Hot Halloween

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The father of the family needs special treatment.
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Many thanks to the readers who gave their feedback and left comments.

English is still not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes.

All of the characters are over 18 years old.


- Dad, I need your help.

It is with these words that this story should begin. But in life, it's not that simple.

We should probably start at the beginning...

Well, maybe not the beginning.

The beginning of the quarantine.

Yeah, that's probably right.

My name is Stefan. To my friends, it's Stan. Two years ago I was a successful restaurateur with a beautiful wife and two sons. No. Nothing bad happened. Except COVID-19.

The oldest son, Nick, was in his first year of university and studying finance and economics. The youngest, Mick, was still in school, but was already taking IT courses and dreamed of becoming a graphic designer in the future.

I had already been running my own restaurant for over 20 years. Quite successful. And profitable.

Three halls with European, Japanese and national cuisine and a cocktail bar with a dance floor. All years the place was very popular. Pride was the wall in the foyer completely occupied by photos with autographs of couples who found each other in our restaurant. There were more than a thousand of them. Among them was a photo of me and my wife Annie. Twenty years ago, she came to my restaurant with her parents to celebrate graduation.

I always liked blondes. And I didn't believe in love at first sight. I'm young, 25 years old, a fairly well-off successful businessman and a bachelor. Always surrounded by beautiful women. Not a Casanova, but the count of my "trophies" exceeded three dozen.

And then there was SHE. A young burly brunette, with black curly hair and deep brown eyes. If you've ever seen a picture of a young Sophia Loren, you'll understand. I won't go into a long story about dating and courtship. We were married four months later. A year later our firstborn son Nick was born. And three years later, our second son, Mick.

Life was good.

Beautiful wife. Angel in church, queen on the street and devil in bed. Plus a successful career at a major pharmaceutical firm.

Strong, healthy and intelligent sons.

A big beautiful house, always welcoming friends.

They spent summers on the Mediterranean coast and winters at the ski resorts of the Alps.

It seemed to be like that forever.

But COVID-19 decided to change everything.

At the end of March, the authorities declared a quarantine and all life came to a standstill. The restaurant had to close temporarily. School and university classes went online. The family found themselves shut in the house.

At first it was perceived as a vacation and an opportunity to be with family. To read a book. Watch a movie. Play Monopoly or table tennis. Swimming in a pool or sitting in a hot tub. Hang out with the kids. All the things I didn't have time for before.

But by the fall, depression gradually built up. And one day it showed itself. Shortly before New Year's Eve, I fainted. Just like that, in the middle of the room, for no reason, I fainted. That was the first time. Then, two months later, the second time. A month later, a third. The fourth time I woke up in the hospital. A lot of tests were done, a lot of examinations. The doctors couldn't make a diagnosis. They came up with a disorder of the autonomic nervous system. They prescribed vitamins and sent me home.

By summer, the situation with the virus had improved a little. The quarantine was canceled. Only a few restrictions remained. I started a new Internet business, and I did quite well.

But new health problems were added to the old ones. I began to have problems with potency.

My wife and I used to have sex every day for all the years we were married. You know, except on red days. Yes, every day. Morning and night. Three times. Maybe more, but that's on weekends or vacations. Annie had multiple orgasms. Our sex life was very intense.

But now it's starting to get out of hand. Sex only in the morning. Once or twice. In the evening, no desire at all. Annie tried to diversify. Role-playing, toys, sexy lingerie. Even Viagra. Nothing worked. The doctors we went to, they just threw their hands around. One "specialist" in general said that the decrease in sexual function at my1 age is normal. At what age? В 46? With a young wife who is not even 40? Only a miracle saved his face from a close encounter with my fist.

And then my wife took me to the mountains, to the sorcerer "malfar".

I have always been wary of traditional medicine. All these herbalists, shamans, fortune-tellers and herbalists. But there is homeopathy, acupuncture and other Chinese medicine. It can't get any worse. Really?

What I saw was not at all what I had imagined. Only the mountains were confirmed. Everything else was wrong. Instead of a narrow trail, a two-lane highway; instead of a wooden hut, a glass-and-concrete building; instead of tufts of grass and mouse tails, a modern laboratory. Instead of witch-helpers, there were helpful medical personnel.

