Hoop Dreams


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Redmond was desperate to get back to the playoffs and my track record gave me the advantage over the other candidates. Many good club players 'relocated' to get into Redmond. Those players gave our team the jump start back to prosperity. Redmond never had a losing season under my leadership.

Things started to unravel when Redmond garnered its first state title. After the dust settled, I received offers from two small colleges to be a head coach. Both would require us relocating to small towns and that didn't fit well with Alice's career goals. She pressured me to send my resume out. I declined.

Two years later, after raising my second championship trophy, a very respectable offer to coach collegiately crossed my desk. I'd always been candid with Alice and this time was no different. I would be their fifth coach in seven years. No room for a losing season and they had suffered those in three of the last four years. With little talent on their squad, it was easy to wait for another offer. Not in Alice's mind though.

The bitter arguments opened a serious rift in our relationship. The end came six years ago very quietly. I returned after a holiday tournament to find Alice, Lisette, and their belongings gone. The note on the kitchen table was simple.

'Brady, when we married, I thought you had ambition. I was wrong and have tried to convince you but you are too stubborn. I'm filing for divorce. My parents have set me up in an apartment close to where I work. Alice'

Although the judge ordered counseling, Alice was intransigent and all we accomplished was wasting more money on lawyers and counselors. Lisette, a first grader at the time, didn't understand why we couldn't live together any longer. Our divorce came in a few months after Redmond repeated as state champs. A tempting offer came in that I might have accepted but with the divorce turmoil I declined.

Less than a year later Alice remarried and had her country club membership. Slowly Lisette pulled away from me. Excuses why my visitation wasn't possible became the norm. Gifts were acknowledged but I'd rarely see or hear about them again. Even when I got her for a week in the summer, Lisette spent the time with her friends. I was just someone she had to spend time with. Her step-father supplied the status and toys she appreciated. Once she started middle school, I let her set the visitation schedule. It was practically non-existent. I wasn't shocked. I still call and send cards, to no avail.

Ted, Alice's husband, had custody of Kaitlyn due to her natural mother's drug addiction. Kaitlyn is one year older than Lisette. Each got the sister they'd always wanted but never had.

In the years since my divorce, I'd had a few 'friends with benefits' relationships. All died when they wanted more and I didn't. As time went on, I found that I was too entrenched in the 'once bitten twice shy' mindset. I was the problem, not the women I dated. Too proud to seek help, I buried myself in basketball. Watching game films, I knew how to beat an opponent weeks before we played them.

You have to work at the school to be a paid assistant coach. I was a little too intense for some who tried. Over the years several of my ex-players became unpaid assistants. They only needed to pass a background check. When it became evident, to my players, that an ex-player had a crush on me, we both got teased. I never crossed the line though. If I coached you, we would never be intimate.

( * ) ( * )

The spring and summer after I resigned were booked with dinners, parties, and constant begging for me to reconsider. I was offered money. I declined all offers. I was offered sex. I declined some of those offers but accepted many after they understood I wasn't returning as the coach. Hey, I'm a guy and if someone's aunt wants to thank me for doing a good job, well so be it. A few assistant coaching college job offers came along but I wasn't interested in any of them so I passed.

The start of the basketball season found me following the fortunes of the Cardinals. It was killing me to not be coaching. Although I'd recommended my long-time assistant for the vacated coaching position, they brought in an outsider. He was a friend of a school board member. That school board member had a daughter who'd played junior varsity for Redmond last year. The varsity team would have to be pretty weak for that young lady to get much playing time.

Kaitlyn was relegated to junior varsity as this coach didn't believe freshmen deserved to play on varsity. The natives were restless as the team split its first six games. Redmond hadn't had more than three losses in any of the past four years.

While winding down in the teacher's lounge after school one afternoon I was summoned to the front desk. Alice and Kaitlyn were waiting for me. A few years ago, I probably would have turned and walked away. I opted for a different approach and asked the school secretary stand in the door and listen.

Alice spoke first "Hello Brady. You're looking good. This is my step-daughter Kaitlyn."

I offered a high-five to Kaitlyn, but said nothing. After a few awkward seconds Alice continued.

"Um, Brady, we wanted to talk to you about basketball."

