Hot Jo Tease

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Cuckold husband is teased by exhibitionist Jo.
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Summary: Cuckold husband is teased by exhibitionist hot Jo, which has its rewards.

Key words: exhibitionist, cinema, flashing, sauna, old man, young men, big tits, cuckold, Latina MILF.

Warning: Pictures may be darker than usual, made to fit the storyline. Enjoy!

A big thank you to Kenji for doing a great job again editing this piece.


I would not say that I am an exhibitionist or a naturist. I am quite shy about shedding my clothes. Though, there was always a hidden interest, to peek at naked women at a nudist beach. Well, it all started when I got married to a Brazilian hottie, named Jo. My life changed forever. I may not be a naturist, but I would say that I am more of a 'closet cuckold'. I have hidden my desires ever since I was a teenager. Looking at porn fuelled this interest, of other men wanting another man's wife.

I told this to my fiancee, and she was both surprised and shocked, at this revelation. She didn't shoot down my feelings, at once; Jo was open to the idea privately in our own bedroom. The trouble was, that this interest escaped our bedroom and into reality. I liked showing off my wife, preferably naked, in all sorts of sexy poses. First, this happened virtually on the Net. Many men liked her pictures, and it led to Jo, later on, meeting these men virtually on Skype, during our dating days. So, I would say that Jo was a natural exhibitionist. She loved being nude in her flat, on the beach and on the Net.

It all started for real, when we went to see 'Fifty Shades of Grey' at our local cinema. We were both excited to watch it, like nervous teenagers who were going to watch their first porn flick. It was great to get out of the house, and escape reality for a couple of hours.

We were a bit late and missed the adverts, but we got there on time for the film. Finding our spots in the dark was cumbersome. Jo led the way with her mobile phone light on, looking for our seat numbers. We sat at the back, and settled into our seats to our relief. Taking our coats off was a chore, as was finding a place for them. Luckily, the seat right next to me was free and we offloaded all our stuff there. There were no people in our row, except for one man.

I had my popcorn ready, watching the opening scene of the heroine falling into Mr Grey's office and him being so controlled and cool. The opposite of me, when I was with Jo.

Then Jo looked at me, waving her hand to her face, and saying "CALOR!!" (Hot) She was sighing uncomfortably.

I was trying to focus on the film. I wanted to know what all this hype was about. I was never much into BDSM, and I knew Jo was not into spanking. Jo was boiling hot, she then took off her sweater and handed it to me... I plopped it to my left, not wanting to be interrupted.

After a few more minutes, she again said, "CALOR!"

I couldn't help her. I was hoping that she would cool down soon, and enjoy the film. Then IT happened, she undid the buttons of her blouse and took it off and handed it to me! The nerve of her! Here I was being distracted by her. I couldn't believe what she had done. She was just in her purple bra, her bust was out to be viewed. This wouldn't look out of place on a beach, but in a cinema?!

"Better!" she said, with a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing, Jo?"

"I... calor! Too hot here."

I hadn't expected any action tonight. We were not at a seedy, adult cinema in the red-light district; we were at a local entertainment complex.

This was, however, a sexy film. Maybe some single, lonely men wanted to get their rocks off by watching erotica, some nice sexy woman? I could see that Jo was seated next to a fat, middle-aged man with a very large box of popcorn. I thought briefly, if the man was bothered by Jo's actions. It didn't look like he was put off by her, the man didn't object...

Jo and I held hands throughout the movie. I, sometimes, had my arm over her shoulder. We didn't kiss at all, my eyes were glued to the screen. Jo was a tiny distraction to me, she always is, when she takes her top off.

Soon, the film had ended, with Christian and Anastasia saying their goodbyes at the elevator. The sad, stirring music came along with the scene of Anastasia being driven away.

'Say you love me to my face

I need it more than your embrace

Just say you want me, that's all it takes

Heart's gettin' torn from your mistake s.'

