the entire length of his cock up her ass.

Rachel shrieked through her gag, her whole body jerking up on her tippy toes in a doomed attempt to get away. In response to Harvey's whole cock shoved deep in her asshole she burst into tears, sobbing loudly and vigorously shaking her head.

Harvey kept his dick buried, lifting Rachel up even higher on her tippy toes, as he grabbed her huge breasts in both hands and squeezed. "This is one tight, goddamned pooper you got, Rachel!" he shouted. "No wonder you never wanted anal. Here! Let me loosen this fucker up for you."

Clutching her big tits hard and using them like handles, Harvey pulled his cock half way out and began plunging it into her beautiful ass as hard and as fast as he could over and over again. Rachel shrieked, screamed and cried into her gag as he mercilessly and brutally pounded his cock into her.

Sweating from the workout and not slowing down or easing up, Harvey glanced over at Herbie and said, "Mind taking off her gag please, Doc!'

Herbie reached out and pulled the gag off her mouth.

"OW-HOW-HOW-HOW! YOU FAT FUCKING FUCKER!" Rachel screeched, completely hysterical. She shook her head, and sobbed loudly and uncontrollably through clenched teeth as Harvey fucked her as hard as he could. After a full minute or more of this brutal pounding, Harvey yelled, "I'm going to cum!"

"In Nancy's mouth, Harvey, just like we agreed!" Herbie shouted. "Nancy get READY!"

Nancy's eyes and mouth popped open wide in surprise. Harvey pulled his cock out of Rachel's ass and stepped two steps, pushing his cock down right toward Nancy's still open mouth.

Harvey squatted down and put the head of his cock right on Nancy's tongue. He shot his load. Two big thick ropes of jizm flew into her mouth, but Nancy's little head pulled back, and several more thick swaths of sperm shot down onto her face from above, splattering on her forehead, running down her face and streaking over her eyes, cheeks, nose, upper lip and chin.

Harvey grabbed her little head and forced his still ejaculating cock into her mouth until she opened it again.

He finished his orgasm in there, and a distressed and disgusted looking Nancy swallowed, gasped, choked and coughed, Harvey's gooey cum covering and dripping down her small sized face.

Herbie shouted, "You missed swallowing some, Nancy! Now scrape it all up and drink that semen. That's your job now. Your only fucking job!"

"Okay!" Nancy shouted. "Okay, Herbie-Bear! I'm sorry." She began sliding wads of cum off her face and into her mouth with her fingers, swallowing each new creamy helping she had scraped from her face.

"But why did you pull your mouth away? You said you would drink ALL the cum today. You said you would do that for me."

"I know! I know! I'm sorry," Nancy said, swallowing one last time, drinking down the last of Harvey's huge load. "It just took me by surprise, Baby. I won't pull away again. I promise."

"Okay," Herbie said, "Now give Eddie a nice blowjob."

Eddie shrugged and pulled his pants down.

"And remember what you promised, Nancy!"

"I know, Herbie-Bear," Nancy said, standing up so her mouth could reach Eddie Grant's double sized dick. "Every drop, baby, drink every fucking drop. I got this." She took Eddie's cock into her mouth, closed her eyes and began blowing him like a cheap two and a half foot whore. Herbie marvelled at how pretty Nancy looked with a big cock in her mouth.

He wondered if the Megestrol-Z had worked its magic in her system. He had spiked her water bottle with a triple dose of that wonder drug, and Nancy had just swallowed a lot of cum.

Megestrol-Z was an appetite stimulant unlike anything seen before. In the clinical study it had been one hundred percent effective in causing patients to fixate on the very next food they ate after taking a single dose. Even foods people formerly hated instantly became their favorite fare, making them obsess over eating that food with every meal.

One patient, who had been dosed and who had claimed to be an extremely picky eater with a weak stomach, had been talked into eating Haggis, a disgusting Scottish dish made from the organs of a calf. She had nearly vomited, managing to eat only one bite from the plate. After several minutes, however, according to the reports, she returned to the dish and ravenously ate the entire helping, licking the plate clean, and asking for more.

They followed her for several months and that patient continued eating Haggis for every meal, reporting that she just could not get enough of it and had gained nearly forty pounds.

The same amazing and permanent effect was reported on every single patient regardless of what food they were given after a dose and the results proved irreversible.

The drug company paid huge settlements to every participant in their trial and decided that their new wonder drug was far too dangerous to produce.

Apparently, Megestrol-Z permanently effected the Hippocampus and a few other parts of the brain, making patients totally obsessed with whatever food they ingested after a single dose.

Herbie had given Nancy a triple dose in her water, and now she had ingested a nice big load of cum from Harvey. He hoped Megestrol-Z would have that same amazing and permanent effect on her appetite for sperm. Only time would tell.


As Nancy went through the motions, sucking Eddie's double sized cock, which now seemed to her at half her size to be a thick, nearly thirteen inch penis, something strange happened.

Her mouth began to water and her tummy growled. She suddenly felt famished, and the thought of drinking Eddie's cum, instead of being a drudgery, or threatening to upset her stomach, made her eager with anticipation to taste it.

She began sucking his cock more enthusiastically, not in an effort to please him or to please Herbie, but to get as much cum out of that cock and into her mouth as she could.

Nancy paused for a moment, perplexed. She pulled her mouth off the giant cock and shook her head, swallowing the spit from her watering mouth and wondering why she was actually craving a nice big load of cum to drink. She had dreaded the thought of having to swallow everyone's semen today, and had only agreed to willingly do it because Herbie had promised her that he wouldn't let any of these men fuck or sodomize her.