And the sorcerer himself, not an old man in a sheepskin coat, but a man in his 30s and 35s, wearing stylish glasses with an expensive smartwatch on his wrist. A sign on the door of his office read "Dr. Zachary Kortz".

- Hi. Is this a mistake? We're here to see a sorcerer.

- How do you do? And you've come to the right place. Allow me to introduce myself. Fifth-generation malfar sorcerer, M.D. Zachary Kortz.

After reviewing the results of my examinations on the tablet, he turned to me:

- Stefan, before you make a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment, I ask you to answer a few questions. Please answer honestly and don't be offended. Some questions will be very personal.

- I understand. But this won't get any further than this office?

- Yes. Doctor-patient confidentiality. - the doctor confirmed.

- First question. Your sex life. How intense?

- Until recently, several times a day. Every day.

- Have you had affairs on the side?

- No.

- But you worked in a strictly women's group?

- Yes.

- How many employees did you have and what age?

- There were two dozen. 18 to 30 years old.

- Have you had any health problems before?

- Nothing serious, except a cold. Or an upset stomach.

- Have you always been in female groups or around women?

- I've never thought about it. That's strange. But I guess you're right. Even at school most of my friends were girls. But I never abused it. And I never cheated on my wife.

- No one's accusing you. - Zachary reassures me. - So far it makes more sense, but I have to bring your wife in to declare a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

- Yes, please.

The doctor went out and returned a minute later with Annie. As she sat down in the chair, Zachary turned to us:

- What Stefan is experiencing could be called Incubus Syndrome or Sex Vampirism. Calm down. It's not as sinister as it sounds. You could also call it Sultan in a Harem syndrome. It's just that Stefan vitally needs a constant external sexual boost. Emotional, energetic and physical. I emphasize: vitally necessary. Before, he was constantly surrounded by women who shared a piece of their sexual energy with him.

Each one a little at a time, but all the time. Now he is cut off from that source. To you, Annie, he can only give. But not take.

Annie and I were surprised by this diagnosis.

- So, what now? - Annie asked.

- Well, Stefan's health is going to get worse. Very badly.

- How badly?

- At the current rate, I give it three years.

I'm numb. Three years? I have three years left?

- What can we...? What can I do...?" tears appeared in Annie's eyes.

The doctor thought about it:

- Of course we'll try to balance the internal energy, but we can't provide a constant supply of energy, much less sexual energy. You'll have to take care of it yourself.

- How? How do you do it?

- If you can't get a constant energy boost from communicating with at least half a hundred young and sexy women...

- Half a hundred? Are you serious? - I exclaimed.

- Let me explain more clearly.

He walked over to the booth and started drawing.

- This is your inner concentration of life energy. - The doctor drew a circle into which he drew many lines. Over time, these streams have merged into a single stream. Wide but shallow. Which has dried up. Now the occasional stream of energy just gets stuck before it reaches focus. Like water going into the sand. We need to increase the flow of energy. And a lot of it.

- But I don't even know how to do that.

- Well, only sex, then. With new women. At least once every two weeks. - Zachary suggested. But not one constant mistress, just a variety of sex. Have a harem.

- That's not an option. My Annie wouldn't accept that.

- But there's another problem. With your wife.

Zachary went back to the booth and drew another one next to the circle that signified my concentration of life energy. The two circles were connected by a bold line.

- Excess energy must be drained. You and your wife have formed a common channel through which you transfer your energy to your wife. A very powerful channel. And you can pass your energy only to her. If you have no energy, your wife has no energy. If you die, Annie dies.

We went back home in a state of disillusionment. In truth, I had already begun to make plans for the last three years of my life. Adultery was not an option for me.

A week later, I passed out again.


- Dad, I need your help.

- What's the problem Nick?

- Well, the fraternity is throwing a big Halloween party in two weeks. Last year there was no celebration because of the quarantine. This time it's a big party at the country club.

- I see. And what can I do to help?

- Dad. There will be girls and alcohol. I want to have fun. But I won't be able to drive a car afterwards.

- And you want me to be your driver, I guess.

- Well, yeah... I mean, no... not really. Not for me. Well, not for me and a few friends - he looked at me pleadingly.