The lights came on, and Jo dressed again. We made our way out of the complex. I had many thoughts of the film. I was still surprised about what Jo did in the cinema.

"Youuu, why did you do that?

"I so HOT!"

"You don't take your top off though, Jo!"

"Why not? I hot!"

I tried to laugh it off, as we drove home in the cold darkness of Norway.

"Oh well, that man who sat beside you, he had a good view!"

"SIM... yes, he did. He WANKING!"

I nearly crashed into a parked car, when I heard that word. "WHAT?! You're kidding me, aren't you?"

"No... verdade... it true."

"Did you see his cock? Did he come?"

"I no see, but I see his cock and he look at me, my breasts! I no see, if he ejaculate!"

"Did he touch you?"

"He no. He shy. I think."

So that was that. When we got home, we had a great time in bed. I imagined, being the stranger, staring at her lovely tits that spilled out of her bra. She must have been a beautiful sight in the bright light of the movie. Her breasts must have shone in the darkness of the cinema. It provided fuel and desire in our marital bed.

This was soon forgotten and our holiday in London was approaching. I organised everything (as normal). Unfortunately, I couldn't book a hotel room, and all hotels were expensive. So, the only option was a youth hostel. It was quite cheap, but one got what one paid for. We would have to share a room with two others. This was a mixed dormitory. Jo and I arrived late at night (as usual). We were handed the keys, and we tried to be quiet, upon entry. It was quite dark in the room when we entered, but the curtains were not drawn and we had the moonlight to help find our things to sleep.

I took the top bunk and Jo took the bottom one. I was knackered, and I soon fell fast asleep.

It was only until the next morning, I realised that our roommates were two young men. Not dwelling on the thought that they were guys, it was okay. Everyone was well behaved, or so I thought they were. Leaving the sleeping young men in their beds, we tiptoed out to the dining room. We had this great, delicious buffet breakfast and I was impressed by it. As we ate, I asked if Jo had slept well. She looked a bit tired.

"OHHH! It so HOT in there. They no open window!"

I thought I could have helped her, but I had fallen asleep as soon as I hit the pillow. "Sorry Jo. Did you manage to sleep?"

"EVENTUALLY!" she said in her typical dramatic voice, which would lead to something impressing me, more than my breakfast.

"I had take off my t-shirt!"

I choked on my toast,, then gaining some composure, I replied, "NOOOO... JOOOOOO! Were you topless? In front of those guys?!"

"I put back on, later I got cold."


"Last night, I saw guy on top bunk by window. He seeing me, and wanking!"

I choked on my toast again. "WHAT?"

"Were you completely naked??"

"SIM... yes... so... CALORRRR!"

I felt like the female character in 'Fifty Shades of Grey', I was nervous and taken aback... not by Mr Grey... But, by the hot, sexy Mrs Jo from Brazil.

"I feel sorry for him. He probably a virgin. So I give show to with my tits. He like!"

"Did you see him ejaculate?"

"No, too dark. He quiet, but I see his bed shake... a LOT."

"WOW, JO!"

"Anyway, man shake bed so much, that he wake friend. I tired, so I turn my back to the guys. Then I hear same noise. I turn around. His friend wanking too..."

"NOOOooo! Did you give him a show, too?"

"No. I too tired. I sleep. He can just see me and wank."

After that, I couldn't really eat very much... I was excited and randy. Why was I sleeping, when all of this was happening? We couldn't have sex in our shared dormitory, so we had to wait. It was only until we had got back to Norway, that we could relive that night.

And to top it off, nothing happened the very next night at that youth hostel. The young men were gone, and boringly replaced by a very young couple, who were very much in love. I didn't see anything.

Having had that experience on holiday and at the cinema, I wanted to recreate it. I thought, 'Where could one go naked legally? The answer was... a naturists' beach!'

However, it was March in Norway. Spring, not summer. No chance of going naked, at any beach, unless you wanted to catch hypothermia...

