Honey, I Shrunk Your Pussy! Pt. 07

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The BUTT-CLENCHING conclusion to HISYP!
7.1k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 08/25/2023
Created 07/20/2023
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"I can't be sure, but I believe it was counter clockwise." Jackson twisted the dial all the way, lifted the rifle, holding it deftly, like a man who knew his way around a firearm, and he pointed it right at Herbie.

Herbie's knees shook and he gasped, nearly unable to stop a sudden and extremely intense urge to defecate.

"Now, Nipper," Jackson said, "I don't know if this crazy gizmo you built here will make you a thousand times smaller or a thousand times bigger, but I really don't care. All I will care about is that I eliminated a problem."

Barely able to speak and with a shaky voice two octaves higher, Herbie said, "Please, Mr. Jackson. I am not a problem. We can work this out. We both want the same thing. Your daughter... who is NOT even your daughter, by the way, let's not forget that nugget of information... screwed you so badly that you lost everything... and NEARLY did prison time. She screwed over nearly a dozen men in this room. Jessica is a vile, selfish and spoiled rotten girl."

"She's still my baby girl, Nipper.... and that story about Hank Miller can't be true. My wife and I didn't even know Miller until he got out of the service and moved to Iowa three months after Jessica was born."

"So, you knew she was your daughter all along?" Herbie asked, dumbfounded. Jackson had put on an amazing act. He had even wept real tears.

"That's right," Jackson said, "I did what I had to do to get this job done. I even fucked a baby into my own flesh and blood baby girl, but that's what this job needed to get it done. Jessica is a Jackson, Nipper, and no son of a bitch fucks a Jackson without getting their comeuppance."

"YOU TELL HIM, DADDY!" Jessica shouted, still tied spread eagle on her exam table.

Jackson continued. "I have been biding my time, waiting for you to drop your guard. You see, I didn't come here to fuck my baby girl. I came here to save her."

Jackson pulled the trigger.

The large glass lense at the business end of Herbie's rifle flipped out on a hinge and swung around to the side of the barrel with a loud click, its shrink ray emitting surface now facing Jackson. He raised one dashing gray eyebrow, staring down at the turned-around lens, a sudden look of panicked concern at this unexpected development in his eyes. A green glow shot back and washed over Jackson, not Herbie, and the eight foot tall Jackson disappeared.

The Shrink Ray rifle, suddenly unattended, dropped to the floor making a loud clattering clunk.

"DADDY!" Jessica shrieked. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DADDY?" She burst into tears.

Herbie let out a loud sigh of relief. His failsafe personalized trigger mechanism and the boobytrap he had rigged to shrink anyone else who ever tried to fire his rifle had worked perfectly, despite having never been tested.

Scanning the immediate vicinity around his rifle, Herbie spotted an inch and a half sized Jackson standing about a foot away from the trigger guard.

Herbie strode to his rifle, picked it up off the floor and checked it for damage, as the tiny and still naked Jacob Jackson fled away at full speed, which wasn't very fast, in the opposite direction of his daughter.

Although it sustained a scuff on the prism casing and a dent on its aluminum butt stock, Herbie's rifle appeared to be in full working order. Resetting the failsafe by flipping the prism back into place, and pulling his makeshift paper scoop from his pocket, he walked after the fleeing Jackson, bent down and scooped him up.

Standing straight and lifting the scoop up to his face, he frowned down at Jackson, who was on his hands and knees, trying to cling onto the surface of the unsteady paper scoop. "You are a fool, Jackson. Who did you think you were dealing with? I am Dr. Herbert Horatio Nipper, a highly evolved scientist possessing a superior intellect, not some dumb under-evolved ape like you. You should not have attempted to cross me. You, your daughter and your father will all pay a high price for that." Herbie headed across the lab toward the table near the gurney he had placed Rachel upon.

"On the bright side," Herbie said, as he carefully placed Jackson down inside Robbie's old rat tank, the one he had kept the three girls in overnight, "You and your father will make excellent test subjects for a particularly interesting experiment I've been meaning to conduct."

Herbie turned toward the large group of men who had gathered back into the orientation area, he walked back to within several yards of those men. "Jedediah Jackson!" he shouted at the crowd, "Please step forward, Sir!"

Nobody responded.

Herbie raised his rifle and pointed it at all the men. He shouted, "Jed Jackson, please step forward!"

Harvey Greene pointed down the corridor that led to the lobby. "If you mean that old bald guy, Dr. Nipper, I just saw him with your pussy fuck bitch. They went that way."