I don't understand this holiday. It's not our tradition. But on the other hand, it's an excuse for young people to drink alcohol and have fun. An excuse to have as much fun as anyone else.

- Okay. We'll talk details later.

I didn't notice the way Nick and Annie looked at each other.

The two weeks flew by unnoticed.

Nick was waiting for me, dressed in his Joker costume. He had arranged with his friend Julia to appear as the Joker and Harley Quinn. I think they really want to have fun. Julia went to school with Nick and lived in the university dorm with her younger sister and two friends. We had to pick them up.

- The Batman look really suits you," my wife murmured in my ear, and I was already wetting my panties.

- I don't understand why I need a costume at all. I'll just be a driver. Cab driver. - I grumbled.

Although, I had to admit, I did look good in a suit.

- Honey, you're not just going to be a driver. You'll be a guardian angel and a supervisor. They're just kids. They may be 19 or 20 years old, but they're kids. You'll be more reliable.

Half an hour later, our Chrysler Pacifica pulled up in front of a dorm on campus.

Yeah, sure, it's not a fancy Mercedes or BMW coupe. But try cramming six or seven people with luggage into one. That's my point. Practicality is everything. There's the fancy Mercedes-Benc SLK coupe, too. But today it does not suit us.

After a minute of bickering, I wanted to stay waiting in the car, Nick and I went up to the girls' dorm. They lived in a block of 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. There were 6 of these units on each floor of the dorm and a large common room with couches. One of them was where I was seated.

Nick broke into block 2 without knocking. Seconds later, he was out of there like a champagne cork, to the squeal of a girl. Did you see the embarrassed Joker? It was hilarious. A minute later, a hand poked out from behind the door, grabbed Nick by the collar, and pulled him back into the block. He reappeared a minute later. His face was adorned with a happy smile and a fresh trail of bright red lipstick.

After another five minutes, the block door opened and out popped a typical Harley Quinn, wearing short shorts over mesh tights over long, slender legs, a tank top revealing a flat tummy adorned with a belly button piercing. The top hid her unconstrained breasts underneath. Her nipples stood out clearly, and caught the eye of the admiring Joker. The top had "Daddy`s Lil Monster" written all over it. Red-blue makeup and ponytails in the blonde's hair completed the look. She twirled in place, showing off her athletic, trim body. Turning to Nick, Harley reached her lips to his face and kissed him with a savory sound, demonstratively pulling her slightly bent-knee leg to the side.

- Meet ... Harley ... I mean, Julia. My... girlfriend. - Nick introduced himself a little hesitantly. The love glint in his eyes was unmistakable. There were the same twinkle in the girl's eyes. I think we're about to have a serious conversation at home.

Two red-haired beauties in a clasic anime-inspired witch look popped out of the block doors. A tall cone-shaped hat with wide brim. Short jacket with hiding corset, supporting a massive breast. Bell skirt to mid-thigh. On her feet were striped stockings and shoes with large gold buckles. The girls moved in sync like mirrored reflections. They twirled in place, lifting their skirts in flight and showing off their funny lace pantaloons. The blueshirts looked at me with their green eyes and both bit their puffy bottom lip. They laughed and held out their hands to me. The one on the left held out her left hand and the one on the right held out her right hand. I took their hands in mine and leaned over and kissed their fingers softly. Every finger.

- Bov. What a nice gentleman - said the witch on the right.

- He deserves a reward - sang the sorceress on the left. They bent down in sync and kissed me on both cheeks.

- Nadine - the right one nodded.

- Natalie - the left one nodded.

The last to leave the block was a girl in a catwoman costume. The latex costume emphasized all the curves of the young body, making it very sexy. If at the sight of other girls in pants began to worry, the Catwoman caused almost instant and steady erection. Until she looked up at you with her huge purple eyes. The image of Catwoman instantly evaporated. It was a gentle little kitten that you wanted to cuddle and protect.

- It was Sofia, Julia's little sister. - Nick's words came to me.

Shaking my head and shaking off the obsession, I got up and motioned for everyone to come down to the car. Time was ticking away, and we might be too late.

