HOT SHOTS: M.I.L.F Spring Break Ch. 06


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"Man, I don't know what to do; what would you do?"

"I can't answer that question, it's your world, your problem, Shawn. None of this would've happened if you weren't predisposed to older women." Nova took another hit on the joint keeping it to herself as she stared at my face.

"What's that mean; predisposed?"

"You respond to older women in a submissive manner, it's obvious. Since we met today, I've given you several direct orders which you followed with barely a question. I know how to spot submissive people, Shawn; it's one of my talents."

"Are you a shrink?" She passed the doobie over blowing some of the exotic smelling weed in my face.

"No, it kind of comes in handy, in my business. I like to be three steps ahead of everybody, Shawn."

"Are you a private detective; I mean, because of the computer thing." Nova laughed, half coughing at my question before gathering herself.

"I have connections that gave me the clearance; but no Shawn; I'm a private vendor. You're smoking one of my products right now; like it?" I took a deep drag before passing the joint to her.

"Ma'am, this is some bomb ass shit if I do say so myself; and I do. Nova, I'd love to try some of your other products, too."

"Careful what you wish for, Shawn."

"Huh?" Nova leaned forward putting the roach out in an ashtray.

"I'm tired of this fucking cat and mouse thing we've got going on all day; Shawn, I want to find out why those women were passing you around like these joints we were just smoking." Nova reached back untying her halter freeing her large breasts. They hung right in front of my face topped with thick, pencil eraser sized nipples that I ached to take between my lips. Nova seemed to read my mind cradling my head so that I could nurse on her tits. The taste of her sweat was a salty affair mixed with lingering scents from all of the weed smoked during our conversation. I didn't move, not because I didn't want to, but because I was still in awe of her womanhood. She was at once motherly and fierce like a lioness simultaneously. Nova swung a leg over my lap straddling me facing her living room window allowing me to suckle both of her breasts. My cock was rigid beyond belief poking through the kimono pressing against her mound. Her hand suddenly yanked back on my scalp roughly allowing me to look up at her face.

"Open your mouth." She ordered pushing the tip of her right breast between my lips. I'd been lightly sucking and licking mostly the underside of tits because she'd mashed them against my face, almost smothering me in the process.

"Suck." I vacuumed my cheeks hard on the offered nipple getting a surprise as she quickly drew my head back.

"Yeah, I've been lactating since Eros was born; he doesn't seem to like my breast milk. What about you, Shawn?" She didn't allow me to answer redoubling her efforts, filling my mouth with her juicy breast.

Nova moaned rocking her hips in a sawing motion grinding my exposed cock with increasing urgency before letting me come up for air gasping. The other, neglected breast took its place as Nova squeezed the underside of it pumping the milk out. Nova's magnificent chest seemed to be her weak spot, so I reached up cupping both of her tits in my hands noticing the excessive milk dripping from her nipples. They were ponderous, filled with her essence as I squeezed eliciting a cry of excitement along with a face full of milky spray from this self-proclaimed earth mother. She covered my hands with her own giving me another burst before I took both of her nipples between my teeth nibbling and sucking. Once again, Nova roughly yanked my head backwards giving me a deep sensual kiss that seemed to go n forever.

The serpentine manner in which her tongue wrestled with my own had me really turned on as her hands entered the kimono rubbing and pinching my nipples. It was a weird feeling and new experience because I didn't know a guy could get turned on from having a woman play with his pecks. Nova seemed to be everywhere caressing and rubbing all over my upper half before her hands found my cock. She used both hands to stroke my erection creating this kind of hand tunnel that felt great. My balls were pressed against her crotch which felt incredibly hot. It was like somebody had flipped a switch as Nova became this wild, feral animal grinding hard on me while she made out like there was no tomorrow. My hands found a home on her curvy ass squeezing whole palm fulls as hard as I could. A few of me fingers grazed her slit happily discovering the sopping wetness there. Her butt was really soft with a kind of firmness to it none the less. She even stuck her tongue in my ear twirling it around until I squirmed.

"I learned that in Laos; Shawn, you're making me so fucking wet."

"Oh yeah Nova; I almost feel like I'm gonna cum." She was sawing her covered mound against the underside of my cock, feverishly.

