House of Mei Pt. 03


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While the Mei family ate, Corina came to, laying on a comfortable mattress. Her mouth tasted horrible and her head hurt tremendously.

"A little hair of the dog?" Mei Lon Soo quietly asked and Corina's eyes shot open.

"God, really?" she asked out loud as Mei Lon Soo held out a glass of bright orange juice.

"I do not know how strong you normally drink it; I hope it is good," Mei Lon Soo said, thrusting the glass toward Corina.

Corina grabbed the glass and took a deep gulp. When the vodka hit bottom and she felt the familiar warmth spread through her veins, she managed a weak smile.

Then Corina sat up on the clean, comfortable futon. A small squeak escaped as she noticed that she was nude. She squeaked again when she noticed that Mei Lon Soo was also nude.

"Do you drink the coffee?" Mei Lon Soo happily chattered as she poured a heavy mug of the rich brew.

"Uh yeah, yeah, cream and sugar you got it," Corina said as she drained her drink.

"And I only know how to scramble eggs," Mei Lon Soo continued her happy prattle as she poured a measuring cup full of beaten eggs into a skillet.

The skillet sizzled merrily as Corina slowly pieced together the previous evening's events.

She wanted to bolt out of the apartment. A quick search of the small, neat apartment did not reveal the whereabouts of her clothing, though.

Corina wanted to demand another drink, wanted to demand that Mei Lon Soo please, just please shut the fuck up.

Had she really made love with another woman? The very thought of it made Corina want to vomit.

"Did I make the drink good?" Mei Lon Soo asked, taking the empty glass from Corina's hand. "I hope I did; I want to learn how you like your drinks, how you like your sandwiches. Do you like grilled cheese sandwiches? Molly showed me the best way to make them; I can't believe how easy it is."

Shut up, just shut up, you disgusting pussy eating bitch," Corina wanted to scream but did not.

"I uh, I kind of like my drinks a little bit stronger," Corina finally admitted. "I mean, that was good, I guess I really don't need it much stronger than that, what time is it?"

"Oh, you can show me after we eat, okay? Or you want one right now?" Mei Lon Soo asked as she put two plates of eggs and buttered toast onto the small table.

Corina almost toppled over as she climbed onto the tall stool.

The coffee was far too strong and she drank it as quickly as she could.

"Now, come show me how to make you your drinks," Mei Lon Soo begged, taking Corina's small hand into hers.

"Shit, I don't know," Corina admitted then started crying.

She allowed Mei Lon Soo to pull her to the futon, allowed Mei Lon Soo to hold her as she sobbed.

Then, when she'd run out of tears, Mei Lon Soo fixed her another drink, as well as one for herself, and they sat on the futon and drank.

Then Mei Lon Soo leaned over and kissed Corina softly. Gently, she pushed the red head onto her back and leaned over her, weight supported on her elbows.

"You are so beautiful," Mei Lon Soo breathed into Corina's ear as her dark hair provided a curtain against the bright sunlight that poured through the window's thin curtains.

As Corina discovered just how sensitive her nipples were, Mei Tin Dae and Jimmy unloaded the pickup truck while Mei Ul Lon and Mei Ul Jon directed where the couch should go, where the larger bed should go, where the television should go.

"No, no, it there, the sun right there," Mei Ul Lon decided, after Jimmy had spent the last fifteen minutes positioning the flat screen television exactly just so.

"Could move the couch," Jimmy suggested.

"We're putting up curtains," Mei Ul Jon reminded her mother.

"Curtains in trailer, right?" Mei Tin Dae asked.

The Mei family was putting on a brave face, pretending that the law suit their daughter, their own daughter had brought against them was not painful.

Last night, last night had been the first night Mei Tin Dae could ever remember that his wife, his little doll, had not kissed him. He moved to put his lips to hers and she had turned her head so his lips touched her cheek.

"Knock knock," a female voice called out as Jimmy and Mei Tin Dae were using a cordless drill to prepare the living room window for the brass curtain rod.

"Hello?" Mei Ul Jon asked as an attractive woman stepped into the house.

"Hi, Sugar, your momma or daddy home?" the woman asked, looking down at the girl.

"No, they are here," Mei Ul Jon answered, wanting to wave the overpowering stench of the woman's perfume away.

"Huh?" the woman asked.

"Help you?" Jimmy politely asked and the woman perked up.

She flicked her short blonde cap of curls out of her eyes and thrust her impressive chest forward. The thirty nine year old housewife was a MLF and she knew it.

She'd admired the handsome young man that had backed his truck into the driveway while her husband had admired the flat screen television that blonde boy and his Asian helpers unloaded.

"Hi, I'm Theresa, live right across the street; you the one moving in?" the woman simpered.

"Uh, yes ma'am," Jimmy agreed. "I'm Jimmy. Jimmy Bergeron. And this is my girlfriend, Mei Ul Jon, her father Mei Tin Dae, and her mother, Mei Ul Lon."

