Hot Sex In the Big Freeze


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I played the mock innocent and smiled at Janet. "I can't imagine what you mean, Janet."

"Oh, I think you do Derek." With that and an amazing turn of speed -- although Janet was pretty good at athletics at school -- Janet launched herself at me and planted a kiss on my lips, my erection rising in my underpants as we kissed. It was shallow at first but still sexy, however it got hotter as Janet and I inserted our tongues into each other's mouths, making out on the settee, Janet's brown hair tickling my face.

Janet was certainly not a shy girl, and I soon felt her hand on my groin. "Ooh, I like that," she said as she stroked my erection through the fabric of my trousers, thermal underwear and boxer shorts.

I in turn moved my hand to Janet's bum, touching her taut buttocks through her denim jeans. She was wearing thermals underneath, but I could still feel the elastic lines of her knickers underneath as we continued to French-kiss and roll around on the settee.

It definitely impressed Janet. "Derek, you're making me get my knickers all wet and sticky between my legs," she laughed in mock-indignation.

I also feigned indignation. "As if I would do something like that." I jokingly squeezed Janet's cute little nose.

"Yeah, of course you would," said Janet. "So, how about we get undressed down to our underwear?"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed in delight, looking forward to seeing her in her bra and knickers. I had seen Janet wearing bathers at the beach in summer, but that wasn't the same.

Janet seemed pretty keen to disrobe, and was already taking off her boots and the thick socks she wore underneath as I was struggling with the laces of my uncooperative shoes with my over-eager fingers. I was taking off my socks as Janet sat barefoot. I had of course seen Janet with bare feet before -- not in recent weeks obviously unless she wanted to get frostbite on her toes -- but she had beautiful feet, from Janet's teenage toes and the soles and arches.

I watched Janet remove her red parka as I took off my overcoat, and as we continued to undress my erection throbbed as Janet took off her jeans and I pulled my trousers. Soon we were clad in our white thermal underwear that covered our regular underwear. I thought that my thermals made me look like some elderly gold prospector from the old American West who every morning paid a visit to his outhouse wearing his long-johns, but as for Janet her thermals looked like old-fashioned underwear from the Victorian or Edwardian eras. With her long dark hair hanging loose, Janet looked like she was wearing a corset and drawers, and my mouth watered.

But if I thought Janet looked beautiful in her thermal underwear, the sight of Janet in her regular underwear was even better. She wore a white bra, the swelling of her teenage breasts evident in the cups, and white-full brief panties underneath which I had only seen hanging on the washing line before. With her bare feet, Janet looked so sexy in her bra and her knickers.

As for me, I wore a light blue vest and light blue boxer shorts, not nearly as sexy as Janet's undies, but Janet didn't seem to care, as she pulled me back down onto the settee for another session of heavy French-kissing.

My cock felt like it had a mind of its own as Janet ran her beautiful feminine feet up and down my legs, me feeling her bare toes on my skin, and her wandering hands going to my groin. "Somebody's excited," Janet giggled, feeling my erection through my boxer shorts.

"That obvious, is it?" I asked.

"Kind of," Janet quipped, as she continued to play with my dick and making me worried that I might soak my boxers with a substance far denser that looked like mayonnaise, but which most definitely was not mayonnaise.

"It's easier for you girls, people can't tell when you get excited," I said.

Janet giggled. "You can if you get into our knickers." She indicated her white panties. "And you Derek, will most definitely be getting into my knickers."

Again Janet and I rolled around on the sofa making out, and by the stove the two cats briefly looked up from their slumber, wondering why these humans were doing such strange things. I felt slightly breathless as I touched Janet's breasts, feeling her hard nipples through the fabric of her white bra and the soft young flesh underneath.

While Janet slipped a hand under my vest, tugging on and teasing my chest hair I moved my hands from her boobs down her flat tummy past her cute little naval to Janet's knickers. Still thinking this might be some bizarre erotic dream as I couldn't believe I had my hands on the knickers of possibly the most beautiful girl in Essex, I traced Janet's elastic panty lines and her taut bum through the soft cotton back panel.