"No before me." Nova broke contact standing up over me breathing heavily, she looked flushed form the intensity of the situation. My hands were guided to her hips to slide the gym shorts down her shapely legs as she stepped out of them one leg at a time. I was stricken by her innate sensual nature finding it hard to believe she even had a child save for the slight blemish on her perfect abdomen. It was a tiny scar barely visible except in close proximity to her nude body.

"Kiss it." Nova sounded feverish as I leaned forward peppering her mound with rabbit kisses before outright licking it altogether. Nova seemed impatient pushing me down flat on my back.

"I'm gonna sit on your fucking face, man!" I had a mouthful of pussy before I even realized what happened. Both of her knees were planted on either side of my head making it a fight or flight situation. Her musk was strong and intoxicating mixed with the scents from the buds we'd smoked and the constant burning of incense inside her home. Nova's thighs covered my ears as I licked and slurped to her delight. Her butt flattened out as she humped my face supporting her weight on her elbows.

"Eat my pussy, just like that!! Lick me fucking clean and suck on my little button!!"

She wedged her fingers down scratching my forehead in the process opening her sex revealing her clit, a potent target for me that set her off the second it was stimulated.

"Keep doing that shit; keep-keep it; oh shit!! AWWWW FAAWWWKK!!" The guttural gasping whine that erupted from her startled me as she climaxed hard, laboriously working her hips against my face until she crested. Nova got up completely flushed crimson with a gregarious smile fanning herself pacing a bit between the coffee table and the couch before speaking.

"Well Shawn, that-was something else; I'm gonna have to drain your fucking balls for making me cum like that." I didn't know what to say just watching her as I stroked my erection, desperate for more. Nova reached down grabbing a handful of my hair almost ripping some of it from my scalp as I was forced to crawl beside her on all fours into the short hallway. Nova stopped short leaning against the wall spreading her legs expectantly again.

"Do it some more; eat it real good again, Shawn." I obliged her burying my face between her thick, womanly thighs until she was satisfied enough to push open her bedroom door.

"Come on you little scamp; we're gonna do it, fucking doggystyle."

I followed her into her bedroom on all fours so hard that my cock was pointed straight downward at the floor which was covered in an ornate Persian rug. There was almost no furniture inside the room other than a large dresser, a sort of Asian themed altar low to the floor burning copious amounts of incense with a big, fluffy rounded ornate mattress as the centerpiece of her bedroom. Although minimal, the room was warm, intimate and cozy. Nova released my head crouch low crawling on all fours into the mattress. She arched her back presenting her full rounded buttocks, waving it around in front of my face. The slight clacking of her Ghanaian beads provided ambient sound in the room along with her labored breathing.

"Fuck me good, Shawn." Nova moaned reaching between her thighs fingering herself with three digits before spreading her opening letting me see the rich pinkness inside.

Her insides were gooey and tight as I went in balls deep reeling from the pulsing heat of her walls. Nova was so wet this juicy sound accompanied every thrust of my cock. Her hips were lush almost perfectly rounded emerging from her hips going into a straight line merging with her meaty thighs. This gave the sun baked MILF a showstopping figure, visual Viagra. Nova spread her legs wider on the fluffy mattress allowing me more leverage as my balls began slapping up against her clit, wildly. I knew she was older than me, not old enough to be my mom or anything but this woman knew her business dropping lower into mattress so that her butt rose higher as she bumped back against me. The rippling effect on her thick butt was incredible as she supported her weight on both elbows. It influenced my actions as I started insanely pounding her until she fell forward breaking the contact, turning to face me. My cock quickly rediscovered her sopping wet tightness up to the hilt as her breasts bounced and flopped. Nova offered both hands after she'd re-positioned herself on her back. I pulled her up into my lap as she locked her arms around my neck.