"Hi," Theresa said, not taking her eyes off of the muscled young man. "Well, I'll let you get back to work; just wanted to pop in and say 'hi.' You ever need anything, I'm right across the street, hear?"

She lowered her voice to a husk.

"I'm home, all the time," she said suggestively.

"Uh huh, thanks, Theresa," Jimmy said and attached a Philips screw head to the drill.

"I'm home, all the time," Mei Ul Jon imitated, bending at a severe angle to thrust her tiny breasts forward.

"Stop it," Jimmy laughed, nearly dropping the drill.

"Bergeron Jimmy, I am home, all the time," Mei Ul Jon continued. "And I wear too much perfume because I smell very bad."

Mei Ul Lon agreed, with the heavy curtains up, that the television could stay where it was.

"I am home, all the time," Mei Ul Jon continued her taunt as she and her mother went to the Toyota.

"What do you think of our daughter, our very own daughter getting lawyer?" Mei Tin Dae asked as Mei Ul Jon and Mei Ul Lon drove to get some lunch.

"It's not my place to say..." Jimmy said politely.

"Bergeron Jimmy, I am asking you, friend to friend," the older man said, face tight.

"Well, I think, if you had simply paid the tuition for her," Jimmy said but Mei Tin Dae abruptly walked away.

A moment later, he called out, "I think I find good place put gate."

Monday morning, Mei Ul Jon raced to her first class; she had an eight o'clock class, while Mei Tin Dae, Mei Ul Lon, and Jimmy went to see Leon Holtmeyer, an attorney whose office was three doors down from the House Of Mei restaurant.

The sixty nine year old man looked amazed as a young white man sat with the two Asians and translated what he was saying.

"They adopt you or something?" he finally asked.

"I am dating their daughter," Jimmy smiled as Mei Tin Dae laughed, then told Mei Ul Lon what Leon had asked.

"Oh, hey, hang on, you dating Mei Lon Soo, one that's suing them?" Leon asked, alarmed.

"No, no, I am dating their younger daughter," Jimmy hastened to assure the attorney.

"He is son," Mei Ul Lon said firmly.

"What'd she say?" Leon asked.

"She said I am like son to them," Jimmy said.

"No, she said you are son, not like son," Mei Tin Dae corrected.

"I do not, we need to settle this, our daughter needs to be our daughter again," Mei Ul Lon suddenly said to Mei Tin Dae.

She let a tear trickle down her cheek.

"This is big disgrace we do not need," she shrilled at her husband. "You pay! You pay now!"

"They just want to settle, they do not want this to go to court," Jimmy informed Leon.

"Yeah, well, Mei Lon Soo, really? I got to say her whole name? I can't just call her Mei or something?" Leon asked. "Anyway, Mei got herself Ben Upjohn and he's a real showboat. He's not going to want to just settle this."

"What he say? What he saying?" Mei Ul Lon demanded.

Jimmy quickly explained that their daughter had hired a shark, so it might not be as simple as just settling with her.

"Try," he finally said as Mei Ul Lon glared at her husband.

"Will do," Leon shrugged and charged the Mei family five hundred dollars for the consultation.

"You take me to market," Mei Ul Lon demanded of Jimmy.

"I will take you," Mei Tin Dae grumbled.

"No, I do not want you," the four foot tall woman snapped. "Bergeron Jimmy will take me."

At the Asian Marketplace, Jimmy did not let on that he understood what the shopkeepers and Mei Ul Lon were yelling at each other. He almost did blow this, though, when a woman asked Mei Ul Lon if she was using Jimmy as a stud horse.

"No, my daughter is. Many grandchildren, many many grandchildren," Mei Ul Lon smiled proudly. "They will be quite beautiful grandchildren."

"Mei Ul Lon, we are not, we have not..." Jimmy hissed as he carried the four dead chickens, trying not to get their blood on his shoes.

"Why not? What you waiting for?" she demanded, then couldn't help but laugh at Jimmy's shocked expression.

"I know, Bergeron Jimmy, I know you good man, you show us much respect," she assured him.

That evening, Jimmy hurdled the fence and knocked on the rear door of the Mei house.

"And your mother? She will be asleep in front of front door and I will be asleep by back door," Mei Tin Dae threatened Mei Ul Jon as they ate dinner.

"Yes, you no sneaking over see Bergeron Jimmy," Mei Ul Lon agreed.

"Then I will crawl out bedroom window," Mei Ul Jon threatened.

"No, Sugar-Pie," Jimmy said, clutching her small hand.

He peered into her dark eyes.

"We will show respect to your parents," he said. "We will wait until we are married."

"We... Aieeh!" Mei Ul Jon screamed.

"Grandchildren," Mei Ul Lon demanded over her daughter's excited scream.

"You are son to us," Mei Tin Dae affirmed.

Jimmy realized, he had just proposed marriage.

Looking through the dining room window, he could see the rear of his house. He could see their garden of vegetables, many of which they used in the restaurant.

He smiled; he could think of worse things than to be married to a woman that adored him, being with a family that welcomed him with open arms.

