Honour Among Thieves


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Kaitlyn was the first to move, seeming to have little compunction about hitting her friend. She swung a vicious right hand that connected with a resounding crack as it connected perfectly with Rachel's butt cheek. Rachel shrieked, but she didn't lift her head and she didn't try to stop us. Nikka took a go next, landing a tentative smack high up on Rachel. I let her have a few more goes, alternating with the haymakers Kaitlyn was throwing before I warned Nikka that she had better get up to speed 'or else' (again). She was almost patting Rachel on the back rather than spanking her properly - the difference was clear when you saw the angry red cheek that Kaitlyn was working on. Rachel was quiet now; gasping when Kaitlyn hit her, but remaining silent when it was Nikka's turn. The unspoken threat became obvious in my mind so I stooped down and swung with my shoulder, landing the flat of my hand low on Nikka's butt, just where it met her leg. She had been kneeling up at the time but the force of the blow and the sting of pain caused her to fall forward, allowing me to place another glowing red hand-print on the other cheek a moment later. Nikka screamed aloud and tossed her hair back I used it to pull her upright again and pushed her towards Rachel. Her next smack was everything I hoped for and in no time Rachel was equally rosy from left to right.

I reached in between the two girls and firmly cupped Rachel's pussy with my whole hand. She jumped a little and looked over her shoulder at me. As I had suspected, overwhelming her had reduced her nervousness significantly. She did not exactly give me a lustful look, but she stared into my eyes in a way she would not have done five minutes early. Her face was flushed red and her blonde hair was sticking to the sweat on her skin. Kneeling down behind her, I rubbed my hand back and forth possessively over her mound, feeling her lips move against each other before dipping a finger through her folds and finding her pleasantly wet. With me inserting myself into the frame, the other two had to take a break from spanking, which was probably as well since I could feel the heat radiating from Rachel's abused bottom.

There was a lot more life in my dick now, but I wasn't quite ready so with my free hand I reached for Nikka's hair and pulled her round so her face was lying on the shelf of Rachel's bum, then slowly fed my dick into her mouth, relishing the suction she applied without complaint as I held her still. I took my hand off Rachel's pussy and started scooping up whatever drool and cum I could find on Nikka, then I would rub this over Rachel's lips before looking for more. With her pussy now slippery inside and out I firmly pressed two fingers into her opening and then paused while she got used to the intrusion. She certainly didn't try to get away. Next, I started slowly sawing my fingers in and out, twisting them and pressing downwards, looking for her G-Spot. That earned me a little bum-wiggle so I sped up with my fingers and with the thrusting of my cock into Nikka's mouth. We were both ready.

Releasing my grip on Nikka's hair I moved my dick down until it was aligned with Rachel's slit then I gently nudged forward, watching as the head of my cock slipped between her folds. Rachel sighed quietly and I stole a glance at the other two to find them both intently watching the show. I gave another push and Rachel's tight pussy yielded until she was fulling wrapped around me. After another moment's pause I started stroking myself in and out, relishing the tight, slippery grip of her.

I was pleased with the discord I had already sewn so far but I thought I might be able to up the ante a little, so without stopping my in/out rhythm I began the next stage of my plan. "Kaitlyn, have you ever tried anal before?" I questioned.

"No." She spat. "I'm not a fucking pervert like you."

"But you know what it is? You know what it's about?"

"Yes, of-fucking-course. It's something perverts do when they want to hurt a girl and make themselves feel like a big man." She was wrong about all anal, but in this case she was pretty much on the mark. I WAS going to degrade her. I carried on.

"You know I'm not going to use any lube on you?" I taunted, enjoying the sight of her face going pale. "I am going to hurt you..."

"Please, no, not like that!" She begged. I let the fear grow in her while I stepped up my fucking of Rachel, pounding into her much harder than before. Kaitlyn continued to beg and plead; music to my ears.

After sufficient grovelling I relented. "I am really enjoying fucking Rachel, she's being so good for me." I said, hoping to give her another little ego boost. "So, I will give you a chance to earn your lube. All you have to do is get under here," I gave Rachel's butt a little smack "And make your friend come. That's it." From the look that Kaitlyn and Rachel both gave me, neither of them were wild about this idea but I figured if I could get Rachel to come of Kaitlyn's face, the resulting fireworks might change the group dynamic permanently.

Swearing continuously under her breath, Rachel reluctantly lay on her back behind me and scooted along the carpet until her mouth was level with Rachel's pussy. I pulled out so I could watch her raise her face, wearing a disgusted grimace, until she could plant a chaste little kiss on her friend's slick lips. Far too conservative for my liking. I reached down and pulled her upwards by the back of her neck, forcing her nose into Rachel's channel. "Imagine it is your pussy." I growled. "Lick her like you would want to be licked." My helpful advice got the ball rolling and Kaitlyn started eating her more enthusiastically. That was my cue to enter the game and I slid my steely hard shaft back into Rachel, bumping Kaitlyn's tongue out of the way to do it.

