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It was just harmless flirting, or so I believed, when he made a joke about how he was willing to take up the slack. I laughed and said something about how Henry had told me how big he was and how it might be nice to take it for a test drive if I wasn't a married woman. Again, I was just flirting. He was surprised Henry had told me about it, and I said it had just been in passing and I said something about thinking Henry was exaggerating anyway.

The look on Jeff's face changed a bit and he said Henry wasn't exaggerating and he offered to prove it. I was actually getting a little aroused by the conversation, and for reasons I can't explain I said something to the effect of 'okay then, whip it out'. He proceeded to do just that, and it was every bit as impressive as Henry had suggested, and it wasn't even fully hard.

Jeff pulled on it a couple of times and it started to grow and became even bigger. He moved and stood right in front of me, and it was almost a reflex for me to reach up and grab it. It was big and hard, and I could tell we were both getting more turned on. I knew at that moment I was going to let Jeff fuck me if he wanted to. I had to have it, to feel what one that big was like.

I lay back on the bed and pulled my housedress up. I had taken to wearing just housedresses with no underwear just a couple weeks before that because it was more comfortable as I started to show, so my wet, swollen pussy was on full display. Jeff simply moved into position and slid his amazing cock into me in one stroke. I was so wet and so ready and it felt so amazing.

Jeff fucked me 4 times that day and I had multiple intense orgasms. It was the best pure sex I had ever had, though it lacked the love and affection I shared with Henry. When it was over I felt guilty but that was overwhelmed by how completely spent and sated I was. But then I realized Henry would be home soon. I told Jeff to leave and that this could never happen again. I changed the bed and aired out the room, and hoped that nothing would give me away.

That night Henry and I made love, and I was acutely aware of the difference between what Henry and I did and what Jeff and I had done. I would be crazy to risk Henry's love for anything, even a screwing from Jeff, and I resolved again that it had been only one time and that was it.

But it was on my mind and I kept thinking about how amazing the orgasms were. Henry used to give me ones like that before I was pregnant, and my doctor told me it was not unusual for that to change during pregnancy and it would likely return to almost normal a few weeks after the baby was born.

Jeff stayed away for a week and when he came back things were awkward. We finally decided we needed to talk about it. I told him that it had been great but I was a married woman and shouldn't be doing that. He told me he felt bad about doing that to Henry but he couldn't be sorry about doing it. He had really enjoyed it and had always found me beautiful and sexy, and was jealous that Henry got to be with me. He made me feel so good about myself and before I really even realized it we were at it again. I was on top of him and driving down on his big piece of meat and cumming again and again.

When we were done this time we were relaxing on the bed but I was still upset and guilty. I couldn't believe I had done this again. Finally Jeff turned to me.

"Sadie, I'm not going to try and take you from Henry. I know you love him and not me. But we both enjoy doing this. We both have needs and desires, and if we're careful we can keep it a secret. I don't want to hurt Henry any more than you do. Eventually you'll have the baby and things should go back to normal, but there's nothing wrong with taking care of each other for a little while."

It all sounded so logical. Sure, what Henry doesn't know won't hurt him. I'm so horny even after all the orgasms Jeff gives that I still want Henry every night and every morning, and if Jeff and I limit ourselves to once or twice a week we can swing it. Looking back I probably was able to convince myself so easily because the sex was so good and I wanted to keep doing it.

So for the past 2 months I had been fucking Jeff twice a week. It wasn't that I wanted to; I didn't love Jeff or have any particular feelings for him. He just had a big unit that could get me off and that was what I thought I needed. I had every intention of stopping after the baby was born and knew this was just temporary, so I rationalized that it would be okay because Henry would never find out.

Except that he did, and I didn't have plan for dealing with that. Surely he knew I loved only him, but how could he still know that after what he had seen. This could really cost me my marriage and I was scared to death. I didn't want to be a single mom and I didn't want to be without Henry. I just had to get him to understand and to somehow find a way to forgive me.

I realized that I had to tell Jeff that Henry had seen us and that it was over, so I called him.

