Hotel with a View


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"Happy Tuesday! Chicken marsala and spring vegetable mix, ma'am?"

"Yes. You can set it at the table."

Natalie nodded, her smooth face creasing into a knowing smile. She walked the food over to the table and set it down. "I know that you like a lot of ice in your water, so I brought you some extra."

"How thoughtful." Corinne had found that tipping well tended to make life much more pleasant, and she could put it on her expense account. It was a win win situation and tended to make her popular among hotel staff.



"There's one other thing."

"What is it?"

Natalie nodded to a drink on the tray. Corinne had assumed that it was being delivered to another room. It was tall and red with a little umbrella. "This is for you as well."

Corinne grinned. "Oh, that's very nice of you!"

Natalie shook her head. "It's from another guest. It comes with this card."

Corinne's blood froze. She knew no other guests. She had no friends or coworkers on this business trip. There was only one guest with whom she had had any interaction. She blushed furiously as she accepted the card.

Her voice shook as she opened it. "Um...that', that's a surprise. I don't believe I know anyone here." She briefly wondered if perhaps some wayward man had attached his gaze on her without her noticing. Such things had happened in the past. When you're blonde with large breasts, men notice you even if you don't notice them.

Inside, the card had a woman's fluid handwriting. "Men are my livelihood, women are my hobby. 8:00 Thursday at my place. Send an RSVP via my girl Natalie. Lana, Room 301."

Corinne stood stunned.

"Everything okay, ma'am?"

It took a long moment for Corinne to respond, and her response was subpar. "Um...yes. Yes." Corinne's mind was racing. She looked at Natalie. How much did the young woman know? She had to know that the drink was sent by this woman. Lana. But did she know why? She had to know that people sent other people drinks because they wanted to bed them, but would she make that connection in this case? And this was a woman, which made it all the more confounding. Corinne stood dumbstruck, reeling at the implications.

Natalie showed no reaction at all to Corinne's hesitation. She just stood there.

Oh, yes. Tip.

Corinne found her billfold. She started to pull out a bill, then hesitated. She drew out a $20 bill and gave it Natalie, eliciting a reaction of sincere surprise and elation.

"Can you wait a moment, Natalie? I need to write a note. I want to respond to the card that you brought."

"Certainly, ma'am!"

Corinne sat at her desk and put a pen to paper. She thought for a moment. "Natalie", she looked the young African American woman up and down, not wanting to meet her eyes. "Can you tell me a little bit about the person who sent this drink?"

The young woman fought to suppress a smile. "We're taught to be discreet, ma'am. I was just told to give you the drink and the note."

Corinne's nostrils flared. Did Natalie know why this had happened? Had this woman, this Lana woman, told her about the peeping? Did Natalie just think that the woman was flirting? Did Natalie know more about Lana than she was revealing? Did she know what Lana was doing in that hotel room? Corinne noted to herself that she needed to get more tip money.

Pondering what to write, Corinne finally found her words. She merely wrote, "I'm married" on the note card. She looked at the message for a moment, then added, "But thank you anyway." She wondered if she should apologize for her peeping behavior, but decided to let that issue lie. No sense in acknowledging it at this point. She folded the note and said, "Would you please deliver this back to the person who sent the drink?"

"Certainly, ma'am."

Corinne wondered if Natalie would read the note, and if she had read the previous note that Lana had sent. She almost hoped that the girl had -- it was flattering to be courted by an attractive person, even if it was by another woman, and Corinne now had the moral upper hand by turning her down.

As Natalie headed toward the door, Corinne eyed the drink. "Before you go," she asked, "what is the drink?"

Natalie had the door opened. She turned around and looked at it. "Don't laugh," she said.


"Our bar has funny names for all of the drinks. That one's a mix of Rum and fruit juices. It's called "Show Me Your Boobs".


Corinne sat down to dinner and a show. Or maybe a show. She wasn't sure it would happen again, but she didn't want to miss it if it did.

The lights were out, but one table lamp was on in Lana's room. And there was a sign propped up in the window, handwritten with a thick marker. The sign said, "Hi, Blondie, You're Cute!"

Corinne's mind reeled. She was being hit on by a woman. And an escort at that. And an escort who held the moral high ground to boot, who had caught Corinne in an indiscretion.

Men are my livelihood. Women are my hobby.