I could feel the shape of Janet's bottom, and things only got better when I moved my hand to the front panel of her panties. I touched Janet between her legs, feeling the double-cotton panty saddle of her big white knickers, and the indentation of her vagina in the fabric. Janet squirmed and giggled at my touch to her fanny through her knickers, and my fingers felt the slight traces of Janet's female wetness through her teen panties, with me noticing her toes clench at the sensation.

Janet removed my vest, leaving me bare-chested and I guess I should have been cold but doing such sexy things with my friend on whom I had had a previously unrequited crush, I didn't feel it, even though the howling winds and dark skies outside continued to dump heavy snow all over England.

"Now Derek, your turn to take off my bra," Janet declared.

This seemed like an easy enough request, with a great reward waiting for me at the end, I would see Janet's naked teenage tits for the first time. I reached behind Janet's back to her bra clasp, but try as I might my fumbling fingers could not unclasp and remove her brassiere.

Janet was amused. "I think it's best that I do this, if you keep trying we'll still be here when your Dad gets home from work and catches us."

"Best you take over then," I said, removing my hands from behind Janet's back and watching with wide eyes and a throbbing penis as the teenager reached behind herself and effortlessly unclasped her bra, pulling the garment away from her body to leave her bare-breasted.

Janet laughed and jokingly covered her boobs with her hand. "Derek, didn't anyone ever tell you that it's not polite to stare at a girl's breasts?"

"Janet, I can't believe you did that so easily," I laughed, watching as Janet took her hands off her breasts.

"Years of practice, and Derek I can't believe you struggled so much," she teased. "You're a mechanic, you fix all those fiddly and complex car engines all day, but when it comes to a girl's bra ..." Janet again giggled and said, "Lucky you weren't born a Denise, a Debra or a Diana, you'd be late for work every day struggling to put your bra on."

"That's probably very true," I agreed.

Janet indicated her breasts. "Well, now my bra is off, how about you have some fun with my boobs?"

No way was I knocking back an invitation like this, and I touched Janet on her wonderful teenage tits, fondling the soft flesh and stroking her hard nipples, Janet now only wearing her knickers squirming on the settee and putting her hand down the front of my boxer shorts, me feeling her sensual fingers teasing my cock and balls.

"I think we'd better get these off you," said Janet, indicating the waistband of my underpants.

No way was I going to debate this, and I put up no resistance to the topless teenager as she took hold of my boxer shorts and pulled them down my legs and off my feet, leaving me with my throbbing erection completely exposed.

Janet admired my uncircumcised dick, and gently played with it. "I think I'm going to have fun with this," she said. "But first, we need to get me out of my knickers. I think you'll have more luck taking my knickers off than my bra."

Taking Janet's knickers down did indeed seem an easier prospect than removing her bra, at which I had failed completely. I reached for her panty waistband, only for Janet to mockingly give me a fake slap. With her teasing expression on her pretty face, Janet admonished me, "Talk about un-gentlemanly, you trying to take off an 18-year-old girl's knickers so fast. First, I want to show you what you're going to be seeing when you take my knickers off."

Despite being stark naked, I felt hot as Janet took hold of the elastic waistband of her knickers and opened them out, both of us looking down the front of her panties. Janet had of course seen down her own knickers before, but I had not, and what I saw was one of the most beautiful and sexy things I had ever seen. I had dreamed about this before, Janet lifting her frock and letting me see down her knickers, but that time I had awoken to quite a sticky problem. This time however, I was 100 percent awake.

Janet's feminine mound was covered in a forest of dark brown, curly pubic hair that matched the dark brown hair on her head. As we both continued to look down her pants at her hairy teenage pussy, Janet laughed. "If I hear one comment that it looks like a spider, I'll slap you silly Derek."

"As if I'd say that," I laughed. "It looks great, really sexy."

"It feels great too," Janet assured me. "Put your hand down my knickers and see for yourself."

In less than a second my right hand was down the front of Janet's teen panties, touching her up on her pubic mound, my fingers going through her curls of pubic hair. I put my hand further down Janet's knickers, feeling how wet and sticky she was when my fingers made contact with the front of her vagina, Janet twitching at my touch to her vulva.

"You'll get sticky fingers if you go too deep down there," Janet declared with a grin. "Anyway, I think it's time for my knickers to come off now."

