House of Cards Pt. 01


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Mary was acutely aware of the differences between her husband and her lover. Kyle was larger, and he used his cock with a certain authority that couldn't be denied. He used sharp, strong thrusts that shook her entire body and his stamina was almost miraculous. He stretched her out and left her sore every time. But Garret was different. Slightly smaller, he fit her like a hand in a glove and the comfortable way that he moved through her, slow and easy, felt very good right then. They were different men with different styles and she found that she enjoyed them both as Garret stroked smoothly. Both of them were sweating a little there on the floor, and she clenched down on him with her inner core, something that Kyle had taught her to do. The effect on him was instant, she saw his eyes widen and heard a groan from his throat that made her smile in self-satisfaction.

She continued to clench as he pulled back on each stroke and she felt the familiar rise of pleasure in her core. It was something she was used to from Kyle, but Garret hadn't gotten her off in a long time, so she was surprised as it rose slowly within her, less like the wildfire sensation that swept through her at the office and more like the gentle swelling of a tide. She sobbed a bit as it crested and Garret kissed her very gently on the lips and the forehead as she wept her way through it. As she came down off of her pleasure she cupped his cheek in her hand and looked at him with some of the love that had once been between them. It wasn't a return to what they had felt when they were younger, but it was a start toward something new, a more mature form of that same feeling.

He slowed and stilled at her caress and she rose up to kiss him gently, and then used her hip to push him over onto his back. His shaft slipped from her as he rolled and she rested her hands on his chest as she swung her leg up and over his hips to straddle him. She looked into his eyes and bit her lower lip. She looked very fetching like that, and he recalled that seeing her do that had first attracted him to her. It was the gesture that had made him ask her out that very first time and seeing her do that again after so long rekindled more of his old feelings for her as she ground her hips against him, the heat and the soft flesh of her core spreading her nectar on his skin. When the tip of his shaft slipped across her entrance she locked her eyes on him again and pushed back, taking him back into her body so smoothly and easily that he barely felt the transition but for the warmth of her. When she clenched her muscles around him he groaned again and as she sat up his hands came to rest on her hips and she smiled down at him and grasped his wrists and pulled his hands up to her breasts.

He stared at her in awe as she started moving over him, grinding her hips around and riding him, raising up with her legs and then letting gravity pull her back down over him again. He grasped her soft flesh and her hands rested atop his as she moved slowly and gently. There was no sense of urgency and no real rush. It was a gentle lovemaking that they both savoured and enjoyed and as she slowly rose to an orgasm once again, her arousal still not sated, she saw the tell-tale signs in his face as he rose to his own pleasure. It was a slow, sweet mutual orgasm that they both enjoyed and she felt his hand slide from her breast up to her cheek as he drew her down into a kiss. It was a beautiful moment and she was back in love with him just that easily.

She knew that she could never tell him about her and Kyle, but then she didn't ever have to. After all, why shouldn't she have two lovers? Why shouldn't she have her husband at home to cherish her and make love to her, and her secret lover outside of the home to give her what she craved from him? Why not have one to love her gently and another to fuck her brains out? She smiled as she accepted this reality and lay calmly across Garret's chest with her eyes closed and a sweet smile on her face there in the firelight. She was warm, her skin slick with sweat and sensitive after her pleasure and Garret ran his fingers up and down her spine, chasing shivers through every inch of her body as they both fell asleep right there.


Monday came around and Mary felt good as she went in to work. She got her shoes changed and her desk in order then she went in to see Kyle first thing. She was nervous, but excited and happier than she had been in a long time. She had spent the weekend mostly in bed with Garret and she felt good all around. Not every problem had been solved, but her marriage was in a better position than it had been three days before when she was still stuck between divorce or thirty more years in a loveless relationship. She walked across the office and set the files down on the desk as Kyle, already at work for the day, tapped at his keyboard and turned to start looking through the files on his desk. He glanced at her and raised an eyebrow and she brought her skirt up and slid her panties down her legs. She had worn a pair of red silk ones that she thought looked very sexy that day and as she stepped out of them he held out his hand and she placed them in his palm. He sniffed deeply of her scent then tucked the panties into his inside jacket pocket.

The thought of it, of spending the day without anything under her skirt as they went to the regular Monday meeting of the partners while he had them in his jacket made her pussy tingle with excitement. She drew a sharp breath and decided to ask him a question that had been on her mind all weekend.

"If I wear slacks instead of a skirt..." She began and he interrupted her.

"You'd still have to give me your panties."