"Who went what way?" Herbie said, confused, dropping his rifle to his side. "With my pussy fuck bitch?" He spun his head toward the exam table.

It was empty, Jessica's leather handcuffs and ankle shackles dangling open and hanging from their wire tethers.

Herbie shouted at the men who had been waiting to fuck Jessica, but were now just standing in front of the empty exam table. "Where the hell is Jessica?"

One guy pointed the same way Harvey pointed. "That old guy untied her and they went--"

Herbie screamed, "Why didn't you try to stop them... or warn me?"

The guy shrugged and said, "I didn't know what was happening. I thought maybe... maybe she was on her break?"

"On her break?" Herbie cried, incredulous. "We were RAPING them. They don't get BREAKS!"

Another guy near the empty exam table pointed at Rachel, still laying on the gurney where he had put her. "You gave that one a break."

"That wasn't a break!" He shook his head, blinking. "Nevermind! Jessica was ESCAPING and you all just--!" Herbie cried at them. "Damn it!" He said, giving up on trying to educate these morons. "I need to go after them," He said, mostly to himself.

Herbie took a deep breath and thought about how best to go about that. He formed a quick plan in his head and shouted, "Nancy! Do you want to drink some more of my cum?"

Nancy hopped up and down, clapping her hands in excitement. "Oh boy! Oh boy! Yes I do, Herbie-Bear!"

"Then come with me," Herbie said. He shouted, "Everyone else stay here! Don't go anywhere or touch anything."

He strode into the corridor with a two and a half foot Nancy trying to keep up behind him. Setting the dial as he walked, he pointed his rifle at Nancy and fired. She grew to her full height.

"Oh, I'm big again," she said, pulling up beside him in the corridor. "But how come my tummy still aches, Herbie? Shouldn't it be twice as big now? I am so full from drinking all that semen that it really... really hurts. Why didn't growing help that?"

"Yes, your stomach grew," Herbie said as they walked, "But all that sperm in your tummy grew, too. So you'll have to digest it normally to get any relief."

As they reached the lobby, Herbie noticed immediately that his trench coat was missing from the hook. The lobby and reception area were empty except for his robot receptionist, Roberta.

"Roberta!" he said, "How long has it been since Jed and Jessica Jackson came through here?"

Roberta looked a lot like Nancy. Herbie had sent Boston Robotics Nancy's pictures when he had ordered the fully functioning sexbot from them. She was dressed in a sexy nursing costume he'd ordered from a Halloween Store online, and she sat at the reception counter, pretending to type on a keypad. It was part of the receptionist functions Herbie had uploaded into her.

Roberta mechanically turned her blonde head, blinked her big blue eyes at him and said, "Three minutes and forty-three seconds have elapsed since Jedediah Jackson and Jessica Jackson departed, Dr. Nipper. Would you care for some hot tea, or perhaps a nice refreshing blowjob?"

"Not now, thank you," Herbie said, annoyed. He would definitely have to modify the services menu in her programming if she were to continue as his receptionist.

Herbie, accompanied by a still naked, but full sized Nancy, headed for the exit doors.

"Herbie-Bear," Nancy said as they walked, "Why do I want to drink your cum so badly, I mean more than anything else I ever wanted? Did you do something to me, Baby?"

"Yes, I did," Herbie said, as he opened the door and stepped outside with her. "I gave you a drug that makes you obsessed with eating whatever food you ate after being dosed, and you, my dear, ate Harvey's cum."

Herbie scanned the parking lot. Except for his shuttle bus parked right in front, which he had used to transport all the men from nearby Belchertown out to his laboratory, the lot was empty.

The lab was safely hidden in a rural, wooded and undisclosed location, far from any neighbors or police stations, but Jed and Jessica could have run in any direction.

"Damn it!" he said, "They must have fled into the woods."

"I knew something was WRONG with me!" Nancy said, looking outraged and rubbing her bloated tummy. "How could you do this to me, Herbie-Bear? When will this cum-drinking drug ware off?"

"Oh, it will never ware off, Nancy. The effect is permanent." Nancy looked horrified. Herbie pushed his glasses up his nose and looked around. "They can't be too far away. I suppose it's time to test my hypothesis."

"You mean, I am going to be obsessed with drinking cum forever?" Nancy cried, nearly in tears. "That's horrible! I won't do it! I'll resist the urge, Herbie, you bastard! I will resist it! You just watch me! I have an iron will power once I set my mind on something, and as God is my witness I swear, from this point on, that I will never drink another drop of semen for as long as I live!"