Wasting no time, I extricated my hand from Janet's female mound and pubic hair and took hold of her panty waistband. I slid Janet's panties off down her shapely legs, seeing her full bush in its entirety and also noticing the damp, creamy colored feminine stains on the double cotton saddle of her knickers, courtesy of her vagina self-cleansing during the day and her girly excitement at the moment. I could even smell Janet's female smell from between her legs, the slight musty fragrance going up my nose and driving me wild with desire.

When I slid Janet's knickers off over her pretty bare feet, she like me was now completely naked and boy of boy, was Janet in a state of full nudity a wonderful sight. I looked at her hairy muff, and thought that Janet's pubic hair reminded me of Tasmania, the island state to the south of Australia we had learned about in geography in high school.

Janet and I kissed and caressed again, me rubbing my erection against her upper thigh, something that seemed to excite the teenager even more. "I want to have some fun with this guy," said Janet. "You lie down nice and flat, and I'll let you have some fun with me too, get those sticky fingers I warned you about earlier."

"Okay," I said, eagerly lying down on the settee, while Janet squatted beside me, her legs wide apart in a somewhat unladylike position, showing off her hairy young pussy to me. It was a beautiful sight, Janet's slim perfect pink pussy lips in a forest of dark brown pubic hair. Further down I could see the sensitive skin to the rear of Janet's vulva, and further down her tight little anus. I couldn't believe I could see the most private part of Janet's young body, and my penis certainly enjoyed this view between her legs. .

Janet took my erect penis in her hand and began to jerk me off, slowly and sensually at first then harder and faster. "Don't be shy Derek, I think your fingers might want to do some exploring and get all wet and sticky like I warned you about."

She pointed at her crotch, then taking this hand to my balls, teased them through my scrotum, adding to the pleasure I already felt from her giving me a hand-job. I didn't waste any time, putting my hand into Janet's fanny, feeling her hairy muff and her very aroused and sticky twat.

Janet moaned and squirmed, her pretty bare toes clenching as I inserted my fingers up her tight, wet love-hole, fingering her fanny flaps and her clitoris, feeling the tight entrance to Janet's urethra. My fingers got wetter and wetter as my fingers went deeper up her pussy-hole and the smell of vagina became stronger in the sitting room, and my finger-fucking her fanny to inspire Janet to jerk me off harder.

So good was Janet at giving me manual relief that I feared I would lose control, and cover her fingers with a sticky white substance, but luckily she seemed to realize this and she stopped giving me a hand-job, extricating her hands from my groin while I in turn removed my moist and sticky fingers from her wet, hairy pussy.

"I don't want you to have any little accidents before the main event," Janet giggled, moving around on the settee and me seeing the pale, firm, peach-shaped cheeks of her bare bottom in the process. I often thought that if they had a competition for the best girl's bum in Britain, Janet could represent Essex. I could only visualize Janet's buttocks in my imagination, but tonight I could see it for myself and Janet's bum was just great.

So much so that I fondled Janet's bare bottom as she moved position, loving the soft firm young flesh of her rear end, and Janet giggled at my touch to her bum. However, Janet's back bottom vanished from view as she lay on her back on the settee, and was replaced by my view of her front bottom.

At first I could only see Janet's triangle of dark brown pubic hair, but as she spread her legs wide to make herself available to me, I could see her pussy in its entirety. My penis throbbed as Janet seductively pointed at her box, clearly keen for me to insert my hard cock in there.

I got into position to mount Janet in the missionary position, but paused as I thought of something. Mum was at the moment looking after my sister who was heavily pregnant with twins, but this was all fine as Susan was married. Next door, I think Janet's parents worried that they would get a visit from an outraged girl with an expanded stomach not caused by overeating along with her angry parents, complaining about what their son had done followed by a hastily arranged marriage at the registry office. But Billy was Billy, and they knew very much what Janet's older brother was like.

Somehow, I thought both mine and Janet's parents would be even less impressed if I got Janet pregnant and we had to get married at just 18. Janet noticed that I had paused and asked, "What's wrong, Derek?"

"Um nothing Janet, I was just thinking ..." I said, unsure of how to broach the subject, but Janet fortunately picked up what was playing on my mind.