"Jeff, Henry did see us the other day. I can't see you anymore."

"Oh my God! Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"No Jeff, Henry would never raise a hand to me, but he has filed for divorce. I have to try and fix my marriage so we can't get together anymore. Yesterday was the last time, and I thought you should know in case, well, just in case."

"Sadie, I...Sadie, maybe this is, well, a good thing."

"What the fuck are you talking about, Jeff? There is nothing good about this."

"Sadie, I'm sorry, but I've fallen in love with you. I wish I hadn't but I did. I want us to be together."

"No Jeff. I don't love you. Even if I can't save my marriage I won't be with you. I'm sorry, but that's the truth."

No sooner had my call with Jeff ended than there was a knock on the door. I was surprised to see Henry's assistant when I opened the door.

"What the hell do you want, Amy?"

"Well, I was going to try and help you but never mind."

She started to walk away and I tried to stop her.

"Oh Amy, I'm sorry. I thought maybe Henry had sent you to get some of his stuff."

"No, and in fact he doesn't even know I'm here. I'm on my lunch hour so I don't have much time."

We went inside and sat in the living room. I offered her a drink and she accepted some water.

"Look Sadie, Henry told me everything he knows. I also know how much you guys love each other so I know there must be an explanation for this. Probably not a good one and probably not one that Henry would readily accept, but an explanation nonetheless. I need you to tell me what it is and hold nothing back. Then I'll see what I can do to help salvage your marriage."

"Any help you can give me, Amy, would be wonderful. I know how much he trusts you; certainly more than he does me right now."

I proceeded to tell her everything that happened and why, even including the phone call I finished up with Jeff just before she got here.

"You know Sadie, as a woman I can at least understand how you felt. I know how crazy I get at that time of the month and how frisky I get as well, and that's probably nothing compared to being pregnant. That's not an excuse for what you did, but I understand. I don't know if Henry will understand that, or even believe it. I'll help as best I can because I'd really hate to see you guys split but it's a long shot. You should have seen him after you left today."

"God, Amy I'd do anything to go back and not do this but I can't. Please help me save my marriage."



I managed to get a little done during the day but not much. I stopped by my boss's office and apologized for my distraction and lack of production. Her reassurances that she understood and that she was there to support me meant a lot.

I drove home and found dinner was nearly ready when I got there. Sadie was beautiful as usual, which made me smile even as it made me sad. I loved her so much but she had cut me to the quick. She had her long, black hair down, just the way I liked it, and had even taken the time to get dressed in something other than those housecoats she started wearing recently.

"Welcome home, sweetheart. Dinner is almost ready. I don't want to push you but perhaps we can talk more later."

"I'll think about it, Sadie."

I went into the bedroom and changed into some casual clothes. I had been so sure of the divorce but whenever I saw her it stirred up my love for her and I wavered, but then I thought about what I saw and what I heard and I was able to get angry again. God, I hated this. Why did she have to do this to us?

"Dinner's ready," she called from the kitchen.

We ate in mostly uncomfortable silence. I could tell she wanted to say something and I suspect she could tell that I didn't want to hear it right now. I complimented her on the meal - she was an excellent cook. She cleaned the kitchen while I took a drink and went outside on deck. Several minutes later I heard her footsteps coming out the door.

"Is it okay if I join you out here?"

"Of course."

She took a chair and pulled it over next to me. We would typically be holding hands and I could tell she wanted to. It would signify to her that we were maybe on our way back. Not only did I make no effort to take her hand but I moved it into my lap and farther away from her.

We sat in silence for about 20 minutes before she broke it, though she wasn't looking at me directly and was instead watching the few clouds in the sky.

"Baby, I'm so sorry for what I did. I wish I could explain it to you. It would be a reason but not an excuse. I know you're probably going to leave me even though we love each other so much, but I want you to at least understand even though you won't agree."