The words rang in her head. She had no experience with a woman, and nothing even close. But in a truth that she would never dare tell, she had had thoughts. What woman didn't? Her fantasies, her secret world that no one knew, not even her husband, were populated not just by men but by both men and women. Usually it was the men who took her, because men had a penis and a penis was a very useful tool. But sometimes, when she was in a certain mood, women would come to play in her mind and her fingers.

She enjoyed those fantasies, but always dismissed them as soon as the orgasm rang through her body. She was a wife and a mother with a career and a dog and a house with a yard. No one expected a person like her to rub herself to orgasm imagining another woman. And certainly a woman like her wouldn't have a tryst with a random woman in a hotel in real life. It was just idle fantasy, nothing more.

The lights turned on below her.

Today's man made her wince. He followed Lana to the window -- it was nice to know her name now -- and he was unattractive. He was at least 100 pounds overweight, and somewhat effeminate in appearance, with a soft and doughy look about him. She guessed this was the downside of being an escort.

Lana herself looked less sexy than usual as well, clad in a trench coat that didn't particularly highlight her appearance. Corinne frowned slightly...until Lana removed the coat.

Oh, wow.

She was clad in a leather dominatrix outfit, and it was stunning. The main item was a corset that cinched her waist tightly, and which stopped just below her breasts, causing them to spill up and out. She wore a tiny black thong below the waist, and knee high boots that looked wicked. She had a necklace that appeared to be a lace of spider webs, and Corinne noticed that her hair was in a pony tail.

The man removed his clothes, and Corinne felt a pang of sympathy for both him and her. He clearly didn't have a body to admire, and she had to work with it. But work she did. They walked to the bed, and she pulled some leather cuffs from underneath the sheets, one attached to each corner. She bound him to the bed, and then spent the next hour teasing the tiny cock that protruded underneath his belly. She wrapped it tightly in some sort of leather gear, then alternately sucked it, masturbated it, and worked the balls. Every time the man seemed to be getting close, she would back off, leaving him clumsily humping air. At one point, she climbed onto his chest, and to Corinne's fascination, appeared to masturbate herself, her pussy just inches above his face as he strained to reach her with his tongue. There was no bashfulness in this woman.

She held the man in frustration for 60 full minutes. He left happy, though she was unclear whether he had an orgasm, and presumed that he didn't. People were strange sometimes.

Corinne was about to move to her own masturbation session when Lana walked to the window. Writing in large print, she appeared to be making a new sign, not in any way acknowledging Corinne's presence. When she finished, she removed the "Hi, Blondie" sign and stuck the new one up in its place. With bated breath, Corinne waited for it to become visible.

"Show me your boobs."

Simultaneously horrified and amused, Corinne burst into laughter. Lana's face rose and she looked directly at Corinne. There was no pretending any more. Corinne held up her nearly empty glass as a toast of thanks. She was beginning to like this woman.

Lana shook her head. Her breasts were still bare above the corset, and she brought her hands up to grip them, jiggling them. She pointed at Corinne.

Oh, god. Maybe it was the drink in her, but Corinne found the woman charming tonight for some reason. After a moment of consideration, she threw caution to the wind. Reaching down, she pulled her t-shirt over her head. She gripped her own breasts and jiggled them back. Lana broke her usual classy demeanor, breaking into a satisfied smile. She motioned for Corinne to visit and very slowly licked her lips. Corinne's wave off signaling 'no' was much less convincing than it should have been.


"Room service! Happy Wednesday!"

Natalie was here for her nightly visit, carrying her tray as usual. Corinne let her in, and immediately noticed another "Show Me Your Boobs" drink. She shook her head disbelievingly. This was surreal.

The young woman walked the tray to the table near the window, and turned back to Corinne. "Another drink, another note," she said. Her eyes wandered up and down Corinne's body, and Corinne intuited that Natalie had some inside information she wasn't sharing.

Corinne made a point of sighing. "Some people don't get the message," she said. "Did you pass along my message yesterday?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Corinne opened the note:

'You're married, but you're alone and I'm alone, so let's be alone together. Thursday at 8:00. If you need a reference as to my skills, watch tonight at midnight. PS: your boobs are gorgeous. I can't wait to suck on those big pink nipples. -- Lana, Room 301.'