It took a minute, but I ended up sitting lotus style supporting her in my lap while her legs were tightly wrapped around my waist. Nova interlocked her heels in my lower back as she popped her hips, fucking the shit out of me as we made out. "Crazy" by Seal was playing off in the distance from that same trailer as we found a synergy of perfection working our hips in unison against one another. I was still heady and a little addled from the specialty weed we'd imbibed but held on fast cupping her generous backside until I couldn't take it any longer pushing Nova down on her back. Something got into me as I found my groove working and mashing down into her cunt like never before. Her legs rose in the air interlocking into my upper back as she drew me down into her waiting lips. It was like fucking on a cloud as we enjoyed one another to the fullest. My hands covered her breasts squeezing like crazy as torrents of her milk sprayed my chest and her abdomen. Nova eyes were closed tightly, her mouth hanging open as her nostrils flared signaling an impending climax.

"Yeah, that's right Shawn, do it; fill me up with your thick cum. Give me a big fucking load of your man milk." It was almost at a whisper right into my left ear as she twirled her tongue inside it before biting hard on the cartilage making me cry out. Nova's arms locked around my neck pulling me tighter against her body. Her cunt was snapping hard on the middle of my cock setting me off spectacularly. I started yelping like a wounded animal but soon screamed loudly as Nova pumped and rocked her hips milking me dry with her cunt until I was spent. All of my strength was sapped as I flopped down pinning Nova underneath my spent body. She rubbed and caressed my back giving me a peck on the cheek before rolling me over onto my back. The blonde goddess sat up drawing her knees into her chest looking whimsical at some though to which only she was privy.

"Oh my goddamn; that was-incredible." I offered truthfully as she played with one of her braids smiling down at me, contemplative.

Nova rolled backward on her back with her knees still folded deep in her chest raising her lower back off the floor. She did this for few minutes as I watched then sat upright again folding her legs into lotus position as she stretched cracking her back with a soft smile. She smiled for a few seconds biting her lower lip.

"How're you feeling Shawn; are you okay?"

"You totally thrashed me, but I'm good." My body felt like a dead weight and my flaccid penis was draped over a thigh, all but dead. Nova gingerly ran a finger over it making me yelp because it was still sensitive.

"I can't apologize for that; I like to do everything to the fullest, Shawn. That being said, not finished with you."

She got up leaving the room as her words hung in the air. I didn't know what to make of it thinking about how she'd taken care of me since we met. There was definitely something to her self-reference as an earth mother. She'd even took it upon herself to look into my problem revealing the nefariously fucked up con that'd been played on me. Then my thoughts went to the expression on her ex-husband's face before he was allowed to drive out of the trailer park with Eros.

"Have a treat." Nova appeared again with a saucer containing three chocolate brownies, setting it down beside me before leaving the room again. My eyes followed that incredible tan butt as she pulled the door up behind herself. I helped myself to a brownie still staring after her when I noticed a biker vest on the back of the door. It was the same kind as the other guys I'd seen earlier. Greg's expression and the protective actions made a little more sense now as I noticed something else behind it. There was a heavy industrial rectangular container on the floor. It looked military along with the object that drew my attention. Nova opened the door with some towels and another bucket, smiling warmly at me.

"Eat those brownies slowly, they're kind of loaded, babe."

"Uhm, yeah." I was still looking at the back of her door closing it as she noticed what I was looking at, turning to me with a hand on her hip.

"Shawn, what's up?"

"Oh nothing; that your husband's colors?"

"Of course not; Greg is a used car salesman two towns over. Those are my colors Shawn; I should think it would be obvious at this point." She looked at my face slightly concerned before looking back at her own biker vest and the other object.

"Before you ask, the weapon belongs to me as well; I love my M-60, Shawn. You know I got a discount when I bought it two years ago on the ammo. I like to keep a can or two in the house, but the other twenty boxes are in the shed." Nova knelt beside me washing my lower body and crotch with warm water.

"Uhm yeah, wow."

"It's okay to say you're scared; I wont hold it against you, babe. Especially after we bonded just now, Shawn."

"I'm not scared; lots of people collect guns."

"I don't consider my arsenal a collection; its more practical then anything. You should always think ahead and prepare for that possible eventuality." The casual tone of her explanation and revelation of other possible weapons took me for a loop.


"I have over fifty different weapons around my property; that's not mentioning some of the rest the boys are holding for me. Shawn, lets enjoy the moment, catch the wave and forget about discoveries."