"What's the point, Sadie? It's done and you did it, for whatever reason. How can we ever hope to get back to where we were? You were my wife and I trusted you implicitly. You could have told me the sky was red and I would have made anyone that disagreed with that prove you wrong because I would always believe you. Now I find myself questioning everything and I hate living like this. I could hardly wait for our baby to be born and now I find myself wondering if I'm even the father."

She turned and gave me a look I don't think I had ever seen.

"Henry Weston, I am only going to say this one time. You can be as mad as you want at me for what I did. I deserve it. But this baby I am carrying is your baby and don't you ever doubt or try to deny it. I will not accept that. Is that clear?"

I looked over at her as calmly as I could manage.

"I suppose we'll know for sure once the DNA comes back. But surely you can understand why I'm now having doubts?"

Her mood softened.

"Yes, Henry I can. But you'll see that this is your...our baby. Please, honey, let me explain what happened and let me try to make it right with you. I want to spend the rest of our lives together as a family. Please."

I sat quietly for several minutes while Sadie continued to look at me expectantly.

"All right, Sadie, I'll listen to what you have to say, if for no other reason than I won't have to keep listening to you asking me to let you explain."

And so Sadie went into her explanation about hormones and the changes her body through, how she was so horny from the hormonal changes that she wasn't really in her right mind, and how the body changes affected my ability to please her and how she 'by accident' ended up fucking Jeff. And of course all of this together led her to continue her affair, thinking that she could avoid having me find out.

"And even that wasn't enough, baby. You know I was killing you with my needs, too. I never denied you and never took time away from you to be with him. I know that means very little, but it's important that you know that when I was with Jeff it was just a moment in time to take care of a need. It's you I love. Please baby."

On a logical level it all made a certain amount of sense. Yes, it glossed over the commitment we should have for each other and fidelity we should give to each other, but strictly speaking it was a logical explanation.

And the truth was, I did love her and I didn't want to be a divorced father. I could handle the money I'd have to pay Sadie (I wouldn't be happy about it but I could handle it) but being a part time father to my baby (assuming it was my baby which, despite the course of action I was taking, I still believed it was) was definitely not something I wanted.

"You know, Sadie, I understand what you're saying, but you still did what you did without even talking to me about it. If I wasn't enough you might have said something so we could try and fix it together. And you still have over 3 months of pregnancy to go. I'm afraid that you will continue to do this, with someone else if not Jeff, since you need it so bad. And we had talked about 3 or 4 kids and now I'm scared to even think about getting you pregnant again if we do stay together. Everything we had talked about and planned has been irrevocably changed because you couldn't keep your legs together, and that pisses me off. How am I supposed to deal with those things, Sadie? How?"

"You're right, baby. I made a decision that affected us without you, and I'm as sorry as I can be for that. But please don't punish all 3 of us for the rest of our lives for a mistake that I made. Our baby needs its daddy and I need you. And despite what you might think right now, you need me too."

"There's no doubt in my mind how much I love you, Sadie. But how am I supposed to get around the trust issues you've created. I'm not just hurt by what you did I'm angry at you, too."

"I don't know, baby. I wish I had an answer for you. I know I did this and I should figure out a way to fix it, and I'm trying I promise you."

It had gotten dark and the events of the last few days had exhausted me. I stood up and took Sadie's hand.

"C'mon Sadie, let's get some sleep."

She silently followed behind me.



We didn't make love last night but we did sleep in the same bed and I was thankful for that. I hadn't expected it. So many times when going through this type of thing couples create distance by sleeping in separate rooms or even living in different places and I think all that does is move them farther apart.

As usually happens, we did end up sleeping body to body. Tonight it was his back to my front with my arm wrapped around him. I woke up as he climbed out of bed to get ready for work. I wanted him to make love to me but I didn't want to push things by offering my naked body to him, so I put on my best 'I'm available if you want me' look, but he passed me and left for the office.

I allowed myself to break down in tears, knowing it would do no good but it did make me feel better to release the tension. After I did that I set about releasing my other type of tension, and did so with gusto.



"Mr. Weston, there's a Jeff Kruse here to see you."

I stared at the intercom in disbelief. You have got to be kidding me, I thought to myself.