The party was held in a country complex with a restaurant, a nightclub hotel, and even separate cottages. There were sports fields, a swimming pool, a lake and a large park. There were traffic controllers in skeletal suits greeting guests and directing traffic at the entrance to the complex. We parked in a vacant spot and unloaded from the car and headed toward the nightclub. Nick walked ahead of us, hand in hand with Julia and Sofia. Nadine and Natalie elbowed me and walked with me down the paved driveway. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble to decorate the grounds. Jack lanterns had been placed along the paths. There were rustles, groans, and howls coming from the bushes. A spider web was strung between the trees, with spiders with burning eyes crawling through it. An arm reached out from under the park bench and tried to grab Julia's leg. The girls reacted with squeals and laughter. A werewolf attacked the couple walking behind us from behind the bushes. Squeals and laughter reverberated through the park.

Guards dressed as vampires and werewolves awaited our guests at the entrance to the nightclub. They accepted our invitation cards and put bracelets on our rivers. Pink ones for the girls, blue ones for the guys. The guards opened the doors and we walked down a narrow corridor.

Cobwebs on the walls, scales in shackles, creaks and ominous groans. The corridor led us into a large hall with a dance floor. There was a long bar on the right, and tables and booths on the left. One of the waitresses, dressed as a maid witch, led us to a separate booth and offered us a menu, warning us that she would come back in a few minutes. Only when she left did I realize that the only clothes she was wearing were a witch's wide-brimmed pointy hat and a skirt. Everything else was elaborate body art. On the menu were appetizers, a few salads, sushi, and pizza. The only drinks on the menu were bottled beer and soft drinks. We had alcohol at the bar only and no charge upon presentation of wristbands. Girls were poured on the left side of the bar and guys on the right. Jack's lights were placed on the tables. The room was tastefully decorated.

As the room filled, the lights dimmed and the music got louder and more energetic. Our order was brought to us . Our girls watched with laughter as Nick and I struggled to see the body-arted breasts of the waitresses in the twilight.

The dance floor filled with groups of dancers. The party was in full swing.

Nick and Julia went to the bar and brought drinks. Our group relaxed and became much looser. I told a few bearded jokes from my college days and was surprised that they still elicited laughs. Only Sofia showed some restraint. But she was a freshman and still hadn't gotten used to being a student. That was probably the result of the almost year-and-a-half-long quarantine. But I liked this girl for her modesty and directness. Julia and the twins were more relaxed and playful. Soon Julia and Nick were on their way to dance, too. It was a pleasure to watch the plastic movements of Harley Quinn. Joker and Harley were probably the most colorful couple. The twins looked at each other, and took me under their arms and pulled me to dance. It must have been more than ten years since I'd been to a nightclub with Annie and danced. It took a few minutes to get in tune and catch the rhythm. My body remembered the necessary movements and started moving. I sailed along behind the music. Near me were wriggling in the dance of two sexy young witches. I closed my eyes and surrendered to the feelings. The sounds of the music, the vibration of the floor, the touch of hot bodies. Energy filled me. Sexual energy. The movements became more and more passionate. It didn't seem like a dance, but a passionate act of love. And it was coming to a climax. The rhythm increased and finally there was an explosion. When I opened my eyes, we were in the center of the hall, surrounded by people stopping and watching us. Suddenly there was a pop. And then a second one. And now the whole room exploded with applause. The witches were hanging on to me with their eyes blurred. The sound of applause helped them wake up.

- Vov. I think I came. - whispered Nadine.

- Cum? If it weren't for those "granny" knickers, I would have had a puddle the size of an Olympic swimming pool under me," Natalie replied.

I sat down and put my arms around the girls' bottoms, and then I got up and carried them to our table. Nick and Julia were clearing the way for us.

Almost at the table, something wasn't quite right. Sophia was sitting squeezed on both sides by two guys who were holding her hands and saying something right to her face. On the table was an empty bottle of whiskey, obviously brought by the "guests. A third man blocked Nick's way.

- Oh, nice service. Give me that chicken and get out of here," the gorilla growled, puffing on a thick stream of alcohol and obviously marijuana, grabbing Julio's arm.

Not letting Nick get into a fight, I slipped out of the twin witches' grasp and intercepted the bully's arm. A light squeeze on the pain point and he was on his knees, squealing like a piglet.