"You're not worried about getting my pregnant, are you Derek?" Janet asked, flutter her eyelashes a little.

"Maybe," I said.

"Don't worry about it," said Janet confidently. "Remember how I said earlier about how the water in the ladies' loo at work froze on Tuesday, and it was especially bad for me because I had my period? Well I only finished menstruating yesterday, so we're safe for the moment, I'm not going to get pregnant. In two weeks though it might be another story."

Much relieved by this, I got into position and Janet gasped slightly as I pushed my hard erection up her aroused young pussy, Janet wriggling so she was comfortable which sent sensations up my cock. If I thought Janet's fanny felt hot when I was fingering her, she felt 10 times hotter to my dick.

I leaned forward so Janet and I could French-kiss, the curls of hair on my chest brushing Janet's bare breasts as I pushed deeper into her vagina. Around the area we were locked together, my light brown pubic hair and Janet's dark brown pubic hair intertwined as I ground at her twat, Janet pushing her pussy forward to increase the pleasure for both herself and for me.

Janet and I kissed deeply again, and I pushed deep into her, Janet writhing and moaning underneath me, wrapping her legs around me and rubbing her bare feet up and down my back. I could feel the warm, sticky sensations of Janet's pussy juice flowing from her hairy fanny and soaking my groin, and I could most definitely smell Janet's female arousal, her girly smells from between her legs driving me wild with desire.

I pushed my cock deeper up Janet's fanny, the two of us going at it harder had faster. Despite the Big Freeze outside dumping snow all over Essex, Janet and I were fucking so hard that in no time at all we were sweating all over as though we were doing this in the Australian or South African summer, the two of us saturated in perspiration, not to mention the feminine juices from Janet's vagina.

The long dark hair on Janet's head tickled my face as we made out again, Janet grinding her twat against me and teasing my back with her toes to increase the sexy sensations for both of us. Many times in the past few months since developing my crush on the pretty girl next door I had fantasized about having sex with Janet, but never in a million years did I ever think it would happen, and never in my wildest of many erotic dreams about my friend did I ever think it would be this good.

As I continued to pound Janet's pussy, I glanced across the sitting room to where the two other pussies present this evening -- feline ones obviously not feminine ones -- were looking across from their warm spots near the stove, wondering why the two humans were lying on top of each other making strange noises. I don't think they had any concept of what Janet and I were doing. Coitus for cats was a noisy, angry, violent affair with lots of yowling, growling, screeching, hissing, scratching, raking and biting. I was very glad that I wasn't born a cat and also that the hairy pussy between Janet's legs didn't behave like that, or I might wind up a eunuch.

I most definitely was not a eunuch at the moment, my balls were working perfectly well as I felt my orgasm spread through my groin and into my entire body. Underneath me, Janet writhed in delight, her pretty face showing she was entering her own orgasm.

I felt my semen spraying up inside Janet's pussy hole, past her cervix and into her birth canal while I came, orgasm seeming to go through every muscle in my body. My sweat dripped from my chest and onto Janet's tits, while she screamed out, "Yes, yes, yes!" underneath me.

Janet's legs flailed around, the toes on her bare feet clenching tight, and from her private female area a rush of pussy juice completely saturated my already sticky groin, the female smell of vagina filling the sitting room as Janet reached her own orgasm.

Sweating, breathless and with racing hearts, I remained inside Janet as we lay close together, recovering from our orgasms, Janet's fingers gently stroking my hair, and me in turn pushing Janet's long dark hair back from her forehead and around her ears.

"Derek, that was absolutely amazing," said Janet, the first of us to recover our voices.

"It sure was," I agreed, still finding it hard to believe this had actually happened. But obviously it had, my cock, now going down, was still up Janet's teenage pussy.

We kissed again, and I withdrew from Janet. "I felt my climax go right through my fanny and up my bum into my bowels," Janet declared, as I looked between her legs at her hairy wet pussy, my sticky white semen clear on her fanny flaps. I thought about what the rest of the semen that had gone up Janet's pussy hole was doing. Probably swimming around Janet's uterus making for her fallopian tubes trying to find any eggs released from her ovaries in her current monthly cycle. It would -- hopefully -- be a search in vain as Janet had only finished having her monthlies yesterday.