"Amy, contact security and have them come up but wait outside. Once they arrive send Mr. Kruse in."

It took a couple minutes before my office door finally opened and Jeff came walking in, shutting the door behind him.

"You've got a lot of fucking nerve coming here. You have one minute and then if I ever see you again one of us will not survive. Go."

"Henry, I wanted to apologize for what I did. I've always been attracted to Sadie and I took advantage of a weak moment for her. She loves you, not me as I would have hoped. Please give her another chance."

I just glared at him, not responding one little bit to what he had to say. His attraction to Sadie was no surprise; he had commented on her beauty and how lucky I was a number of times. It seems loyalty from one's friends is dead.

"Anyway, I've put in for a transfer to another warehouse on the east coast and I'm leaving this weekend. I'm sorry to have betrayed your trust and friendship, Henry, and I hope you two can work things out. You really are good together. Don't let me ruin a good thing, please."

He paused for one moment, perhaps waiting for a response from me, and then left when none was forthcoming. Amy told me later that security calmly but firmly escorted him from the building.

I immediately wondered if Sadie had put him up to that or if he had come of his own volition. And that just told me that trust was going to be the major issue here. Could I get over the fact that another man had been inside her, especially one that is decidedly larger than I am? I believed I could, given enough time. After all, neither of us were virgins when we met. But the constant daily questions about what is the truth and what isn't would steadily wear me down, of that I was sure.

Of course, the wild card in all of this was that beautiful baby growing in Sadie's womb. That poor little thing isn't responsible for the actions of all the knuckleheaded adults in its life. That child would be punished simply for being the one born into this mess, and that wasn't fair.

But what if it really wasn't mine? Sadie was adamant that it was, and I wanted to believe that she was honest when she said this all started just a couple months ago. Would I be willing to walk away? Certainly, many men have taken on children that weren't theirs and raised them as if they were. Even I would have no issue dating a woman that already had children and taking them on. But those children weren't usually the product of a betrayal of that man. But the baby was no less innocent. Damn it all to hell!



I had a plan to try and being to earn Henry's trust back. Okay, maybe it wouldn't do much for his trust, but it would certainly offer him assurance that nothing would happen in the months leading up to the baby's birth.

It would take a little inside assistance from Henry's boss, Carla. Fortunately I had met and spoken with her a number of times. I presumed Henry had clued her into what I had done, so my only fear was that she might not be willing to help the cheater. But I had to try.



I was reviewing last quarter's budget reports when the speaker buzzed.

"Mr. Weston, there's a delivery here."

"Okay, Amy bring it in."

I wasn't expecting anything that I was aware of but I got deliveries periodically so I thought nothing of it. The door opened and a big guy came walking in hauling a large recliner

"I got your new chair here."

"There must be some mistake. I didn't order this, and I don't really even have room for it."

"Yeah, we're supposed to remove that small chair from over there. It'll be a little cramped but it'll fit."

He handed me the order and it had been approved by Carla. I couldn't imagine she'd do something like this without checking with me first.

"Hold on guys. Before we do anything I need to check on this."

It was then I heard a very familiar voice coming from behind the workers.

"Oh good, my chair is here. Excuse me please."

Sadie came in through the door and set a bag my desk. She began directing the movers on what to do.

"Sadie, what's going on?"

"I'll explain in just one minute, baby, okay?"

As Sadie was directing the moving of the furniture I saw Carla's head poke inside the door.

"Oh good, right on time."

"Carla, what the hell is this about? Why am I getting a recliner?"

"You're not getting a recliner. Sadie is."

"Then why is it being moved into my office?"

Sadie piped in. "Honey, I'll explain in just one minute."

I just sat there and watched the women take charge. Even Amy was helping with this little fiasco and seemed to have a little smirk on her face as things finally settled into place. Finally everything was set up or hauled out, and signatures signed. Sadie grabbed the bag from my desk and set herself up while I just watched and stared. She pulled a laptop out of the bag then finally seemed to become aware that I was staring.