She flushed with colour and excitement at the thought of stripping her slacks and panties off in his office first thing in the morning and giving him her panties before she could put the slacks back on. As she thought about that he reached over casually and slid his hand up under her skirt and pressed a finger against her bare slit, parting her labia and caressing her entrance. She was warm and wet and she felt her core clench at the possessiveness of the touch. She bit back a moan and he shifted his hand so two of his fingers were slipping across the wetness of her arousal before he removed his hand and sat in a pose she knew well, his hand at his mouth and his fingers, which had just been inside of her, were right under his nose so that the scent of her would fill his senses all day long. She shivered in delight at that and went out to start her day.


It became a regular part of her ritual in the morning, to get the day ready, carry in the files he had had delivered from the library then take off her panties and hand them to him. She wore slacks the second day and he didn't hesitate to make her take them off. She felt exposed and naughty as she stripped from the waist down to hand him her panties and at the end of that day when she earned them back she had to strip down again to put them on, but before she could he grabbed her arm and pushed her over the desk to fuck her hard and deep. Then he had her put her panties on over her messy, cum-dripping pussy and wear them home like that. It was a particularly embarrassing day because Garret had made dinner for her again and she spent an hour or so sitting at the dinner table with her panties soaked with cum and praying that it didn't stain her slacks or leak through onto the chair. When she finally went up to shower, she was surprised a moment later when Garret joined her. It had been years since they had showered together and she was nervous that he would see the steady stream of cum leaking from her as they washed one another. But he didn't see it and they giggled and had fun washing each other like they had when they were still just in the first few years of their marriage.

He took her to bed then and it wasn't long before they needed another shower, but they lay there in their sweat and held onto one another until they fell asleep. In the morning she woke him with more sex and they showered together once again before they got ready for their respective jobs. It was a good feeling to get ready together and she felt so good that she wasn't really thinking as she got dressed. When she went into the office that day in her comfortable skirt and blouse she didn't even think about the bra until she was taking off her panties and he stopped her as she was bending over. He reached out and tugged at the neck of her blouse and saw the lacy purple garment then grabbed her arm and pulled her across her lap for another firm spanking first thing in the morning. She earned eleven swats that time and she could barely count them all out. When he was done, she had to take off her shirt and give him her bra and her panties and then she was allowed to dress and return to work.

She didn't earn her panties back that day and she felt bad, the bra and panties were a matching purple set that Garret had given her for a gift. But Kyle made no mention of what he was going to do with them. And to make matters worse, the spanking had the same effect on her that the last one had, and she was extremely aroused all day. Kyle taking advantage of the moment to slide two fingers into her wet slit and work at her until they were coated with her nectar and she moaned as he shifted and slid in a third, stretching her farther than before. It felt good, and she was close to an orgasm when he withdrew his hand and let her stand and dress as he watched. She was flushed with need and arousal but he did nothing to alleviate it. When she was dressed he beckoned her closer and had her open her mouth. When he slipped is fingers in, she sucked them automatically, the taste of her arousal strong on her tongue and it only served to make it even worse.

Their days became a regular routine of arousal and denial that week as they had a trial on the following Monday and Kyle wanted to abstain and be as frustrated as he could for the trial. But he made it harder for her when he told her that she couldn't have sex or any orgasms either. Garret was finally being more attentive and loving and she had to make excuses as to why they couldn't have sex. If it wasn't for her hysterectomy she could have feigned her period, but she hadn't had a period in twenty years and she was forced to fall back on the old standby of a work-related stress headache. Garret was even more attentive as a result, situating her in bed with a cool cloth over her eyes and rubbing her feet until she fell asleep. She was brought a light dinner in bed and he left her to some quiet reading time. She felt good at the attention, but terrible for the real reason behind it.

But she never once thought to come clean with her husband. The idea of telling him the truth of her relationship with Kyle was unthinkable and she never even considered it. In fact, after their anniversary she never even thought about them at the same time. Her life at home and her life at work were truly separated as much as they possibly could be, and she was almost two different people after a month of this. She was so perfectly separated that excuses for one as a result of the other became as natural to her as breathing and she never once mentioned one lover around the other. She felt naughty and a little guilty over it all, but she kept up her double-life easily and her lovers were kept separate. The relationship she had with Garret continued to turn sweet and loving, while her relationship with Kyle remained completely sex-based when it wasn't professional and work-related for them both.