Kaitlyn now had to focus her efforts on Rachel's clit, which I suspect suited all of us just fine - especially Rachel who was panting harder and harder as Kaitlyn's face got wetter and wetter. Now that her initial reluctance was out of the way, I was confident that Kaitlyn was going to keep her end of the bargain so I decided to get Nikka involved again.

"Nikka, go into the kitchen and get the olive oil from the side." I ordered. When she returned I told her of her role in my plan. "Nikka, I need you to use that oil to get Kaitlyn's ass ready for me. The more effort you put in, the less she will get hurt." To my surprise, Nikka didn't even hesitate. Perhaps she had more experience of this than I thought. Instead she crawled between Kaitlyn's legs, tipped some oil onto her fingers and started stroking down from her clit to the bottom of her slit. I heard a groan emanating from underneath me but could not tell if it was pleasure or revulsion. Without stopping my thrusts into Rachel I leant back and displaced Nikka's fingers on Kaitlyn's clit, rubbing the oil in small circles around her button. Nikka then topped up with oil again before sliding her fingers lower and rubbing them over Kaitlyn's tightest hole. This elicited another groan from our victim which turned into a loud gasp as Nikka slipped a slim finger into her friend's arsehole. I was going to enjoy watching this back on the security footage for sure.

The great Nick Offerman says that you should never half-ass two things, you should only full-ass one thing. At that time, I was definitely at risk of spreading my attention too thin; much as I was enjoying playing with Kaitlyn. I re-focussed all of my attention on fucking Rachel, flexing my cock to make it as hard as possible while I stepped up the intensity of my thrusts.

"Cum for me Rachel... Cum for me... Cum..." I encouraged her as I rubbed the palms of my hands roughly over her nipples. Rachel was panting hard and I knew she would go soon. Kaitlyn had got used to her friend's anal invasion and was back to licking full speed. Every so often her tongue slipped off Rachel's clit and bathed the underside of my shaft, I would have to get Rachel over the edge soon if I was going to avoid coming too soon to fulfil my date with Kaitlyn's derriere.

Luckily, at that moment, Kaitlyn sealed her own fate. She clamped her lips around Rachels clit and sucked it hard into her mouth. The effect was explosive. "Shiiiiiiiiitttt!! Fucking Shiiiiiiiiitttt!!" Rachel, the timid little mouse, erupted into frantic profanity, beating her fists on the sofa as my pounding cock and Kaitlyn's probing mouth took her into orgasm. Rachel spread her knees more, lowering her hips and pushing her clit harder into Kaitlyn, forcing me to follow her down, fucking her onto her friend' face. Her orgasm lasted a long time and concluded with whole-body shivers as the aftershocks rippled through her.

With a slick sounding 'pop' I slid free from the skinny blonde and manoeuvred myself between Kaitlyn's legs. She was still wearing Rachel's vagina as a blind-fold so I do not know if she knew what I was doing. Nikka was busily finger-fucking Kaitlyn's ass with two fingers, putting a lot more effort into it than my instruction had demanded. What a trooper, again! I gently nudged her aside and prepared to replace her digits with the painfully hard head of my cock. I used a hand to guide myself to the entrance of her tightest hole then used both hands to lift her knees towards her chest. At that moment, she realised that something was happening and, still pinned underneath the practically comatose Rachel, she started to protest. "Wait, wait, whuuuuuu..." She managed to say before I slowly but steadily pressed forward.

Nikka had done her job admirably and my cock-head popped in easily. There was more resistance following that but I was not to be discouraged by that, or the shrieks and screams coming from the other end of her. Over the course of ten seconds or so I took her anal virginity, finishing by pressing my thighs against her butt as I folded her almost in half with my hands. Once she was fully impaled I stopped moving and just flexed my cock in her until the screams subsided. Then I very, very slowly slid backwards until only my head was inside her. An equally glacial movement forwards completed the thrust. Then I did it again, just as slowly. Then again. Then again.

"Just fuck me! And Rach, what the fuck!?" Kaitlyn demanded in frustration, but I ignored her and kept the slow pace. Watching as Rachel finally gained enough sentience to dismount from her position astride Kaitlyn's face. Kaitlyn's face was a mess. Her hair had come out of its ponytail and was fanned out around her head; she was red-cheeked and out of breath; and her whole face was glazed with Rachel's juices. She was going to look worse than that when I was finished with her though.