She chomped on a brownie reaching down softly playing with my cock. We both finished a brownie apiece leaving one of the plate which she picked up setting it outside of the rounded floor mattress.

Nova positioned herself sitting outside of my thigh still softly working my penis with her fist. I didn't know what to make of her at this point, only feeling that she was dangerous to some degree. It felt like I should've gotten out of there, but I remembered her associate Angel leaving with my bike.

"I thought about getting a gun one time."


"This guy, a football player was giving me some crap for being a stoner, I tried to talk back when he slugged me stupid; laying there on the ground, I thought it would've turned out different if I had a gun."

"You got what you deserved; a weapon is a serious responsibility not to be taken lightly. Every problem can't be resolved with brute force, you have to work all the angles, Shawn. You have to see every side of a situation and if using a gun is the only viable conclusion; you must respond with decisive force and firepower."

"Uhm, okay." I was definitely scared.

"Can you imagine the hole I could put in somebody's gut with the right kind of ammo in that M-60 Machine gun? Or what a point blank shot to the face from the Lupara I keep over the kitchen door could do while the target thinks they're negotiating, Shawn?"

"Oh shit." I let it slip out shooting a worried look at Nova who smirked playfully before handing me the last brownie as a concession. She was looking me directly in the eye collecting up the plate leaving the room again. The sound of several choppers rolling up the street added to the shock value of everything I'd learned in a few minutes of talking. I realized Nova hadn't really talking about herself since we met. I sat up wondering if I should just make a break for it as she returned giving me a disparaging look.

"Shit, you're fucking scared. I want you to admit it right now, Shawn."

"I admit it; I'm scared as shit."


"All of the stuff you said; don't you think that would scare somebody?"

"Have I done anything to hurt you in any way, Shawn?"


"Then what is there to be afraid of when a woman you're obviously attracted to wants to fuck your brains out?" She walked over while she was talking getting down beside me in a reclining position resting her chin on her fist. Nova looked awesome lying beside me almost posing for some invisible photographer.

"You're really beautiful ma'am; I've felt out of my league the whole time we've been together. You're perfect, know how to take care of a man and uh, a good mother, too. I almost didn't think you were real when you walked out of the ocean this morning. You are so beautiful, just like a goddess." I was absentmindedly stammering as she took it all in with no reaction.

"That's your problem Shawn; you too busy looking at the wrapper instead of what's inside. A trained eye could've sussed it out the minute we rolled inside the park, but you were so busy feeling sorry for yourself that you didn't notice. Think about what could have been averted if you were paying attention when Diane Hartford and her girls took you on a ride. Don't blame anybody else for your lack of sight and stupidity, Shawn." Nova was scolding me so casually, but my face unconsciously reacted to her verbal assessment of my character.

"You're right." I confessed barely above a whisper.

"So, you gonna take control of your life or what, Shawn?" There was still no real emotion in her voice.

"Uhm, yeah Nova." She suddenly got up on all fours kissing me on the lips, then using my shoulder to stand up offering a hand. Nova pulled me onto my feet lightly pulling me over to the little alter.

"I'm going to teach you a little something to do when things start going sideways."

"What is that?"

"Kneel." She motioned towards the altar setting off all kinds of internal alarms, but I did anyway. Nova knelt beside me with an encouraging smile clasping her hands beside me as if in prayer.

"Nam Myoho Renge Kyo; say it Shawn." She ordered softly glancing out the side of her eye at me.

"Nam Myoho Renge Kyo." I repeated.

"No close your eyes and chant it until you feel it deep in your bones, deep in your soul." Finally there was some hint of emotion in her voice that told of her belief in genuine yet mild terms. We both chanted the words together until I was doing it alone. I can't explain it but some of my troubles seemed to melt away with every repetition. Maybe it was the loaded brownies or something else, but I started feeling lighter before I realized she was behind me. Nova embraced me lovingly letting a finger tease one of my nipples. She'd started kissing the nape of my neck as I kept chanting not knowing if her actions were part of the process.

"Nam Myoho Renge Kyo." My voice shook and faltered as she fondled and stroked me back to full hardness before cupping my chin for a deep, soulful kiss. I was starting to get into when Nova broke contact as I opened my eyes finding her waiting in the fluffy mattress.