"Well, I'm a science teacher and help with the track team. Perhaps you should talk to our basketball coach. Would you like me to see if she's around?"

"Brady, you have seven basketball championship titles. Can't you please leave our differences in the past?"

Turning to the young lady "Kaitlyn, I know very little about you but I have watched films of a few of your eighth-grade games. I was impressed. Do you have a question for me?"

"Yes sir. What do I have to do to get playing time?"

"Kaitlyn, each coach sets his own agenda. I don't know this coach. I've never met this coach. His decisions are his alone and I won't interject myself just because I used to coach there. I hope this make sense."

With moist eyes "But I want to play. I know I'm good enough if he'd only give me a chance."

"Sorry, but you've wasted your time today. I hope you get the playing time I think you deserve. Good-day."

Nodding to the school secretary I turned and left without so much as acknowledging Alice's pleading "BRADY! PLEASE!"

Ignoring Alice pissed her off along with her well-connected husband. She filed a complaint with the school district. I demanded that the school secretary be allowed to share her opinion of what transpired. Gathered around an oversized table in a conference room I remained mute until the secretary finished her statement.

"Brady what is the big deal about helping a player who specifically sought you out?"

"I checked my contract. There's nothing in there about butting in on another coach when I've not been asked. The current coach can do things as he sees fit. End of discussion. My question to you is why these parents were allowed to smear my name? Just like today, every time they don't get their way will I be sitting here for no legitimate reason? If I was calling the shots and her family disagreed, are you going to drag me into this conference room again and try to change my mind? I find parents like that disgusting. I won't be subjected to my ex-wife's abusive behavior every time she or her connections disagree with how or why I do what I do or say what I say. Now, you can wrongfully terminate me or cut the crap and end this witch hunt."

"Come on Brady, you've been divorced for years. How much more time do you need to get over it?" came from Jackson, the board members with a basketball player on the Cardinals.

"I'm over her. IF you're upset with how the Cardinals are performing, I think you should shoulder the blame. I recommended my assistant coach but Jackson there wanted his buddy. How's that working out for you Jackson?"

Jackson was pissed but knew better than to speak. Nothing came from the witch hunt. Not true. Since I didn't help Kaitlyn, Lisette wanted nothing to do with me.

( * ) ( * )

Although I'd become accustomed to the bachelor lifestyle, I did miss having a partner. The change came from an unexpected connection. I was headed to my car when a younger woman intercepted me.

"Brady, my name is Myra Rivers. Here's my business card. You'll be taking me out to dinner very soon. I expect a call THIS week."

She didn't wait for my response although with me standing like a statue I doubt I could have formed an intelligent sentence. She was exaggerating her wiggle as she walked away. In the back of my mind, I knew her name, I just couldn't remember why. When I examined her business card it indicated she worked for a local television station.

Prior to calling Myra, I did some online research. Appears she's at least twenty-six and her status is single. Graduated from the same university I attended and has a robust following.


"Myra, this is Brady Collins. You gave me an ultimatum in the parking lot earlier today."

"Well, it was a request that you call me. When are you taking me to dinner?"

"McDucks stays open late, unless you'd prefer a more professional setting."

"Let me toss a coin. Okay, it came up professional. When?"


"No can do. Day after?"

"Okay. Are you picking me up or what?"

"That would be 'or what'. Give me your phone number and I'll text my address to you. Pick me up but no earlier than six, okay?"

After she made a few taps, I had it on my phone "Looking forward to it. See you at five fifty-nine."

"Thank you, Brady. Good night smartass."

Thursday found me waiting at five forty nervous as hell. Why does a young lady, a dozen years younger, want me to take her to dinner? Her brashness had me intrigued. She emerged from the apartment complex wearing a cream-colored blouse, dark blue skirt which rode a few inches above her knees, and black low heels. She carried a small purse as she confidently strode towards me. It was two after six.

"Hello Myra. You look nice" as I opened her car door.

"Thank you, Brady. Been a while since a gentleman got my door."

After latching my seatbelt "Any stops or off to eat?"

"No stops, the restaurant is fine. How's your week going?"

"Uneventful. Your business card says you work for Channel Six."