Herbie, with his rifle slung over his shoulder, had been fumbling with his zipper as she talked. He whipped out his penis and said, "I need you to drink some cum out of me right now, Nancy. Would you mind?"

"Ooh! Absolutely! I'm on it!" Nancy said, smiling gleefully and dropping to her knees. She began hungrily sucking his normal sized penis as Herbie stood arms akimbo and scanned the surrounding forest.

"If my calculations are correct," he mused, enjoying Nancy's enthusiastic oral servicing as he looked around and talked, "The distance at which a sufficiently enlarged spermatozoa could detect an unfertilized female egg should be the equivalent of about a quarter mile..." He groaned loudly, and used a hand on the back of Nancy's head to push it faster.

She made a yummy sound and moved her head faster for him. In a shaky voice, Herbie continued. "So, all I need is a single drop of... mmmm... that is delightful... a single drop of my sperm to... nevermind."

Pulling her mouth off his normal six inch sized cock for a moment, Nancy said, "I am going to drain every drop of cum out of your balls and drink it all down." Then she went back to work.

"Well, I will need one drop of it... but you may drink the rest, my dear."

"Mmmmm-mmm!" Nancy, responded, nodding her head as she blew him.

Herbie felt his orgasm surging, but just before he shot his load, he pulled his dick out of Nancy's mouth and shot it all over her pretty face.

Nancy moved her open mouth around, frantically trying her best to catch the pearly white streaks inside of it as they shot up and slimed her face from chin to forehead. She caught some cum in her mouth, but she couldn't get the majority of it. Several thick streaks of sperm stuck to her face and slowly oozed and dripped down it. She tossed her head back in an attempt to save as much as she could from falling off, quickly gulped down what she had caught in her mouth and began gathering cum off her face with her fingers, and sweeping it into her mouth.

Herbie pinched a dollop of his cum off her forehead, and stepped back.

While Nancy desperately scraped cum out of her eye and greedily devoured it, Herbie placed his tiny drop of cum on the pavement, pointed his rifle at it and targeted the droplet of semen.

He fired, increasing his sperm and the surrounding seminal fluids to twelve thousand times its size. About thirty gallons of semen appeared in a large whitish clear glob that quickly collapsed in a splash and spread out becoming a huge puddle on the pavement before him. Dozens of spermatozoa flopped around like fishes at Herbie's feet and in front of Nancy's knees.

They looked like long jellyfish, with translucent skin. Each one was about a yard long, with a bulbous elongated head the size and shape of a fat, one-foot long cucumber with a constantly flapping and wagging two-foot long tail behind it.

Nancy snatched one up off the ground and looked up at Herbie as it wiggled around in her hand. "Oh my God, Herbie-Bear!" she cried. "Is this what I think it is!"

"It's a single sperm cell, enlarged by twelve-thousand times from its original--"

Nancy took a large bite right out of the top of its bulbous head, causing Herbie to grimace, stop talking and his stomach to lurch in disgust.

She looked thrilled as she chewed, pale white viscous fluids seeping down both sides of her chin. She swallowed and cried, "These are freaking DELICIOUS!" Nancy began ravenously devouring the still wiggling sperm cell in her hand. Herbie watched her eat the entire spermatozoa in horrified fascination, right up until she slurped the end of its flapping flagella into her puckered lips like a long strand of wiggling spaghetti.

She swallowed, belched a long loud belch, and then looked down for more. To Herbie's and her surprise, there were no more sperm cells in the puddle of seminal fluid. They both looked around, searching for where they had all gone.

Nancy pointed, sprang to her feet and shouted, "There they go! They're getting away!" She took off at a full sprint, her big titties bouncing wildly, chasing after the whole school of spermatozoa as they slithered away across the parking lot in a tight 'V' formation.

"Fascinating!" Herbie said, pushing his glasses up his nose. "They must have detected Jessica's ovum." He shouted, "Don't let them get too far ahead of you, Nancy!" Herbie sped after her, adding, "And DO NOT eat any more of them! I doubt if they're even digestible. The size of the amino acids and proteins that make up its... oh, nevermind! They could make you quite ill! That's all!"

As they ran after the sperm cells, Herbie noted they were headed right toward the dried out riverbed that snaked through the forest. He smiled in relief. That direction was the worst Jessica and her grandfather could have chosen for themselves. It lead straight to a three hundred foot sheer cliff with nothing but a vast rock quarry below.

The dried up riverbed ended at the top of that cliff, once feeding a huge waterfall, but now just terminating in a deadly three hundred foot drop onto rocks. Herbie would trap them there and shrink them both down to a manageable one inch stature.