Corinne blushed furiously. She looked at Natalie, but the young black woman was noncommittal. Was she really not reading the notes? Even so, she had to understand what was happening. An escort was using her to pass notes. A female escort at that.

She handed Natalie another $20 bill. "As you probably guessed, I need you to pass a note back. Can you wait a moment?"

Natalie was making a killing off of this episode. She smiled broadly and took the money. As Corinne sat down to write, she couldn't help but notice that Natalie had moved to the window and was looking out and to the right.

She started writing. 'I'm not into girls', she wrote. She looked at it, then added, 'But you're very pretty.'

She tore it up and tried again. 'I've never been with a woman,' she wrote. "But you tempt me. You're gorgeous!' She emphasized the final sentence with a second exclamation point, then tore up that note.

Natalie was standing in profile. She looked at the young woman, her vest tight against her cute figure, her soft facial features and full lips.

She wrote the next draft. 'I'd love to, but I shouldn't." She stood stock still for a long minute, then added. "I'll watch at midnight, though, if that's okay."


At 11:55, Corinne was in a state of anxiety. Something was going to happen in five minutes, and it was going to be interesting. In an odd way, she felt invested in it, and wanted to fulfill her role properly. Taking a deep breath, she pulled her t-shirt over her head, then removed her shorts. Standing naked, she looked at herself in the room's full-length mirror. Her nipples were indeed attractive, and she was proud of them. She found large areolas sexy, and was glad that she had them. Few people had ever seen them, and almost no one had seen the neatly trimmed triangle between her legs, or the feather-soft features that they highlighted.

Why was she doing this? Why was she playing this game? She didn't know, but it was too addicting to stop.

She stepped to the window.

The third floor had a new sign propped up. It said, 'You know you want to. Thursday at 8:00.'

Corinne stood naked at the window, fully on display. Lana walked to her own window a floor below, wearing shorts and a braless t-shirt that clearly showed the points of her nipples. Corinne laughed heartily at the role reversal, and offered an imaginary toast to the brunette. On her end, Lana nodded approvingly at Corinne's nudity and mouthed a 'wow' as she ran her finger up and down Corinne's body. She offered a toast back and a wink.

Apparently there was a knock on the door, because Lana turned quickly and looked in that direction.

Corinne waited anxiously to see who would enter, and was surprised that it was only Natalie, carrying a tray. The young woman carried the tray to the table near the window, and Lana followed behind her. Natalie set the tray down and turned, and Lana was on her.

Wrapping her arms around Natalie, Lana gave her a long, deep, romantic kiss. Corinne's jaw dropped in shock. Off came the plaid vest, the gold slacks, and then Natalie's bra and panties as Lana sensuously and methodically stripped the younger woman nude.

She took Natalie by the hand and walked her to the bed. Natalie was quite attractive, with a trim figure and nice firm butt. As Lana lay her on the bed, Corinne took note of Natalie's hershey kiss nipples on her buoyant young breasts, and her completely shaved and bare pussy. Standing over her, Lana removed her t-shirt and shorts, displaying her bare body proudly.

Lana took the dominant position, lying atop Natalie as the two engaged in deep kissing and caressing. Then Lana began moving down, kissing and nibbling Natalie's throat, then her breasts. She played with Natalie's nipples extensively using tongue and fingers, and Natalie seemed to melt into the bed.

Then Lana went further down. Natalie's ribs received attention, then her stomach, then further down below her belly button. Corinne saw Natalie gasp as Lana's tongue first flicked across her clit.

The next twenty minutes was a divine ballet as Lana worked the young African American woman's pussy to near-orgasm, then stopped abruptly, leaving the girl hanging as she moved up to pleasure other areas. She had Natalie engaged in a horizontal dance of need and desire, partially pleasuring her again and again before finally finishing the job. She eventually bore down between Natalie's legs with a new vigor, and Corinne watched the young woman's silent scream of orgasm. Lana was clearly skilled at her craft.

Lana then moved up again, kissing Natalie's stomach, ribs, and breasts, before shifting to sit on Natalie's midsection. The two had a short conversation as Lana played with Natalie's nipples, tweaking and twisting and rubbing. Corinne couldn't hear, of course, but eventually saw Natalie nod.

Lana was on the move again, this time reaching over Natalie. She retrieved the same leather cuffs that she had used the night before, only now she was using them on the room service girl. Corinne leaned forward in interest, and her finger began stroking her clitoris.