"I do. Mostly research but occasionally I get in front of a camera. I've got a lot of competition for airtime. Not as exciting as your job."

"A teacher's job is exciting to you?"

"No silly. Being the winningest basketball coach in state history."

My mood soured a bit. Was this just another ploy to get me to coach again?

"Oh, you're into ancient history. I haven't coached a game in ages."

"Yeah right. You won the title last winter. What's your secret?"

"Cheating. What else could it be?"

"If it's like everything else in life, hard work."

"Not only are you cute and sexy, you're smart. My girls were taught how to think ahead. Offense gets the press but defense wins titles. They knew what the opposing players were going to do before those players ever thought about doing it."

"But why don't more of your players go onto successful college careers?"

"Genes. Unless you're blessed with exceptional height or speed you get to play on the practice squad. It doesn't matter as much in high school but it's all that matters in college."

"Interesting. Why'd you retire?"

"Personal reasons. Did you ever play?"

"Not basketball. I played third base for my high school softball team. We lacked pitching so we never went anywhere. My summer team made it to regionals a few times."

"Cool. So, what's your interest in me?"

"Well, first and foremost, you're single. Secondly, I developed a serious crush on you last season. My research indicated that you weren't seeing anyone seriously so I thought I'd take a shot. Why'd you agree to go out with me?"

"Well, first and foremost, you're single" brought an eye-roll and giggle from Myra.

"Secondly, your direct approach told me you have an agenda and I'm curious."

"Agenda? Like what?"

"Trying to get me to coach again."

"Yeah right. I'm a reporter" as we pulled into the restaurant parking lot.

It took a few minutes to get to the front of the queue. We settled for a small booth, ordered, and then continued our chat.

"Tell me why you're single. Ever been married?"

"I was, when I was eighteen. Got pregnant, miscarried, and found out we had nothing in common. Didn't even last a year. Made me set my expectations very high. Don't want or need the heartaches again. My aunt told me that you are divorced."

"I am. Ex got tired of me being an underachiever and took off to find the lifestyle she felt she was entitled to."

"Underachiever? You have seven state titles? What the hell?"

"She left after my second title. I turned down an offer to coach over at Tech and she got fed up and filed. Married herself a sugar daddy a year later."

"Do you think she was cheating on you?"

"The thought has crossed my mind. Doesn't matter. She's gone one way or another. I'd have kicked her to the curb if she was, well I think I would have. We have a daughter which may have changed my perspective. Her leaving didn't give me much of a choice."

"If you don't mind me asking, why'd you turn the job down?"

"Their track record. They'd gone through five coaches in seven years. It takes time to recruit talent. I wanted something where I'd be given a chance to implement my system. It just didn't feel like a good fit."

"Any offers since?"

"Several but never got the right vibes. Besides it was more fun sticking around where I was well respected."

"But you retired anyway."

"Yeah, funny thing that. I wouldn't call it retirement, just sitting on the bench for a bit. How'd you end up with a crush on me?"

"Watching you coach. I want that swagger in my step."

"Okay, why were you even in the grandstands?"

"I worked for the South Side Sentinel and was covering a game where you and Eastview were playing. You and their coach were jawing at each other when he shoved you down. I know you pushed him over the edge. Just the way you got back up you had this 'gotcha' smirk. So, I started going to some of your games. Didn't miss a one last season."

I chuckled "Glad I could entertain you."

"So, what did you say to him?"

"Nice sneakers" as I winked at Myra causing her to show a big wide smile and another roll of the eyes.

I continued "Did you ever interview me?"

"Once, after your title last winter. You mocked my question which cause me a bit of embarrassment!"

"Well, I don't take those post-game interviews seriously. I'd say 'I'm sorry' but you don't want me to lie."

"Fair enough."

Dinner arrived and Myra commented about my choice "Are you on a diet?"

"Actually, I'm on two diets. I wasn't getting enough to eat on just one" which brought yet another roll of her eyes.

"Do you also work out when you're on those diets?"

"Yeah, a little. How about you?"

"Several times a week. The cardio machine is my favorite. What's yours?"

"The vending machine" as I winked at Myra.