The school of slithering sperm cells moved quickly, but Nancy and Herbie were twenty yards behind and managing to keep up. The sperm cells broke through the treeline and crashed noisily along the forest floor, several popping up at a time as they moved, much like dolphins or salmon popping out of the water as they swim, only his sperm cells were "swimming" over land.

"Look at them little bastards go!" Herbie cried, feeling a bit of pride at the motility of his swimmers.

"They ARE fast!" Nancy said, running only a few yards ahead. "I'm surprised you never got anyone pregnant!"

Just then one of the sperms clunked headlong into a tree and dropped to the ground. Nancy swerved, snatched it up before it could get moving again, and took a huge bite out of it.

She ate as she ran, now running beside Herbie. With her mouth overfilled, she said, "An' jey are sho delish--!"


The school of spermatozoa plunged down into the dried out riverbed, and turned, swimming over land in the direction of that cliff, which was a little less than a mile away. Herbie and Nancy followed, still running, but both starting to get winded.

Nancy finished eating Herbie's sperm cell, wiped her mouth with her forearm and belched loudly, never slowing down her jogging. "I am... absolutely stuffed," she whined and labored for air. "My belly hurts... so bad, Herbie-Bear, but I... I just cannot stop eating. Isn't there... isn't there anything... you can do?"

"I could cure you..." Herbie said, also interrupted by labored breathing. "Using my shrink... ray rifle... I think, but... but why should I?"

"Because... I think," Nancy said,

struggling even harder to breathe in between talking as she ran. "Because I think I... I might be eating myself... to death."

That possibility had occurred to Herbie, but hearing Nancy say it made it more than just a possible outcome. If she feared eating herself to death then it became exponentially more likely that she would. Herbie wanted to hurt all three of his ex-wives, but he didn't want to kill them.

"I will attempt...," he said, struggling harder than ever to breathe, "...to cure you... before that... happens... Nancy."

The school of sperm seemed to speed up, "swimming" around a bend in the dry riverbed that turned to the left. A woman's shrill scream erupted from that direction.

"They found her!" Herbie cried, feeling light-headed and completely winded.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Jessica's voice screamed out, sounding horrified.

As Herbie and Nancy rounded the bend, Herbie saw Jessica had fallen down, but was facing off the school of sperm. Her ass on the ground, she faced toward him and Nancy, and kicked her legs furiously at the school of attacking sperm cells that had come at her from behind.

"WHAT ARE THEY?" she screamed. "Fucking BOWLING PINS with TAILS?"

She was still completely nude. Herbie's large trenchcoat had fallen off her onto the ground and was now laying under her bare bottom. As she screamed and fought, the sperm cells hopped, slithered and squirmed, all making lunges at her naked pussy.

"WHY DO THEY KEEP TRYING TO ATTACK MY FUCKING PUSSY?" Jessica shouted. She kicked, slapped and punched them aside, sending three and four at a time flying away from her, but then she was overwhelmed by their speed and numbers.

One of the giant sperms that had shot at her from the rear of the others, got through her defenses. It jumped and flew through the air, hitting its target with a perfect bullseye, slamming head first straight into her pussy. It wedged itself deep in her vaginal canal, with a violent, frapping pussy fart and a loud, resounding 'SQUISH'.

Jessica shrieked, "YEEEOUCH! MOTHERFUCKER!"

She forgot about fighting the others off and grabbed the furiously flipping tail of the one wedged deep in her pussy with both her hands. Clenching her teeth and yanking with all her might, she ripped the large, bulbous head out of her pussy and whipped the wet and flailing sperm cell twenty feet into the woods. As she was flinging that one away, another sperm cell immediately plunged even deeper into her vacant exposed pussy, making an even louder 'SQUISH', more of a 'SPLAT'.

"OW! YOU FUCKING PRICK!" she screamed, bursting into tears.

Her whole body got swarmed with two dozen sperm cells, all repeatedly bumping their heads into her pelvic region.

Even as the one in her pussy buried itself deeper, its wide circumference having a lot of trouble squeezing into the smaller hole, another sperm cell wiggled and pushed its way into her butthole.


She threw herself from her sitting position back onto the ground, bucking her hips up in the air and clutching at the two huge sperm cells borrowing deeper and deeper into both her now fully engorged holes. The two sperm cells that were now double penetrating her seemed to get excited, maybe sensing they were near their goal. They both went into a frenzy, their long tails pushing, slithering and whipping around at triple speed. Still, their wide girth prevented them from full penetration, making their progress slow as they stretched open both tight holes.