As she had done with the fat man, Lana tied each of Natalie's limbs to a corner of the bed, effectively spreadeagling her. Then she climbed back atop Natalie, moving up to sit on the room service girl's face.

Lana was a sexy woman. As Corinne watched, the brunette swayed and undulated as she received oral pleasure from her cute prisoner. She stroked her own breasts, caressed her stomach, and lost herself in pleasure as her prisoner labored underneath her. Corinne realized that she had not yet seen Lana cum after all these nights.

Natalie did the job, though it took a while. Lana liked to periodically raise herself from Natalie's face, presumably slowing down the process of orgasm. She would rise up, touch and stroke Natalie's face, then drop down again so her pleasure prisoner could continue her oral task.

Eventually, though, it was apparent that Lana was getting close. Her movements became more rhythmic, more measured. Corinne timed herself along with the brunette. Faster and faster her fingers stroked her clit and lips as the brunette began to enter the throes of ecstasy.

Lana's back arched, her mouth dropping open.

Corinne leaned back in her chair spreading her legs, her pleasure beginning to overflow.

Lana's eyes closed. She gripped her breasts, facing skyward as her prisoner tongued her.

Corinne's legs began to quiver. "Unnnnnh! Oh! Oh!"

The two women orgasmed simultaneously, forty feet apart.

Usually Lana's sessions lasted about an hour, a fact that had not registered with Corinne until tonight. But Lana wasn't finished with Natalie, not by a long shot. She rose and retrieved a leather travel bag, setting it with decorum on the bed next to a curious Natalie. Reaching in, she began pulling out items and setting them on the bed. Corinne recognized a couple of the items as vibrators or dildos; the smaller items were too far away for her to discern exactly.

And then for the next two hours, Lana put on a clinic. Poor little Natalie, bound and helpless, had no chance, and Corinne was entranced by what became a pure torture of sexual pleasure. For an interminable time, Lana impassively forced pleasures on Natalie, and the bound room service girl thrashed, bucked, arched, or at times lay paralyzed as she absorbed a particularly fiendish pleasure. Lana wrung orgasm after orgasm from her, even as they looked more and more intense on a sexually exhausted Natalie. At 3:00 a.m., with the college girl unable to continue any more, Lana finally took mercy on her. Leaning down one last time, she kissed the girl on the lips and rose off of her chest. As she walked away from the bed, Natalie lay motionless and spent, her legs splayed wide, her hair a mess, her chest heaving with each breath, and her hips and thighs offering only the occasional spastic shiver to indicate consciousness.

Lana walked to the window, looked up, and offered a theatrical curtsy. Corinne pressed ahead for one final orgasm from her own abused vulva, which had set a new masturbation record tonight. She knew that Lana was watching her, but did it really matter any more?

Lana watched, then wrote another sign and set it in the window. It read, "References available upon request."


"Room Service!"

Corinne took a moment to open the door, wondering what she should say. As she opened it, Natalie walked in with the tray. She knew by now where to place it, so she merely offered a polite, "Happy Thursday!" greeting.

Corinne followed her into the room, noting that Natalie was walking slowly and a bit gingerly. There was also a "Show Me Your Boobs" drink on the tray.

Natalie set the tray down. "I got you some extra dressing for your salad, and I gave you a double helping of breadsticks," she offered. "And I have another note."

Corinne took the note. By now, Natalie knew to wait for the next chapter to unfold.

It read, "Blondie, if you would like to check references for my skills, you may ask Ms. Natalie how she enjoyed the evening. I asked her to provide a gift as well, so be sure to ask for it. See you at 8. -- Lana, Room 301."

Corinne reached into the pocket of her shorts and pulled out the $100 bill that she kept hidden in her billfold for emergencies. This was an emergency.

Natalie's eyes popped when she saw Benjamin Franklin.

Corinne held it up, but did not offer it. "You know what's going on with these notes, don't you?" she asked.

"Yes," Natalie said sheepishly.

"Who is this woman?"

Natalie's eyes twinkled as she shyly answered. "She's a frequent guest here, maybe twice a month for a few days at a time. She's very nice."

"What's her story? Is she an escort?"

Natalie offered a hooded smile. "She tips well, and she's my favorite guest."