I pushed her knees apart exposing her pussy more to my eyes. "Rachel, it's time to repay the favour. Come here." Ignoring a fresh wave of protestation from Kaitlyn, I guided Rachel's slim fingers onto Kaitlyn's clit and let her start to rub her gently. To my absolute astonishment, Nikka came to the other side of me and, entering a very crowded area, managed to insert her fingers into Kaitlyn's bald pussy.

There was no way my slow, self-controlled thrusting could last that long so almost imperceptibly I sped up, going a little faster and a little harder. Soon I noticed Kaitlyn rocking back to meet me involuntarily. I sped up a little more; Kaitlyn covered her face with her hands and groaned, "No, no, no, no. This can't be happening." I sped up a little more as Rachel got into her role and started rubbing her victim's clit in short, sharp circles. I had been going for too long now to keep my composure so I pressed even harder on her legs, folding her like a pretzel and unleashed my reserves. My hips became a blur as I leveraged off my toes and pounded everything I had into the bitch's tight ass. My two compatriots sped up their efforts as well, frigging and fingering as fast as they could.

From under Kaitlyn's hands came the sound of her trying to hold back the inevitable. "No, no, no, no." She wailed. "Not now, not when he's in my ass!" But her body was betraying her. She was rocking back and forth, meeting my incoming thrusts and panting hard as she did. The redness on her cheeks had spread down to her chest and Nikka's fingers were making sloppy, wet noises as they fingered her hole. We had done enough.

Kaitlyn's orgasm, made stronger by her efforts to hold it back, ripped through her. Her legs snapped straight, knocking Rachel's hand away in the process. Nikka picked up the slack and immediately rubbed Kaitlyn's clit with her free hand. I grabbed her ankles and continued pumping into her as hard as I could. She screamed and screamed, calling all of us every name she could think of (although it seems she could only think of 'fuckers'). Nikka and I kept up our assault until she went limp, wrenching out a huge sob before she fell silent. It happened not a moment too soon as my stamina couldn't last a second longer and the first throb of my cock leaked the beginnings of my orgasm into her ass.

Dropping her legs to the floor, I pulled out of her with one hand squeezing and aiming my throbbing shaft. With the other hand, I gripped her hair and jerked her head up off the floor. Because she had been so contorted, the distance from her ass to her face was surprisingly short and as she opened her eyes I released the strangle-hold on my dick, firing a salvo of cum straight at her. The first blast hit her straight on the nose, splattering onto both sides of her face, dripping onto her mouth. Before the second shot, her turned her head sideways causing it to web into her hair. The remaining jism pumped out onto her neck, breasts, stomach and vulva before I was finished. That was a lot of cum - she definitely looked more of a mess now.

"Wow." Nikka remarked, looking at her friend.

"Yeah, wow." Rachel echoed.

"No shit, wow!" Kaitlyn angrily shouted, wiping cum off her cheek and trying, unsuccessfully to get it out of her hair. "Are you fucking finished with us you bastard?" She demanded. I gave a non-comital shrug, found the keys from my jeans and walked naked into the hall to unlock the front door.

I waited there while the girls did their best to clean themselves up while studiously avoiding eye contact with each other. Eventually they filed out, Rachel leading the way this time and even giving me a smile as she left. Kaitlyn was at the back, cum still glistening in her hair. I gave her butt a hearty 'thwack' as she passed me, jiggling her cheeks and eliciting a yelp from her and a smile from the other two who turned to watch.

I stood in the doorway, still naked, watching them climb onto their mopeds. Nikka bounced onto hers but Rachel, with her spanked-red cheeks and Kaitlyn, with her freshly fucked ass both climbed on more gingerly. As they drove out through the gate I revisited my mental to-do list and decided that food would have to wait until I had cleaned up the mess in the house but I was still going to have that cold beer first, though I might drink it while reviewing the footage from the security cameras.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This story lives rent free in my head. I loved the dynamic between the girls. I'm still hoping for a second chapter. Again focusing on the girls dynamic.

I have this idea of Nikka and Rachel contacting the man with a plan to trick Kaitlyn back to the house. Something about them being tired of Kaitlyn's queen bee attitude, but being scared of saying something to her directly out of fear of loosing their own 'social status'. And them wanting to explore different things sexually. Maybe they even send a list of things they want to try?

mish2mashmish2mashover 1 year ago

Great story, the dynamic between the girls was interesting.

ArediaArediaalmost 3 years ago

I look forward to that second chapter. :)

bigreddog543bigreddog543almost 4 years ago
part 2

since you have dropped the idea about a second chapter, don't keep us waiting too long.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Brilliant stuff

This deserves a sequel.

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