"Yes, when we are married," he said and kissed Mei Ul Jon lightly.

He had intended to be respectful in front of her parents. Mei Ul Jon grabbed his face in her small hands and stuffed her tongue into his mouth and sucked hungrily on his tongue.

"And I will be good wife, and I, we will have many children," she excitedly promised.

She turned to her parents.

"You do not sleep in front of doors," she said, leaning against Jimmy. "We will respect you, my parents."

There was a small jewelry store just around the corner from the laundromat; Jimmy thought he'd be wise to pay them a visit.

While Jimmy was deciding where to buy Mei Ul Jon an engagement ring, Mei Lon Soo was strutting her stuff on the stage at Rooster Pull.

She imagined she was dancing, seducing her girlfriend, her lover.

"Damn! Hit it, bitch!" a customer called out as Mei Lon Soo hunched her crotch forward, imagining it was her lover that was watching her.

After her set, she walked around the bar.

"Come on girl, I got to holler at you, know what I mean?" a customer encouraged.

She sat with the black man and skillfully cajoled him into buying her drinks, wheedled tips from him.

Damerius Winston left the Rooster Pull, cock hard, balls blue, and wallet nearly two hundred dollars lighter.

"Well, you better carry your ignorant black ass on back there and see if that girl give you some of that money back," Damerius heard from his live-in girlfriend as she slapped him soundly. "And what you doing around there anyhow? Huh?"

So, drunk, embarrassed, and angry, Damerius was waiting behind the Rooster Pull for the girls as they came out.

"Yo, bitch, need holler at you," he demanded when Mei Lon Soo and Molly stepped out.

Molly blew on her whistle; Chuck had given all the girls whistles and the bouncers knew to come running if they heard whistles.

Unfortunately for Damerius, he'd unwisely brought a large knife to 'persuade' Mei Lon Soo to give him back the four or five hundred she'd taken off him.

(He'd exaggerated the amount to his girlfriend and now believed his own exaggeration.

Mei Lon Soo kicked the knife out of his hand, swept his feet out from under him, and then pinned him to the ground with a five inch heel pressed against his throat.

The bouncers were upset that they had been deprived the chance to kick some serious ass. They were further upset that they had to involve the police. But there had been a weapon involved, a large knife, so the police were called.

Corina sleepily opened her apartment door and held Mei Lon Soo as Mei Lon Soo sobbed. Once the adrenaline had worn off, Mei Lon Soo gave in to the fear. She'd been confronted by a large black man, with a large knife. And he'd been quite angry with her, because she'd taken his money.

After her tears had dried, Corina sleepily pulled Mei Lon Soo onto the mattress and held her Asian doll while the girl slumbered.

In the morning, Corina looked at the slumbering girl, her own mind racing.

She'd always been attracted to other girls. But felt ashamed, actually disgusted by that fact. So to compensate, Corina fucked any guy that said 'hi' to her. And drank.

And she'd woken up in a lot of strange beds, looking at a lot of strange faces. And each time, she'd felt a self-loathing that bordered on suicidal.

But looking at Mei Lon Soo in the early morning light, Corina knew beyond a shadow of doubt, she was gay.

"I'm gay," she said out loud.

Later on that day, Mei Lon Soo was in her own apartment, eating a peanut butter and banana sandwich, one of Corina's favorites, when she got a text from Corina.

'Call me ASAP,' it said.

"Your parents' lawyer just called; they want to settle," Corina said.

"Yes!" Mei Lon Soo whooped.

As soon as she hung up, she went onto the University's web site and enrolled for the Fall Semester.

Jimmy Bergeron and Mei Ul Jon had also enrolled for the Fall Semester. For Jimmy, it was a moving forward.

He'd not known what his major would be, so had been going under 'General Studies' for the first three semesters. But now he knew he'd be studying 'Hotel and Restaurant Management.'

"Not that' there's anything wrong with that, but uh, why?" his Advisor asked as he scribbled down his signature, releasing James Bergeron from General Studies.

"My, my family owns House Of Mei; just thought it'd make sense to know what I'm doing," Jimmy said.


**Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure. I post them here for your enjoyment. I thank you sincerely for reading my stories.

I especially thank those that take the time to rate these tales, and those that take the time to leave their comments. I do not, however, read emails.

Have a sparkly day.

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HOG57headHOG57head11 months ago

I hope you decide to continue this story. I enjoyed the story so far. Tragedy about Jinny’s sister. She deserved better.

KinPAKinPAabout 2 years ago

One thing I love about JimBob44’s stories is that they’re snapshots from the world he’s created. You never know when a character is going to pop up in another story and when they do, it’s like meeting an old friend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Enjoyed it, wish there was more but I'll take what I can get. 5*

lplantzlplantzalmost 3 years ago

Very good tale. Much enjoyment from it. Would be nice to see a continuation.

MetaBobMetaBobover 3 years ago

Sorry you don't read e-mails. I totally understand the reason. I don't send many and probably wouldn't have here, but ... I loved the story. Well done.

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