I investigated Facebook and there was a group of local naturists. I read on their home page that they had access to a heated swimming pool and sauna on Fridays. That was between six and nine o'clock in the evening. It was for the whole family. It wasn't my thing to see other people naked, just to show naked Jo to naked men. This was my primary interest.

On the naturists' page they stated that there were no sexual intentions in these meetings. If a man suddenly developed an erection, their advice was to either cover it or go into the pool or shower 'til it subsided. My dirty mind was moving into erotic lanes of thought of randy, naked men having erections, just because of watching my naked Jo!

What made visiting this place better, was that it was free for the first three times for non-members. Also, Jo loved saunas.

So, we made our plans to go that Friday night. Unfortunately, Jo had to miss out on her international bible study, but she was willing to sacrifice it to go. Jo and I had never gone to a naturist event before...

It was a school swimming pool that the naturist society had rented. We remembered to bring our towels, deodorant and soap. In the hallway, there was a camping table with a clothed elderly man there. He was friendly, and I explained that we were new. He said that we were very welcome and handed us four tickets: two for me and two for Jo. This meant the next two times were for free. So, we made our way to our changing rooms, one for females and males, respectively. This was exciting!

"I see you out there, Jo!"

"Sim, yes... I see you, meu amor."

I was kind of embarrassed to take off my clothes in front of people. Especially, when I had my little friend... out in the open. I showered naked and had with me my goggles. There were the sounds of many people talking and playing, babies crying and laughing. I wandered out nervously and slowly.

The swimming pool had a very strong smell of chlorine. Upon entering the swim hall, I could see that there was a lot of life. There were naked people! Of all sizes, ages, races and sexes. I was also surprised, that some men had glasses on! You would never see that, at a normal pool.

As I waited for Jo (like I always do), I checked out the place and walked around.

Little, self-conscious me, decided the safest place would be at the shallow end of the pool. It was ten meters wide and twenty-five meters long. A cosy, pool with friendly people. Most were talking on the side of it, in groups of maybe four to five. There were some families there, too, playing games and having fun. A ball had been knocked my way, and I hastily knocked it back again, smiling and wanting to disappear. The water felt quite cold actually, and my little friend soon became, even tinier.

The welcome sight of a naked Jo, appeared. She walked to me and lowered herself into the pool.

"BbbRrrrr, meu amor! Tudo bem?"

"Hi, yes. I am fine, thanks. It's cold here! How's things?"


I whispered to her, "You see the men, they are wearing glasses!"

Jo laughed and smiled. She didn't feel threatened. I think she welcomed their attention. Not moi.

She was shocked though by the cold temperature. "A agua e fria... water... cold!"

"Let's swim, then!"

It was good to do that, we got our bearings and figured out what we would do next. We swam just up to the deep end and hung onto the ledge.

"Well, what do you think, Jo?"

"It nice. Friendly people. A good place. It FRIO here... COLD!"

We had been used to a much warmer pool (thirty-two degrees), so it was to no surprise that we were freezing cold. We had to get out, so we swam back, avoiding the men wearing just their glasses, and made our way to the coffee and biscuit table. It was comforting to drink something warm and eat a couple of biscuits. Jo and I still didn't know what to do with ourselves, no one had approached us yet. So, we sat by the pool and consumed our food and drink. It didn't take that long, before we were finished.

I didn't see many men openly gawking at Jo, while we were seated on our towels, by the poolside. It was kind of dull and normal. Some people said 'hello' to us, but no one actually sat down and talked with us. I was surprised by this.

"Shall we go into the sauna?"

Jo agreed. First, we showered and made our way into it. Opening the solid, wooden pine door, we could see that it was quite full. We were struck by the aroma of mint radiating from the sauna heater. Quite refreshing!

People there were talking a lot, then all of a sudden, it became quiet. I noticed that there were four benches at two levels, and space for roughly sixteen people. We sat together on the bottom tier. Most of them were adults and it was about fifty-fifty men and women. There were some, who were much older than us and some about our age. Looking around, I was not impressed by the women. They were not as attractive or hot as Jo.