She got bolder and more sexual at work, wearing slacks often so she had the excuse to strip them off in his office to get her panties off and back on again. He always caressed her slit after she had taken her panties off and it wasn't long before he could easily slide three fingers into her every morning. She didn't know why this was so exciting to her, but the thought of it aroused her greatly and after a week of this he worked gently until all four of his fingers slid into her pussy, stretching her more than she had been since she had given birth. There was something unbelievably erotic about having so much of his hand in her pussy and she clenched around him as he moved his fingers and she unashamedly moaned like a whore. It felt good, and she was so very close to an orgasm when he stopped that she sobbed and moved her hands toward her pussy, meaning to finish. But he stopped her and she earned a spanking for trying.

That was something else that had become fairly regular. He spanked her two or three times a week at minimum. It was often for fairly minor things, just mistakes in filing or typos and she knew that they were excuses for him. They both enjoyed the spankings and she was always wet and almost dizzy with arousal at the end of it. This time however was different. She was already close to an orgasm and as he slapped his way through fifteen swats she lost count and he started over. He was almost ruthless in it and she felt the ache in her core meet the near-orgasm that he had left her with and as she finally said 'Fifteen' she felt like she was just a hair away from a climax. A single additional spank to her ass would have done it, a single touch to her needy slit would have been enough, even him telling her to cum might have done it. But she was left at that cusp as he stood her up and she got dressed, pulling her slacks on and going back to work as if nothing had happened. That day had been hell, with her so close to release and so horny and unfulfilled. At the end of the day when he had bent her over the desk, his first thrust was enough to send her into orgasm and she lost count of them before he was done with her.

Time passed and she felt content in her double life as the winter faded away and spring approached. She got a call from Allison one day and her daughter announced that she would be returning home for spring break instead of going to a beach with her friends from school. Mary was happy, but at the same time she was a little nervous. The office observed similar holidays and she had a week off during her daughter's visit and when she told Garret about the holiday he arranged to get the same week off that his wife and daughter had and he began arranging a pool party for them all. Mary was happy for the event, but then Garret dropped the bomb on her.

"Why don't you invite your boss and some friends from work?" He suggested and Mary, thankfully behind him at that moment as he was cooking, froze.

Her husband and Kyle had never met and she wasn't sure what the reaction would be if she were in the same room with both men at the same time. Their personalities couldn't be more different and yet they had some striking similarities. They both had jobs that required them to be assertive; they both were very good at what they did and they had both had sex with her within the last twenty-four hours. Could she control herself well around both of her lovers at the same time? Garret had no idea how intimate she was with Kyle, but Kyle seemed to know everything that happened between her and Garret. And Kyle was competitive, and he liked to tease her when others might see. What greater temptation could there be for him than to do something to her while her husband was right there?

But she couldn't think of a reason not to, and when Garret turned to see what her answer was, she smiled warmly and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll do that." She said pleasantly and neither of them had any idea just what that day would entail. Because something Mary had failed to consider was what should have been at the front of her mind. She was worried about her boss meeting her husband as they were both her lovers. But she never once considered what would happen when Kyle met her daughter.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 5 years ago
Rereading, this really is a five star train wreck..highest possible caliber writing. Talented writer in all three main areas, flow of the tales, sex scenes, and thoughts/emotions

Hubby seems like AHo at first. Wife goes downhill to much worse. Aint enough bad in my dungeon to give LawBoi what he has coming.

Great work, thanks so much. Sorry we are a tough crowd, but we calls em as we sees em.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiover 5 years ago
My Type of Story

As the title of my comment suggests, I really enjoy a story that goes much deeper than secretary and boss get it on in the office. In this case we learn about Garrett and Kyle as people with real jobs, real personalities in addition to distinctly different sexual desires and approaches to those desires with the same woman. Mary, as feminine love, lust, and sexual partner to both men has her own plan for intimacy, but she is also a mother, a secretary, a model after a fashion, and a woman who comes to understand that she has rights and needs of her own in all of these compartments of her life. She is far more than an office slut and our author lets us see her strengths and weaknesses. The last paragraph of part one drops a hint that daughter will add another character to the mix, at least in some intimacy fashion.

I am not a great believer in incest stories so my hope is that however daughter gets involved does not go too deeply down that road. That said, one helluva good job of storytelling Mason_Hess, on to chapter two.

liz33ndliz33ndover 5 years ago

this is awesome, it has a good pace and erotic moments that turn me on.

biglslaterbiglslaterover 5 years ago
don't rush

good story, but don't rush through the sex parts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
This is so hot

It's a throwback to the type of story that built this site.

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