We ate while exchanging tidbits about our backgrounds. After dinner we took in a play at a small theatre. As I dropped Myra off, she crushed her firm breasts into my chest as she gave me a very warm and long kiss.

"We are doing this again, aren't we?"

"Yeah, I think we should."

( * ) ( * )

Myra was good for my soul. No, Myra was great for my soul. I hadn't realized how fulfilling a relationship could be as it had been so long for me. I enjoyed hearing about, and sometimes watching, her career as a reporter. She didn't bring up basketball, which is more than I can say.

It was in our second month of dating that I found the courage to invite Myra back to my house. It was her idea to proceed into the bedroom a short while later.

Her young body was firm. Her passion was unbridled. She wore me out. I resorted to using my tongue and fingers after I could no longer get it up. Myra was quite vocal and practically begging me to quit teasing and finish her off.

After that night we kind of became a thing. She stayed overnight several times in the following weeks before moving in. Now I'm no skilled lover, but Myra was very inexperienced. However, she was more than willing to try new things.

The high school season was winding down and Myra was assigned to cover the playoffs. Redmond had barely made it in and was playing a pig-tail game. Single elimination and they had a tough road to travel. If they won their first game, they would have to play the top seed. But they lost. I have an ego and it did not sadden me when they lost. Petty, but still, maybe I did know a thing or two.

Myra's interview with Martin made the high school prep roundup on the late news. She was rather blunt "Every other school in the playoffs is using girls from all four grades. You're the only school that didn't and now your season and the title streak is over. Should you have intervened and replaced the coach who refused to let freshmen players play varsity?"

(Hmmm, I recall ranting and raving those same sentiments. Maybe she was listening? If only Martin knew that Myra and I were a couple!)

"There's no guarantee that those players would have helped" from a very uncomfortable Martin.

"Possibly, but I'm told that two of your best freshmen players will be moving to new schools next fall. Seems like this coach is digging your program quite a hole to climb out of."

"The basketball program will survive regardless of who stays and who goes."

And with that Martin found that he had better places to be. His statement was prophetic.

The coach, and Martin, were encouraged to step aside. I declined the renewed offers to return to my previous spot. Myra got sweet and sour emails from that interview. Jackson declined to run again for the school board, like a rat fleeing a sinking ship.

( * ) ( * )

A few weeks later my evening got interesting with a call from a very small Division I team. They really didn't belong at that level, due to enrollment, but the money they get for their conference champion's automatic berths makes it worthwhile. Rarely is their conference champion anything other than a bottom seed. But they get to go to the big dance.

Sitting on the couch with my feet on the coffee table, I had him on speaker phone. Myra was reading a book with her feet in my lap. Something we seem to do every night to wind down.

Nick was the recruiter "Brady, your resume is impeccable."

"Thank you, Nick. My players were very talented."

"Before I present my case to the board, I need to know if you have any skeletons in your closet."

"Fair enough. What have you heard?"

"Nothing, but it's not clear why you retired. Care to share?"

"This is not to be made public. I'm divorced from Alice. She has custody of my estranged daughter Lisette. Her step-sister is Kaitlyn Harvard who would have been a freshman had I stayed. She's the real deal in my mind. My dilemma was whether I could treat her fairly. I chose to retire rather than torture myself by second guessing my own decisions. Would I be punishing Kaitlyn because of Alice? Am I afraid to get tough on Kaitlyn because of Alice? Why should I subject myself to that? If Kaitlyn is good enough, she'll succeed with or without me. Staying would have been a no-win situation. I'd always wonder if I was doing things out of spite. Leaving was the honorable thing to do in my mind. I'll get another chance somewhere else. To make things worse, my daughter will be a freshman this year and the same issues are there, probably worse."

Myra had tears in her eyes.

Nick pressed "Interesting. Rest assured that it will not be leaked. I take it your divorce took its toll on your relationship with your daughter?"

"Yes, she's been poisoned. My ex-wife has stabbed me in the back more than once and I'm trying to not allow that to happen again. Had I stayed I believe that every time she didn't get her way, I'd be sitting in some conference room for no legitimate reason. Parents like her need to be harnessed. I refuse to be subjected to my ex-wife's abusive behavior every time she or her connections disagree with how or why I do what I do, say what I say, or play who I play."