We sat in silence, 'til the old man from the reception table entered. I hadn't recognised him at first without his clothes! He sat opposite us, on the bottom tier and looked at us in a way that he knew us. Then it clicked.

"Hi, you enjoying your time here?"

"Yes, thanks very much!"

"Can I ask, where are you both from?"

"I am from London... and Jo is from Brazil."

"Oh Brazil. I love that country!"

"Where in Brazil, are you from?" the sweet, old man asked, turning to my wife.

"Sao Paulo!"

"How nice! I was in Rio. I worked on a boat. We travelled a lot. Loved it there. Nice people... friendly!"

"Sim... yes. I miss!"

It was getting really hot in the sauna for me, by then. I didn't last that long, before I needed to go.

"Jo, it's too hot here. I got to cool off in the pool."

"Okay dear! I coming in a second!"

So, I left her there, thinking it was safe. I needed to cool down, so a swim in the cool pool felt like the ideal thing to do.

Putting on my goggles, I swam past the old men with their glasses, the families playing water polo. I was there for quite a while, roughly half an hour, swimming up and down and Jo still had not come out.

Growing impatient, I made my way out of the busy pool. It was then, I recognised a female African colleague, who worked at the canteen in my office building! She was just going into the pool...

"Hi! What are you doing here?" she said, smilingly.

Surprised, I didn't know where to look. One part of my mind was saying, "Don't look at her tits!" and the other part was, "Look at her tits, see how big they are!"

My eyes decided to go fifty-fifty, but to not get caught openly staring. I felt thoroughly embarrassed... again. My Mr Little was now Mr TinyTiny, after half an hour of him being in the cold water. It had shrunk... in front of my naked colleague. I actually didn't really fancy her. At least, that was my excuse... Then I remembered Jo, I didn't want her to see me talking to this woman. Self-preservation! I made my excuses.

"It was nice seeing you (it was not nice), but I have to go now."

I left her hastily and made my way to the sauna.

Jo, though, was outside it in the shower area. Also our new 'friend' was there, showering beside her. I thought nothing of it.

"Can we go now, Jo?" I was urgent to leave and embarrassed.

Jo politely said goodbye to our friend.

We put on our clothes in a hurry, she didn't even get to dry her hair! Having said our goodbyes, I hunted the sanctuary of our warm, safe car.

"How was the sauna, Jo?"

"It good. I talk a lot with Erik."

"Oh... you know his name now?"

"Sim... yes, love. Erik is... how you say... viúvo? A man who lost his wife. She had cancer! He missing her a lot."

"Oh no! That's too bad."

"Sim, lots of suffering in this world! We talk a lot... about Norway and Brazil... Anyway when we talking... I notice Erik... he had erection... when he looking at me... at my breasts and my pussy!"


"Yes, meu amor! He looking! His cock became very stiff. Then he put towel on it. I know not where to look! (Jo was laughing at this). Then he say he need shower."

"Wow. Was he big?"

"Yes, of course!"

"So, you showered with him, at the same time?"

"Yeah, I got HOT too, you know! I, a woman, you know reaction."

That was our very last time at the swimming pool with the naturists. Having a female colleague there was my main deterrent. On the other hand, I did want Jo to meet Erik in the showers again...

*From the author: Thanks for reading. Please vote. Be the ONE in a thousand, who do this!:) Cheers, it helps with your support.

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Starfight23Starfight232 months ago

You always write about that granny. Don't you have any other topics? Can't see why you choose her tbh. Not really my type at all.

AlwaystabooAlwaystaboo3 months ago
Jo is beautiful in pictures and mind

So very well told. My mother and I had a similar to the hostel experience on a sleep train in Europe. We shared a hot suit (AC was broken) we with three couples. Before we climbed to out top bunk she got naked. Needless to say four couples had sex.

Paul4playPaul4play3 months ago

Jo is amazing!

She gives me such wonderful orgasms!

Thank you for sharing her story and photos!

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